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Monday, 28 December 2015

Demand of Central Government Employees to increase the Fitment Factor recommended by 7th CPC

Demand of Central Government Employees to increase the Fitment Factor recommended by 7th CPC

The demand to increase the 2.57 Fitment Factor along with the hike of 14.29 percent is growing among the Central Government Employees

The 900-page long report of the 7th Pay Commission was submitted to the government on November 19. One of the most important recommendation on the report is the Fitment Factor. It is the most important factor deciding the hike of salaries of the Central Government employees.

Fitment Factor is used to calculate the revised basic pay of existing employees with effect from the implementation of 7th CPC. The new revised basic pay of a Central Government employee is calculated by multiplying his/her current (Pre-revised) basic pay with the Fitment Factor.

The 7th Pay Commission has recommended a uniform Fitment Factor of 2.57 for all. The actual raise/fitment recommended by the Commission is 14.29 percent only. The report says that the fitment includes a factor of 2.25 on account of DA neutralisation, assuming that the rate of D.A. would be 125 percent at the time of implementation of the new pay.

The 7th Pay Commission has evolved a new pay fitment table by merging the existing Grade Pay and Pay Bands for all group of Central Government employees, which is called as Pay Matrix Table. The Pay Matrix comprises two dimensions. It has a “horizontal range” in which each level corresponds to a ‘functional role in the hierarchy’ and has been assigned the numbers 1, 2, 3, and so on till 18. The “vertical range” for each level denotes ‘pay progression’ within that level. These indicate the steps of annual financial progression of three percent within each level. The starting point of the matrix is the minimum pay which has been arrived based on 15th Indian Labour Congress (ILC) norms or the Aykroyd formula.


On recruitment, an employee joins at a particular level and progresses within the level as per the vertical range. The movement is usually on an annual basis, based on annual increments till the time of their next promotion. When the employee receives a promotion or a non-functional financial upgrade, he/she progresses one level ahead on the horizontal range.

The Pay Matrix chart has included a number of Fitment Factors. 6 types of Fitment Factor, including 2.57, 2.62, 2.67, 2.72, 2.78, and 2.81, have been listed. Under the heading of ‘Index,’ all the Central Government employees have been divided into 18 categories. Since different Fitment Factors have been used for all these categories, it leads one to believe that the new factor will apply for the existing employees too.

Criticism has come from all the circles over the addition of a mere 14.29%, leading to 2.57, while the employees were currently drawing a dearness allowance of 125% of their basic pay. The minimum wages have been decided on this criterion alone (the 6th Pay Commission had fixed the minimum wages as Rs.7000. The 7th CPC minimum wages of 18,000 has been arrived at by multiplying the previous number by 2.57).

One might remember that similar requests were presented at the time of the 6th Pay Commission too. The commission had recommended the Fitment Factor of 1.74, but, due to constant pressure from the NC JCM Staff Side members, it was increased to 1.86. The demand to increase the 2.57 Fitment Factor along with the 14.29 percent hike is growing among the Central Government employees.

Source: 7thpaycommissionnews.in

Person With Disabilities in Central Government – 7th Pay Commission Recommendations

Person With Disabilities in Central Government – 7th Pay Commission Recommendations

PWDs in Central Government

The government provides three percent reservation in jobs for PWDs. Apart from this reservation at the entry stage, DoPT has issued instructions regarding identification of jobs, post-recruitment and pre-promotion training, providing aids/assistive devices, accessibility and barrier free environment at work place, preference in government accommodation, grievance redressal, and preference in transfer/posting for PWDs. In a recent notification, a provision has been made for ten years’ (fifteen years in case of SC/ST and thirteen years in case of OBC candidates) relaxation in the upper age limit for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.

Moreover, there are certain special entitlements as given below:

i. Special Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities at the rate of Rs.1,500 pm;
ii. Transport Allowance at double the normal rate, subject to a minimum of Rs.1,000 pm;
iii. Constant Attendance Allowance for retired employees with 100 percent disablement at the rate of Rs. 4,500 per month;
iv. Special Casual Leave for four days in a calendar year for specific requirements relating to disabilities;
 v. Special Casual Leave for ten days in a calendar year for participation in Conferences/Seminars/Trainings/Workshops related to disability and development.

In case the disability is work related, the following additional provisions are available:

a. Special Disability Leave;
b. Disability Pension;
c. Educational Concession to children of Defence personnel who are disabled in action.

For employees with differently abled children, Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy is granted at double rate.


Associations of employees with disabilities made the following demands before the Commission:
i. Suitable enhancement in the existing provisions
ii. Provision of Common Room in offices with suitable recreational facilities
iii. Additional rebate in House Building Advance and Automobile Advance
iv. Establishment of Welfare Committees in the ministries

Analysis and Recommendations

The National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, 2006, enunciates the measures that need to be taken by the government to ensure equal opportunities, protection of justifys and full participation in society for PWDs, in consonance with the principles enshrined in the Indian Constitution. India is also a signatory to the UN Convention on the justifys for Persons with Disabilities. Thus, provision of appropriate measures for employees with disabilities is the responsibility of the Union Government.

The Commission has made various recommendations regarding PWDs at different places in the report. They are consolidated here for ready reference:
i. In recognition of the singular responsibility faced by differently abled women in raising their children, the Special Allowance for Child Care for Women with Disabilities has been enhanced from the present rate of Rs.1,500 pm to Rs.3,000 pm

ii. Transport Allowance at double the normal rate has been retained, and the minimum amount has been increased from Rs.1,000 pm to Rs.2,250 pm

iii. Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy have been kept at double rate for differently abled children

iv. Constant Attendance Allowance has been enhanced from Rs.4,500 pm to Rs.6,750 pm

v. Special Disability Leave has been subsumed in Work Related Illness and Injury Leave (WRIIL), with improved provisions

vi. Educational Concession, hitherto available only to the children of Defence personnel killed/missing/disabled in action, has been extended to similarly placed personnel of CAPFs, Indian Coast Guard, RPF and police forces of Union Territories mutatis mutandis.

Besides the above recommendations, there are a few suggestions that can go a long way in improving the working environment for these employees :
i. In our interactions, it has been highlighted that easy access, particularly to toilets, remains an issue of concern. Hence, it is suggested that Guidelines and Space Standard for Barrier Free Built Environment for Disabled and Elderly Persons, issued by CPWD, Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment, should invariably be followed while designing new government premises. Their application in the existing offices may also be explored.

ii. Every ministry should have a Welfare Committee, with due representation of differently abled employees, to address their concerns.

iii. The grievance redressal machinery should be strengthened and made more effective

Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group C Staff 2015 Nomination of qualified candidates Regarding.

Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group C Staff 2015 Nomination of qualified candidates Regarding.
No. I 3/3/20 14-CS.II(B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: the 28th December, 2015
Subject: Lower Division Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 2015- Nomination of qualified candidates-regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that the final result of Lower Division Grade Departmental Competitive Examination for Group ‘C’ Staff 20 IS, held on 19-04-2015 was declared by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) on 11-08-2015. 7 candidates have been recommended for appointment to the post of LDCs in CSCS against DE quota vacancies in LDC grade (as per Annexure).

2. The cadres may first verify the eligibility/service particulars,etc. of the candidate(s) including the condition that he/she belongs to an office participating in CSCS.

3. The candidates mentioned in the Annexure have not been medically examined and as such, they should be medically examined by the prescribed competent authority. The dossiers of the candidates are forwarded herewith and these should be retained on their appointment in the Ministry/Department as part of their personal files.

4. These candidates shall have to pass, if they have not already passed, one of the periodical type-writing tests in English or Hindi held by the Staff Selection Commission at a minimum speed of 30 words per minute in English or 25 words per minute in Hindi or Typewriting test at 25 w.p.m . in Hindi from Department of Official Language under the Hindi Teaching Scheme as provided in DP&T O.M. No. 16/4/99-CS.II dated 29.5.1990 within a period of one year from the date of appointment, failing which no annual increments shall be allowed to them until they pass the said test. If they do not pass the said typewriting test within the period of probation, they shall be liable to be reverted to their substantive post.

The candidates, who had already passed the Typewriting Test prior to their appointment if any, be granted the increment as per relevant rules/ instructions.

5. Offer of appointment may please be made to the candidates in the order of merit as indicated. Copies of offer of appointment issued to them may please be forwarded to this Department and also to the Staff Selection Commission. The date(s) of their joining the post of LDC may also be intimated to this Department as soon as possible under intimation to the Commission. If any of the candidates declines to accept the offer of appointment, the same may be cancelled and his/her dossier be returned directly to the Commission keeping copies of all correspondence made with the candidate(s) under intimation to this Department.

6. The persons when appointed may be given compulsory training (including basic computer skills) within one year of their joining the post in convenient batches as laid down in this Department’s O.M.No.20/23/88-CS.II dated 13th March 1989.

7. The seniority of these candidates is to be fixed in accordance with the sub paragraph(s) of Sub Rule 3 of Rule 17 under the Head II LD Grade of CSCS Rules, 1962 (.amended vide notification dated 08-11-2010).
8. Receipt of this O.M. together with its enclosures may please be acknowledged.
Encl. (Dossiers).
(Rajesh Sarswat)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 24654020
Annexure to O.M. No. 13/3/2014-CS.II(B) dated ,28th December, 2015

S.No. Name
Rank No Cadre where working Cadre where
1. Pawan Kumar Sahu 1 Science & Technology Coal
2. Gautam Kumar 2 Science & Technology Coal
3. R Bala Chandran 3 Law & Justice Information & Broadcasting
4. Rahul Goswami 4 Expenditure Expenditure
5. Dinesh Kumar 5 Expenditure Mines
6. Ashish Bisht 6 Labour & Employment Information & Broadcasting
7. Ravish Kumar 7 Civil Aviation Rural Development
Official Order

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