A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Procedure for ECHS Application - marital discord/ Parents of soldiers after Death

Procedure for ECHS Application - marital discord/ Parents of soldiers after Death

Tele : 011-25684847
ASCON : 36832
Fax : 011-25684946
Email : diropsechs-mod@nic.in
Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
Maude Lines
Delhi Cantt - 110 010
B/49701 -PR/AG/ECHS/2018

26 Sep 2018
PD (Navy)
All Comd HQ’s (NECHS)
AMA ECHS, Embassy of India, Nepal
Director General Indian Coast Guard
Director General NCC
Director General SFF
All Regional Centres, ECHS

1.A number of petitions are recd from spouses of veterans as a consequence of marital discord and parents of the serving soldiers who died in harness wherein the primary beneficiary does not apply for ECHS membership for the dependents. The extant rules do not permit anyone else to apply for ECHS membership except the primary member.

2. ECHS is akin to CGH’S in many regards and ECHS rules are similar too. Since the CGHS rules extend CGHS facilities to a judicially separated wife (CGHS Rule Book, Chapter 3, Page 25), it is axiomatic that since a judicially separated wife is auth CGHS facilities, a spouse during the period of marital discord will also be allowed CGHS facilities. Further, the meaning of ‘family’ as per Govt Rules are as under :-

(a) Husband/wife, including more than one wife and a judicially separated wife.
(b) Parents (excluding step parents), subject to the following:-

(i) In case of adoption, adoptive parents and not real parents.
(ii) If adoptive father has more than one wife, only the first wife: and.
(iii) In case of female employees, parents or parents-in-law, at her option, subject to the conditions of dependency and residence etc. being satisfied.

(c) Children, including step children, legally adopted children, children taken as wards by the Government servant under the Guardians and Ward Act, 1980, provided that such a ward lives with him, treated as a family member and is given the status of a natural born child through a special will executed by that Government servant :-

(i) Son is eligible till he starts earning or attains the age of 25 years or gets married, whichever is earlier.
(ii) Daughter is eligible till she starts earning, or gets married.

(d) Sons suffering from permanent disability either physically or mentally, without any age-limit.

(i) Disability means blindness, low vision, leprosy- cured, hearing  impairment, locomotor disability, mental illness (includes schizophrenia), autism, cerebral palsy or a combination of any two or more of such conditions and includes a person suffering from several multiple disability.
(ii)’Permanent disability’ means a person with 40% or more of one or more

(e) Dependent divorced/abandoned or separated from their husband/widowed daughters (irrespective of age).

3. The ECHS facilities will hence be extended to the spouse/her dependent children/  eligible parents/dependents, during the period of marital discord.

4. In so far as, the parents of ESM are concerned, there are cases where the spouse of ESM becomes the primary member after the demise of the ESM, but due to strained relations (family dispute) is reluctant to obtain ECHS membership for the parents, despite their meeting the dependent criteria including income criteria. Such cases will also be addressed under the meaning of the term ‘family’ and ECHS facility will be made applicable to eligible persons.

5. The procedure for processing of ECHS application in case of marital discord / family dispute cases will be as under :-
(a) Spouse/ dependent children and dependent parents will be eligible to apply for ECHS membership on production all supporting documents for eligibility of self and his / her children and similarly for dependent parents.

(b) On the basis of ibid provision, the spouse I dependent children / dependent parents should apply to DIAV for Army, DESA for Navy & DAV for Air Force who will facilitate in obtaining copy of PPO from respective Record offices. The application should be duly supported with an identity proof in the form of Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Ration Card, Marriage Part II order & Dependent Card issued by District Soldier Board. DIAV/DESA/DAV will endorse a letter to the primary beneficiary to give him/her an opportunity to apply for cards himself/herself within 30 days for eligible family members. In case of non receipt of reply within 30 days / refusal to apply, obtaining copy of PPO will be facilitated for the applicant.

(c) Having obtained the copy of the PPO, the spouse / dependent children I dependent parents should apply through ‘Online Application’ portal of ECHS website for issue of ECHS Smart Card. Once the online application is successfully filled ‘up alongwith payment for the card (s), the indl will be able to generate ‘Temporary Slip’ for the affected persons. The same will be activated at dependent Polyclinics with a validity of three months at a time or till receipt of card whichever is earlier. The Temporary Slip will allow need treatment to the concerned persons till receipt of Smart Card.

(d) In marital discord cases, the ECHS membership granted will be for a limited period of one year or till resolution divorce whichever is earlier. The same will be renewed in case of status quo beyond a year.

(e) The membership of spouse will be discontinued once a divorce is granted & The responsibility of informing of divorce will be that of the primary beneficiary / ESM. If not informed and any treatment taken by the divorced lady post divorce recovery due will be on the primary beneficiary / ESM including for those children staying with him / her.

(f) It will be responsibility of dependent parents (in cases of serving soldiers died in harness) to give yearly affidavit for income criteria. Wife of deceased soldier should also inform if parents have more income which makes them ineligible. Responsibility of recovery will be on primary beneficiary.

(g) Membership of children will be based on the eligibility criteria as governed in terms of age, income and marriage criteria applicable as laid down vide CGHS letter No MH & FW No 4-24/96-C&P/CGHS/CGHS(P) dated 31 May 2007.

(h) The onus of informing of divorce for marital discord cases and income criteria for dependent parents will be of primary beneficiary.
6. This has approval of AG.

(Niranjan Kumar) Brig

6th CPC Entry Pay Structure for Direct Recruits

6th CPC Entry Pay Structure for Direct Recruits

Entry Pay in the Revised Pay Structure for Direct Recruits Appointed on or After 1.1.2006

CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 - Section II of the Part 'A' of the First Schedule

Pay Band 1 Rs. 5200-20200

Grade PayPay in the Pay BandBasic Pay
Pay Band 2 (Rs. 9300-34800)
Grade PayPay in the Pay BandBasic Pay
Pay Band 3 Rs. Rs.15 600-39100)
Grade PayPay in the Pay BandBasic Pay
Pay Band 4 (Rs. 37,400-67,000)
Grade PayPay in the Pay BandBasic Pay

Clearance of Doubt regarding Payment of Legal Fee

Clearance of Doubt regarding Payment of Legal Fee

Office of Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt - 110 010.

No.: LC/Advocate Fee Bill/Vol.II
Dated: 27.09.2018

Subject:-Payment of Legal Fee to Central Govt. Counsels - clarification reg.

With reference to the existing provisions relating to payment of Legal Fee to Central Govt. Counsels, certain doubts raised by the office of PCDA have been taken-up with the Ministry of Law & Justice, Department of Legal Affairs (Judicial Section) for clarification/guidelines. Based on the clarifications received, the summary of the points of doubt and clarification are as given below:-

No.Existing provisions and point of doubtClarification
(i)The revised fee structure applicable to Govt. Counsels of Supreme Court/ High Court/CAT/Distt. Courts has been notified by Min. of Law & Justice, Dept. of Legal Affairs vide their OM bearing No. 26(1)/2014/Judl. dated 01.10.2015. As per the said OM dated 01.10.2015, payment of legal fee fornon-effective hearings in a case has been restricted to five (05) and payment of legal fee for Conferences in a case has been restricted to four (04).
Point of Doubt
In case, the Govt. Counsel has been changed during the pendency of a case who has already been paid for maximum number of non-effective hearings & conference, whether the newly appointed Govt. Counsel can be paid fee for another five (05) non-effective hearings & (04) conference or not.
The OM No.26(1)/2014-Judl. Dated 01.10.2015 itself restricts the payment to a maximum of five non- effective hearings. Hence, a new counsel appointed during the pendency of a case will not be eligible for payment for non-effective hearings in case the limit of five as stated in above in above- mentioned OM is exhausted.
(ii)In case, a proxy Counsel has appeared on behalf of nominated Govt. Counsel, Whether legal fee {effective or non effective} can be paid to the CGSC for hearings appeared by proxy counsel.When proxy/private counsel has appeared on behalf of the Govt. Counsel in a matter, such nominated counsel is not entitled to payment of fee bill.

The relevant OM dated 01/10/2015 is available on the website of the Ministry of Law & Justice, Department of Legal Affairs.

2. All the legal fee bills of Govt. Counsels may be regulated accordingly.
(Must Ahmad)

LDCE 2018 held from 5th to 8th July 2018

LDCE 2018 held from 5th to 8th July 2018

F.No.301(08)/PA Admn.III/2012 to 2114
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts, Postal Accounts Wing
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001  
Dated: 1st October 2018
Subject: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for promotion to the cadre of Assistant Accounts Officer (LDCE-2018) held on 5th to 8th July 2018 Announcement of result thereof reg.

The Merit List containing names of 949 (Nine Hundred Forty Nine) candidates of AAA] LDCE 2018 held from 5th to 8th July 2018 is as per Annexure A to this OM.

2. The Merit List has been prepared as per available vacancies, in respect of AAO LDCE 2018 candidates who have secured qualifying marks (40% in each paper for UR and 30% in each paper for SC/ST) and have been found to be provisionally eligible as per the eligibility conditions specified in AAO Recruitment Rules notified on 2nd April 2018.

3. This Merit List does not include the names of the candidates whose result are to be declared only after taking due permission from Honourable Court/CAT at different locations where cases are pending. The results of such candidates have been kept in sealed cover.

4. The Merit List includes names of candidates (marked as Provisional - Graduation to be Confirmed) in the Remarks column of the Annexure A) who have claimed to be Graduates but the entry of the same has not been made in their service records. The inclusion of such candidates in the Merit List is provisional and subject to confirmation of their Graduate status.

5. The Merit List does not bestow any right or claim to any candidate for being considered for promotion to AAO Cadre of IP&TAFS Group B Service. The promotion orders of qualified and provisionally eligible candidates shall be issued separately as per availability of vacancies in respective categories, consideration of Vigilance Status and any other issues.

6. This Merit List is further subject to outcome of the Court cases as per Annexure B and also as per any other orders by any competent court in any other matter/matters connected with the subject.

7. The Merit List does not bestow any right or claim to any candidate regarding seniority relative to other candidates.

8. This issues with the prior approval of the Competent Authority.
(Anju Lata)
Director (B&A)
Telephone No.23044741
Annexure A
Annexure B

Promotion and Posting Orders - Merit List of AAO LDCE 2018

Promotion and Posting Orders - Merit List of AAO LDCE 2018

F.No.301(08)/PA Admn.III/2115 to 3165
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts, Postal Accounts Wing

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 1st October 2018

Subject: Promotion and Posting Orders in the grade of Assistant Accounts Officers (AAO) of IP&TAFS Group 'B' consequent to declaration of Merit List of AAO LDCE 2018.

The approval of competent authority is hereby conveyed for regular promotion of the 949 (NINE HUNDRED FORTY NINE) officials whose names are mentioned in the Annexure A of this OM to the cadre of Assistant Accounts Officer of IP&TAFS Group B (Level 8 of 7th CPC -Rs 47,600-1,51000) subject to conditions mentioned herein and to post them to the offices mentioned in the table in Annexure A. The postings within the Postal/Telecom Circle will be made by the Head of the Postal Account Office/ Pr. CCA office respectively.

2. The promoted officials are hereby directed to join their office of posting as indicated against their names in Annexure A of this OM not later than 30 days of issue of this OM.

3. The officials who have been allocated to DoT HQ/IT Cell DoT HQ are to report to SEA Section of DoT HQ. The officials who have been allocated to DoP HQ are to report to PA Wing of DoP HQ.

4. In the event of an official not joining the place of posting within 30 days of issue of this OM, it shall be deemed as Refusal of Promotion and dealt with as per rules on the subject.

5. No representation for change of place of posting will be entertained and no representation(s) needs to be forwarded. The officers may be relieved immediately by the authorities concerned to report for duty on promotion at the place of their posting.

6. The promotion of officials against whoSe names 'Provisional - Graduation Not Confirmed' is mentioned in the Remarks column of the table in Annexure A to this OM is further subject to fulfilment of eligibility condition of having a Graduation degree from a recognised University as per Recruitment Rules of AAO dated 02.04.2018. In case any official fails to submit valid proof of having acquired Graduation Degree from a recognised University prior to the cut-off date i.e. 30.05.2018, within 30 days of issue of this OM; these promotion orders shall be considered null & void in respect of such officials. if the proof of Graduation qualification submitted by a promoted official is found to be invalid at a later date, then these promotion orders shall be considered null & void in respect of such officials and further departmental action shall be initiated against such officials as per rules.

7. These promotion orders are further subject to re-verification of eligibility of officials with respect to conditions mentioned in Recruitment Rules of AAOs as notified on 21111 April 2018. The Heads of Offices, where the promoted officials report for duty, are to re-verify the eligibility of officials within one month of their joining. In case any official is found to be ineligible, the case may be immediately reported to this office for further necessary action. Departmental action may be initiated against such officials as they have submitted a signed Declaration in the Application Form of AAO LDCE 2018, that they are eligible as per Recruitment Rules of AAOs as notified on 2nd April 2018.

8. In respect of Reserved Category candidates i.e. SC/ST candidates “Promotion of the candidates is provisional subject to verification of their caste status. Head of the Office will take an undertaking from the officers to this effect at the time of their relieving and ensure verification of caste status within one month. After verification necessary entries may invariably be made in the Service Books of the officers concerned in terms of instructions contained in DO P&T O.M. NO. 36011/16.80-Estt. (SCT) dated 27.02.81, No.42012/8/87- (SCT dated 14.10.87 and O.M. No 36012/36(22)/89-Estt. (SCT] dated 16.6.89.”

9. The promotion of the officer(s) as in para (1) above is subject to the condition that no disciplinary/vigilance case of the types referred to in the Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 22011/4/91-Estt. (A) dated 14.09.1992 is pending against them and such case, if any, be referred to the Directorate, and no promotion be made. Further, if in respect of any officer some punishment like stoppage of increment/reduction of pay etc. is current, he/she should not be promoted/relieved and his/her case should be reported to this office immediately.

10. No leave of any kind should be granted to the officials who are to be relieved under these

11. The inter-se seniority of promoted officers shall be decided at a later date.

12. All promoted officials, except those promoted from Group B (i.e. Senior Accountants), will be on probation for a period of 2 years from date of their joining as Assistant Accounts

13. The pay of the promoted officers may be fixed as per provision of FR22 (I) (a) (1) and are eligible to exercise option for fixation of pay within the period prescribed therein.

14. The official(s) who are already officiating in AAO cadre on local officiating basis may be reverted to their substantive grade before promotion to the grade of AAO on regular basis.

15. These Promotion Orders are further subject to outcome of the Court cases as per Annexure B and also as per any other orders by any competent court in any other matter/matters connected with the subject.

16. These orders are subject to and without prejudice to any order of Court of Law.

17. Copies of Charge Report may be furnished to all concerned including the Assistant Director General (PA-Admn), Department of Posts, Room No.441-C, 4th Floor, Dak Bhawan, New
(Anju Lata)
Director (B&A)
Telephone No.23044741
Enclosed: Annexure A
Annexure B

Bank DA Expected to Go Up with 65 Slabs

Bank DA Expected to Go Up with 65 Slabs

All India Consumer Price Index Numbers for the month of August 2018 has been published by the Labour Bureau last week. The index stands constant at the same level of 301.

Last month the AICPIN was unexpected 10 points hike and stood at 301. Continuing the trend will follow for next month also..

We expect the Bank Dearness Allowance may go up with 65 Slabs for next quarter from November 2018 to January 2019.

Observe Work Life Balance - AIBOC/AIBOA/INBOC/NOBO

Observe Work Life Balance - AIBOC/AIBOA/INBOC/NOBO

"It has been decided to call upon all our Officers not to attend/respond to the 'official' SMS/WhatsApp messages, received from their Controlling Authority/Zonal Heads between 8pm and 8am"


Date: 29th September, 2018
All Affiliates (For Circulation)


Dear Comrades,

Observe Work-Life-Balance, in letter and spirit

You are aware that the officers fraternity has been subjected to enormous stress due to ever increasing workload, inadequate staff, continuous pressure from multifarious controllers, over-ambitious targets, mis-placed business priorities, extended working hours et al. This has taken a heavy toll on the efficiency level and is the root cause of frustration and anxiety disorder resulting in depression, helplessness and life-style diseases viz Diabetes, High BP and Cardiac problems etc. Officers are constantly receiving SMS and instructions over WhatsApp messages even at odd hours. This has adversely affected their social and family life. Banking system has forgotten that an Officer is just not an employee of the Bank, but also a spouse/son/father/mother and an integral part of society. This situation has become intolerable as we find Officers are virtually chained to their official duties and have no respite, even while at home.
Work-Life-Balance is the need of the hour. Many top global companies are addressing this sensitive issue through various measures. State Bank of India has issued a comprehensive instruction addressing the need for a Work-life balance. However, the ground reality almost in every institution is that majority of the officers are stressed and do not have a work-life balance, which is attributed specially to the instructions received through SMS and WhatsApp.
All four officers organisations have unanimously decided to address this menace. It has been decided to call upon all our Officers not to attend/respond to the ‘official’ SMS/WhatsApp messages, received from their Controlling Authority/Zonal Heads between 8pm and 8am.
We urge upon our members to respond to our clarion call and implement the instructions in letter and spirit forthwith.
Yours comradely,
General Secretary - AIBOC
General Secretary - AIBOA
General Secretary - INBOC
General Secretary - NOBO
Source: http://aisbof.org

Adherence to time limits in processing of disciplinary cases: CVC Circular

Adherence to time limits in processing of disciplinary cases: CVC Circular

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt 110010
No. AN/XIII/13006/Vol-XXII
Dated 12.09.2018
(Through Website)

Sub: Adherence to time limits in processing of disciplinary cases-reg.

A copy of CVC Circular no. 07/07/18 dated 26.07.2018, on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information, guidance, compliance and notice of all concerned.
(Mustaq Ahmad)
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi - 110023
No. 000/VGL/18
dated 26.07.2018
Circular No.07/07/18
Subject: Adherence to time limits in processing of disciplinary cases - reg.

Reference: (i) Commission’s Letter No.000/VGL/18 dated 23.05.2000
(ii) Commission’s Office Order No.51/08/2004 dated 10.08.2004
(iii) Commission’s Circular No.02/01/2016 dated 18.01.2016

The Commission has been emphasizing from time to time on the need for expeditious completion of disciplinary proceedings. The model time limits for investigation of complaints and for different processes of disciplinary proceedings have been laid down in Commission’s letter of even number dated 23rd May 2000.

2. The Commission would like to invite the attention of the Administrative Authorities Disciplinary Authorities to the undue delays in finalizing vigilance cases especially the conduct of disciplinary proceedings despite having a built in time line for every activity. Further, such unexplained delays lead to Central Administrative Tribunals and the High Courts quashing the Charge-sheet(s) on the sole ground that the concerned Disciplinary Authorities had issued charge-sheets to the delinquents after very long periods of commission of alleged misconduct etc. and also for unexplained delays in conducting disciplinary inquiries.

3. Timely completion and finalization of disciplinary proceedings is the prime responsibility of the Disciplinary Authority/Administrative Authorities concerned in all Departments/ Organizations. More so, such long delays in finalizing disciplinary matters are not only unjust to officials who may be finally exonerated, but helps the guilty to evade punitive action. The Commission had earlier vide its circular no.02/01/2016 dated 18/01/2016 emphasized on the various steps needed to be taken by all concerned obviating delays at different stages of the process right from investigation to finalization of disciplinary proceedings by way of regular monitoring of these cases/matters.

4. The Commission while reiterating the above said instructions would impress upon all concerned that the time limits prescribed by the Commission/DoPT for processing disciplinary cases at various stages may be strictly adhered to. All disciplinary authorities in each Ministry/Department/Organization need to regularly monitor the progress of individual disciplinary cases and take necessary steps as deemed appropriate to ensure that the disciplinary proceedings are completed within prescribed time-limits and are not unduly delayed.

5. All CVOs are also therefore advised to apprise the concerned officers regarding the above guidelines for compliance in monitoring progress/ handling disciplinary proceedings.
(M.A. Khan)
Officer on Special Duty

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