A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 10 June 2016

Government constitutes 3rd pay Revision Committee for the executive of CPSUs

Government constitutes 3rd pay Revision Committee for the executive of CPSUs

The Ministry of Heavy Industry & Public Enterprises has constituted the 3rd Pay Revision Committee for the executives of the Central Public Sector Undertakings under the chairmanship of Justice Satish Chandra (Retd.). The other members of the committee will be Shri Jugal Mohapatra, Ex-IAS Officer, Prof. Manoj Panda, Director, Institute for Economic Growth Delhi and Shri Shailendra Pal Singh, Executive Director (HR), NTPC Ltd. The Secretary Department of Public Enterprises will be the Ex-Officio Member while the Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary, DPE will be the member secretary for the committee.

The last pay revision for the executives of Central Public Sector Undertakings came into effect from 1.1.2007.

The Committee will provide its recommendations on the matter to the government, covering Board level functionaries, below–Board level executives and non-unionized supervisory staff of CPSEs. While submitting the final recommendations to the government, the Committee shall also take into account the Report of the 7th Central Pay Commission. The Pay Revision Committee will make its recommendations within 6 months from the date of its constitution. The decision of the Government on the recommendations of the Committee will take effect from 1.1.2017.


Agitation Programme announced by BPMS

Agitation Programme announced by BPMS

Agitation Programme from 13.06.2016 to 18.06.2016 : BPMS affiliated unions will organize agitation programme from 13.06.2016 to 18.06.2016 like Gate Meeting, wearing black badges, slogan shouting, Dharna etc. On the last day of demand week a memorandum would be submitted to the respective Head of establishments addressing Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

CENTRAL OFFICE: 2-A, NAVEEN MARKET, KANPUR – 208001, PH & FAX : (0512) 2332222
MOBILE: 09415733686, 09235729390, 09335621629, WEB : www.bpms.org.in

REF:BPMS/Circular/17th TC/02
Dated: 30.05.2016
The Office Bearers & CEC Members BPMS,
President / Secretary of unions
Affiliated to Federation

Subject: Agitation Programme from 13.06.2016 to 18.06.2016.

Dear Brothers & Sisters

Sadar Namaskar

Government Employees National Confederation has decided that all the constituent Federations of GENC will observe an agitation programme throughout the country from 13.06.2016 to 18.06.2016.

Being a constituent of GENC this federation BPMS has decided that all the affiliated unions will organize agitation programme from 13.06.2016 to 18.06.2016 like Gate Meeting, wearing black badges, slogan shouting, Dharna etc. On the last day of demand week a memorandum would be submitted to the respective Head of establishments addressing Hon’ble Prime Minister of India.

The demands are as follows :

1. Minimum Pay should be fixed 24000/- rupees in place of 18000/-;
2. The fitment formula should be 3.42 in place of 2.57 ;
3. The ratio of minimum Pay and maximum Pay should be 1:10 ;
4. Annual increment should be 5% in place of 3% ;
5. Five financial upgradation should be granted within the period of 30 years of Service under MACP scheme ;
6. Pay Scales of Group ‘C’ employees should be merged and upgraded. Grade Pay 1900 and Grade Pay 2000 should be merged and upgraded to 2400 and Grade Pay 2400 and Grade Pay 2800 should be merged and upgraded to Grade Pay 2800 ;
7. Risk Allowance, Washing Allowance, Family Planning Allowance should be continued ;
8. HRA should be granted at the rate of 15%, 25% and 35% ;
9. Minimum two increments should be granted at Promotion ;
10.Interest free Advances should be continued ;
11.OTA is being granted to the employees posted in offices, directorates etc at the rate of 12 rupees per hour (on the pay scales of 4th CPC). OTA should be granted on the Pay Scales of 7th CPC ;
12.Old Pension Scheme should be restored in place of NPS ;
13.The employees covered under NPS scheme should be benefited with gratuity ;
14.Commuted Pension should be restored on year in place of 15th year :
15.CCL related to women employees should not be reduced ;
16.There should not be any educational criteria (High School passed) for grant of compassionate ground appointment ;
17.Benefits of 7th CPC should be granted to Centre, State and autonomous body employees equally ;
18.Since amendment in Bonus Act has retrospective effect and implemented since 2014, the arrear of 2014-2015 should be granted without any delay ;
19.All the employees should be granted Night Duty Allowance without any ceiling ;
20.In Ordnance Factories all Piece work employees should be paid OTA (Between 44¾ and 48 hours) on their actual Pay instead of minimum Pay ;
21.The employees having equal qualification and same nature of work should be granted equal pay in all ministries ;
22.Examiners working in Quality control department in OFB should be granted Incentive Bonus ;
23.According to 7th CPC recommendations, civilian employees retiring on same Post or same pay scale should be granted equal Pension ;
24.Wards of employees died in harness are unable to find a Job due to 5% ceiling in compassionate appointment. Therefore, waiting dependants should be granted one time relaxation in compassionate appointment ;
25.The employees of DRDO should be granted the benefit of PRIS ;
26.Trade Apprentices should be taken in job in their respective establishments according to their batch wise seniority.

We hope for full support and cooperation to give a great success to the programme.

With regards,
Brotherly yours
(M P Singh)
General Secretary
Source: BPMS

Acceptance of Option Number 1 of the 7th CPC Recommendations on Parity of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners

Acceptance of Option Number 1 of the 7th CPC Recommendations on Parity of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners
All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association
(Registered No: 83/2015 under Tamilnadu Societies Registration Act, 1975)
Chennai HQ: 2/44, Muthial Chetty Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai – 600007
New Delhi HQ: First Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, North Avenue, New Delhi – 110001

No.AIPRPA / 1/6/2016 Dated 09.06.2016

Dear Sir,

Subject:- Acceptance of Option Number 1 of the 7th CPC Recommendations on Parity of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners – regarding.

We are deeply shocked to learn through the Staff Side JCM that the Defense Ministry and the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare are objecting to the implementation of the recommendation made by the 7th CPC on offering an Option to notionally add the number of increments earned in the last pay scale before retirement for calculating the minimum pension to past pensioners. The objection of the Defense Ministry is shocking as it had recently consented to the grant of One Rank One Pension to its own Pensioners. The objection of the Pensioners Ministry that this recommendation is not feasible due to non-availability of service records of Pensioners is most unjustified.

The non-acceptance of this recommendation will cause a major financial loss to many Pre-2016 Pensioners. It should be borne in mind that the Fifth CPC while evolving the norm of modified parity had mentioned in its Report that further improvements could be brought about by future Pay Commissions. It is after 20 years that 7th CPC taking a step in this direction recommended consideration of number of increments earned in that level while in service. The recommendation cannot be set aside on the plea of non-availability of record.

The issue, therefore, needs reconsideration especially in view of the following points:
i) Service Records are protected documents and cannot be destroyed without specific orders of the competent authority; Even if the Service Records of some of the Pensioners were not available, the same can be reconstructed/recast as per prescribed procedures and as per directions of various courts issued from time to time in such cases.

ii) All the Past Pensioners cannot be made to suffer heavy financial loss due to some missing records – which can in any way be reconstructed as stated above.

iii) 5th & 6th Pay Commissions had recommended for grant of Modified Parity to past Pensioners. The orders were implemented on the basis of service records.

iv) Recommendations of the 7th CPC in Para 10.1.67 (option 1) for Parity of Pension of Past (Pre-2016) Pensioners were based on legal and Constitutional grounds.

It is, therefore, requested that the Government should reject the opinions of both the Defense Ministry and the DOP&PW as well as the Empowered Committee and approve the recommendation of 7th CPC regarding option Number 1 to grant Parity to Pre-2016 Pensioners.

Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary AIPRPA

Central Government employees could get 7th Pay Commission salary from 1st August 2016

Central Government employees could get 7th Pay Commission salary from 1st August 2016

7th Pay Commission payout, here’s when you may begin to get the money

The long wait of central government employees for the 7th Pay Commission payout may end soon with the government working on the possibility of starting to credit their accounts as per the proposed new pay scales from August 1, 2016.

The long wait of central government employees for the 7th Pay Commission payout may end soon with the government working on the possibility of starting to credit their accounts as per the proposed new pay scales from August 1, 2016.

“Central government employees could get the revised pay-scales with their July salaries that would be credited on August 1,” sources close to officials working on the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission report told FeMoney.

However, while there are indications that arrears would also be credited along with revised pay, it is not clear whether the past dues according to the Commission’s report would be given at one go or in instalments.

The exact position is likely to be clear after the meeting of the 7th Pay Commission committee, headed by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha, on June 11 to decide the final contours of the payout plan.

The 7th Pay Commission recommendation, which will come into effect with retrospective effect from January 1, 2016, will result in higher pay package of 47 lakh central government employees and 53 lakh pensioners.

The Commission has recommended a 23.55 per cent hike in pay and allowance. While pay will go up by 16 per cent, increase in allowance will be 63 per cent and increase in pension 24 per cent.
According to reports, the Empowered Committee of Secretaries under Cabinet Secretary Sinha has recommended a wage hike of Rs 21,000 and Rs 2.7 lakh for the lower and upper level, respectively. This works out to Rs 3,000 more at the lower end and Rs 20,000 more for the upper level than what the 7th Pay Commission prescribed.

The impact the 7th Pay Commission recommendations will be to the tune of Rs 1.02 lakh crore on the government’s exchequer, with the break-up being Rs 73,650 crore on the Union Budget and Rs 28,450 crore on the Railway Budget.


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