A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

7th CPC Allowance Committee : Silence Prevails after NC JCM Report


7th CPC Allowance Committee : Silence Prevails after NC JCM Report
"Speculations about the Committee on 7th CPC Allowances have stopped following the assurance from the Cabinet Secretary"

NJCA Secretary Shiva Gopal Mishra's meeting, on March 28, 2017, with the Cabinet Secretary has seemingly put an end to the generation of constant rumours and baseless speculations regarding the Report of Allowance Committee.

Almost every day, the media carried news about the granting of allowances based on the 7th CPC salaries. There is no denying the fact that most of these sensational headlines were based on the meetings in New Delhi or on the statements from the officials involved.

Speculations like "it will be announced today…", "news is expected this week…", "Announcement likely on this date…" were not uncommon. Such news not only generated immense excitement among the Central Government employees, but it also made them contact their respective trade unions for clarifications.

Caught in the midst of their own long list of problems, in addition to planning their future protests, these trade unions were also constantly maintaining pressure on the Central Government by writing letters to them. It was in this scenario that the NJCA Secretary, Shiva Gopal Mishra met the Cabinet Secretary on March 28, 2017.

During the meeting, he had clearly conveyed to the Cabinet Secretary that the long delay have led to the Central Government employees losing interest in this issue. The Cabinet Secretary, on his part, has accepted that decision on the 7th CPC Allowances is taking time, and assured that he would try his best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. He also said that he will try to obtain the report from the Allowance Committee very soon and forward it to the cabinet for its approval.

Citing the local bodies election in Delhi as the reason for the delay, the Cabinet Secretary has also assured to seek the permission from the Election Commission, if required, to accelerate the process. This assurance has, to some extent, pacified the Central Government employees.

They don't seem to mind the delay, in the desire that arrears for these allowances will be paid.

Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers

Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers


Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi -  3
Dated 27.02.17

Subject: Bunching of stages in the Revised pay structure in the grade of Assistant Section Officers -  Reg.

DoP&T has been receiving many references from various Ministries/ Departments seeking clarification on the issue of grant of bunching to Assistant Section Officers of Central Secretariat Service in terms of Department of Expenditure's O.M. dated 07.09.16.

2. It has also been noticed that there have been divergent views on the matter that while some Ministries/ Departments have given the benefit on their own, some other Ministries/ Departments have sought clarifications on various issues they are facing while giving the benefit of bunching in terms of DoE's O.M. dated 07.09.16.

3. The matter has been taken up for further clarifications with Establishment Division/ Department of Expenditure briefly on the following issues:
i. While the Seventh Pay Commission had not prescribed different modes of pay fixation for Direct Recruit (DR) and Promotee ASOs, there have been two different modes of pay fixation for DR and Promotees prior to implementation of Seventh pay Commission. Due to differential methods of pay fixation, required differential of 3% is not calculable based on seniority alone as the other relevant facts of being DR/Promotee comes into play here.

ii. The manner of different pay fixation for DR ASO and promotee Assistants has been challenged in various court cases (viz. OA No.2147/2015, OA No. 150/2016, OA No.1015/2013 and OA No.476/2015 etc.)
4. It has already been decided to consult Department of Expenditure through Establishment (PEW) in the matter and same is under examination. Therefore, to ensure uniform implementation of Department of Expenditure's instruction, all the Ministries/ Departments are advised to wait for further instructions with regard to grant of bunching benefits to ASOs of CSS and also if orders have already been issued by any Ministry/ Department, the same may not be given effect till further instructions.

5. This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Authority: www.dopt.gov.in

AIRF: Meeting of the Committee on Allowances will be held on 06.04.2017

AIRF: Meeting of the Committee on Allowances will be held on 06.04.2017

No.AIRF/Committee on Allowance
Dated: April 3, 2017
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,

Dear Comrades!
Sub: Meeting of the Committee on Allowances

It has been informed by the Secretary, Staff Side(JCM), Com. S.G.Mishra, that, meeting of the Committee on Allowances will be held on 06.04.2017.

Probably this may the conclusive meeting.

As all of you are aware that, after 28th March, 2018, lots of efforts have been made by the Secretary, Staff Side(JCM), to pursue the Government of India regarding resolution of long pending demands of the CGEs with the Cabinet Secretary, Hon'ble MR and various Secretaries of the Government of India, Members of various committees.

For General Secy/AIRF

Source: AIRF

Revision of rates of honorarium for Guest Faculty for training activities in Defence Accounts Department


Ph: 011-25694268, 25694298 Fax: 011-25694308 Email: trgdiv-brar.cgda@nic.in

Dated: 29.03.2017
Circular No.2 (z)
All RTCs/NADFM Pune/DPTI & OTI Gurgaon

Subject: Revision of rates of honorarium for Guest Faculty for training activities in Defence Accounts Department.

Min of Defence (Fin), DAD (Coord) vide their letter No.F.26 (1)/C/2009 dated 07.03.2017 has conveyed the sanction for revising the rates of honorarium for Guest Faculty for taking lectures in the training institutes of our department. The revised rates of honorarium are as under:

SI.NOTraining EstablishmentRate of Honorarium (Rs.)
1Serving Faculty750/-
2Non- Serving Faculty1500/-
3Experts/Eminent Resources Persons4000/-
4In addition, honorarium of Rs.5000/- may be granted by the CGDA as per conditions of DoP&T OM No.13024/2008-Trg.I dated 03.03.2009

2. Selection of the faculty shall be strictly on merits and reasons shall be recorded for the same. It is also requested to ensure adherence to the ceilings as prescribed in DoP&T OM No. 13024/2/2008- Trg.I dated 03.03.2009.

3. It is requested to take action accordingly.
(T Kabilan)
Original Order

Finmin: Employees to get higher allowances with retrospective effect 7th Pay Commission

Finmin: Employees to get higher allowances with retrospective effect 7th Pay Commission

New Delhi: A finance ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, today said that the Central government employees will get the higher allowances under the 7th pay commission recommendations with retrospective effect from January 1, 2016.

Responding to our reporter, the finance ministry official said the central government has to accept to implement the 'Committee on Allowances' recommendations without any hartals by the employees’ unions.
In the past, employees unions had to come on roads and go on strike to push for implementation of pay commission, but this time the government has to order the implementation of higher allowances soon as it is their right, he said.

Employees will get the benefits of the higher allowances with retrospective effect from January 2016, the official said, adding that the government is also working on formulating plan for paying arrears on this account.

The finance ministry will formulate roadmap for payment of arrears, he added.

The government in July last year had formed the 'Committee on Allowances', headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa, for examination of the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission on allowances other than dearness allowance as the pay commission had recommended abolition of 51 allowances and subsuming 37 others out of 196 allowances.

The committee was initially given four months time to submit the report to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley.
Later, the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley extended the deadline for report submission to February 22, 2017.
The ‘Committee on Allowances is yet to submit its report. The committee is now in the process of finalising its report and the government would take a decision after the report is submitted. It may be taken more time to finalise its report.

Accordingly, the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA), which is a centralised union of several central government employees unions, has told cabinet secretary that the higher allowances must be given as arrears from January 2016.

The central government employees and pensioners got theirs arrears of basic pay and pension arising from implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations in one go in August salaries and pension respectively.

The hike in basic pay and pension has been made effective from January 1, 2016 but the they are still awaiting for the higher allowances.

I have met the Cabinet Secretary on March 28 and have submitted our demands. In which the NJCA have clearly mentioned that whenever there is an implementation of 7th Pay Commission the government has to pay higher allowances effective from January 2016. If the government fails to do so then we will object it in an organised manner, Shiv Gopal Mishra, Convenor, NJCA, said.


Minimum pay for Calculation of pay of casual labourers (without temporary status)

Minimum pay for Calculation of pay of casual labourers (without temporary status)

Government Of India
Ministry Of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
Date: 31.03.2017
Office Memorandum

The undersigned is directed to refer this Directorate OM No.2 -53/2011-PCC dated 22.01.2015 vide which rate of remuneration payable to Full Time Casual Labour (Other than Temporary Status) Part time Casual Labour/Workers engaged on contingency basis w.e.f 01.01.2006 was issued. The para No.s 1 (i) & (ii) of ibid OM have been exmined for revision of remuneration payable to these casual labourers w.e.f 01.01.2016 in consultation with DoP&T and the DoP&T has clarified that:

Minimum pay for Calculation of pay of Casual Labourers ( without temporary status) may be considered as the minimum Pay of Level 1 of the Pay Matrix as per the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission i.e.Rs.18000/-

2. It may be ensured that the concerned casual Labourers are engaged in strict adherence to the DoP&T OM No.49019/1/95 -Estt-(C) dated 14.06.2016 (Copy attached).

This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
Asstt.Director General (GDS/PCC)


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