A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

CGHS - Clarification regarding issue of Medicines prescribed by Specialists beyond the period for which the medicines had been advised


Clarification regarding issue of Medicines prescribed by Specialists beyond the period for which the medicines had been advised
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
EHS Section
No: Z.15025/23/2018/ DIR/CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 11
Dated the 17th June ,2019

Subject:- Clarification regarding issue of Medicines prescribed by Specialists beyond the period for which the medicines had been advised

With reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to state draw attention to the OM Z.15025/33/ 2018/DIR/CGHS dated the 1st May 2018 and to clarify that:
i. In Chronic cases where diagnosis has been made and line of treatment has been decided by the Specialist of CGHS/Govt. /empanelled hospital, there is no need to refer the patients just for extension of validity period of prescription. The prescriptions in such cases may be repeated by the concerned doctor of CGHS Wellness Centre.
ii. Only in such cases, wherein there is a need for modification of the diagnosis and/or modification of the line of treatment, beneficiaries should be referred to the concerned specialist.
iii. However, in case of specific anti-cancer and other immune-suppressant drugs, medicines may be issued only for such periods as advised by the concerned specialists.
These orders are in supersession of all the earlier orders on the subject.
(Dr. Atul Prakash)
Director, CGHS
  1. All Ministries/ Departments , Government of India through CGHS Website 2. Addi. DDG(HQ), CGHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  2. AD(HQ} , CGHS, R.K.Puram, Sector-12, New Delhi 4. All Addi. Directors/Joint Directors of CGHS
  3. DDG(M) /CMO(SRA} , Dte.GHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  4. Rajya Sabha/Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi
  5. Registrar, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi
  6. U.P.S.C. Dholpur House, New Delhi
  7. Office of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi
  8. Director, Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi
  9. PPS to Secretary (H&FW)/Secretary (AYUSH)/ Secretary (HR}, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
  10. PPS to DGHS/ SS&FA /AS&DG (CGHS)/ AS&MD, NRHM/AS(H), MoHFW, New Delhi
  11. MS Section, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  12. MG-II Section, Dte.GHS, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  13. Hospital Empanelment Cell, CGHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  14. CGHS-1/11/111/IV, Dte. Gen of CGHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  15. Estt.l/Estt.11/ Estt.111/Estt.IV Section, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  16. Admn./ Admn .11 Section, Dte.GHS, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  17. Integrated Finance Division, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
  18. All Officers/ Sections/ Desks in the Ministry
  19. Deputy Secretary (Civil Service News), Department of Personnel & Training, 5th Floor, Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi
  20. Secretary, Staff Side, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi
  21. All Staff Side Members of National Council (JCM)
  22. ED(H)/Planning, Railway Board, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110001
  23. Central Organization , ECHS, Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi
  24. Chairman, Employees State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Panchdeep Bhawan, C.l.G. Marg, New Delhi-110002
  25. UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited, UTl-ITSL Tower, Plot No3 Sector -11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai- 400614
  26. Hindi Section, MoHFW, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi for providing Hindi version of this OM.
  27. Guard file
Source: CGHS

AICPIN for the month of July 2019 - Expected DA 2019

AICPIN for the month of July 2019 - Expected DA 2019

No. 5/112019-CPI
DATED: 30th August, 2019
Press Release

Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) - July, 2019

The All-India CPI-IW for July, 2019 increased by 3 points and pegged at 319 (three hundred and nineteen). On I-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 0.95 per cent between June, 2019 and July, 2019 when compared with the increase of (+) 3.44 per cent between the corresponding months of previous year.

The maximum upward pressure to the change in current index came from Housing group contributing (+) 2.00 percentage points to the total change. The Food index further accentuated the overall index by (+) 0.91 percentage points. At item level, Wheat & Wheat Atta, Arhar Dal, Groundnut Oil, Goat Meat, Pure Ghee, Garlic, Ginger, Onion, Brinjal, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Gourd, Green Coriander Leaves, Mango (Ripe), Palak, Potato, Tomato, Torai, Electricity Charges, Petrol, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was checked by Rice, Fish Fresh, Poultry Chicken, Coconut, French Bean, Lemon, Cooking Gas, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.

The year-on-year inflation based on CPI-IW stood at 5.98 per cent for July, 2019 as compared to 8.59 per cent for the previous month and 5.61 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, the Food inflation stood at 4.78 per cent against 5.47 per cent of the previous month and (-) 0.32 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year.

At centre level Haldia observed the maximum increase of 23 points followed by Ranchi-Hatia (13 points), Jaipur (11 points), Jharia & Nagpur (10 points each) and Goa & Munger-Jamalpur (9 points each). Among others, 8 points increase was observed in 6 centres, 7 points in 4 centres, 6 points in 2
centres, 5 points in 8 centres, 4 points in 7 centres, 3 points in 8 centres, 2 points in 10 centres and 1 point in 7 centres. On the contrary, Coimbatore recorded a maximum decrease of 6 points. Among others, 3 points decrease was observed in 2 centres, 2 points in 3 centres and 1 point in 7 centres. Rest of the 6 centres' indices remained stationary.

The indices of 34 centres are above All-India Index and 43 centres' indices are below national average. The index of Rourkela centre remained at par with All-India Index.

The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of August, 2019 will be released on Monday 30th September, 2019. The same will also be available on the office website www.labourbureaunew.gov. in.


Source: labour bureau

Pension and Other Retirement Benefits for Assistant Section Officers with Pension cases (Code: PRB-2) will be conducted by this Institute from 02.12.2019 to 06.12.2019

Pension and Other Retirement Benefits for Assistant Section Officers with Pension cases (Code: PRB-2) will be conducted by this Institute from 02.12.2019 to 06.12.2019

Programmes on Pension & Other Retirement Benefits ( PRB-2-14)

Dated : 28th August, 2019
  1. The Secretary to the Govt. of India
    (All Ministries / Departments)
  2. The Chief Controller of Accounts/ Controller of Accounts
    (All Ministries / Departments)
  3. The Head of Department, All Attached & Subordinate Offices.
Sub:- Training Circular - Special Programme on Pension and other Retirement Benefits for Assistant Section Officers and equivalent officers dealing with Pension cases (Code: PRB2-14) will be conducted by this Institute from 02.12.2019 to 06.12.2019.

Madam / Sir,
A special Programme on Pension and Other Retirement Benefits for Assistant Section Officers and equivalent officers dealing with Pension cases (Code: PRB-2) will be conducted by this Institute from 02.12.2019 to 06.12.2019.

The Programme particulars are given in annexure to this letter. Nominations may be submitted online. The online form which is available at ISTM website: http://www.istm.gov.in/ under the link ‘Online Form’, may be sent well before the closing date, i.e. 2nd November, 2019. Besides, the print out of the ‘Online nomination form’ duly sponsored by the sponsoring authority may also be sent by post/by hand to Mr. Nafe Singh, Faculty Consultant and Course Director, so as to reach by 5.00 PM on 2nd November, 2019. No nomination shall be accepted without being duly sponsored and received online within the stipulated date. List of accepted nominations will be displayed in ISTM website. The course may be cancelled / postponed on account of less number of nominations or other administrative compulsion.

ISTM has a modest hostel facility where AC rooms are available on twin sharing, first come first served basis to the outstation participants only. The names of selected officials shall be placed on the website of ISTM under the link “Confirmed Nomination”. Only those candidates should be relieved, whose nominations have been accepted by this Institute and a confirmation to that effect is issued by ISTM.
Yours Faithfully
(Nafe Singh)
Faculty Consultant & Course Director
Encl: As above.

Source: istm.gov.in

PCDA Grant of Liberalised family pension to widows who re-married before 01.01.1996

Grant of Liberalised family pension to widows who re-married before 01.01.1996


Circular No. 620
Dated: 18.03.2019
The Officer-in-Charge
ROs/ PAOs (ORs)

Subject: Grant of Liberalised family pension to widows who re-married before 01.01.1996- Instructions regarding.

Reference: GoI, MoD letter No. 1(1)/2001/D (Pen-C) dated 24 June 2005

Of late it has been observed that the complaints are being received from widow of Armed force personnel died prior to 01.01.1996 regarding non-payment of Liberalised family pension to the widows who were in receipt of LFP and subsequently LFP was stopped / converted into OFP due to her remarriage before 01.01.1996 with a person other than the real brother of her deceased husband. In terms of Gol, MoD letter no. 200847/Pen-C/71 dated 24.02.1972, the LFP sanctioned to widow was stapped and further converted into OFP after her remarriage with a person other than real brother of the deceased soldier.

In accordance to Gol, MoD letter No. 1(1)/2001/D(Pen-C) dated 24 June 2005, Liberalised family pension of such widows who remarried before 01.01.1996 and whose LFP were stopped and concerted into OFP due to their remarriage are now regulated in terms of para 6.6 of Gol, MoD letter No. 1(2)/97/D(Pen-C) Dated 31.01.2001. The actual benefit arising out of this order will be payable w.e.f 24.06.2005.

In view of the above you are requested to review all the affected cases where LFP was not yet restored to widaw as per Gol, MoD letter No.-1(1)/2001/D(Pen-C) dated 24 June 2005 by issuing afresh PPO. Such cases after review may please be sent to OI/C, G-4 section of this Office enclosing following documents-

i) Corr. LPC- cum datasheet along with the proforma (attached as annexure 'A' duly supported with sheet roll.
ii) Family pension claims for restoration of LFP.
iii) A certificate regarding supporting/non-supporting of child (ren) countersigned by the zila sainik along with family details as per annexure B.
iv) An application from widow for restoration of Liberalised family pension
v) Last payment certificate by PRA, where date upto which Liberalized Family Pension was paid to widow and date of stoppage of Liberalized family pension is clearly mentioned.
vi) Descriptive roll of widow duly affixed recent photographs.

No.Gts/ Tech/0114/XXXVIII

Dated: 18.03.2019
Sushil Kumar Singh
Addl. CDA(P)
Annexure 'A’

  1. Army No.:
  2. Rank and Group last held:
  3. Name of Deceased PBOR:
  4. Name of RO:
  5. Name of widow/next of kin to whom LFP was initially sanctioned: :
  6. PPO NO. and year of issue under which LEP was initially sanctioned: -
  7. Date of Remarriage of widow:
  8. Date from which pension was slopped With PPO No. and year, if any:
  9. Details of children from pravious mariage:
  10. Whether the widow continues to support the children
  11. Name of 2nd life awardees/continuance awardee
  12. Relationship of the Second Life awardee with the daceased PBOR:
  13. Date from which 2nd life award Notified with PPO No. and year
  14. PDA from where the LFP was last drawn:
  15. Name and address of pension disbursing Authority (paying bank branch with SB A/C No. Treasury/DPDO/PAO & Link Branch
  16. Address of the family pensioner:

Gram Panchayat/Municipal Councilor/any Competent Officer

No. 1(1)/2001/ D(Pen-c)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, dated the 24th June, 2005. :
The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
The Chief of the Air Staff,


In continuation of this Ministry's letter No. PC 1(2)/97-D (Pen-C), dated the 16th May, 2001 on the subject mentioned above, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President to grant Liberalised Family Pension to a widow whose liberalised family pension was stopped on her remarriage before 01.01.96 with a person other than the real brother of the deceased. Such pension may be regulated in terms of para 6.6 of this Ministry’s letter No. 1(2)/97/D(PEN-C) dt. 31.01.2001.

2. The actual benefit arising out of this order will be payable from the date of issue of this letter.

3. Pension Regulations of the three Services will be amended in due course.

4. This issues with the concurrence of Defence(Finance) vide their UO No. 2907/Fin/ Pen dated 24.6.05.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Source: PCDA

Draft Rules for Group 'C' posts-Multi Tasking Staff in Lokpal - DoPT Orders 2019

DoPT Orders 2019

Draft Rules for Group 'C' posts-Multi Tasking Staff in Lokpal 

No. 407/ 22/2019 -AVD-IV(LP)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
(Lokpal Section)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 27th August, 2019
Sub: Draft Rules for Group 'C' posts-Multi Tasking Staff in Lokpal

The undersigned is directed to say that this Department propose to frame the rules for appointment of Multi Tasking Staff in the Institution of Lokpal. A copy of the draft Lokpal (Group 'C' Posts- Multi Tasking Staff) Rules, 2019 is enclosed. In terms of instructions contained in this Department's OM No. AB-14017/61/2008-Estt.(RR) dated 13.10.2015, the above draft rules are hereby placed on the website of this Department for perusal of all concerned. It is requested that the comments of stakeholder, if any, may please be sent to this Department by post or email at "m.kumar1965gov.in" within 30 days from the date of uploading.

Encl: As above
(Anil Bajpai)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
All stakeholders through website of this Department.


(Department of Personnel and Training)

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 59 of Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013, the President hereby makes the following rules for Group 'C' Multi Tasking Staff posts in the Lokpal, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement - (1) These rules may be called the Lokpal (Group 'C' PostsMulti Tasking Staff) Rules, 2019.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Power of Lokpal to make Regulations.
The Central Government hereby vests powers in the Lokpal to make Regulations for the recruitment process.
Provided such recruitment shall be made on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee to be constituted by the Chairperson Lokpal and the said Committee shall be chaired by the Secretary, Lokpal or any other Officer of the Lokpal as authorized by him and shall have at least three Members.

3. Number of post, classification, Pay level in the Pay Matrix:-- The number of post, its classification, the pay level or pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in columns (1) to (4) of the Schedule annexed to these rules.

4. Method of recruitment, age-limit, qualifications, etc. - The method of recruitment to the said post, age-limit, qualifications and other matters relating thereto shall be as specified in columns (5) to (13) of the said Schedule.

5. Disqualification -- No person, --
  • (a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living; or
  • (b) who having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts:
Provided that the Central Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and other party to the marriage and that there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule.

6. Power to relax - Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order, and for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons.

7. Savings - Nothing in these rules shall affect reservations, relaxations of age limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Schedule Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes, ex-Servicemen and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard.

Source: DoPT

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