A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Restoration of ‘Rations in Kind’ for Officers of The Defence Services Posted in Peace

Restoration of ‘Rations in Kind’ - PIB

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence


Restoration of ‘Rations in Kind’ for Officers of The Defence Services Posted in Peace

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh, today announced the restoration of the ‘ration in kind’ for the officers of the three Armed Forces posted in peace areas.

Now all officers of the Armed Forces including those in peace stations will be getting ration. A lot of effort from all levels in the Defence Ministry and the Armed Forces has resulted in this restoration.



DoPT - Instructions for the cases where the reporting / reviewing / accepting authority demits office or retires before the due dates prescribed for the PAR year 2018-19 for all AIS officers, vide DOPT's letter dated 26.4.2019

Instructions for the cases where the reporting / reviewing / accepting authority demits office or retires before the due dates prescribed for the PAR year 2018-19 for all AIS officers, vide DOPT's letter dated 26.4.2019

DoPT Orders 2019

By Speed Post/ Spl Messenger
F. No. 11059/01/2019-AIS-III
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi-11 0001
Dated the 20th June, 2019
The Chief Secretaries of States / UTs

Subject: Instructions for the cases where the reporting / reviewing / accepting authority demits office or retires before the due dates prescribed for the PAR year 2018-19 for all AIS officers, vide DOPT's letter dated 26.4.2019- reg.

I am directed to refer to the subject noted above and to state that vide letter dated 26.04.19 (copy enclosed), this Department, had extended the cut off dates prescribed for online generation, filling of self-appraisal, reporting, reviewing and acceptance of PAR for the year 2018-19 through SPARROW portal for all levels of AIS officers , in relaxation of Rule 4A(1) of AIS (PAR) Rules.

Vide para 3 of the letter dated 26.04.2019 , it was stated that instructions for cases, where the reporting / reviewing / accepting authority demits office or retires before the due date. as amended , shall be issued separately

In view of the timelines for writing PARs having been extended in relaxation of Rule 4A(1) of AIS (PAR) Rules, the corresponding restrictions under Rule 7A of the said Rules, on the duration within which a reporting / reviewing/ accepting authority who has demitted office or retired from service may record their remarks, have also accordingly been considered to be modified appropriately for the PAR year 2018-19 .

Therefore, it has been decided that in relaxation of Rule 7A of the said rules, the timelines specified in the modified schedule for the PAR year 2018-19 , circulated vide letter dated 26.04.2019, shall apply to the reporting / reviewing / accepting authorities who demit office or retire from service prior to the respective cut off dates and they shall be allowed to record their remarks till the respective cut off dates.

However, for the authorities demitting office or retiring in September, 2019 or thereafter, the Rule 7A read with 2nd proviso to Rule 5(1) of AIS (PAR) Rules shall continue to be applicable.

Encl: as stated.
(Vasanthi V Babu)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

[Reference F.No. 11059/ 01/ 2019-AIS-III dated 25th April 2019]

Revised timelines for recording PAR at all stages for all level of AIS officers (for the year 2018-19)


Rule 10 CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 - revised pay scale and one increment may be granted on 01.01.2006, and the next increment on 01.07.2006

Rule 10 CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 - revised pay scale and one increment may be granted on 01.01.2006, and the next increment on 01.07.2006

[Part of the Minutes of the 47th Meeting of National Council (JCM) held on 13th April, 2019 issued by DoPT vide OM No. 3/1/2019-JCA dated 13.06.2019]

6.3 D/o Expenditure, M/o Finance

6.3.5 Item No.3/19/ NC-47 - Benefit of proviso to rule 10 CCS(RP) Rules, 2008

Staff Side stated that benefit of Proviso to Rule 10 CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, to those who complete 1 year service at maximum has been sought. It has been stated that there are cases when employees drawing maximum of their Pay Scale complete one year after 01.01.2006 are denied the benefit of next increment in the revised pay structure. The pay may be fixed in the revised pay scale with effect from 01.01.2006 and one increment may be granted on 01.01.2006, and the next increment on 01.07.2006.

Reply of the Official Side:

As per Rule 10 of CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, in the 6th CPC regime, a uniform date of annual increment, viz 1st July of every year has been introduced, under which employees completing six months and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st July would be eligible for increment on 01.07.2006. OM dated 4.7.2014 has also stipulated that the increment on 01.01.2006 shall also be allowed to those who had reached the maximum of the applicable pre­ revised pay scale more than one year before 01.01.2006, and were in receipt of stagnation increment(s), provided the revised pay was fixed on 01.01.2006.

Therefore, the proposal/demand is not in consonance with the 1st Proviso to Rule 10 and the benefit of increment on 01.01.2006 cannot be given in these cases.

This item may be treated as closed.

Previous Agenda Item of 47th NC (JCM) Meeting
Item No. 11/10/NC-46 - A-l Status to Bangalore City

Next Agenda Item of 47th NC (JCM) Meeting
Item No. 11/19/NC-47 - Insisting on non-availability certificate from the Estate officer.

Appointment of Convener (Women) in CCSCSB for the block year 2019-21

Appointment of Convener (Women) in CCSCSB for the block year 2019-21

F.No. 20/2/2017-19-CCSCB
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board
Dated 19.6.2019

The Central Civil Services Cultural& Sports Board (CCSCSB) is the Central Agency for promotion of Cultural & Sports Activities amongst Central Government employees, CCSCSB ensures larger and effective participation of the Central government employees in the said activities for physical fitness and recreation. With these objectives in view, the CCSCSB holds Inter Ministry and All India Civil Services tournaments and CCSCSB teams of various sports disciplines participate in prestigious tournaments in the country.

It has been observed that there is a remarkable participation of women employees in individual Inter-Ministry Tournaments namely Athletics, Badminton, Carrom, Chess, Table Tennis and Music Dance & Short Play. However, representation of women employees in team games such as Cricket, Football, Hockey, Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming, Kabaddi, Wrestling and Weightlifting & Powerlifting is not adequate.

In order to increase the participation of women employees in the team events, the Board intends to appoint women Convenors for the year 2019-21 in the following disciplines of sports and accordingly invites applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I ) :

S.NoSport / Game
6Weight Lifting & Power lifting
10Lawn Tennis

The Board is looking for experienced and dedicated Convenors. The duties and responsibilities of the Convenor are given in Annexure-II. Welfare Officers of the Ministries/ Departments are requested to forward the names of deserving/ suitable candidates for taking up the task of Convener after going through the qualification and experience required by the candidates in sports activities to assess their suitability to act as Convenor of the game, Proficiency in respective discipline is the basic criterion for nomination as Convenor in the Board. It may be noted that the attached/subordinate offices must forward the names in prescribed proforma through the Welfare Officer of their controlling Ministries/Departments and not directly to the Board.

The Board may, if required, invite the candidates for personal interaction to assess their suitability for the task to be assigned.

The applications from the suitable and deserving volunteers to act as Convenors of the Cultural and Sports Committees must reach to the Board on or before 12.07.2019.

All the Welfare Officers are requested to give wide publicity to the circular amongst their employees in the Ministries/Departments and attached/ subordinate offices to enable the Board to select deserving women candidates as Convenors.
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Secretary (CCSCSB)
The Welfare Officers of all Ministries/ Departments
Notice Board of all the CCSCSB Centre
  1. The Convenor will be a representative of the Board and will carry out her duties as directed by the Board from time to time.
  2. The services of the Convenor are absolutely voluntary and should not be considered in terms of monetary returns.
  3. The Convenor shall be responsible for carrying out various activities with respect to the game/ event with which she is concerned. This includes assisting the Board in getting the officials/ referees/ experts, etc. Informing various teams/players and other concerned offices about the activities of the Board etc.
  4. The Convenor shall also be responsible for ensuring regular practice/ training of the teams/players, particularly before the All India Civil Services Tournaments, etc.
  5. The convenor shall settle the accounts, within 15 days of the Tournament. All advances, if any, should be cleared within 30 days under all circumstance.
  6. At the close of the financial year, the Convenor will have to submit an annual report with regard to performance of Central Secretariat Team in various tournaments. She will also submit separate report at the conclusion of Inter Ministry and AICS Tournaments regarding conduct of these tournament and further suggestions in improving the same.
  7. The Convenor will be liable for action in case of omission or commission of any act prejudice to the interests of the Board. In case, the performance of the Convenor is not found satisfactory, the Board may dispense with her services at any time without assigning any reason . The decision of the Board shall be final and binding.
  8. The Convenor shall be granted special casual leave and will be paid conveyance allowance as decided by the Board for carrying out the above responsibilities /duties.
  9. It is desirable that the Convenor should be matriculate. She should be able to handle correspondence with the Board, the federations and other sports bodies independently, if necessary.
  10. Any other tasks for the promotion of cultural/ sports activities assigned by the Board shall be carried out by the Convenor.
Source: DoPT


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