A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 12 October 2015

Fixation of pay of ex-servicemen re-employed on the Railways – clarification reg.

Fixation of pay of ex-servicemen re-employed on the Railways – clarification reg.

RBE No.122/2015
New Delhi, dated 08.10.2015
No.E(G)2013/EM 1-5
The General Manager(s),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub: Fixation of pay of ex-servicemen re-employed on the Railways – clarification reg.

The issue regarding fixation of pay of ex-servicemen re-employed on the Railways was taken up by NFIR in the PNM. It was pointed out that the policy instructions on the issue were not been implemented on the Zonal Railways in their proper perspective and there was a lot of confusion in the matter. They had requested for issue of suitable guidelines/clarification in the matter.

2. As the Railway administration are aware, fixation of pay of ex-servicemen re-employed on the Railways is done on the basis of instructions contained in Railway Board’s letter No. PC-VI/2009/1/RSRP/2 dated 30/4/2009 read with instructions contained in letter No.E(G)86/EM 1/8 dated 21/1/87 and the clarificatory instructions issued vide letter No.E(G)2013/EM 1-4 dated 24/7/2013 and E(G)2010/EM1/2 pt. dated 12/12/2011.

3. It may be stated that Para 3 (iv) of the DOP&T’s OM dated 05.04.2010 as circulated vide Board’s letter No. E(G)2010/EM 1/2 pt. Dated 12.12.2011 is applicable in respect of persons re- employed prior to 01.01.2006 and were in re-employment as on 01.01.2006. Thus, for this category of persons, pay would have been already fixed as per V CPC provisions as on 01.01.2006. Para 3(iv) prescribes manner of pay fixation/migration to VI CPC scales, in case of PBOR persons, Commissioned Officers etc.

4. Para 3(v) of the OM dated 05.04.2010 prescribes manner of pay fixation/migration to VI CPC scales, in case of PBOR persons, Commissioned Officers etc., who retired prior to 01.01.2006 and have been re-employed after 01.01.2006 and before issue of the OM dated 05.04.2010.

5. Thus, the Paras 3(iv) and 3(v) have detailed provisions for pay fixation/fitment as per VI CPC rates, for allranks of re-employed pensioners who retired prior to 01.01.2006 and re-employed as on and after 01.01.2006 and before issue of the OM dated 05.04.2010 respectively.

6. It may also be stated that the Orders make a clear distinction between fixation of pay of those who were Commissioned Officers and those who were non-commissioned. In the case of Commissioned Officer, non-ignorable pension is deducted, but last pay drawn (with Grade Pay in the re-employment post) is allowed, in terms of para 2 of OM dated O5.04.2010.

7. In the case of non-commissioned officers, pension is not deducted and pay is allowed only at the Entry pay in the revised pay structure of the re-employed post applicable in the case of Direct Recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2006 as notified vide section II of First Schedule to RS(RP) Rules, 2008, in terms of para 2 of the OM dated 05.04.2010.

8. As regards the Federation’s demand that MSP will have to be reckoned for fixation of pay, the provision is already there vide DOP&T’s OM No. 3/19/2009-Estt. Pay-II dated 8/11/2010 which was circulated to the Railways vide Board’s letter No.E(C)2013/EM 1-4 dated 24/7/2013 which stipulates that all defence officers/personnel whose pension contains an element of MSP, that need not be deducted from the pay fixed on re-employment.

9. Please acknowledge receipt.

10. Hindi version will follow.
(D. Joseph)
Dy. Director Estt(Genl)
Source:- NFIR

Seventh Pay Commission likely to propose highest pay hike since 1947

7th Pay Commission likely to propose highest pay hike since 1947

7th pay commission
New Delhi: The Seventh Pay Commission is likely to propose pay hike for central government employees, which will be highest since first pay commission’s proposal in 1947.
The first pay commission was constituted in 1946, while its submitted its report on May, 1947 to the interim government of India. ‘Living wage’ — the guiding principle for the first Pay Commission — is long past.
‘Now is Seventh Pay Commission time’, which is also to take in to account living cost of central government employees cost of their appraisal.
The cost of living measures the annual cost of necessities for one adult to live a secure, yet modest, lifestyle by estimating the costs of housing, food, transportation, health care, other necessities, and taxes.
Every government employee likely has a six-member family including his parents. So, Seventh Pay Commission is likely to increase salaries and allowances to minimise the impact on the cost of living for 50 lakh central government employees and 56 lakh pensioners including dependents.
Inflation pushes living cost, inflation, is an economic concept. The effect of inflation is the prices of everything going up year by year. A central government employee got salary Rs 3000 in 1987 under Sixth pay commission, now he gets Rs 80,000 with two promotion, this is called inflation, the price of everything goes up. When the price goes up, the salaries go up.
Every successive Pay Commission has roughly tripled pay. This means that simply by hiking up living cost for 10 years, a government employee would have tripled his pay.
The first pay commission was recommended Rs 55 salary to the lowest earning employee, second Rs 80, third Rs 185, fourth Rs 750, fifth Rs 2550 and sixth Rs 6660.
Accordingly, the Seventh Pay Commission is likely to propose minimum basic salary Rs 20,000 of central government employees, sources in the pay panel said.
The main reason behind the proposal of Seventh Pay Commission is to hike highest pay since 1947 on the account of Dearness Allowance (DA). The central government employees will get Dearness Allowance likely 125 percent at the time implementation of Seventh pay Commission. They never got such type of Dearness Allowance hike before implementation of any Pay Commission.
Dearness Allowance always merges with salaries and allowances under every pay commission’s proposal.
“The Seventh Pay Commission is ready with recommendations and the report will be submitted soon,” according to sources.
Headed by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, the Seventh Pay Commission was appointed in February 2014 and its recommendations are scheduled to take effect from January 1, 2016.
The government constitutes the Pay Commission almost every 10 years to revise the pay scale of its employees and often states also implement the panel’s recommendations after some modifications. The first pay commission was constituted in 1946, second in 1957, third in 1970, fourth in 1983, fifth in 1994, sixth in 2006 and seventh in 2014.
As part of the exercise, the Seventh Pay Commission holds discussions with various stakeholders, including organisations, federations, groups representing civil employees as well as defence services.
Meena Agarwal is the secretary of the Commission. Other members are Vivek Rae, a retired IAS officer of 1978 batch and Rathin Roy, an economist.
The Sixth Pay Commission was implemented with effect from January 1, 2006, the fifth from January 1, 1996 and the fourth from January 1, 1986.

Leave applicable to railway staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted Leave – Frequently Asked Questions RBE 100/2015

Leave applicable to railway staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted Leave – Frequently Asked Questions RBE 100/2015
Text of the Railway Board’s letter No. No. E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 dated 10.09.2015 (RBE No. 100/2015) addressed to The General Managers/FA&CAOs. All Indian Railways and Production Units etc.
Sub; Leave applicable to railway school staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted Leave – Frequently Asked Questions.
Please refer to the provisions contained in Rule Nos. 525, 551E, 521 of IREC Vol-I in respect of Leave applicable to school staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted leave/Leave on Production of Medical Certificate by the Railway servants.
2. Now, DOP&T has inter-alia issued clarification on Leave to school staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted Leave in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQ) in terms of their Office Memorandum No. 21011/08/2013-Estt(AL). The text of OM is tabulated below for guidance of all concerned.
Sl. No. Questions Answer
What are the leave entitlements of Railway servants serving in Railway schools?
The Rule No. 525 of IREC VOL-I, which came into effect from 1.9.2008 regulates the grant of Leave an Average Pay for persons serving in the Railway Schools. The said rule provides for as follows:-
(1) (a) A Railway servant serving in a Railway School such as a teacher, principal, headmaster, librarian, laboratory assistant or a waterman shall not be entitled to any Leave an Average Pay in respect of duty performed in any year in which he avails himself of the full vacation.
(b) In respect of any year in which a Railway servant avails a portion of the vacation, he shall be entitled to Leave an Average Pay in such proportion of 30 days, as the number of days of vacation not taken bears to the full vacation.
Provided that no such leave shall be admissible to a Railway servant not in permanent employment or quasi-permanent employment in respect of the first year of his service.
(c) If, in any year, the Railway servant does not avail any vacation, Leave on Average Pay shall be admissible to him in respect of that year under Rule 523.
  • For the purpose of this rule, the term “year” shall be construed not as meaning a calendar year in which duty is performed but as meaning twelve months of actual duty in a Railway School.
  • A Railway servant entitled to vacation shall be considered to have avoi led a vacation or a portion of a vacation unless he has been required by general or special order of a higher authority to forgo such vacation or portion of a vacation.
  • Provided that if he has been prevented by such order from enjoying more than fifteen days of the vacation, he shall be considered to have availed himself of no portion of the vacation.
  • When a Railway servant serving in a Railway School proceeds on leave before completing a full year of duty, the Leave on Average Pay admissible to him/her shall be calculated not with reference to the vacations which fall during the period of actual duty rendered before proceeding on leave but with reference to the vacation that falls during the year commencing from the date on which he completed the previous year of duty.
  • As per Rule 526 of IREC Vol-I the half pay leave account of every Railway servant, permanent or temporary including the one who is serving in a Railway school, shall be credited with Leave on Half Average Pay in advance, in two installments of ten days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar’ year. This is subject to conditions laid down in Board’s letter- No.E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-10 dated 06.03.2009.
2. Whether Govt. servant can be permitted to station/go abroad while on CCL? Child care leave is granted to a woman employee to take care of the needs of the minor children. If the child is studying abroad or the Railway servant has to go abroad for taking care of the child she may do so subject to other conditions laid down for this.
3. What is the intention behind the instruction that CCL is to be treated like LAP and sanctioned as such? The intention is that CCL should be availed with prior approval of leave sanctioning authority and that the combination of CCL with other leave, if any, should be as per the restriction on LAP. The restriction of the limit of 180 days at a stretch as applicable in the case of LAP will not a l in case of CCL.
4. Whether commuted leave is admissible based on medical certificates of Hospitals/Medical Practitioner approved by the employer of the spouse in cases where the concerned employee has been allowed to avail such facilities from the employer of the spouse? Leave on medical grounds may be allowed on the basis of certificates issued by Hospitals/Medical Practitioners approved by the employer of the spouse in such cases.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.

Leave applicable to railway staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted Leave – Frequently Asked Questions RBE 100/2015
Text of the Railway Board’s letter No. No. E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-8 dated 10.09.2015 (RBE No. 100/2015) addressed to The General Managers/FA&CAOs. All Indian Railways and Production Units etc.
Sub; Leave applicable to railway school staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted Leave – Frequently Asked Questions.
Please refer to the provisions contained in Rule Nos. 525, 551E, 521 of IREC Vol-I in respect of Leave applicable to school staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted leave/Leave on Production of Medical Certificate by the Railway servants.
2. Now, DOP&T has inter-alia issued clarification on Leave to school staff, Child Care Leave and Commuted Leave in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQ) in terms of their Office Memorandum No. 21011/08/2013-Estt(AL). The text of OM is tabulated below for guidance of all concerned.
Sl. No. Questions Answer
What are the leave entitlements of Railway servants serving in Railway schools?
The Rule No. 525 of IREC VOL-I, which came into effect from 1.9.2008 regulates the grant of Leave an Average Pay for persons serving in the Railway Schools. The said rule provides for as follows:-
(1) (a) A Railway servant serving in a Railway School such as a teacher, principal, headmaster, librarian, laboratory assistant or a waterman shall not be entitled to any Leave an Average Pay in respect of duty performed in any year in which he avails himself of the full vacation.
(b) In respect of any year in which a Railway servant avails a portion of the vacation, he shall be entitled to Leave an Average Pay in such proportion of 30 days, as the number of days of vacation not taken bears to the full vacation.
Provided that no such leave shall be admissible to a Railway servant not in permanent employment or quasi-permanent employment in respect of the first year of his service.
(c) If, in any year, the Railway servant does not avail any vacation, Leave on Average Pay shall be admissible to him in respect of that year under Rule 523.
  • For the purpose of this rule, the term “year” shall be construed not as meaning a calendar year in which duty is performed but as meaning twelve months of actual duty in a Railway School.
  • A Railway servant entitled to vacation shall be considered to have avoi led a vacation or a portion of a vacation unless he has been required by general or special order of a higher authority to forgo such vacation or portion of a vacation.
  • Provided that if he has been prevented by such order from enjoying more than fifteen days of the vacation, he shall be considered to have availed himself of no portion of the vacation.
  • When a Railway servant serving in a Railway School proceeds on leave before completing a full year of duty, the Leave on Average Pay admissible to him/her shall be calculated not with reference to the vacations which fall during the period of actual duty rendered before proceeding on leave but with reference to the vacation that falls during the year commencing from the date on which he completed the previous year of duty.
  • As per Rule 526 of IREC Vol-I the half pay leave account of every Railway servant, permanent or temporary including the one who is serving in a Railway school, shall be credited with Leave on Half Average Pay in advance, in two installments of ten days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar’ year. This is subject to conditions laid down in Board’s letter- No.E(P&A)I-2008/CPC/LE-10 dated 06.03.2009.
2. Whether Govt. servant can be permitted to station/go abroad while on CCL? Child care leave is granted to a woman employee to take care of the needs of the minor children. If the child is studying abroad or the Railway servant has to go abroad for taking care of the child she may do so subject to other conditions laid down for this.
3. What is the intention behind the instruction that CCL is to be treated like LAP and sanctioned as such? The intention is that CCL should be availed with prior approval of leave sanctioning authority and that the combination of CCL with other leave, if any, should be as per the restriction on LAP. The restriction of the limit of 180 days at a stretch as applicable in the case of LAP will not a l in case of CCL.
4. Whether commuted leave is admissible based on medical certificates of Hospitals/Medical Practitioner approved by the employer of the spouse in cases where the concerned employee has been allowed to avail such facilities from the employer of the spouse? Leave on medical grounds may be allowed on the basis of certificates issued by Hospitals/Medical Practitioners approved by the employer of the spouse in such cases.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.


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