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Saturday, 28 March 2015

Proposal to 7th CPC: Minimum Wage for 7th Pay Commission Rs.26000- and Open Ended Pay Scales - NCJCM

Proposal to 7th CPC: Minimum Wage for 7th Pay Commission Rs.26000- and Open Ended Pay Scales - NCJCM

JCM Delegation proposed before the 7th Central Pay Commission: Open Ended Pay Scale, 3.7 multiplication factor, Minimum Wage of Rs.26000/-, 5% Increment rate, 5 promotions, HRA - 60%, 40%, 20%, Wage ratio 1:8, CEA for Higher Studies, Minimum Pension 67%....

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
Minimum Wage of Rs.26000- and Open Ended Pay Scales

During 2 days deliberations on 23rd & 24th March, 2015, the JCM (Staff Side) delegation have pleaded before the 7th Central Pay Commission to recommend minimum wage of Rs. 26,000/- per month on the basis of 15th ILC Norms/ Aykroyd Formula. Some of the important submissions made before the Pay Commission are listed below:
. Wage ratio between the lowest and highest should be 1:8.

. Revised pay scales and allowances should be given effect from 01/01/2014.

. 3.7 multiplication factor should be applied to arrive at the revised pay. Special Pay concept should be restored back.

. HRA should be revised to 60%, 40% and 20% of pay for ‘X’ ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ class localities/ cities respectively.

. Children Education Allowance should be revised and extended to cover higher studies


. Increment rate should be 5% of pay.

. Five promotions during service.

. Special Duty Allowance for North Eastern Region be revised to 37-1/2%.

. House Building Amount should be increased and interest rate should be reduced.

. 6th CPC Anomalies may be got addressed through a special mechanism.

. Flexi timings for women employees besides additional leave facilities etc.,

. Pay Commission was urged to recommend panty in Pension.

. Minimum Pension should be fixed at 67% of last pay drawn.

. Gratuity amount should be upwardly revised.
All the issues contained in the JCM memorandum were explained to the Commission with cogent logic, merits and Precedents. S/Shri M. Raghavaiah, Leader JCM (Staff Side), Guman Singh. NFIR President, R.P. Bhatnagar, Working President and B.C. Sharma, Joint General Secretary have participated in the deliberations.

No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/Corres/Pt.V
Dated : 28/03/2015

Forwarded to Affiliates & Media Centre/NFIR. .
(Dr M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

AIRF has demanded extension in validity of privilege passes and PTOs for five months

AIRF has demanded extension in validity of privilege passes and PTOs for five months

Extending the validity of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders(PTOs)

Railway Board had enhanced period of the advance reservation to 120 days vide Commercial Circular No.12 of 2012 dated 06.02.2012, validity period of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders(PTOs) was also extended to 05 months from the prevalent four months, i.e. one month more than advance reservation period(Ref. Board’s letter No.E(W) 2007/PS 5-1/9 dated 26.03.2012(RBE No.41/2012).

Dated: March 26, 2015
The Secretary(E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Extending the validity of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders(PTOs)

Reference above, on earlier occasion Railway Board had enhanced period of the advance reservation to 120 days vide Commercial Circular No.12 of 2012 dated 06.02.2012, validity period of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders(PTOs) was also extended to 05 months from the prevalent four months, i.e. one month more than advance reservation period(Ref. Board’s letter No.E(W) 2007/PS 5-1/9 dated 26.03.2012(RBE No.41/2012).

The period of advance reservation is now again been enhanced to 120 days w.e.f. 01.04.2015, as already pronounced during Budget Speech of the Hon’ble MR while presenting Rail Budget 2015-16.

The Board are, therefore, requested to extend validity of full/half sets of Privilege Passes, Post Retirement Complimentary Passes, Widow Passes and Privilege Ticket Orders(PTOs) to 05 months as was done vide Board’s letter dated 26.03.2012 supra. All concerned may be advised accordingly.

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary/AIRF
Source: AIRF

Rotational Transfer of CSS officers of DS Grade and above – Furnishing of personal information thereof.

Rotational Transfer of CSS officers of DS Grade and above – Furnishing of personal information thereof.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi -110003
Dated the 27th March, 2015.

Subject: Rotational transfer of CSS officers of DS Grade and above. – Furnishing of personal information thereof.

The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has proposed a revised rotational transfer policy in respect of CSS Officers. It has been decided to carry out rotational transfers of CSS officers of the DS Grade and above on the basis of a proposed revised rotational transfer policy, on the following parameters:
(i) Ministries/Departments are categorized into Group A and Group 8 for posting/transfer;

(ii) The proposed RTP provides a tenure of five years for DS/Director in a Ministry/Department, including continuous tenure rendered in any other designation in the same Ministry/ Department;

(iii) In Group A, certain Ministries qualify for a reduced tenure by one year;

(iv) An officer on transfer shall ordinarily be posted from Group A-> Group B and Group B-> Group A, if they have completed the prescribed tenure. However, the officers presently posted in Group ‘A’ Ministries/Departments may opt for posting in the same Group. In that case on posting to a Ministry/Department in Group ‘A’ the tenure will be counted afresh. However, this option will not be available to officers currently posted in Group ‘B’ to remain in Group ‘B’.

(v) An officer who is to be transferred out from the current Ministry/Department on completion of prescribed tenure may also be allowed option for posting in a Ministry Department where he earlier served subject to the condition that there is a gap of period which is equal to tenure prescribed for the post.

(vi) Officers who are within two years of superannuation will be exempted from rotationaI transfers.

(vii) For calculation of residency in a Ministryl Department, the cutoff date has been taken as 31.03.2015.

(viii) The Placement Committee will decide posting of officers on the basis of preference, past postings etc.

3. Groupwise distribution of Ministries/Departments is at Annex.I.The list of brief details of officers who are likely to be considered for rotational transfer is at Annexure-II. Information relating to slots is at Annexure-III.

4. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to verify the list of officers (Annex.II) and any addition or deletion if required, may kindly be brought to the notice of this Department with out any delay.

5. The officers listed at Annex. II are requested to exercise their options for posting in the Ministries/ Departments in the other Group or as the case may be as per proposed revised RTP latest by 1.04.2015 in the format at Annexure-IV to Under Secretary, CS-I (D), Department of Personnel and Training through e-mail (uscsoned@gmail.com) or through fax number given below. Hard copies of the same may also be furnished immediately. Maximum three choices wit in the available slots may be exercised. If option is not received by 01.04.2015, it will be presumed that the officer has no specific choice and posting will be decided by the Placement Committee accordingly.

(Biswajit Banerjee)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Telefax: 24629413
1. All Ministries/Departments
2. Officers Listed at Annex. II

Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02csd/RTP27032015.pdf

Aadhar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan): CPAO O.M. Dated 20.03.2015

Aadhar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan): CPAO O.M. Dated 20.03.2015

NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/Tech/Jeevan Pramaan /2014-15/218-259
Office Memorandum

Subject:- Aadhar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan)

The Hon’ble Prime Minister has launched “Jeevan Aadhaar” (Aadhaar based biometric verification system for pensioner).  To make its implementation successful Department of Financial Services has constituted a sub-group comprising of RBI, Indian Bank’s Association (IBA),, State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda and Canara Bank. Accordingly,’RBI, IBA and Department of Financial Services have issued necessary guidelines/ instructions to all banks for their convenience. To implement Jeevan Pramaan it is necessary on the part of banks to seed the Aadhaar number with Pension Payment Order and bank account number. To complete this task, all banks have to take special drive to collect the Aadhaar number of pensioners and make it a part of their master data.

In the above context Addl. CGA has taken a meeting on 24.12.2014 with the discuss the further strategy for speedy implementation of the system. In the meeting, it was decided that to ensure the genuineness of the pensioner it is necessary to seed the Aadhaar number with PPO and pensioners bank account. Because at present banks are not having pensioners’ data base on their server to link them with the details of PPOs and Aadhaar numbers, they were advised to prepare a data-base of pensioners account first at the earliest and link them with Aadhaar server. For this purpose, they will call the pensioners to come to bank alongwith their original Aadhaar card and its photocopy for identification. The designated officer of the bank will identify the pensioner with reference to the PPO and KYC document and seed his pension account with Aadhaar server.

He will keep the photocopy of Aadhaar Card in the pensioners’ folder for record. The bank will apply this strategy immediately with those pensioners whose life certificates are still pending and are interested to opt for digital certification of their life. Thereafier, they may complete this task well before November, 2015, when life certificate becomes dues.

A column for Aadhaar number has been provided in the format of master data and made available on CPAOs website. All CPPCs are advised to update their master data duly seeded with PPO number & bank account numbers and send the same to CPAO by e-mail at cpao.masterdata{@}gmail.com at the earliest so that CPAO also updates its master data for validation purpose.

This task must be completed on top priority basis.

(Dilip Kumar)
Controller of Accounts
Source: http://cpao.nic.in/pdf/CPAO_Tech_Jeevan_Praman_2014-15.pdf

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