A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 10 November 2017

7th Central Pay Commission as accepted by the Government Health and Malaria Allowance

7th Central Pay Commission as accepted by the Government Health and Malaria Allowance


PC-VII No. 7 0

RBE No. 159/2017
New Delhi, dated 27.10.2017
No. E(P&A)I-2017 /SP-1/Genl-2

The General Managers and Principal Financial Advisers,
All Indian Railways & Production Units.

Sub: Implementation of recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission as accepted by the Government- Health and Malaria Allowance.

Consequent upon the decisions taken by the government on the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission relating to revision of allowances, the President is pleased to revise the rates of Health and Malaria Allowance, granted to Health and Malaria Inspectors (Health Inspectors) in Indian Railways. The allowance will be paid as per cell R3H3 of the Risk and Hardship Matrix. The rate of this allowance will be Rs. 1000/- per month upto level 8 in Pay Matrix (VII CPC) and - 1200/per month for level 9 and above in Pay Matrix (VII CPC).

2. The rate of this allowance will further increase by 25 percent each time DA rises by 50 percent.

3. The revised rates of allowance shall be admissible with effect from 1st July, 2017.

4. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

5. Please acknowledge receipt.

No. E(P&A)I-2017 /SP-1/Genl-2
(Anil Kumar)
Dy. Director/E(P&A)-1
Railway Board
New Delhi, dated 27 .10.2017

Source: AIRF



F.No.21-1/2015(FD- 1/B)
Dated: 22.09.2017



In supersession of UGC.OM.No.21-1/2015(FD-1/B)dated 16th March,2016,the rules for TA and Sitting Fee payable to the official and non-official members/ experts win be as under:

The categories of Official and Non‐Official Members are as fo1lows:

Serving(State/central) Government servants, Semi Government Autonomous Bodies, Employees paid from the consolidated Fund of India or through Grants-in-aid are treated as

Official Members.
AⅡ others including retied Government Servants and retired/ex-member of the University Grants Commission or Statutory Bodies viz.Universities, Institutions, Councils, Boards and Societies etc. are to be treated as Non-Official Members.

" Permanent Account Number (PAN) allotted by the Income Tax Authorities has to be indicated by the member/expert variably while filling up the Bill". Payment will be made through E-mode in the bank accounts of members mandatorily. Hence, Experts are required to attach a copy of cancelled cheque leaf with their claims.

l. Rs. 3,000/- per day for per meeting subject to maximum of Rs. 5,000/- per day irrespective of number of meetings in a day.
2. Rs. 5,000/- per day for inspection/visit of various committees institutions/Universities/organizations.
3. Commission Members would also be entitled for sitting fee @ Rs. 5,000/- per day on the date of Commission Meetings.

l. Payment of Sitting Fee is subject to T.D.S

2. Officials of Govt. of India who are nominated as Govt. representatives would not be entitled for sitting fee as they attend the meeting in their official capacity as Govt. / Secretary nominee or on ex-official basis.

Outstation Members/Experts:

(i) Travel by Air: The members (officials as well as non-official) will be entitled to travel by air as per entitlement in service or before retirement as the case may be. Non-entitled members will entitled for journey by air, on specific prior approval of Chairman, UGC. The journey by air is to be performed by Air India on the sectors where it ply. On other sectors, journey by private airlines will be allowed. Any deviation would require prior approval of Chairman, UGC. The member V experts entitled to travel by air may travel by public helicopter in case place is not connected by air. However, hiring of charter helicopter, will not be permissible. The claim for air helicopter journey is to be supported by original boarding cards.

(ii) Travel by Train: The member V experts will be entitled to travel by all trains including Rajdhani Express/Shatabadi Express as per the entitlement in service or before retirement.

(a) Air tickets will be arranged by the UGC, Travel Desk whereas train tickets would have to be arranged by the experts.

(b) The cancellation charges/ticket re-scheduling charges shall also be reimbursable in case of cancellation or postponement of meeting by the UGC [For Sl. No.2. (i) & (ii)]. The specific approval for the same would be required for claiming such amount.

(iii) The outstation member/experts for intercity travel from the place of residence/Office to the place of meeting and back or in between the places of residence and meeting place & back (located not more than 350 Kms. each side) may travel either by their own vehicle or by taxi. Documentary evidence of journey performed by Own vehicle will have to be submitted. In case of hired taxi receipt is to be produced, road mileage @ Rs. 20/- per K.M. or amount actually paid which ever is less will be allowed for such journeys on point to point basis. In case of journey undertaken in NER, road mileage would be enhanced by 20% subject to actual expenditure. No night halting or driver allowance will be allowed. If the particular route have toll plazas, the taxi/car claim will be admitted only if it is supported with the receipts of toll taxes or inter-state entry tax. The toll taxes/entry tax etc., will additionally be reimbursed in such cases.

If the distance is more than 350 Kms (each side), either the road mileage will be restricted to 350 Kms or to the fare of train as per entitlement or AC bus as available on that particular route (as per the option of expert).

(iv) The local taxi fee at State Tr&sport Authority (STA) rates applicable in the State from residence office to Airport/Railway Station/Bus Stand and from Place of meeting to Airport/Railway Station/Bus Stand is payable. Where there are no rates notified by State Transport authority, the Taxi or Own Car fare @ Rs.20/- per km shall be reimbursable. The re-imbursement of pre-paid or post-paid taxi fare (including toll taxes) on point to point basis will be allowed on actual basis on production of receipt. Taxi fare for full day will not be reimbursed.

(v) The night charges @ 25% will additionally be allowed if starting the journey by road/by own car or taxi between 11.00 p.m. to 5.00 a.m. [For Sl. No. 2. (iv)].

Local Experts
Local Experts will be reimbursed taxi or own vehicle charges @) Rs.20/- per K.m. from residence/office to the place of meeting & back on point to point basis. Taxi for full day will not be allowed for reimbursement.

(i) Outstation Members/Experts
Following rates of Food & Lodging etc., will be applicable to the Experts:-


 *l. Lodging charges are admissible subject to actuals on production of receipts.

2. Food charges will be re-imbursed on self certification.
3. No lodging charges will be paid if self arrangement is made.
4. The rates of food and lodging will further increase by 25o/o automatically
whenever DA in Govt. of India increases by 5A%.

(ii) Local Members/Experts:
No boarding & Lodging charges are payable to Local Members/Experts.

4. UGC Officers/Officials will be covered under FR/SRs (TA) Rules. Hence, these orders would not be applicable to them.

5. This issues with the approval of Chairman, UGC Dy. No. 32811 dated 19.09.2017.
(P.K. Thakur)
Source: www.ugc.ac.in

DA and HRA for for newly recruited Group C employees with effect from 01.07.2017

DA and HRA for for newly recruited Group C employees with effect from 01.07.2017

Finance [Audit]Department, 10th floor
Mandirtala, Howrah - 711 102

No.: 6712-F(P2)/FA/O/2M/13/17[NB]
Dated: 06.11.2017

 In terms of rule 8 of the West Bengal Services [Appointment, Probation and Absorption of Group 'C' Employees] Rule, 2013 published vide Notification No.1832-F[P] dated 1.3.2013 and its subsequent amendments, the employees directly appointed to Group 'C' posts under the Government are not entitled to draw Dearness Allowance [DA] and House Rent Allowance [HRA] during the period of probation of two years. The question of allowing DA and HRA to such employees had been under consideration of the Government for some time past.

After careful consideration, the undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been pleased to decide to allow admissible DA and HRA with effect from 01.07.2017 to the employees directly appointed to Group 'C' posts through any recruiting agency even if they have not completed their period of probation of two years. They will, however, not be entitled to draw annual increment beyond the period of probation or during the extended period of probation in case they fail to pass the departmental examination on Computer operation and Computer typing where passing of such examination is a precondition for earning annual increment.

Necessary amendments in the relevant rules will be made in due course.

OSD & E.O.Special Secretary
Government of West Bengal
Authority: wbfin.nic.in


House Building Advance 2017 - Central Government Employees

House Building Advance 2017 - Central Government Employees

House Building Advance 2017 - Central Government Employees

The Government has revised the House Building Advance (HBA) rules for Central Government Employees incorporating the accepted recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission. Following are the salient features of the new rules:

1. The total amount of advance that a central government employee can borrow from government has been revised upwards. The employee can up to borrow 34 months of the basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs (Rs. Twenty Five Lakhs only), or cost of the house/flat, or the amount according to repaying capacity, whichever is the least for new construction/purchase of new house/flat. Earlier this limit was only Rs.7.50 lakhs.

2. Similarly, the HBA amount for expansion of the house has been revised to a maximum of Rs.10 lakhs or 34 months of basic pay or cost of the expansion of the house or amount according to repaying capacity, whichever is least. This amount was earlier Rs.1.80 lakhs.

3. The cost ceiling limit of the house which an employee can construct/ purchase has been revised to Rs.1.00 crore with a proviso of upward revision of 25% in deserving cases. The earlier cost ceiling limit was Rs.30 lakhs.

4. Both spouses, if they are central government employees, are now eligible to take HBA either jointly, or separately. Earlier only one spouse was eligible for House Building Advance.

5. There is a provision for individuals migrating from home loans taken from Financial Institutions/ Banks to HBA, if they so desire.

6. The provision for availing 'second charge' on the house for taking loans to fund balance amount from Banks/ Financial Institutions has been simplified considerably. 'No Objection Certificate' will be issued along with sanction order of HBA, on employee's declaration.

7. Henceforth, the rate of Interest on Housing Building Advance shall be at only one rate of 8.50% at simple interest (in place of the earlier four slabs of bearing interest rates ranging from 6% to 9.50% for different slabs of HBA which ranged from Rs.50,000/- to Rs.7,50,000/-) .

8. This rate of interest shall be reviewed every three years. All cases of subsequent tranches/ installments of HBA being taken by the employee in different financial years shall be governed by the applicable rate of interest in the year in which the HBA was sanctioned, in the event of change in the rate of interest. HBA is admissible to an employee only once in a life time.

9. The clause of adding a higher rate of interest at 2.5% (two point five percent) above the prescribed rate during sanction of House Building Advance stands withdrawn. Earlier the employee was sanctioned an advance at an interest rate of 2.5% above the scheduled rates with the stipulation that if conditions attached to the sanction including those relating to the recovery of amount are fulfilled completely, to the satisfaction of the competent authority, a rebate of interest to the extent of 2.5% was allowed.

10. The methodology of recovery of HBA shall continue as per the existing pattern recovery of principal first in the first fifteen years in 180 monthly instalments and interest thereafter in next five years in 60 monthly instalments.

11. The house/flat constructed/purchased with the help of House Building advance can be insured with the private insurance companies which are approved by Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA).

12. This attractive package is expected to incentivize the government employee to buy house/ flat by taking the revised HBA along with other bank loans, if required. This will give a fillip to the Housing infrastructure sector.


7th CPC Pay Matrix for Teachers and Equivalent Cadres in Universities and Colleges

7th CPC Pay Matrix for Teachers and Equivalent Cadres in Universities and Colleges

Revision of pay of teachers and equivalent cadres in universities and colleges following the revision of pay scales of Central Government employees on the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission.

For fixation of pay of an employee in the Pay Matrix as on 1st January, 2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Academic Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st December, 2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. the figure so arrived at is to be located in the Academic Level corresponding to employee’s Pay Band and Academic Grade Pay in the new Pay Matrix. lf a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Academic Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Academic Level shall be the revised pay of the employee. If the figure arrived at in this manner is less than the first cell in that Academic Level, then the pay shall be fixed at the first cell of that Academic Level.

Pay Matrix for Teachers and
Equivalent Cadres in Universities and Colleges
Pay Band15600 - 3910037400 - 6700067000 - 79000
Grade Pay 6000700080009000100000
lndex ofRationalization2.672.672.672.672.722.72
Entry Pay 216002579029900492005300067000
Entry Pay

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