Expected DA from Jan 2014 – Rates of Children Education Allowance may be revised again…!
All Central Government Employees and Pensioners are expecting to hear the announcement of hike in the Dearness allowance by 10% from July 2013.
The Union Cabinet Committee may take the agenda point for approval on DA in the next meeting, which will be held on 19.9.2013 (Thursday).
There is a slight confusion in the calculation of 25% in increasing Children Education Allowance from Rs.1000 or Rs.1250. Ofcourse, there is lot of time to discuss and decide the calculation factor..!
Source : www.ekanews.blogspot.in
All Central Government Employees and Pensioners are expecting to hear the announcement of hike in the Dearness allowance by 10% from July 2013.
The Union Cabinet Committee may take the agenda point for approval on DA in the next meeting, which will be held on 19.9.2013 (Thursday).
Following the approval on DA, the total DA will go upto 90% and the DA may cross 100% very soon..!As per the recommendations of 6th CPC, particular allowances will be increased by 25% every time the Dearness allowance payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%. Therefore, once again the allowances, including Children Education Allowance will be increased by 25%, when the DA crosses 100%.
There is a slight confusion in the calculation of 25% in increasing Children Education Allowance from Rs.1000 or Rs.1250. Ofcourse, there is lot of time to discuss and decide the calculation factor..!
Source : www.ekanews.blogspot.in