A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 28 May 2018

Fixing of Minimum of Revised pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners - RSCWS

Fixing of Minimum of Revised pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners - RSCWS

Revision of Pension of Pre 2006 Pensioners - Reg: Benefit of Upgraded/Merged Posts by 6th CPC for fixing of Minimum of Revised pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners

No.RSCWS/HO/CHD/ Memo/2018-5

Dated: 21/05/2018
Hon. Minister of Finance, Govt. of India,
North Block, New Delhi-110001

Subject: Revision of Pension of Pre 2006 Pensioners - Reg: Benefit of Upgraded/Merged Posts by 6th CPC for fixing of Minimum of Revised pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners

Reference:- i) Resolution of GOI No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 29-8-08 & OM Dated 1-9-08,
ii) Para 5 of DOP&PW O.M. F.No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 11-2-2009 - (which has been quashed by various Courts but not withdrawn by the DOP&PW)
iii) DOP&PW O.M. F.No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 30-7-2015

Dear Sir,
We seek your benign intervention in the following matter of serious injustice with a section of Pre-2006 Central Government Pensioners:

1. Sixth Pay Commission had Merged and upgraded some posts keeping in view their duties & responsibilities. The recommendations of the Sixth CPC were accepted by the Government vide Resolution of the Government Notified on 29-8-2008 and orders were issued thereon vide DOPT & DOPPW vide OMs dated 1-9-2008.

2. DOP&PW subsequently modified these orders vide O.M. File No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 11-2-2009 and ordered that the benefit of upgrading of posts by Sixth Pay Commission shall not be given for the fixation of Revised Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners.

3. Above cited orders of DOP&PW (dated 11-2-2009) had been quashed by the various Courts including the Apex Court, which inter-alia directed that "The fixation (of Pension) … will be subject to the provision that the revised pension, in no case, shall be lower than 50% of the sum of the minimum of the pay in the pay band and the grade pay thereon corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale from which the pensioner had retired." DOP&PW issued the orders thereon vide OM dated 1-9-2008.

4. DOP&PW vide OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) Dated 30th July, 2015, in compliance with the judicial pronouncements, had decided that the pension/family pension of all pre-2006 pensioners/family pensioners may be revised in accordance with this Department’s OM No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 28.1.2013 with effect from 1.1.2006.

5. Para 5 of DOPPW OM dated 11-2-2009 had specifically been quashed by various Courts - including the High Court of New Delhi in WP(C) 3035/2016 dated 3-8-2016 in Ram Phal-vs-Union of India & Ors and CAT Bangalore in CP 237/2015 in OA 231/2013 (Parthasarthy-Vs-Union of India).

6. High Court of Kerala at Ernakulam had held as under in OP (CAT).No. 169 of 2015 (Z) in its judgment dated 18th January, 2016 UNION OF INDIA vs N.R.PURUSHOTHAMAN PILLAI:

"The resultant position that emerges from the pronouncement of the Central Administrative Tribunal as well as the different High Courts and the Apex Court is that, computation of pension in the matter of implementation of the 6th Pay Commission Report has to be at 50% of the pay scale with respect to the scale of pay applicable to the post in question and not to the corresponding scale of pay to the one at which the incumbent has retired."

7. Regrettably the benefit of upgrading of posts was still not given to the Pre-2006 Pensioners in spite of the above cited judgments of various Courts. The benefit of the Court judgments on this had been restricted only to the Petitioners and not to other similarly placed Pre-2006 Pensioners.

8. This is totally discriminatory and violates Article 14 of the Constitution as well as under the settled law that the decisions taken in one specific case either by the Judiciary or the Govt. should be applied to all other similar cases without forcing the other employees or pensioners to approach the court of law for an identical remedy or relief.

9. Delhi High Court in W.P.(C) 8012/2013 had held that "policy decision of the Government in the OM dated September 01, 2008 to fix pension for all categories of pensioners did not classify post of pre January 01, 2006 retirees and all were entitled to pension as per a common formula"

10. It is, therefore, requested that Pre-2006 Pensioners be given the benefit of upgraded Pay Band and Grade Pay of the post from which they retired so that minimum pension be not lower than 50% of the pay in the revised pay band plus the grade pay corresponding to the post from which the pensioner retired – as per DOPPW OM dated 30-7-2015.

Yours faithfully,
(Harchandan Singh)
Secretary General, RSCWS
Source: www.rscws.com

Fixation of pay in the merged pay scale of 5000-8000 and 5500-9000 with 6500-10500 (5th CPC) in Pay Band-2 + Grade Pay 4200 : Early implementation of CAT Ernakulum bench order

Fixation of pay in the merged pay scale of 5000-8000 and 5500-9000 with 6500-10500 (5th CPC) in Pay Band-2 + Grade Pay 4200 : Early implementation of CAT Ernakulum bench order - reg.

Shiva Gopal Mishra

Ph.: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinary
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi - 110001
E Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com

No. NC-JCM-2018/Fin.(Ano)
April 23, 2018
Joint Secretary (Pers)
Department of Expenditure
Ministry of Finance
North Block,
New Delhi - 110 001.

Subject : Fixation of pay in the merged Pay Scale of Rs.5000-8000 and Rs.5500-9000 with Rs.6500-10500 (5th CPC) in 6th CPC Pay Band-2 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-

Reference: Item No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Minutes of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012 circulated vide DOP&T OM F.No. 11/2/2008-JCA dated 13th September, 2012.

Kindly refer to Para No. 8.1 of the Minutes of the Meeting of the 6th CPC National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012. This is with regard to Item No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 i.e. fixation of pay in revised Pay Scale. The Staff Side in the meeting has reiterated their demand that the pay in the incumbents holding the merged Pay Scale of Rs. 5000-8000 and Rs. 5500-9000 should have been fixed by applying the multiplication factor of 1.86 at Rs. 6500 w.e.f. 01.01.2006 implying thereby that the commencement point of the Pay Band-2 should be at Rs. 12090/- based on 6500 x 1.863 = 12090 instead of Rs. 9300/- computed by multiplying Rs. 5000 x 1.86. The Official Side has rejected the demand of the Staff Side and after discussion it was decided that on this issue a disagreement may have to be recorded for referring the same to arbitration. Even though it is more than 5 years after the above decision we are not aware that what action has been taken to implement the decision taken in the National Anomaly Committee Meeting.

In this situation the affected Central Government Employees working in different Ministries have approached Court of Law for getting justice. Recently the CAT Ernakulum Bench in its Order OA No. 180/00569/2014 delivered on 03rd of April, 2018 has upheld the demand of the Staff Side and has given the following direction to the Government of India. The relevant portion of the Judgment is given below for your kind information.

14. It has to be borne in mind that CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 is a Rule notified under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India made by the President and hence it has a statutory status in the eye of law. Therefore, any interpretation of the provisions in the said Rules has to be in terms of the Rules itself. Any O.M. issued by way of clarification, explanation or prescribing the modalities for fixation of initial pay of the Government Employees as per the revised pay structure can be only in terms of what is stated in the Rules.

15. As observed above, going by the definitions of the terms 'existing basic pay' and 'existing scale' in the CDS (RP) Rules, 2008, Rule 7 fixation can be only in accordance with the afore-mentioned definitions of ‘existing basic pay’ and 'existing scale' only and not by way of administrative O.Ms and instructions contained in Annexure A-1 and Annexure A-2 communications. Therefore, we are inclined to quash and set aside Annexure A-1 and Annexure A-2 communications. We do so. We hold that the applicants are entitled to the declaration as prayed for and that the respondents should be directed to fix the initial pay of the applicants including all the members of Applicant No. 1 association in the revised pay structure by fixing their salary in the revised pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 treating Rs. 6500/- as the existing basic pay as on 01.01.2006 with all consequential benefits. We order accordingly. This order shall be complied within 3 months from the date of receipt of copy of this order.”

In view of the above Judgement it is requested that without further prolonging the matter the above Judgment may be implemented by issuing a general instructions extending the benefit to all the similarly place Employees.

Awaiting for your favourable response please.

Thanking you,
Yours Faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Source: Confederation




2018 JUNE 10th SUNDAY - 10 AM TO 5 PM
10-06-2018, Sunday
08.30 AM : Registration
09.30 AM : Flag Hoisting and Homage to Martyrs.
10.00 AM : Inaugural Session
Preisded by : COM. K.K.N.KUTTY National President, Confederation.
Welcome Speech : COM. A. AZEEZ General Secretary,C.O.C, AP & Telangana States.
Inauguration by : SHRI. G. SAJJEEVA REDDY National President, INTUC.
Guests of honour : COM. AMARJEET KAUR National General Secretary, AITUC.
: COM. RAMULU State President, CITU.
: COM. A. SREEKUMAR General Secretary, All India State Govt. Employees – Federation.
01.00 PM : Presentation of Draft Strike Declaration Resolution.
Presentation by : COM. M. KRISHNAN Secretary General, Confederation.
01.15 to 02.00 PM : LUNCH BREAK
02.00 PM : Discussion on Draft Resoluion & Address by Chief Executives of Affiliates.
04.30 PM : Summing up of Discussion and adoption of Strike Declaration Resolution.
05.00 PM : Vote of thanks
by : COM. V.NAGESHWARA RAO President, C.O.C, AP & Telengana States.
- E n d -
Convention will commence at 09.30 AM itself. Time schedule will be strictly followed. All leaders and delegates of affiliated organisations are requested to reach the venue before 09.30 AM.
Please ensure participation of delegates as per quota fixed to each affiliates/C.O.Cs. Please issue seperate circulars and also give wide publicity.

Source : NFPE

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