A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Saturday, 29 June 2019

5% DA increase from July 2019 confirmed for Central Government Employees. 12% becomes 17% due to high inflation

5% DA increase from July 2019 confirmed for Central Government Employees. 12% becomes 17% due to high inflation

AICPIN May 2019 Two Points Increase - Expected DA Fixed at Next Level

All India Consumer Price Index for the month of May 2019 has been released by the Labour Bureau on 28th of this month and the CPI(IW) index has jumped to 314 by adding of two points, due to the pressure from Food Group index. At item level, Wheat Atta, Arhar Dal, Groundnut Oil, Poultry (Chicken), Milk Buffallo, Chillies Green, Garlic, Ginger, Onion, Banana, Brinjal, Carrot, French Bean, Green Coriander Leaves, Lemon, Potato, Tomato, Electricity Charges, Medicine­ Allopathic, etc. are responsible for the increase in index.

Out of 6 months of AICPIN needs to calculate the Dearness allowance and Dearness relief, we received 5 months statistics only. The 5th month i.e. May 2019 index is increased 2 points is remarkable. Along with the increase, the percentage of additional dearness allowance from july 2019 is kept in next level.

Feb-19 30714.02
Jun-19314 (Expected)17.02 (Expected)

After 7th Pay Commission implementation, this is the highest percentage in additional allowance for Central Government employees, Civil and Defence Pensioners and Family Pensioners.

5% of additional Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief may increase from July 2019 to all central civil and defence pensioners and family pensioners with minimum amount of Rs.450 per month.

7th CPC Dearness Allowance Rates 

Date from which payableDA %
1st July 201917% (Expected)
1st Jan 201912%
1st July 20189%
1st Jan 20187%
1st July 20175%
1st Jan 20174%
1st July 20162%
1st Jan 2016


Withdrawal of resignation of Central Government servants appointed after 31.12.2003 covered under the National Pension System

NPS - DoPT Orders 2019

Withdrawal of resignation of Central Government servants appointed after 31.12.2003 covered under the National Pension System (NPS)

No. 28035/2/2014-Estt. (A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi-11 0001
Dated: 10th June 2019

Office Memorandum

Subject: Withdrawal of resignation of Central Government servants appointed after 31.12.2003 covered under the National Pension System (NPS) reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that instructions on the procedure to be followed for 'Resignation from service' have been provided vide Ministry of Home Affairs O.M. No.39/6/57-Ests.(A) dated 06.05.1958, Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) O.M. No.28034/25/87-Estt(A) dated 11 .02.1988, No.28034/4/94 - Estt.(A) dated 31 .05.1994 and No.28035/2/2007-Estt.(A) dated 04.12.2007. Para 5 of DoPT O.M. dated 11 .02.1988 referred to above, provides the procedure for withdrawal of resignation as governed by Rule 26 (4) to (6) of Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972. References are being received from Ministries/Departments on the request for withdrawal of resignation by Government servants appointed after 31 .12.2003 and for whom CCS (Pension) Rules are not applicable. The matter of withdrawal of resignation of Government servants of Central Civil Services/Posts, appointed after 31 .12.2003 who are covered under the National Pension System (NPS) and for whom CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 is not applicable has been considered in this Department and with the approval of the competent authority, it has been decided that the following guidelines/ instructions may be followed while considering the request for withdrawal of resignation of the aforesaid Government servants.

The appointing authority may permit a person to withdraw his resignation in the public interest on the following conditions, namely:

(a) that the resignation was tendered by the Government Servant for some compelling reasons which did not involve any reflection on his integrity, efficiency, or conduct and the request for withdrawal of the resignation has been made as a result of a material change in the circumstances which originally compelled him to tender the resignation ;

(b) that during the period intervening between the date on which the resignation became effective and the date from which the request for withdrawal was made, the conduct of the person concerned was in no way improper;

(c) that the period of absence from duty between the date on which the resignation became effective and the date on which the person is allowed to resume duty as a result of permission to withdraw the resignation is not more than ninety days;

(d) that the post, which was vacated by the Government servant on the acceptance of his resignation or any other comparable post, is available.

3. Request for withdrawal of a resignation shall not be accepted by the appointing authority where a Government servant resigns his service or post with a view to taking up an appointment in or under a private commercial company or in or under a corporation or company wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government or in or under a body controlled or financed by the Government.

4. When an order is passed by the appointing authority allowing a person to withdraw his resignation and to resume duty, the order shall be deemed to include the condonation of interruption in service for the purpose.

5. No withdrawal from NPS corpus shall be permissible within a period of 90 days from the date on which the resignation becomes effective i.e. the resignation is accepted by the competent authority and the Government servant is relieved of his duties. However, the aforesaid condition shall not be applicable in case of death of the government servant after the resignation becomes effective.

6. The provision for withdrawal of resignation shall not be applicable for temporary Government Servants.

7. Above guidelines/instructions will be applicable only for the Government servants appointed on Central Civil Service/ Posts after 31.12.2003 who are covered under the National Pension System (NPS) and for whom CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 is not applicable. Further, these guidelines/ instructions will be applicable till the time the statutory rules regarding withdrawal of resignation for such Government servants are notified.

8. This O.M. shall be prospective and cases already settled shall not be opened.

9. This issues in consultation with the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

10. It is requested to bring it to the notice of all concerned for strict compliance.

(Kabindra Joshi)
DirectorSource: DoPT

Source: DoPT

Welfare Scheme for Widows - PIB

Ministry of Women and Child Development

Welfare Scheme for Widows

28 JUN 2019

The 2011 census indicates the number of widows in the country and not their social and economic condition. The number of widows as per the decennial Census 2011 conducted by Registrar General of India is at Annexure- I.

There are a number of Schemes being implemented by various Ministries of the Government of India through States Governments/UT Administrations which address the common needs of widows also. While some schemes cover a broader segment of population of which widows constitute a part, there are widow specific schemes also. The major schemes of Government of India in this regard are as under:-

Home for Widows: A Home for Widows has been set up in Vrindavan, UP with a capacity of 1000 inmates to provide widows a safe and secure place of stay, health services, nutritious food, legal and counseling services.

wadharGreh Scheme: The Ministry of Women and Child Development implements SwadharGreh Scheme which envisions a supportive institutional framework for women victims of difficult circumstances so that they could lead their life with dignity and conviction.

The Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme: The Mahila Shakti Kendra Scheme of Ministry of Women and Child Development aims to empower rural women through community participation and to create an environment in which they realize their full potential.

Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS)- The Ministry of Rural Development is implementing Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme (IGNWPS) under which Pension Scheme for Widows as well as Pension Scheme for the Elderly below poverty line are operated.

National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) : The Ministry of Rural Development implements National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) under which monetary grant of Rs. 20,000 is given as lump sum assistance to the bereaved household in the event of death of the bread-winner.

Annapurna Scheme : Under Annapurna Scheme of the Ministry of Rural Development, ten kg of food grain is given to those eligible aged persons who have remained uncovered under the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme (IGNOAPS).

DeendayalAntyodayaYojana : The DeendayalAntyodayaYojana National Rural Livelihood Mission of the Ministry of Rural Development aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor.

Prime Minister AwaasYojana (PMAY-G) : The Prime Minister AwaasYojana (PMAY-G) of Ministry of Rural Development and the Prime Minister AwaasYojana (PMAY-U) of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs aims at providing affordable housing for women.

Nari Arthik Sashaktikaran Yojan - The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment implements Nari Arthik Sashaktikaran Yojana to support Scheduled Castes, Single Women/Widows to take up income generating activities.

Intergrated Programme for Older Persons: The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment implements Intergrated Programme for Older Persons to improve the quality of life of senior citizens.

Assistance for vocational training of widows of ex-servicemen: The Ministry of Defence provides financial assistance for vocational training of widows of ex-servicemen, treatment of serious diseases of non-pensioner ex-servicemen/widows and daughter’s marriage/widows’ remarriage.

EPFO - Grant of TTA /Joining Time to officials / officers on appointment

EPFO - Grant of TTA /Joining Time to officials / officers on appointment

Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan , 14, Bhikaiji Cama Place, New Delhi 110066
www.epfindia.gov.in; www.epfindia.nic.in

No. HRM-II/A.10(81)2016/941/3507

Dated: 18 June 2019

All Additional CPFCs (Zones)/ Director (PDNASS),
All Regional Provident Fund Commissioners
– Incharge Regional Offices! ZTIs/ RPFC(ASD). Head Office

Sub.: Grant of TTA/ Joining Time to officials / officers on appointment in EPFO - reg.


The Head Office has been receiving representations from the Direct Recruit Assistant Provident Fund Commissioners who were employed in other Central Government Department and had applied through proper channel for appointment in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, for granting them TTA/Joining Time on their appointment in this Organisation.

As per provision of SR 114 Travelling allowance is admissible to a Govt. Servant on transfer from one station to another, if he is transferred in public interest and entitled to joining time pay during the period of journey. As per Government of India decision (i) appended below a provision SR 114, it has been further clarified that:

(i) T.A to officials getting appointed under central Government through examination/interview – It has been decided that joining time and joining time pay should be granted as follows to Government servants appointed to posts under the Central Government on the results of a competitive examination which is open to both Government servants and others-:

(a) Joining time should ordinarily be permitted for all Government servants serving under the Central Government and for Provincial Government servants who hold permanent posts in a substantive capacity and that,
(b) no joining time pay should be granted except,-
(i) When the Government servant holds a permanent post under
Government (including a provincial Government) in a substantive capacity, or
(ii) In the case of appointments through the Home Department to the ministerial establishment of the Government of India Secretariat and attached or subordinate offices when a candidate originally nominated to a vacancy likely to become permanent is re-nominated to another such vacancy owing to the cessation of the former.

(c) Traveling allowance under SR 114. should also be granted in cases where Joining time pay is granted under Clause (b) above. This also applies to a Government servant selected after an interview for appointment to a post under central Government.

By implication of Government of India decision (i) under SR 114, a permanent Government Servant who has been permitted Joining Time as well as Joining Time pay, to be allowed Travelling Allowance under SR 114 on the results of the Competitive Examination which is open to both Government Servants and Others and even in case of Government Servant selected after an interview for appointment to the post of Central Government.

However, admissibility of Composite Transfer Grant. is governed by the provisions of SR 116(a). As per the entitlement w.e.f 01.10.1997, it is payable equal to (a) one month’s Basic pay, (b) Actual fare for self and family for journey by rail/steamer/air, (c) Road mileage for journey by road between places and connected by rail, (d) Cost of transportation of personal effects from residence to residence, (e) Cost of transportation of conveyance possessed by the employee.

EPFO being an autonomous body, FR and SR have been adopted by the Central Board and there is a parity in terms of the Rules. The GID no. (i) below SR 114 applies to the cases of permanent Govt. servant who have been appointed through Competitive examinations in other Government Department. However by analogy a Government Servant who is entitled to transfer allowance under SR 114 would be entitled under SR 116 as a natural corollary and hence the same may be considered to be allowed in such cases.

In view of the above. all such representations for grant of TTAI Joining Time may be examined in the light of SR-114. SR-116 and DOPT OM No. 2802011/2010- Estt.(C) dated 08.04.2016. It is reiterated that the benefit of TTA/ Joining Time on appointment is admissible only in cases where the officer was earlier employed as Permanent Central /State Government servant and had applied for the post in the new Department through proper channel.

(This issues with the approval of Competent Authority).

Yours faithfully,

(Sanjay Bisht)
Regional Provident Fund Commissioner- I (HRM)

Enclosures: as above.

Extending the benefit of financial upgradation under MACPS to Railway School Teachers

Extending the benefit of financial upgradation under MACPS to Railway School Teachers

(Railway Board)

The issue under consideration is the issue of extending the benefit of financial upgradation under MACPS to Railway School Teachers instead of CAS (Career Advancement Scheme) presently operating for them. This issue has been raised by both the Federations (AIRF and NFIR) and IRPOF. Recently, this issue was also raised in 47th Meeting of NC/JCM held on 13-4-2019, chaired by Cabinet Secretary.

Sub: Extending the benefit of financial upgradation under MACPS to Railway School Teachers.

In the above context, it is stated that Railway School Teachers have all along been treated at par with teachers under Ministry of Human Resources and Development in every respect viz. recruitment qualification, pay structure, age of retirement etc. including Career Advancement Scheme (CAS). CAS was introduced in year 1988 based on recommendations of Dr. Chattopadhyaya Committee for the teachers under Ministry of Human Resources and the same was also adopted in respect of Railway Teachers which provides for grant of two financial upgradation on completion of 12 months 24 years of service with reference to the Recruitment Grade, in certain specified Pay Scales/ Grades called Senior Scale and Selection Scale respectively.

As Railway School Teachers are common category and their service conditions etc. are regulated as per identical terms and conditions as the teachers available under Ministry of Human Resource and Development (M/o HRD), therefore, CAS Scheme was continued in their respect instead of implementation of ACP/ MACP Scheme. On receipt of some representations / references stating that the MACP Scheme is being implemented in respect of teachers working under Ministry of Defence, Department of Space, a reference was made to M/o HRD vide Board's letter dated 18.12.2017, (followed by reminders dated 27.06.2018 and 27.01.2019) seeking clarification as to whether MACP Scheme can be implemented in respect of Railway School Teachers. M/o HRD vide their letter dated 26/11/2018 have advised that Railway Board is Competent Authority to decide the terms and conditions of service of Railway School Teachers and Department of, Personnel and Training may be approached for further clarifications on MACP provisions.

Meanwhile a copy of OM dated 26-4-2019 of Ministry of Human Resource Development enclosing a copy of Speaking Order dated 18-4-2019 passed in compliance of order dated 15-11-2018 by CAT/ Lucknow in OA No. 172/2014 for extension of MACP benefit to teachers under Kendriya Vidyalayas have been received. On perusal of the said Speaking Order it has been observed as under:

a) The Association of Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers had chosen to remain in the existing Scheme of three tier pay scales (i.e. CAS) and accordingly MHRD conveyed KVS that 'Government has decided not to extend ACP Scheme to the teachings staff of KVS and that they would continue in the existing scheme;

b) On implementation of MACP Scheme, the MHRD decided to extend the same to non-teaching staff of KVS;

c) MHRD considered the issue of extension of MACP benefit to teaching category of KVS in consultation with DOPT who in turn further consulted Department of-Expenditure  and taking note of the fact that one of the conditions for extending the benefit of MACPS was that the earlier ACP Scheme should have been adopted by the concerned authority and that the KVS itself had chosen not to opt for earlier ACP Scheme for their teaching staff, the proposal for grant of MACPS to teachers under KVS was not agreed by Deptt. of Expenditure;

d) In two cases viz. OA No. 3855/2015 before CAT/ PBNew Delhi and OA No. 515/2013 before CAT/ Ernakulam, the Tribunals have dismissed the claim for extension of MACP benefit to teachers under Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangatthan;

e) In view of the position stated in para (a) to (d) above, MHRD vide its Speaking order dated 18-4-2019 have declined the claim of KVS teachers for grant of MACP benefit.

3. It is pertinent to mention that benefit of financial upgradation accruing under CAS viz- a-viz MACP was examined in detail and it has been observed that MACP Scheme is broadly beneficial than the CAS presently being implemented for the Railway School Teachers as at the time of grant of financial upgradation under CAS, benefit of pay fixation is not allowed whereas in case of MACP, benefit of pay fixation is allowed an admissible in cases of normal promotion.

4. In view of the above and in terms of para 13 of DOP&T's OM dated 19-5-2009 it is proposed that CAS may be replaced by MACPS for grant of financial upgradation to the Railway School teachers.

5. This has the approval of Board (MS and, FC)

(Subhankar Dutta)
Deputy Director, pay Commission-V
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

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