A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Friday, 16 June 2017

7th CPC Revised Pay Rules - Gazette Notification on 15.6.2017

7th CPC Revised Pay Rules - Gazette Notification on 15.6.2017

Amendment Notification for officers coming on deputation to posts in the Central Government which are not covered under the Central Staffing Scheme

Gazette Notification - 7CPC Revised Pay Rules - Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) (Amendment) Rules, 2017

(Department of Expenditure)

New Delhi, the 15th June, 2017

G.S.R. 592(E).-In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution and clause (5) of article 148 of the Constitution and after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General in relation to persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the President hereby makes the following rules to amend the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, namely:-

1. (1) These rules may be called the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) (Amendment) Rules, 2017.
(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1st day of January, 2016.
2. In the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016,-
(a) in rule 3, in clause (v), for the figures "2006", the figures "2016" shall be substituted ;
(b) in rule 12, for the words "the date of notification of these rules.", the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"1st January, 2016 and the same shall apply to the pay of officers coming on deputation to posts in the Central Government which are not covered under the Central Staffing Scheme.";
(c) in the Schedule,-

(i) for PART A, the following PART shall be substituted, namely;-




(ii) in PART C, after serial number 47 and the entries relating thereto, the following shall be inserted, namely;-

Ministry of Defence
S. No. Name of Post Existing Grade Pay Revised Grade Pay
Existing Grade Pay Grade Pay corresponding to which revised Levels have been Level in the Pay Matrix Para No. of the Report
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
“48. Poster Artists, EME Corps 2000 2400 Level-4 7.7.8
49 Russian Translation Officer 4600 5400 (Pay Bands-3) Level -10 7.7.70
50 Russian Senior Translation Officer 5400
(Pay Band-3)
6600 Level -11 7.7.70
51 Russian Editor 6600 7600 Level -12 7.7.70
52 Junior Works Manager, Department of Defence Production 4200
i. Of the total pool of posts in Grade Pay 4200 and Grade Pay 4600, ten per-cent should be earmarked to be placed in Grade Pay 4800.
ii. The posts in Grade Pay 4800 should be filled up from personnel in Grade Pay 4200 and Grade Pay 4600 in the following manner:
Level - 8 11.12.105
  • Seventy per-cent of such earmarked posts should be filled up through promotion from Grade Pay 4600;
  • Thirty per-cent should be filled up through a Limited Departmental Competitive Examination in which employees from both Grade Pay 4200 and Grade Pay 4600 would be eligible to compete. This will enable deserving and meritorious employees at Grade Pay 4200 to jump Grade Pay 4600 and go directly to Grade Pay 4800 [level 8].
iii. Eighty per-cent of the employees in Grade Pay 4800, will be eligible for non-functional upgrade to level 9 [Grade Pay 5400 (Pay Bands-2)] upon completion of four years in level 8, on a seniority-cum-suitability basis.”


Note: The Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary vide number G.S.R. 721 (E), dated the 25th July, 2016.

Authority: www.doe.gov.in

Provide monthly pension slips alongwith break up to pensioners/ family pensioners: CPAO's instructions to Bank

Provide monthly pension slips alongwith break up to pensioners/ family pensioners: CPAO's instructions to Bank
NEW DELHI- 110066

CPAO/IT & Tech/Simplification/11( Vol-IV)/2016-17/49
Office Memorandum

Subject:- Problems being faced by the pensioners / family pensioners regarding credit of pension amount into their Bank Accounts.

Attention is invited to CPAO's OM NO. CPAO/Tech/Bank Performance/2015 -16/60 dated-14.06.2016 for better pensioner services by banks and minimize grievances/complaints from pensioners related to pension payments. Inspite of issuing frequent instructions, number of representations are received from pensioners/family pensioners experiencing difficulties relating to delays and incorrect amount of pension being credited in their bank accounts. The pensioners have also complained about the recovery of excess amount from their bank accounts.

All measures should be taken for efficient pension delivery to avoid such grievances and Heads of CPPCs and Heads of Govt. Business Divisions are again requested to provide monthly pension slips alongwith break up to pensioners/ family pensioners and invariably at the time of commencement of pension and thereafter whenever there is change in quantum of pension.
This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Krishna Sharma)
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)
1) Heads of CPPCs of Banks
2) Heads of Government Business Division of Banks

Source: cpao.nic.in

Retiring Employees Can Check their PPO Status online

Retiring Employees Can Check their PPO Status online
The facility of checking the PPO Status and pension service is available online on Web Responsive Pensioners' Service. Central Government Employees, who are retiring and whose pension papers are submitted on "Bhavishya" Application, now can check their PPO Status online. "Bhavishya" is now mandatory.

Pension Processing Status Tracking :
 Retired and retiring pensioners can track status of their pension cases of both new as well as revision like date of receipt of their cases in CPAO and date sent from CPAO to the Bank. To track the pension status, in respect of retired government employees, PPO numbers, date of birth and date of retirement/date of death are required. For retiring employees, PAN number and date of retirement is required.

To check your PPO Status online Click here 



Atal Pension Yojana (APY) can now be subscribed digitally

Atal Pension Yojana (APY) can now be subscribed digitally;
eNPS Channel (APY@eNPS) involves complete digital enrolment process

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has now introduced "APY@eNPS" which involves a complete digital enrolment process. This is the latest in the series of various initiatives taken by PFRDA for expansion of outreach of Atal Pension Yojana (APY), to give additional push to cover the as yet unreached population at greater ease. PFRDA has conducted meetings with Banks and Deptt of Post at Kolkata, Bengaluru & Mumbai respectively for the earliest roll out of the facility call.

Shri A G Das, CGM, PFRDA recently addressed the meetings at Mumbai where IT department /Nodal officers of the Banks/Deptt of Post were present. PFRDA had briefed about the benefits of APY@eNPS platform to the Service Providers under APY where more than 45 bank officials (IT officials/Nodal Officers) were present. The APY service providers have been briefed to develop APY@eNPS channel features before 30th June 2017.


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