A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 18 August 2014

Central Government Employees need to improve punctuality

Central Government Employees need to improve punctuality

Cabinet Secretary Ajit Seth has asked Secretaries of all central departments to intensify the crackdown on government employees who are found to be “habitually late” in reaching office. Seth, in his July 31 missive, has specifically cited concerns expressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in this regard.

Stating that the onus lies on the Secretaries to make the staff more work-oriented, the letter says that Modi has taken cognizance of some official reports which say that there has been no visible improvement in the ambience of the workplaces while “some officials have been habitually coming late” to work.

“In some departments, the ministers have noticed the laxity in this regard. The PM has expressed concern over these reports,” says the letter.

The government is waiting for the success of its drive to make its employees punctual, which can happen on “continued perseverance by every employee,” it says. Cautioning the Secretaries against any “slippages” in this regard, Seth has asked them to review the situation on a sustained basis.

At a meeting with the Secretaries in June also, Seth had emphasised the need to ensure punctuality and attendance.

Two Secretary level officers told The Indian Express that a Joint Secretary level officer has been informally deputed in each ministry to keep a check on attendance. Though the letter does not spell out the punitive action in case of continued poor attendance, it is learnt that the defaulters may have to take compulsory leave.

source: [http://indianexpress.com/article/india/politics/cab-secy-tells-secys-to-crack-whip-on-habitual-latecomers/]
#Cabinet Secretary, #Central government employees, #Modi Government, #Prime Minister Narendra Modi, #PM Narendra Modi, #Indian Government News,

Confederation declares Nationwide Agitational Programme – Demands including DA Merger and Interim Relief

Confederation declares Nationwide Agitational Programme – Demands including DA Merger and Interim Relief

Confederation publishes  an organized series of agitational programme on its portal toady including the burning issues DA Merger and Interim Relief.


Dear Comrades,
The National Sectt. of the Confederaton met at New Delhi on 11.08.2014 to consider the follow up action required in the matter of some of the pressing issues on which Confederation had organized series of agitational programmes prior to the commencement of the Election process of the 16th Lok Sabha. The CHQ has received reports from various affiliaties to the effect that they have all endorsed the common memorandum, the Confederation had submitted to the 7th CPC. Most of the affiliates have emailed copies of the respective memorandum to the CHQ. Those who have not sent copies are requested to do so without further loss of time. This will enable the Confederation to write to the 7th CPC to provide an opportunity to these organisations to tender oral evidence to explain and elucidate their submissions in the memorandum.
The meeting noted that there has been only negative response from the Government on the issues of Interim Relief and merger of DA.

We have already sent to you a copy of our letter addressed to the Seretary, Staff Side, JCM National Council, (Com. Shivgopal Mishra) which is yet to be responded. The meeting considered the following issues as important, the pursuance of which must not brook any delay, especially in the background that the 7th CPC has formally written to the Government asking it to indicate the course of action required to be taken on the memorandum of the staff side on Interim Relief and marger of DA.

1. Merger of DA with pay for all employees with effect from 01.01.2014 including Gramin Dak sewaks and pensioners.
2. Grant of Interim Relief to all employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks and Pensioners.
3. Inclusion of Gramind Dak sevaks under the purview of 7th Central pay Commission.
4. Scrap PFRDA Act and grant of statutory pension to all.
5. Date of effect of 7th CPC recommendations should be 01.01.2014.
6. Regularisation and revision of wages of casual laboures and contract workers.
7. Removal of 5% condition for compassionate appointments.
8. Fill up al vacant posts and creation of new posts wherever justified.
9. Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation and privatisation of Government functions.
10. Grant Productivity linked Bonus to all without ceiling; compute Bonus as weighted average of PLB for those not covered by PLB agreement.
11. Revise OTA and NDA and implement arbitration awards.
The meeting also considered the policy perception of the new Government in the light of the administrative price hike in petroleum products, the proposals in the Railway and General Budget, the steep hike in the freight and passenger fares of Railways, the decision to hike FDI in Defence Production, Railway Infrastructure and Insurance sectors, disinvestment of public sector including nationalized banks and have come to the inescapable conclusion that under Narendra Modi dispensation, the neo-liberal policies, as expected, will only be intensified and the promised “Achche Din” is for the Corporate giants of the country. The last session of the Parliament witnessed the determination of the NDA Government in changing the labour laws on the lines of the enactment made by Rajasthan Government of Vasundhara Raje Scindhia by virtue of which in almost 90% of the manufacturing units in India, the employers are permitted to indulge in hire and fire policy, for the existing regulations will be dispensed with.

The meeting came to the decision that the confederation must organise serious and prolonged campaign, preferably in unison with the Railway and Defence Federations. We will pursue our consultation with those Federations to reach a common approach in the matter. Since it might take some more time, the meeting decided to pursue the demands through a demonstrative programme.

11th September 2014 – Submission of the Charter of Demands along with a brief Note to all heads of offices by arranging demonstration in front of all offices; the branch level/district/divisional/state level leaders will explain the demands especially the memorandums on interim relief, DA merger and GDS issues.

19th September 2014 – Dharna between 10 AM to 3 PM at all important state/districts/divisional centres.

25th September 2014 – Dharna between 10 AM to 3 PM at New Delhi with participation of the leaders of all affiliates and the members working in the city of Delhi (at a central place-to be decided by the Confederation Delhi State committee).

Confederation office Bearers will meet again at Delhi on 26.09.2014, 5 PM to decide further course of action. Confederation will bring out pamphlets and bulletins to explain various issues like minimum wage, DA, Bonus, GDS problems etc. shortly as part of an education campaign. The detailed campaign programe to be undertaken after Diwali festival will be intimated later.
Comradely yours,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.in/

#7th Pay Commission News, #7CPC, #Confederation News, #DA Merger, #Interim Relief , #20% Interim Relief,  #50% DA Merger, # 7th CPC Interim Report

Grant of MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – CAT Guwahati

Grant of MACP on Promotional Hierarchy – CAT Guwahati


By citing the judgments delivered by the Principle CAT, Delhi & High Court Chandigarh on the subject the Hon’ble judges have observed that “ In our considered view the aforesaid judgement rendered by the Chandigarh Bench as upheld by the Hon’ble High Court of Punjab and Haryana as well as judgement passed by the CAT, Principle Bench. In view of the above the present OA is allowed. Respondents are directed to grant scale of pay (PB-3) of Rs. 15,600-39,100+ Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/ attached to the said promotional posts of Executive Engineer from due date to the applicants.

The aforesaid directions shall be complied with within a period of three months from the date of receipt of a copy of this order, subject to the other conditions mentioned in the MACP Scheme.”

Source: www.aiamshq.blogspot.in

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