Mobile Application for Feedback on CGHS Service: NOTICE
With the approval of the competent authority is has been decided that to begin with this service will be available to the beneficiaries of Wellness Centres [WCs) of Delhi only. A beneficiary can download the Application named 'CGHS Service Feedback' from Google Play store on his mobile.
CGHS beneficiaries can submit their feedback on the following CGHS services:
1. Registration of beneficiary
2. Consultation with Medical Officer
3, Dispensing of Medicines
4. Dressing Room services
5, Cleanliness of Wellness Centre
6. Punctuality of Staff
7. Behaviour ofStaff
A beneficiary can provide the rating on a scale of 1- to 5 and also enter remarks on ratings less than or equal to 3. The feedback will be monitored by CGHS officials to improve CGHS services only and it is not intended to be a grievance redressal mechanism.
CMOs Incharge are requested to Download the Quick Response Code through a link in . In-charge Module named 'Feedback QR code' , take a print out of the same and display it in the WC for the use of the beneficiaries.
They may also ensure prominently displaying of the enclosed Notice for the benefit of beneficiaries who intend to use the Application and
Peruse the reports on the feedback available through a link named 'QR Feedback report' in CMO In charge Module.
Monitoring Computerization and Training Cell
Directorate of CGHS
CGHS Building Kalibari, New Delhi
Directorate of CGHS
CGHS Building Kalibari, New Delhi
Date: 21st August 2018
Quick Response Code (QR Code) based Mobile Application has been
developed for CGHS beneficiaries to submit their feedback on defined
CGHS Services. QR codes will be displaced in the Wellness Centres and
CGHS beneficiaries, using Mobile Application will scan the QR code and
submit their feedback.With the approval of the competent authority is has been decided that to begin with this service will be available to the beneficiaries of Wellness Centres [WCs) of Delhi only. A beneficiary can download the Application named 'CGHS Service Feedback' from Google Play store on his mobile.
CGHS beneficiaries can submit their feedback on the following CGHS services:
1. Registration of beneficiary
2. Consultation with Medical Officer
3, Dispensing of Medicines
4. Dressing Room services
5, Cleanliness of Wellness Centre
6. Punctuality of Staff
7. Behaviour ofStaff
A beneficiary can provide the rating on a scale of 1- to 5 and also enter remarks on ratings less than or equal to 3. The feedback will be monitored by CGHS officials to improve CGHS services only and it is not intended to be a grievance redressal mechanism.
CMOs Incharge are requested to Download the Quick Response Code through a link in . In-charge Module named 'Feedback QR code' , take a print out of the same and display it in the WC for the use of the beneficiaries.
They may also ensure prominently displaying of the enclosed Notice for the benefit of beneficiaries who intend to use the Application and
Peruse the reports on the feedback available through a link named 'QR Feedback report' in CMO In charge Module.
Dr V K Dhiman
Nodal Officer
Source: V K Dhiman
Nodal Officer