A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Delay in Payment to Empanelled Hospitals


ANSWERED ON: 23.03.2018

Delay in Payment to Empanelled Hospitals
Will the Minister of
HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:-

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is a delay in the payment to empanelled hospitals under Government sponsored health programmes such as Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) and Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY);

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether CGHS and RSBY has been effective in reducing the burden of out of pocket spending of poor households, if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the total number of beneficiaries and total funds allocated under CGHS and RSBY over the last four years, State/UT wise including Bihar?


(a) & (b): Under CGHS there is some delay in payment to empanelled hospitals. Following are the reasons for delay in settlement of hospital bills under CGHS:-
i. Resource constraints particularly in the last quarter of Financial Year.
ii. Need for consultation with Specialists in some cases.
iii. Time taken in scrutinizing of Hospital bills.

Under RSBY, Insurance Companies make payment, as due and admissible, to the empanelled hospitals as per their claim. Details are not maintained at Central level.

(c): Under CGHS, the beneficiaries, who are primarily Central Government Employees and Pensioners, are provided health facilities including OPD, medicines, reimbursement of expenditure incurred on hospitalization etc. and they do not have to incur out of pocket expenditure. They have to bear additional expenditure only if they opt for specific brand of implants costing more than CGHS rates.

Under RSBY, claims amounting to Rs. 5012.17 Crore have been settled since 2011-12 to 2016-17, which may be construed as a reduction in out of pocket expenditure for the beneficiaries under RSBY, who have availed the hospitalization benefits.

(d): There are 32,53,219 number of CGHS beneficiaries as on 13.03.2018.
The total funds allocated under CGHS over the last four years is as under:-

Year Funds Allocated (Rupees in Crores)
2013-14 1772.75
2014-15 1734.02
2015-16 1872.29
2016-17 2026.91

Under RSBY no funds are allocated to States. Funds as central share of premium are released on receipt of proposals from State Governments. The State-wise list of beneficiaries under RSBY over the last four years including Bihar is at Annexure.

Source : LokSabha

Booking to Tatkal Tickets & Measures to Avoid Misuse of Tatkal Scheme

Ministry of Railways
Booking to Tatkal Tickets & Measures to Avoid Misuse of Tatkal Scheme
27 MAR 2018
On Indian Railways, reserved accommodation including Tatkal accommodation can be booked through computerised Passenger Reservation System (PRS) on first come first served basis. During peak rush periods/days when demand outstrips  the availability, reserved accommodation especially in higher classes and on popular routes gets exhausted within short duration of opening of reservation.  However,   during lean periods, on non-popular and lower classes, the accommodation remains available for longer duration.  The phenomenon is more relevant for Tatkal where limited accommodation is earmarked. This happens as the available limited accommodation is accessed simultaneously through more than 10,300 counters at 3465 computerised Passenger Reservation Centers as well as through internet.

To avoid misuse of Tatkal Scheme, there are some inbuilt features in Tatkal scheme which includes provision of not granting refund on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets except in case of certain special circumstances indicated in the scheme, not allowing any modification of Tatkal ticket, etc. Some additional steps have also been taken to facilitate the passengers and to avoid the misuse, some of which are:-
  • Staggering of the timings of reservation under Tatkal scheme.
  • Captcha implementation in Registration, Login and Booking page to check fraudulent booking through automation software.
  • Imposition of minimum time limit before proceeding for payment gateway as well as after making payment while booking tickets through internet.
  • Making OTP(one time password) compulsory for all net Banking Payment options.
  • Disabling authorised agents to book Tatkal tickets during first half an hour of opening of reservation.
To keep a check on the activities of touts, preventive as well as regular checks are conducted jointly/individually by Vigilance, Security and Commercial Departments, and the action against the culprits is taken as per provisions of Section 143 of Railways Act, 1989.

This information was made available in reply to a question in Rajya Sabha.


Repayment of 8.24% GS 2018

Ministry of Finance

Repayment of 8.24% GS 2018
27 MAR 2018
The repayment of following security is due as per details given below: 

Table: Details of GoI Securities maturing on April 22, 2018
Sl. No. Name of Security Scheduled Date of Repayment Effective date of Repayment No Interest Accrual from scheduled date of Repayment
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. Repayment of '8.24% GS 2018' April 22, 2018 (Sunday) April 21, 2018 (Saturday) April 22, 2018 (Sunday)

The outstanding balance under 8.24% GS 2018 will be repayable on the effective date of repayment as indicated in column 4 of above table. In the event of a holiday being declared on effective day of repayment by any State Government under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881, the Loan/s will be repaid by the paying offices in that State on the previous working day.

As per sub-regulations 24 (2) and 24(3) of Government Securities Regulations, 2007 payment of maturity proceeds to the registered holder of Government Security held in the form of Subsidiary General Ledger or Constituent Subsidiary General Ledger account or Stock Certificate shall be made by a pay order incorporating the relevant particulars of his bank account or by credit to the account of the holder in any bank having facility of receipt of funds through electronic means. For the purpose of making payment in respect of the securities, the original subscriber or the subsequent holders of such Government Securities, shall submit the relevant particulars of their bank account well in advance.

However, in the absence of relevant particulars of bank account / mandate for receipt of funds through electronic means, to facilitate repayment of the Loan on the due date, holders may tender the securities, duly discharged, at the Public Debt Offices, Treasuries / Sub-Treasuries and branches of State Bank of India and its Associate Banks (at which they are enfaced / registered for payment of interest) 20 days in advance of the due date for repayment.

Full details of the procedure for receiving the discharge value may be obtained from any of the aforesaid paying offices.


Combined Defence services Examination (i)-2018 Declaration of written result

Combined Defence services Examination (i)-2018 Declaration of written result

On the basis of the results of the COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION (I), 2018 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 04th February, 2018, 8261 candidates with the following Roll Numbers have qualified for being interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence, for admission to (i) Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 146th Course commencing in January, 2019 (ii) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Course commencing in January, 2019 (iii) Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course (205 F(P)) commencing in February, 2019 (iv) Officers Training Academy, Chennai 109th SSC Course (NT)(for Men) commencing in April, 2019 and (v) Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 23rd SSC Women (Non-Technical) Course commencing in April, 2019.

The candidature of all the candidates, whose Roll Numbers are shown in the lists below, is provisional. In accordance with the conditions of the admission to the examination, they are required to submit the original certificates in support of age (Date of Birth), educational qualifications, NCC (C) (Army Wing/Senior Division Air Wing/Naval Wing) etc. claimed by them along with self attested copies thereof, to Army Headquarters, A.G.'s Branch/Rtg./CDSE Entry Section for males and SSC Women Entry Section for women candidates, West Block-III, Ground Floor, Wing 1, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 in case of IMA/SSC as their first choice and to IHQ of MoD (Navy), DMPR (OI & R Section), Room No. 204, 'C'-Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110011 in case of Navy as their first choice, and to PO 3 (A) Air Headquarters, ‘J’ Block, Room No. 17, Opp. Vayu Bhawan, Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110011 in case of Air Force as their first choice. The original Certificates are to be submitted within two weeks of completion of the SSB Interview and not later than 13th November, 2018 for AFA and not later than 01st January, 2019 for IMA and not later than 01st January, 2019 for admission to NA (1st April, 2019 in case of SSC only). The candidates must not send the original Certificates to the Union Public Service Commission.

All the candidates who have successfully qualified in the written exam are required to register themselves online on the Indian Army Recruiting website joinindianarmy.nic.in within two weeks of announcement of written result. The successful candidates would them be allotted Selection Centres and dates, of SSB interview which shall be communicated on the registered e-mail ID. Any candidate who has already registered earlier on the site will not be required to do so. In case of any query/Login problem, e-mail be forwarded to dir-recruiting6-mod@nic.in.

In case, there is any change of address, the candidates are advised to promptly intimate directly to the Army Headquarters/Naval Headquarters/Air Headquarters as the case may be.

The Union Public Service Commission have a Facilitation Counter near Examination Hall Building in its Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification regarding this examination on working days between 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM, in person or over telephone No.011-23385271, 011-23381125 and 011-23098543 from this Facilitation Counter. Candidates can also obtain information regarding their result by accessing UPSC website http://www.upsc.gov.in

The marks-sheet of candidates who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result of OTA (after conducting SSB Interview) and will remain available on the website for a period of 60 days.

Click here for full list

CGHS Facilities to Retired KV Employees

CGHS Facilities to Retired KV Employees

F.No.11086/01/2012-KVS HQ(Admn.II)/75-85

Dated: 20.03.2018

Subject: Extension of CGHS to all retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya residing in Delhi/NCR- regarding.

Consequent upon KVS's proposal on the subject vide letter dated 29.09.2017, the Deputy Secretary (UT), Ministry of Human Resource Development vide his letter No.F.3-5/2011-UT-2 dated 02.02.2018 to be reqd with MHRD's letter of even number dated 19.03.2018 has conveyed the decision of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi regarding extension of CGHS facilities to all retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) residing in Delhi/ NCR.

2. Accordingly, medical facility under the CGHS is to all retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan residing in Delhi/ NCR.

The terms and conditions mentioned in the Office Memorandum or even number dated 21.08.2015 will remain the same.

Source: http://kvsangathan.nic.in

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