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Monday, 28 July 2014

Memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission on issues common to All Central Government Employees


1st Floor, North Avenue Post office Building, New Delhi – 110001
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No. CONF/7th CPC/Memorandum
Dated: 28th July, 2014

To The Member Secretary, 7th Central Pay Commission, PO Box No. 4599, Hauz Khas Post Office New Delhi – 110016

Sub :- Memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission on issues common to All Central Government Employees – Submission of -

On behalf of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, we submit the memorandum for the consideration of the Commission.

The staff side, National council, JCM vide their letter in NC-JCM-2014/7th CPC dated 30th June 2014 have submitted a memorandum in respect of issues common to all Central Government Employees. We are in agreement with the views canvassed therein and endorse the same fully.

As indicated in detail in the introductory Chapter, we have made certain additions to elucidate the views and contentions in respect of some matters and added a paragraph on certain other issues under the Chapter Miscellaneous. We request that the 7th CPC may consider our submissions and make appropriate recommendations to the Government.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General



Central Headquarters
1st floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001.
Dated : 23.07.2014
Com. Shiv Gopal Misra,
Staff Side, National Council, JCM
13 C Feroze Shah Road,
New Delhi. 110 001.

Dear Comrade,
Sub: Memorandum of Interim Relief and merger of Dearness allowance.

The National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers places on record its appreciation over the efforts of the Staff Side, JCM, National Council in preparing and submitting the memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission, which has received the widest acceptance and admiration of the Central Government employees. Since the last date for submitting the Department-specific memorandum has been got extended by your efforts uptill 31st July, 2014, the first phase of our endeavour and interaction with the 7th CPC will come to a conclusion in a few days’ time.

I have been directed by the National Secretariat of the Confederation which met on 17th July, 2014 to solicit your kind reference to the memorandum submitted by the Staff Side on behalf of all Federations, Unions, Associations on Interim Relief and merger of Dearness allowance. We are of the view that the Staff Side, in pursuance of the said memorandum, must seek an audience with the Pay Commission immediately to know the course of action the Commission would like to take in the matter. We must also seek an appointment with the honourable Finance Minister thereafter so as to ensure that a decision on our demands is taken by the Government without any further delay. We hope we need not emphasise the fact that the Central Government employees do expect financial benefit on this score as the erosion in the real value of wages as on date is phenomenal.

We shall be grateful if you will indicate to us your line of approach in the matter.

Thanking you and with greetings,
Yours fraternally,
M. Krishnan
Secretary General.

Copy to 1.Com. Raghaviah, Leader Staff Side, National Council, JCM 2. Com. Srikumar, Secretary General, All India Defence Employees Federation.

Source: Confederation

OROP Latest News: A high level meeting was taken up by Defence Minister on July 16, 2014

OROP Latest News: A high level meeting was taken up by Defence Minister on July 16, 2014

The demand for one rank one pension (OROP) was accepted by the previous government and a provision of Rs. 500 crore was made in the interim budget. The new government, stating its intention to implement the demand many times, has also provided for it in the regular budget. However, veterans are nowhere near getting the enhanced pensions envisaged. What is the current status on OROP?

A high-level meeting was taken by the defence minister on July 16 to thrash out issues with Service Chiefs, staff of Services headquarters and the top brass of the defence ministry, including defence accounts and the department of ex-servicemen’s welfare attending.

Also present were the representatives of four major ex-servicemen’s organisations to give inputs and plead their case. Regrettably, the meeting was inconclusive. A deadlock was created over the most basic issue, the very definition of OROP between bureaucrats of the MOD on one side and the uniformed fraternity plus the veterans on the other. The defence minister stated that the Koshiyari Committee’s definition of OROP might not be acceptable to the government now. His remark to veterans to lower their expectations reveals the stand of the government on the issue, causing consternation among them.

The political executive as well as the people of this country must realise that OROP is not a concession but is meant to offset restricted terms of service to soldiers wherein they are retired at a very young age. Here, the definition set by the Koshiyari Committee must prevail in that OROP implies that uniform pension be paid to Armed Forces personnel retiring in the same rank with the same length of service, irrespective of their date of retirement, and any future enhancement in the rates of pension to be automatically passed on to past pensioners. It is significant that this explanation had already been accepted by the government. My take is that the government needs to show political will and make good on its promises.

Source: Hindustan Times

DoPT launches e-service record system for government employees

DoPT launches e-service record system for government employees

With the objective to promote a paperless regime and better human resource management, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) has launched an e-service record book portal for government employees.
“Under the personnel information management system of e-office, the DoPT has extended the facility to its employees to view their service book online. All the other ministries have been advised to extend the facility to the civilian employees working under them,” said an official.

Earlier documented in paper files, the service record provides information on various portfolios and posts held by a particular government employee.

“In future, it would also prove to be of great assistance in an efficient management of human resource. The system can facilitate work allocation based on the skills and experiences of the employees under consideration for a particular post or department,” said the official, adding that the priority is to pick the best and suitable candidate for better output.The DoPT has also launched a Basic Leadership Skills Module for Central Secretariat Services officers at the Institute of Secretariat Training and Management. The module is expected to equip civil servants with the skills that help them function efficiently in a complex and challenging environment.

“All levels of civil service need to be trained in leadership skills so that they impart their duties effectively,” said the official.

The Department plans to introduce similar modules for mid-level and advanced leadership skill development.
A Learning Resource Centre has also been set up with a mandate to identify and adopt the leading national and international practices in the field of training techniques and technologies to strengthen the Trainers Development Programme, to develop a cadre of high quality trainers.

“This would reduce the financial burden otherwise incurred on foreign trips often undertaken by government functionaries for skill training,” said the official. Both the training activities have been supported by the UNDP, under the Strengthening the Human Resource Management for Civil Services Project.

Source: http://www.thehindu.com

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