A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 4 June 2018

Railways: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted

Railways: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted


New Delhi, dated:21.05.2018.
The General Manager (P),
All Zonal Railways/Production Units.

Sub: Upper age limit for direct recruitment to non-gazetted posts on the Railways.

Reference has been received from one of the zonal railways, seeking clarification, whether Board's
instructions contained in the letter of even number dated 21.02.2018 (RBE No.25/2018), regarding relaxation of upper age limit are applicable in the case of engagement of substitutes or otherwise.
The matter has been looked into and it is clarified that relaxation in upper age limit provided vide RBE No.25/2018 are also applicable in the case of engagement of substitutes.

(This disposes of South Central Railway's letter No.P (R)/563/XII dated 06.03.2018)
(Ravi Shekhar)
Railway Board
Source: Railway Board

Classification of casualties of ammunition accidents of 31.05.2016 at CAD Pulgaon and grant of Liberalized Family Pension

Classification of casualties of ammunition accidents of 31.05.2016 at CAD Pulgaon and grant of Liberalized Family Pension
No.16(5)/ 2016/D(Pen/Pol)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, Dated: 31 May, 2018

The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject: Classification of casualties of ammunition accidents of 31.5.2016 at Central Ammunition Depot(CAD) Pulgaon and grant of Liberalized Family Pension(LFP) to NoK-reg.


I am directed to refer to IHQ of MoD(Army) letter No. 12841/13/2016/PC/AG/MP 5(d) (Cas Sec) dated 20.12.2016 on the subject mentioned above wherein it was informed that on 31.5.2016 a fire broke out in the Central Ammunition Depot (CAD) Pulgaon. While fire-fighting operations were in progress, at about midnight the entire quantity of mine stores in Explosive Stores House 192 with net explosive content of 135,275 Kgs detonated resulting in death of 19 and grievous injuries to 17 military, DSC and civilian personnel. As per the existing provisions, the death/disability of Armed Forces Personnel were classified as Physical Casualty (PC), attributable to Military Service.

2. Representations were received from Next of Kin (NoK) of the casualties for the classification of the aforesaid casualty as Battle Casualty(BC) to make them eligible for Liberalized Family Pension and Ex-gratia compensation under Category D of MoD letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001.

3. High number of casualties has resulted due to detonation of huge amount of explosive material contained in mine Stores of CAD, Pulgaon. The case for classification of said casualties as BC has been considered in this Ministry. It has been decided with the approval of the Competent Authority that as an exception, Military Personnel who died/disabled/injured in the above mentioned ammunition accident shall be eligible for BC status for compensation/pension/gratuity as is admissible in terms of MoD letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) dated 31.01.2001.

5. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No.10(4)/2010/FIN/PEN dated 31.05.2018.

6. Hindi version will follow.

Yours faithfully,
(Manoj Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Date up to which enhanced family pension payable: for 7 years or 67 years of age of deceased retired government servant

Date up to which enhanced family pension payable: for 7 years or 67 years of age of deceased retired government servant

Retired government servant


NEW DELHI - 110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/Clarification/13(Vol-Ill)/2018- 19/32

Office Memorandum

Subject: Date up to which enhanced family pension payable.

Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare has clarified vide its ID No.1/1(5) 2018-P&PW (E) 32206 dated-12.04.2018 that family pension at enhanced rates will be payable for 7 years or till the deceased retired government servant would have attained the age of 67 years had he survived, whichever is less, irrespective of type of retirement, date of retirement and age of superannuation applicable in the case of retired Govt. servant. This would equally apply in all Central Civil Govt. Departments/ Offices including Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and Medical Officers.
This issues with the approval of Chief Controller (Pensions).

(Md. Shahid Kamal Ansari)
(Asstt. Controller of Accounts)
Ph No.011-26103074
Source: CPAO

Implementation of cadre restructuring in the gazetted setup of IT cadre on Indian Railways


Implementation of cadre restructuring in the gazetted setup of IT cadre on Indian Railways

No I/8/CRC/12/IT

Dated: 01/06/2018
The Financial Commissioner (Railways),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

The Member Staff
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Implementation of cadre restructuring in the gazetted setup of IT cadre on Indian Railways- reg.
Ref: (i) Railway Board's proposal received vide letter No. 2011/AC-II/37/3 dated 24/03/2015 addressed to Federations.
(ii) NFIR's letter No. II/2/Part VI dated 31/03/2015.
(iii) NFIR's letter No. I/8/CRC/12/IT dated 08/11/2017, 11/12/2017 &12/02/2018.

Federation vide its letter dated 12/02/2018 invited kind attention of the Railway Board to the issue relating to cadre restructuring in the Gazetted set up of IT cadre over Indian Railways.
While enclosing copy of NFIR's letter No. I/8/CRC/12/IT dated 12/02/2018, Federation reiterates below following vital points for taking expeditious decision for granting cadre restructuring/upgradation to the gazetted set up of IT cadre in Railways.
  • With reference to the proposal of Railway Board vide letter dated 24/03/2015, NFIR vide its letters dated 26/03/2015 and 31/03/2015 had furnished detailed comments on draft report of the Committee of IT cadre constituted by the Board for gazetted and non-gazetted cadres. Thereafter the Railway Board though issued half-baked and erroneous orders vide letter No. 2016/AC-II (CC)/37/9 dated 18/04/2017 for non-gazetted IT cadre, which was disputed by NFIR vide letter 08/11/2017. However, there has been no finality on cadre restructuring of gazetted set up of IT cadre till date.
  • The series of communications sent by the Federation, duly highlighting 7th CPC recommendations along with model cadre structure of EDP Staff has again been highlighted to the Railway Ministry vide NFIR’s letter dated 11/12/2017 with request to re-visit the existing instructions and formulate the structure, but however there has been no response from Railway Board.
  • Federation also brought to the notice of Railway Ministry, the action initiated by the DoP&T (OM dated 17/10/2016) relating to the implementation of the recommendations of 7th CPC, but the Federation is still unaware as to what proposal/comments have been made available by the Railway Ministry to the DoP&T. Federation would like to have a copy of the comments for pursuing the matter further and to provide additional material/comments where necessary.
  • Federation also requested the Railway Board for placement of 15% of JA Grade Posts of IT cadre in GP 8700 and 64 JA Grade Posts in the Zones & Production Units based on the recommendations of the report of EDs Committee, unfortunately, nothing has been done in this regard also.
  • Federation's suggestions for provision of 1 SAG post in each Zone & Production Unit, considering the technological advancement/fast changes taking place in this field, has also not been considered as there has been no response yet.
  • Federation's another suggestion for provision of atleast 26 posts in ICF on par with RCF, Kapurthala is also yet to be considered.
NFIR, therefore once again requests the Railway Board (FC & MS) to kindly consider the above merits as well the comments furnished earlier through communications cited under reference and take expeditious action for granting cadre restructuring and upgradation for IT cadre (Gazetted) as recommended by 7th CPC as well the EDs' Committee report. Copies of documents sent to the DoP&T may kindly be made available to the Federation early.


Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Railway - Award to Railway Staff for Accident Free Service

Railway - Award to Railway Staff for Accident Free Service


No. 2016/Safety-1/9/3
New Delhi,
dated 01.06.2018
General Managers
All Zonal Railways and

Sub: Award to Railway Staff for Accident Free Service.

Ref:- PNM/NFIR item No. 9/2018

During PNM meeting with NFIR on 26th & 27 April,. 2018, the Federation raised the issue of granting awards to Railway staff for accidents free service and urged-upon the Railway Board to issue clear instructions to Zonal Railways to ensure granting Accident Free Service Awards in a specially organized function, which would boost the morale of the staff.

Railway Board has decided that Accident Free Service Award for the retired staff should be given to them in a retirement function. Board desires that Zonal Railways shall strictly adhere to these instructions.
Dir. Safety-III
Railway Board.
Source : NFIR

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