Provision of GP 42001- in PB-2/Level 6 of 7th CPC to the Dressers/OT Assistants working in Railway Hospitals/Health Units
No. IV/NFIR/ 7th CPC(Imp)/2016/R.B/Part II
Dated: 24/10/2018
The Secretary (E),Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Provision of GP 42001- in PB-2/Level 6 of 7th CPC to the Dressers/OT Assistants working in Railway Hospitals/Health Units - reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR's PNM IItem No. 11/2017.
(ii) NFIR's letter No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC (Imp)/2016/R.B./Part I dated 07108/2017.
(iii) NFIR's letter No. IVNFIR/7th CPC (Imp)/2016/R.B./Part II dated 12/03/20l8.
(iv) Railway Board's letter No. PC-VII/2016/R-U/35 dated 19/04/2018 addressed to GS/NFIR duly enclosing copy of Railway Board's O.M. No. PC-VII/2016/R-U/35 dated 12/04/2017sent to (Dep of Exp).
Kind attention of the Railway Board is invited to the minutes of NFIR's PNM meeting held with the Railway Board on l0th/1lth May,2018, pertaining to Agenda Item No. 1812018, wherein the Official Side conveyed that after finalization of revision of entry pay of Dressers (proposal presently being pursued with MoF), this demand can be looked into. Though five months passed, unfortunately no progress has been made relating to grant of entry pay of GP 2000/Level-3 in respect of Dressers/OT Assistants working in the Railway Hospitals/Health Units.
In this connection, Federation desires to bring to the notice of Railway Board that the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, (the nodal Ministry), has since approved restructuring of the cadre of Operation Theatre in one of the Hospitals vide letter No. V-17020118912018-INI-II dated 7th September, 2018 as follows:-
(i) OT Technician: Entry Level Scale of Pay (PB-2+GP 4200/Pay Matrix Level-6).
(ii) Sr. Technician OT (on promotion from GP 4200) to be placed in PB-2+GP 4600.
(iii) Sr. Technician OT is eligible for promotion as Technical Officer (OT) in PB-2+GP 5400. (iv) The Technical Officer (OT) GP 5400 is eligible for promotion as Sr. Technical Officer (OT) in PB-3+GP 6600.
Federation suggests that the Railway Board may consult the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for formulating structure for allotment of GP 4200 in favour of Dressers/OT Assistants.
NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to take necessary action at the level of Ministry of
Health & Family Welfare.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary