A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Saturday, 9 September 2017

AIRF: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to Railwaymen

AIRF: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to Railwaymen


Dated: September 7, 2017
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to Railwaymen
Ref.: Meeting with the AM(Staff), Railway Board held on 04.08.2017
Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 

2016-17 to Railwaymen

Please refer to our discussion held in the chamber of AM(Staff), Railway Board, on the above subject matter on 4th August, 2017. All India Railwaymen's Federation(AIRF) has already explained in detail its viewpoint in respect of calculation formula for payment of PLB to Railwaymen.

You may recall that, PLB has been an outcome of the bilateral agreement between Ministry of Railways and Staff Side Federations, which was arrived at on 22.11.1979. The formula for calculation of PLB, that was formulated as a result of above-mentioned agreement, is sacrosanct, on the basis of which payment of PLB is being made to entitled railway employees every year till last financial year.

AIRF is totally against any deviation in the well settled formula devised to calculate PLB payable to railway employees under the said agreement.

It is, therefore, urged that, payment of PLB for financial year 2016-17 should be made on the basis of established formula as mentioned above and there should not be any effort to make any amendment in the same as also number of days, calculated last year for payment of PLB, should not be reduced, else this will lead to unwarranted impairment in industrial peace.

Source : AIRF

CPSE - Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors

CPSE - Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors

No.W-02/0028/2017-DPE (WC)-GL-XVI/ 17
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan
Block No. 14, C. G. 0. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 7th September, 2017

Subject : Pay Revision of Board level and below Board level Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) w.e,f. 01,01.2017 - decision on Location based compensatory allowances and Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA)

The undersigned is directed to refer to para 10 of this department's O.M. of even. No. dated 3rd August, 2017 and sub-para. 3(b) of pars 1 of OM of even No. dated 4th August, 2017 regarding the issue of separate guidelines in respect of Location based Compensatory Allowance and Non-Practicing Allowance. After due consideration, the Government has decided on Location based Compensatory Allowance and Non- Practicing Allowance as follows:

Location based Compensatory Allowance:

(i) For serving in North-East States and Ladakh Region:
Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram and Sikkim10% of Basic Pay
Ladakh Region10% of Basic Pay

(ii) For serving in Island territories of Andaman and Nicobar (A&N) Islands and Lalishadweep
Areas around Capital Towns (Port Blair in A&N Islands, Kavaratti and Agatti in Lakshadwespi10% of Basic Pay
Difficult Areas (North and Middle Andaman, South Andaman excluding Port Blair, entire Lakshadweep except Kavaratti, Agatti and Minicoy10% of Basic Pay
More Difficult Areas (Little Andaman, Nicobar group of Islands, Narcondam  Islands, East Islands and Minicoy)10% of Basic Pay

(iii) Special allowance: For serving in the difficult and far flung areas:
Areas CoveredPercentage of Basic Pay
Part 'A' (Areas covered under Annexure-1 of D/o Expenditure O.M. No. 3/1/2017-EII(B) dated 19.7.2017)8% of Basic Pay
Part 'B' (Areas covered under Annexure-II of D/o Expenditure O.M. No. 3/1/2017-EII(B) dated 19.7,2017)6% of Basic Pay
Part 'C' (Areas covered underAnnexure-III of D/o Expenditure 0.M. No. 3/1/201] 7-EII(3) dated 19.7,2017)4% of Basic Pay
Part 'D' (Areas covered under Annexure-IV of D/o Expenditure O.M. No, 3/1 /2017-EII(B) dated 19.7.2017)3% of Basic Pay

(iv) In the event of a place falling in more than one category, i.e. (i)(ii) and (iii) mentioned above, in that case only the higher rate of allowance will be admissible.

Non-practicing Allowance (NPA):
NPA upto 20% of Basic Pay would be paid to Medical Officers. NPA will not be considered as pay for the purpose of calculating other benefits.

2. The allowances specified in this O.M. will be outside the purview of Ceiling of 35% of Basic Pay wider 'Cafeteria Approach' and would be effective from the date of issue of presidential directive.
(RajesKumar Chaudhry)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India

7th Pay Commission for Defence Pensioners calculation example for Major

7th Pay Commission for Defence Pensioners calculation example for Major.

Description1st Case
1Date of Retirement26.05.1976
3Qualifying Service30/06/01
4Scale of Pay (or Pay Band & G.P) at the time of Retirement OR Notional Pay scale as on 1.1.1986. for those retired before 1.1.19862300-100-3900-150-5100 Rank Pay - 1000
5Pay on retirement OR Notional pay as on 1.1.1986 for those retired before 1.1.19863400 (Basic Pay) + 600 (Rank Pay) 4000
6Pension as on 01.01.2016 before revision23815
7Family Pension as on 01.01.2015 before revision14289
8Family pension at enhanced rate as on 01.01.2016 before revision (if applicable) NA
9Revised pension by multiplying pre-revised pension by 2.5761205
10Revised family pension by multiplying pre-revised family pension by 2.5736723
11Revised family pension at enhanced rate by multiplying pre-revised enhanced family pension by 2.57NA
12Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.199611600 (Basic Pay) + 1200 (Rank Pay) 12800
13Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.200623810 (PIPB) + 6600 (Gr.Pay) + 6000 (MSP) Rs. 36410
14Pay fixed on notional basis on 1.1.201680400 (PIPM)+15500(MSP) 95900
15Revised pension w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as per first formulation47950
16Revised family pension w.e.f. 1.2016 as per first formulation28770
17Revised family pension at enhanced rate w.e.f. 1.1.2016 as oer first formulationNA
18Revised pension payable (Higher of S.No.9 and 1561205
19Revised family pension payable (Higher of S.No. 10 and 16)36723
20Revised family pension at enhanced rate payable (Higher of S.No. 11 and 17)NA

Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to be paid in the current year 2017

Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to be paid in the current year 2017

Registration No. : RTU/Nnn/31/2012
Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to be paid in the current year 2017

No. I/10/Part IV
Dated 08/09/2017.
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Productivity Linked Bonus for the financial year 2016-17 to be paid in the current year 2017
Ref: Railway Board's letter No. E(P&A)II-2017/PLB-3 dated 02/08/2017.

Kind attention of Railway Board is invited to the discussions held on 4th August, 2017 in the Chamber of Additional Member (Staff), wherein the Federation has explained the need to acord approval for payment if Productivity Linked Bonus equivalent to not less than 78 days wages as was done in the previous years.

NFIR again places the facts as below for immediate action for sanction:
  • The output given by Railway employees has been very much on high side particularly in the context of non-filling of over 2lakh vacancies and additional burden borne by the existing staff since the last two years.
  • Capital input should not be taken into consideration as the utilization of the said capital is not in the hands of workers.
  • During the previous six years, the PL Bonus was paid to the Railway employees equivalent to 78 days wages, therefore any reduction in number of days would cause serious resentment in view of the fact that Rail Workforce has been contributing for productivity inspite of difficult working conditions and heavy shortage of staff due to non-filling of vacancies and non-creation of new posts for new assets built.
  • In fact, the Railway Ministry should consider motivating the staff by granting more number of days wages than previous year at this juncture.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to kindly take action for sanctioning the P.L. Bonus equivalent to not less than 78 days wages. It is also requested that payment may be arranged before commencement of Dussehra Pooja Holidays.

Federation may be kept apprised of the action taken in the matter.
Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)

General Secretary
Source: NFIR Download PDF

Transfer Policy for IDAS Officers 2017: CGDA Order dated 08.09.2017

Transfer Policy for IDAS Officers 2017: CGDA Order dated 08.09.2017

Office of the CG DA
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-10
No. AN-I/1170/1/ Transfer Policy

Date: 08.09.2017
All lDAS officers

Subject: Transfer Policy for IDAS officers, 2017.

"Transfer Policy for IDAS officers, 2017 " duly approved by the Competent Authority is circulated herewith for information of all concerned.
Enc: As above
(Sham Dev)
Transfer Policy for IDAS Officers, 2017

The Indian Defence Accounts Service has a cadre composed of directly recruited officers inducted through the UPSC Civil Services Examination as well as officers promoted from within the Department. Officers appointed to the Service have an all India liability including field service in or out of India. To achieve professionalism in the organizational goals, there is need to ensure career progression opportunities and individual growth and satisfaction to the officers.

The Defence Accounts Department is committed to provide a wide spectrum of Financial Management services to the Services and other related organizations like DRDO, BRO, Ordnance Factories, Coast Guard, etc. As per its mission statement, the department strives to achieve excellence and professionalism in accounting and financial services and in performing audit functions.

A transfer policy is imperative to meet the organizational goals and functional requirements of the cadre as well as to take into consideration professional and personal aspirations of the officers, thereby creating a motivated work force with an appropriate work-life balance. At the same time the policy does not preclude the placement of an officer due to administrative exigencies as well as the requirements of expertise for specific nature of jobs and to also give weightage to performance in the interest of achievement of specific targets or goals, including for extraordinary humanitarian considerations.

1. General principles:
These are in the nature of guiding principles to be followed within the broad framework of prevalent Government of India's guidelines/ instructions and organisational requirements/administrative compulsions.
a. Transfers/Posting will be effected based on the recommendations of the duly constituted Defence Accounts Department Placement Board (DAPB) for IDAS.

Click here to read more


Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Railway Employees

Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Railway Employees - Clarification RBE No.113/2017


S. No. PC-Vl/378
RBE No.113/ 2017
No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2(Vol.ll)
New Delhi, dated 30/08/2017
The General Managers
All Indian Railways & PUs
(As per mailing list)

Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Railway Employees - Clarification regarding.

Reference is invited to the Para 4 of Annexure of the Modified Assured Career progression Scheme issued vide Board's letter No. PC- V/2009/ACP/2, dt. 10.06.2009 (RBE No.101/2009) providing that benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradation under the Scheme. Therefore, the pay shall be raised by 3% of the total pay in the Pay ”Band and the Grade Pay drawn before such upgradation. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion if it is in the same grade pay as granted under MACPS. However, at the time of actual promotion if it happens to be in a post carrying» higher grade pay than what is available under MACPS, no pay fixation would be available and only difference of Grade Pay would be made available.

2. References have been received from some of the Zonal Railways whether at the time of regular promotion / grant of Non-functional Scale, the employee may be allowed to draw the difference in Grade Pay after availing regular" increment in the Pay Band and Grade Pay w.e.f. date of promotion or date of next increment consequent to MACP.

3. The matter has been considered in consultation with DoPT and it has been decided in the Para 4 of the Annexure of the MACP Scheme would be modified as under:

"benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the, time of financial upgradation under the Scheme. Therefore, the pay shall be raised by 3% of the total pay in the Pay Band and the Grade Pay drawn before such upgradation. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/ grant of Non-Functional Scale, if it is in the same Grade Pay as granted under MACPS. However, at the time of actual promotion/grant of Non- Functional Scale, if it happens to be in a post carrying higher Grade Pay than what is available under MACPS, no pay fixation would be available and only difference of Grade Pay would be made available. At the time of such regular promotion/grant of Non-Functional Scale to the higher Grade Pay than What has been given under MACPS, the employee shall have the option to draw the difference of Grade Pays from the date of such regular promotion/grant of Non- Functional scale or the date of accrual of next increment in the pay allowed under MACP.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. Hindi version is enclosed.

{Authority DoPT's OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) (Vol. II), dt. 04 th July, 2017}
Dy. Director, Pay Commission-V
Railway Board
Source: NFIR Download PDF file

Implementation of recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission - payment of Dress Allowance to Railway employees at Rs.10000/- per annum

7th CPC - Payment of Dress Allowance to Railway employees at Rs.10000/- per annum

No. III/DR/2/Part IV
Dated : 05/09/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Implementation of recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission - payment of Dress Allowance to Railway employees at Rs.10000/- per annum - reg.

Federation invites kind attention of Railway Board to para 8.16.14 of the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission, according to which, the Track Maintainers, Running Staff Car Drivers, Points Man, Technicians in Workshops etc., on Indian Railways who are supplied uniform and are required to wear dress regularly have been recommended to be paid Rs. 5000/- per year as Dress Allowance (including shoes).
Vide foot note to the above recommendation, the 7th CPC has also recommended that the
Ministries/Departments may take a decision on "whether the rates should be Rs. 5000/- per year or Rs. 10,000/- per year". This recommendation has been accepted by the Government.

In this connection, NFIR points out that the Dress Allowance amount of Rs.5000/- per annum is very much inadequate to take care of the annual requirement of the staff in Railways, particularly due to the reason that staff of Railway categories' are required to wear the uniform regularly while on duty as per extant rules.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to consider payment of Dress Allowance at Rs.10,000/- per annum to the Track Maintainers, Running Staff, Ticket Checking Staff, Pointsmen, Technicians etc., and accordingly issue instructions to GMs etc.,

A copy of the instructions issued may be endorsed to the Federation.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR Download PDF

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