A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Thursday, 8 September 2016

PBOR of Armed Forces – Govt Decisions on 7th CPC Recommendations

PBOR of Armed Forces – Govt Decisions on 7th CPC Recommendations


Sl.NoRecommendations of the VII CPC Decision of the Government
1.Fitment Factor: The Seventh CPC has recommended fitment in the pay band in the following manner: ‘The fitment in the new matrix is essentially a multiple factor of 2.57. This multiple is the ratio of the new minimum pay arrived at by the Commission and the existing minimum pay. The fitment factor is being applied uniformly to all employees. It includes a factor of 2.25 to account for DA neutralisation, assuming that the rate of Dearness Allowance would be 125 percent at the time of implementation of the new pay as on 01.01.2016. The actual raise/fitment being recommended by the Commission is 14.29 percent. An identical fitment of 2.57 has also been applied to the existing rates of Military Service Pay (MSP), applicable to Defence forces personnel only.’ (Para 5.2.7)Minimum Pay, Fitment Factor, Index of Rationalisation, Pay Matrix and general recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission in as much as it impacts PBORs accepted without any material alteration.
2.Rate of increment: The rate of annual increment is being retained at 3 percent. ( Para 5.1.38)There would be two dates for grant of increment viz. 1 st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July. However, an employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation.
3.Military Service Pay for PBORs: The Defence forces personnel, in addition to their pay as per the Matrices above, will be entitled to payment of Military Service Pay for all ranks up to and inclusive of Brigadiers and their equivalents. The Commission recommends an MSP for Defence forces personnel at Rs 5,200 for JCO/ORs. MSP will continue to be reckoned as Basic Pay for purposes of Dearness Allowance, as also in thecomputation of pension. Military Service Pay will however not be counted for purposes of House Rent Allowance, Composite Transfer Grant and Annual Increment. (Para No. 5.2.22)Rate of Military Service Pay (MSP) is accepted. However, MSP will be counted only for Dearness Allowance (DA) and Pension.
4.Group ‘X’ Pay: TheCommission recommends: a) X pay for JCOs/ORs in Group X at Rs 6,200 per month: For all X trades which involve obtaining a qualification which is equivalent of a diploma recognised by AICTE. This amount is the difference in the minimum of the Pay level 6 (corresponding to Grade Pay of Rs 4200 in VI CPC), and Pay level 5 (corresponding to Grade Pay of Rs. 2800 in VI CPC). (Para 6.2.88) b) X pay for JCOs/ORs in Group X at Rs 3,600 per month: (standard fitment of 2.57 on the existing X pay of Rs 1,400) for those currently in X pay, but not having a technical qualification recognised by AICTE. (Para 6.2.88)Accepted.
5.Pay Scales of Honorary Commissioned Officers:
The Commission, taking note of the existing framework of Honorary Commission recommends that the Junior Commissioned Officers on their promotion as Honorary Lieutenant or Honorary Captain shall be placed in thepay level 10 and pay level 10 Brespectively. They will, in addition be paid Military Service Pay of Rs 15,500 per month onpar with that payable to all the Commissioned officers. (Para 6.2.92)
6.Grant of Financial Upgradation under MACP to the DSC Personnel:
Since Defence Security Corps personnel are personnel under the Army, they would also be permitted the benefit of MACP. However this benefit should be limited to a total of three upgrades in the entire service career, both during regular employment and in the course of reemployment as defence service corps personnel. As they are defence forces personnel the benefit of MACP would be extended to them after a period of eight years from their date of re-employment, in case they do not get a promotion.(Para 6.2.98)
7.Pay Structure of Non Combatant  (Enrolled):
The Commission recommends MSP for Non Combatants (Enrolled) at the rate of 70 percent of combatants. Accordingly, the Commission recommends an enhancement of MSP for NonCombatant (Enrolled) in the Air Force from the existing rate of Rs 1,000 per month to Rs. 3,600 per month. (Para 6.2.100 & 6.2.101)

Authority: www.egazette.nic.in
Click to view the 7th cpc notification for defence personnel

Facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC

Facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC

To boost the tourism in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the Government has decided to extend the facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC, under Special Dispensation Scheme for Central Government employees, for a period of two years beyond 25.09.2016.


Stagnation Increment in 7th CPC – Clarification issued by Finmin on 7.10.2016

Stagnation Increment in 7th CPC – Clarification issued by Finmin on 7.10.2016

Revision of pay of employees stagnating at the maximum of the Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale in pre-revised structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Government of India
Department of Expenditure
Implementation Cell
Room No.214, The Ashok, New Delhi
Dated the 7th September,2016

Subject: Revision of pay of employees stagnating at the maximum of the Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale in pre-revised structure under Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

The undersigned is directed to say that consequent upon notification of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, representations have been received regarding provision of additional increments in the revised pay structure on 01.01.2016 in case of employees who had been stagnating at the maximum of the Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale in the pre-revised pay structure.

2. The matter was examined in this Department and it has been decided that in case of persons who had been drawing maximum of the applicable Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale, as the case may be, for more than two years as on 01.01.2016, one increment in the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix shall be granted on 01.01.2016 for every two completed years of stagnation at the maximum of the said Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale. Grant of additional increment (s) shall be subject to condition that the pay arrived at after grant of such increment does not exceed the maximum of the applicable Level in the Pay Matrix. Illustrations:

Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale PB-4 (37400 – 67000), GP 10000 HAG (67000 – 79000)
Maximum of the applicable Pay Band and Grade Pay or Scale 77000 79000
Date on which pay fixed at maximum of the applicable pay
band and Grade pay or scale
01.07.2014 01.07.2013
Revised pay in the applicable level in the new pay matrix 199600 205100
No.of years completed at maximum of the applicable Pay
Band and Grade Pay or scale as on 01.01.2016
1 Year and 6 Months 2 Years and 6 Months
No. of increment(s) to be granted on 01.01.2016 Nil 01
Revised Pay after grant of increment on 01.01.2016 199600 211300

3. After fixation of pay on 01.01.2016 as indicated above, the date of increment shall be regulated as per the provisions of Rule 10 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India

Clarification on Bunching of Stages in Revised Pay Structure Under CCS(RP)Rules, 2016

Clarification on Bunching of Stages in Revised Pay Structure Under CCS(RP)Rules, 2016

Recommendations of the 7th Central pay Commission — bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 2016.

Government of India
Department of Expenditure
Implementation Cell
Room No.214, The Ashok, New Delhi
Dated the September, 2016

Subject: Recommendations of the 7th Central pay Commission — bunching of stages in the revised pay structure under Central Civil Services (Revised pay) Rules, 2016.

The undersigned is directed to say that in view of the recommendation of the 7th Central pay Commission regarding bunching of stages in the revised pay structure. It has been decided that in cases where in revision of pay, the pay of Government servants drawing pay at two or more stages in pre-revised Pay Band and Grade Pay or scale, as the case may be, get fixed at same Cell in the applicable Level in the new Pay Matrix, one additional increment shall be given for every two stages bunched and the pay of Government servant drawing higher pay in pre-revised structure shall be fixed at the next vertical Cell in the applicable Level.

2. For this purpose, pay drawn by two Government servants in a given Pay Band and Grade pay or scale where the higher pay is at least 3% more than the lower pay shall constitute two stages. Officers drawing pay where the difference is less than 3% shall not be entitled for this benefit.

3.  As per illustration given in para 5.1.37 of the Report of the 7th Central Pa Commission, if two persons drawing pay of 53,000 and 54,590 in the GP 10,000  are to be fitted in the new Pay Matrix. the person drawing pay of 53,000 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs.1,36,210 and the person drawing pay of Rs.54,590 on multiplication by a factor of 2.57 will expect a pay corresponding to Rs.1.40,296. Revised pay of both should ideally be fixed in the first cell of Level 14 in the pay of Rs.1,44,200 but to avoid bunching the person drawing pay of Rs. 54,590 will get fixed in second cell of Level 14 in the pay of 1,48,500.
Joint Secretary to the Govt of India
Authority: www.finmin.nic.in

7th Pay Commission Resolution for Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) of the Armed Forces

7th Pay Commission Resolution for Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) of the Armed Forces

Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC- issue of Resolution in respect of Armed Forces Personnel-(PBORs)

New Delhi, the 5th September, 2016

No : 02(E).—1. The Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) was set up by the Government of India vide Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) Resolution No. 1/1/2013-E.III(A) dated 28th February, 2014. The Commission submitted its report on 19th November, 2015. The report covered among other things, matters relating to structure of emoluments, allowances and conditions of service of Armed Forces personnel. Government has given careful consideration to the recommendations of the Commission relating to these matters in respect of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) of the Armed Forces and have decided that the recommendations of the Commission on the aforementioned matters in respect of these categories of Defence personnel shall be accepted as follows. Some of the major points in respect of the Defence Personnel (PBOR) are as mentioned below:

(i) Implementation of the revised pay structure will be w.e.f 01.01.2016;
(ii) Pay related matter;

a) The existing system of Pay Band and Grade Pay has been replaced with separate Pay Matrix for Defence forces personnel as specified at Annexure-II.

b) Fixation of payof each employee in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016 would be done by multiplying his/her basic pay by a factor of 2.57.

Note-1 With regard to fixation of pay in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31.12.2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the Level corresponding to employee’s Grade Pay in the new Pay Matrix. If a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Level shall be the revised pay of the employee.

Note-2 After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level as specified in Note-1 above, the subsequent increments shall be at the immediate next Cell in that Level.

(iii) Increase in Military Service Pay (MSP) of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) from Rs. 2000/- to Rs. 5200/- p.m. MSP would be counted only for Dearness Allowance (DA) and Pension purposes;

(iv) There would be two dates for grant of increment viz. 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July. However, an employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation;

(v) Recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) would be referred to a Committee comprising Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health & Family Welfare, Personnel and Training, Posts and Chairman, Railway Board as Members. The Committee would submit its report within a period of 4 months. Till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances would continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised w.e.f. 1.1.2016 i.e. , status quo would be maintained;

(vi) Arrears of Pay would be paid during the current financial year;

(vii) Recommendations not relating to pay and allowances and other administrative issues specific to department/cadres/ posts would be examined separately as per the Transaction of Business Rules/ Allocation of Business Rules.

2. Other instructions on Pay Fixation and increment not specifically covered in these instructions will be as in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) Resolution No.1-2/2016-IC dated 25th July, 2016.

3. The decisions taken by the Government accordingly on various recommendations of the Commission in respect of Personnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) of Armed Forces are indicated in the statement at Annexure-I to this Resolution. New Pay Matrix applicable toPersonnel Below Officer Rank (PBOR) is at Annexure-II.
[No. 1(7)/2016/D (Pay/Services)]
Authority: www.egazette.nic.in

MSP for Defence Personnel: Govt Decision on 7th CPC Recommendations

MSP for Defence Personnel: Govt Decision on 7th CPC Recommendations


Sl. No. Recommendations of the VII CPC  Decision of the Government
1. Fitment Factor: The Seventh CPC has recommended fitment in the pay band in the following manner:- ‘The fitment in the new matrix is essentially a multiple factor of 2.57. This multiple is the ratio of the new minimum pay arrived at by the Commission and the existing minimum pay. The fitment factor is being applied uniformly to all employees. It includes a factor of 2.25 to account for DA neutralisation, assuming that the rate of Dearness Allowance would be 125 percent at the time of implementation of the new pay as on 01.01.2016. The actual raise/fitment being recommended by the Commission is 14.29 percent. An identical fitment of 2.57 has also been applied to the existing rates of Military Service Pay (MSP), applicable to Defence forces personnel only.’ (Para 5.2.7) Minimum Pay, Fitment Factor, Index of Rationalisation, Pay Matrices
and general recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission have been
accepted without any material alteration with the following exceptions in
Defence Pay Matrix, namely:- a) The Index of Rationalisation of Level 13A (Brigadier) in Defence
Pay Matrix would be revised upward from 2.57 to 2.67. b) Additional 3 stages in Levels 12A (Lt. Col), 3 stages in Level 13
(Colonel) and 2 stages in Level 13A (Brigadier) would be added appropriately
in the Defence Pay Matrix.
2. Rate of increment: The
rate of annual increment is being retained at 3 per cent. ( Para 5.1.38)
There would be two dates for grant of increment viz. 1 st January and
1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July. However, an
employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two
dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial
3.  Military Service Pay for Officers: The
Defence forces personnel, in addition to their pay as per the Matrices above,
will be entitled to payment of Military Service Pay for all ranks up to and
inclusive of Brigadiers and their equivalents. The Commission recommends an
MSP for Defence forces personnel at Rs 15,500 for the Service Officers and Rs
10,800 for Nursing Officers. MSP will continue to be reckoned as Basic Pay for purposes of
Dearness Allowance, as also in the computation of pension. Military Service
Pay will however not be counted for purposes of House Rent Allowance,
Composite Transfer Grant and Annual Increment.(Para No. 5.2.22)
Rate of Military Service Pay (MSP) is accepted. However, MSP will be
counted only for Dearness Allowance (DA) and Pension.

Authority: www.egazette.nic.in
Click to view the 7th cpc notification for defence personnel

7th CPC Defence Pay Matrix Table in Gazette Notification

7th CPC Defence Pay Matrix Table in Gazette Notification

7th CPC Defence Pay Matrix Table in Gazette Notification : The existing system of Pay Band and Grade Pay has been replaced with separate Pay Matrices for both Defence and Military Nursing Services personnel. Fixation of pay of each employee in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016 would be done by multiplying his/her basic pay by a factor of 2.57.

Note-1 With regard to fixation of pay in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31.12.2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the Level Corresponding to employee’s Grade Pay in the new Pay Matrix. If a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Level shall be the revised pay of the employee.

Note-2 After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level as specified in Note-1 above, the subsequent increments shall be at the immediate next Cell in that Level.

c) General recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission have been accepted with the following exceptions in Defence Pay Matrix, namely:

i. The index of Rationalisation of Level 13A (Brigadier) in Defence Pay Matrix may be revised upward from 2.57 to 2.67.

 7th CPC Defence Pay Matrix Table

Authority: www.egazette.nic.in
Click to view the 7th cpc notification for defence personnel

7th Pay Commission Resolution for Armed Forces personnel

7th Pay Commission Resolution for Armed Forces personnel

Implementation of recommendations of 7th CPC- issue of Resolution in respect of Armed Forces Personnel-(Officers)


New Delhi, the 5th September, 2016

No. 01(E).— 1. The Seventh Central Pay Commission (CPC) was set up by the Government of India vide Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) Resolution No. 1/1/2013-E.III(A,) dated 28th February, 2014. The Commission submitted its report on 19th November, 2015. The report covered among other things, matters relating to structure of emoluments, allowances and conditions of service of Armed Forces personnel. Government has given careful consideration to the recommendations of the Commission relating to these matters in respect of Officers of the Armed Forces and have decided that the recommendations of the Commission on the aforementioned matters in respect of these categories of Defence personnel shall be accepted as follows. Some of the major points in respect of Defence Personnel(Officers) are as mentioned below:-

(i) Implementation of the revised pay structure will be w.e.f 01.01.2016;

(ii) Pay related Matter;

a) The existing system of Pay Band and Grade Pay has been replaced with separate Pay Matrices for both Defence and Military Nursing Services personnel.

b) Fixation of pay of each employee in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016 would be done by multiplying his/her basic pay by a factor of 2.57.

Note-1 With regard to fixation of pay in the new Pay Matrix as on 01.01.2016, the existing pay (Pay in Pay Band plus Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31.12.2015 shall be multiplied by a factor of 2.57. The figure so arrived at is to be located in the Level Corresponding to employee’s Grade Pay in the new Pay Matrix. If a Cell identical with the figure so arrived at is available in the appropriate Level, that Cell shall be the revised pay; otherwise the next higher cell in that Level shall be the revised pay of the employee.

Note-2 After fixation of pay in the appropriate Level as specified in Note-1 above, the subsequent increments shall be at the immediate next Cell in that Level.

c) General recommendations on pay recommended by the Commission have been accepted with the following exceptions in Defence Pay Matrix, namely:

i. The index of Rationalisation of Level 13A (Brigadier) in Defence Pay Matrix may be revised upward from 2.57 to 2.67.

ii. Additional 3 stages in Levels 12A (Lt. Col), 3 stages in Level 13 (Colonel) and 2 stages in Level 13A (Brigadier) may be added appropriately in the Defence Pay Matrix.

iii. Increase in Military Service Pay (MSP) of Officers Rank from Rs. 6000/- to Rs. 15500/- p.m. and for Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers from Rs 4200/- to Rs 10800/- p.m. MSP would be counted only for Dearness Allowance (DA) and Pension purposes;

iv. There will be two dates for grant of increment viz. 1st January and 1st July of every year, instead of existing date of 1st July. However, an employee will be able to avail annual increment only on one of these two dates depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation;

v. Recommendations on Allowances (except Dearness Allowance) would be referred to a Committee comprising Finance Secretary & Secretary (Expenditure) as Chairman and Secretaries of Home Affairs, Defence, Health & Family Welfare, Personnel and Training, Posts and Chairman, Railway Board as Members. The Committee would submit its report within a period of 4 months. Till a final decision on Allowances is taken based on the recommendations of this Committee, all Allowances would continue to be paid at existing rates in existing pay structure, as if the pay had not been revised w.e.f. 1.1.2016 i.e. , status quo would be maintained;

vi. Arrears of Pay would be paid during the current financial year;

vii. Recommendations not relating to pay and allowances and other administrative issues specific to department/ cadres/ posts would be examined separately as per the Transaction of Business Rules/ Allocation of Business Rules.

2. Other instructions on Pay Fixation and increment not specifically covered in these instructions will be as in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) Resolution No.1-2/2016-IC dated 25th July, 2016.

3. The decisions taken by the Government accordingly on various recommendations of the Commission in respect of Officers of Armed Forces are indicated in the statement at Annexure-I to this Resolution.New Pay Matrix for Defence Service Officers is at Annexure-II and for MNS Officers is at Annexure-III.

[No. 1(6)/2016/D (Pay/Services)]

Authority: www.egazette.nic.in


Disbursement of salary and pension to Central Government employees and pensioners on account of “ONAM” Festival

Disbursement of salary and pension to Central Government employees and pensioners on account of “ONAM” Festival

Disbursement of salary to Central Government employees working in the State of Kerala on 9th September 2016 on account of “ONAM” Festival

Ref: D-16/2016
Dated: 23-08-2016
The Controller Galeral of Accounts,
Ministry ot Finance, Department of Expenditure,
Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi – 110 003

Dear Sir,
Sub:- Disbursement of Salary to Central Government employees working in the State  of Kerala on 9th September 2016 on account of “ONAM” Festival.

ONAM is the State Festival of Kerala. The Festival commences on 5th September 2016 and culminates cn 14-09-2016. This is also a social festival and is celebrated by one and all. It had been the normal practice to draw and disburse the salary and pension of the employees and pensioners in the month in which the festival falls well prior to the commencement of the festival.

We shall be grateful if orders are issued to all Departments to disburse the salary and pension for the month of September, 2016 by September 2016 in respect of all employees and pensioners in the State of Kerala. A copy of the order issued by your office on 10-08-2015 in this mater is enclosed for ready reference.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General
Source: Confederation

Revision of pay-scale of Data Entry Operator in Defence Accounts Department - implantation of Supreme court judgement

Revision of pay-scale of Data Entry Operator in Defence Accounts Department - implantation of Supreme court judgement.
Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. EDP/113/II(PC)/Vol-18
Dated 01-09-2016
All PCsDA/ CsDA/ PCof A( Fys) / CF&A( Fys) / PI FA/ IFA

Subject: Revision of pay-scale of Data Entry Operator in Defence Accounts Department. - implantation of Supreme court judgement.

Reference: This qus letter no. EDP/113/II(PC)/VoI-13 dated 04-01-2005

1. The Hon’ble Supreme Court vide its Judgement Dated 09.12.2014 against Civil Appeals No. 10862 to 10867 of 2014 has given the final verdict that "‘Data Entry Operators Grade-A are not entitled for scale of pay of Rs 1350-2200 w.e.f. 01.01.1986 or thereafter merely on the basis of their qualifications or for the fact that they have completed their period of requisite service.

2. They further hold that any decision rendered by any Tribunal or any High Court contrary to their decision is wrong.

3. Accordingly, the matter was taken up with the Ministry of Defence(Finance), Government of India and MOD(F) vide their ID No. 1418/C/16 dated 13.06.2016 has directed CGDA for the implementation of Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgment dated 09-12-2014. (copy attached).

4. 'It is therefore, enjoined upon all Principal Controllers/Controllers:
  • to implement the said Supreme Court verdict and re-fix the pay of all DEOs who have earlier been granted the pay parity based on interim order of Mumbai High Court against an undertaking from the DEOs concerned as per this wing letter no. EDP/113/II(PC)/Vol-13 dated 04-01-2005 to initiate recovery action of the overpayments made till date. However,
  • to avoid the financial hardship to the affected DEOs, overpayment, thus calculated, may be recovered as per extant orders of Govt. of India.
  • A monthly report regarding details of overpayment, recovery effected, progressive balance, is to be conveyed to HQrs till liquidation of the demand.
Jt.CGDA (IT&S) has seen.
(Kavita Garg)
Source: http://cgda.nic.in

Change of date of holiday on account of Bakrid for all Central Government offices – Dopt Order

Change of date of holiday on account of Bakrid for all Central Government offices – Dopt Order

Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) during 2016 for all Central Government administrative offices located at Delhi / New Delhi.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 6th September, 2016

Sub: Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) during 2016 for all Central Government administrative offices located at Delhi / New Delhi.

As per list of holidays circulated vide this Ministry’s 0.M.No.12/ 7/2015-JCA-2 dated the 11th June, 2015, the holiday on account of Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) falls on Monday the 12h September, 2016. It has been brought to notice of this Ministry that in Delhi Id-ul- Zuha (Bakrid) will be celebrated on 13th September, 2016. Accordingly, it has been decided to shift the Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) holiday to 13th September, 2016 in place of 12th September, 2016 as notified earlier, for all Central Government administrative offices at Delhi / New Delhi.

2. For Offices outside Delhi / New Delhi the Employees Coordination Committees or Head of Offices (where such Committees are not functioning) can decide the date depending upon the decision of the concerned State Government.

3. Hindi version will follow.
(D.K.Sen tai
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Click to view the order
Authority: www.persmin.gov.in

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