Railways to celebrate ‘International Day of Yoga’ on 21st June, 2015: Railway Board Order
All Indian Railways & Production Units.
Director Generals,
Directors/Centralized Training institutes.
CMDs of Railway PSUs.
Secretary, Railway Board. He is requested to make similar arrangements to celebrate
this day in Railway Board.
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/MPP_Training_Circular/2015/Yoga_Day_210615.pdf
New Delhi- dated-18-05-2015.
The General Managers,All Indian Railways & Production Units.
Director Generals,
Directors/Centralized Training institutes.
CMDs of Railway PSUs.
Sub: Celebration on 21st June 2015 as ‘International Day of Yoga’.
You are aware that United Nations has declared 21st June to be celebrated as ‘International Day of Yoga’.
Since it would be the first occasion, it has been decided that
Indian Railways may celebrate 21st June 2015 as International Yoga Day
in a big way befitting the occasion and to spread awareness. To mark
this occasion in a big way, Railways/PUs etc. are requested to take the
following actions on 21.6.2015:
- All offices will open on 21.6.2015 in the forenoon and officers/officials may be directed to report at 9.00 AM.
- Organize Pranayam, Meditation, Yoga demonstrations by engaging Professional Yoga Trainers and arranging mass participation by employees from 9 to 10 AM at all Zonal Headquarters, Divisional Headquarters, Production Units, major workshops, Depots and other units including training institutes.
- The above may be followed by a workshop on the usefulness of yoga through Professional Yoga practitioners giving a discourse/demonstration on the usefulness and health/spiritual benefits of yoga.
- Arrange show casing of promotional films on yoga and distribution of educational & communicational material on yoga, including putting up posters to give wide publicity and coverage for the event.
- lntra-Railway and Intro-Division and Intro-Workshop prizes may be distributed to the best practitioners of yoga.
- All officers/officials may be motivated to participate on this occasion in large numbers by explaining them the benefits & importance of yoga in our life.
Ministry of Ayush, Government of India has released a logo and a
booklet on ‘Common Protocol of Yoga Asanas to be performed during mass
Yoga demonstration’ on 21 June 2015, which may be downloaded from their
website (www.nhp.gov.in) for guidance.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of this letter.
Exec.Director (Trg. & MPP)
Railway Board.
Copy to:Secretary, Railway Board. He is requested to make similar arrangements to celebrate
this day in Railway Board.
Source: http://www.indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/mgt_ser/MPP_Training_Circular/2015/Yoga_Day_210615.pdf