A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

7th Pay Commission: Plight of the pensioners

7th Pay Commission: Plight of the pensioners

The present Modi government has not been very considerate in the welfare of central government employees. During 10 years, two pay commissions have been formed and their recommendations have been accepted with minor modifications.

The last pay commission formed in 2006 had recommended a 20 per cent hike in salaries and pensions which the government doubled while implementing it in 2008. In conformity with the pay scale, the pay and allowances of the president, Vice President and Governor's have also been increased in the same proportion.

As any old pensioner, can feel that the formulators of the 7th Pay Commission have not been so considerate with the pensioners. Instead of recommending 24 per cent percent increase, the 7th pay commission copied the recommendation of the sixth pay commission.

This is: a 20 percent increase in case of pensioners 80 years of age and above, 30 percent increase in case of pensioners 85 years of age and above, 40 percent increase in case of pensioners 90 years of age and above, 50 percent increase in case of pensioners 95 years of age and above and 100 percent increase in case of pensioners 100 years of age and above.

While life expectancy of an Indian is around 66.21 years, how do they get pension on the age of 80 years and above.

Introduction of a Health Insurance Scheme for Central Government employees and pensioners was recommended by the 7th pay commission but the government was not accept it till date.

The 7th pay commission also recommended, for the benefit of pensioners residing outside the CGHS areas, CGHS should empanel those hospitals which are already empanelled under CS (MA)/ECHS for catering to the medical requirement of these pensioners on a cashless basis but the government did not took the decision in this regard.

The 7th pay commission didn’t enhance Medical Allowance Rs 500 per month and the government referred this case to Finance Secretary committee of allowances to study and to give the suggestion.

The pensioners are a spent-up force and are not in a position to exert any influence. Therefore, it is their hope that the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley will take a rational view on the plight of the senior citizens and increase the pensioners’ above benefits.


Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (7th CPC) - fixation of pay and payment of arrears-instructions

Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (7th CPC) - fixation of pay and payment of arrears-instructions

F.No. 1(12)/2016/TA/376
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market
New Delhi - 110511
Date: 10-08-2016.

Subject: Implementation of the recommendations of the Seventh Central Pay Commission (7th CPC) - fixation of pay and payment of arrears-instructions - regarding

A reference is invited to CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 notified vide GSR 721 (E) dated 25th July 2016 and O.M. No. 1-5/2016-IC dated 29th July 2016 and OM dated 01st August 2016 on the subject mentioned above, issued as a sequel to the acceptance of recommendations of 7 th Central Pay Commission. All concerned are required to follow the instructions contained in Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure O.M. dated 29th July 2016 and even number dated 1st August 2016 referred to above.

2. Para 8 of the aforesaid OM states that with a view to expediting the authorization and disbursement of. arrears, it has been decided that the arrear claims maybe paid without pre-check of the fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay or applicable level in Pay Matrix. Hewever, the facilities to disburSe arrears without pre-check of fixation of pay will not be available in respect of those Government servants who have relinquished service on account of dismissal, resignation, discharge, retirement etc. after the date of implementation of the Pay Commission's recommendations but before the preparation and drawal of the arrears claims, as well as in respect of those employees who had expired-prior to exercising their option for the drawal of pay in the revised scales;

3. Pr.CCAs_/CCAs/CAs are requested to issue instructions to the Pay Accounts Officers that the arrears may be paid without pre-check of the fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay er applicable level in Pay Matrix. However, they will have to exercise all necessary checks prescribed under the Central Government Accounts [Receipts & Payments) Rules, 1983 and Civil Accounts Manual. .They will also have to ensure that subscriptions/ Contributions towards GPF and New‘Pension Scheme at the prescribed rates relevant to the revised pay are deducted from the arrears payable from 1-1-2016 to 31-7-7-2016. While making payment of arrears, Income Tax due needs also be deducted and credited as procedure prescribed.

4. Instructions with regard to post check of pay fixation and payment of arrears will be issued Separately.

(Shailendra Kumar)
Deputy Controller General of Account
Source: http://cga.nic.in/writereaddata/7th%20CPC.pdf

7th Pay Commission: Details of Posts in CCAS Cadre under CGA Organization carrying Existing Pay Band and Grade Pay Corresponding to the revised Pay Matrix Level: Controller General of Accounts OM

7th Pay Commission: Details of Posts in CCAS Cadre under CGA Organization carrying Existing Pay Band and Grade Pay Corresponding to the revised Pay Matrix Level: Controller General of Accounts OM

No.A-60015/1/2014/MF.CGA(A)/NGE/7th CPC/218


Dated: . 10th August, 2016

Consequent upon Govt. of India’s decision for implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission’s Recommendations vide Resolution. dated 25th July, 2016, Min. of Finance, Deptt. of Expenditure has notified the orders for revised pay scales, fixation of pay and payment of arrears etc. Attention is drawn in this regard to Gazette Notification G.-S.R. 721(E) dated 25th July, .2016. The details of. posts in CCAS cadre carrying existing Pay Band and Grade Pay corresponding to the revised Pay, Matrix Level are as under:-

Sl. No.PostsExistingRevised
Pay BandGrade PayPay Level (Matrix)
As per 6th CPC(7th CPC)
1.MTSPB-1 (5200-20200)1800Level 1
2.LDCPB-1 (5200-20200)1900Level 2
3.AccountantPB-1 (5200-20200)2800Level 5
4.Sr. AccountantPB-2 (9300-34800)4200Level 6
5.Assistant Accounts OfficerPB-2 (9300-34800)4800Level 8
Level 9 after completion of 4 years**
6.Accounts OfficerPB-2 (9300-34800)5400Level 9
7.Senior Accounts OfficerPB-3 (15600-39100)5400Level 10
8.Stenographer Grade IIIPB-1 (5200-20200)2400Level 4
9.Stenographer Grade IPB-2 (9300-34800)4200Level 6
10.Private SecretaryPB-2 (9300-34800)4600Level 7
11.Sr. Private SecretaryPB-2 (9300-34800)4800Level 8
Level 9 after completion of 4 years**
12.Data entry Operator Grade APB-1 (5200-20200)2400Level 4
13.Data entry Operator Grade BPB-1 (5200-20200)2800Level 5
14.Computer OperatorPB-2 (9300-34800)4200Level 6
15.Staff Car Driver OrdinaryPB-1 (5200-20200)1900Level 2
16.Staff Car Driver Gr.IIPB-1 (5200-20200)2400Level 4
17.Staff Car Driver Gr.IPB-1 (5200-20200)2800Level 5
18.Staff Car Driver Special Gr.PB-2 (9300-34800)4200Level 6

**Separate orders shall be issued in this regard.

The above description is for the guidance of offices under CGA organization inconsistencies, if any, may he brought to the notice of this office.
(G. Ramesh)
Asst. Controller of Accounts


Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the Anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission Recommendations


Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
JCA Section
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 16th August, 2016
Subject: Setting up of Anomaly Committee to settle the Anomalies arising out of the implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission's recommendations.

The undersigned is directed to say that it has been decided that Anomaly Committees should be set up, consisting of representatives of the Officials Side and the Staff Side to settle the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission's recommendations, subject to the following conditions, namely:

(1) Definition of Anomaly

Anomaly will include the following cases:
(a) where the Official Side and the Staff Side are of the opinion that any
recommendation is in contravention of the principle or the policy enunciated by the Seventh Central Pay Commission itself without the Commission assigning any
reason; and

(b) where the maximum of the Level in the Pay Matrix corresponding to the applicable Grade Pay in the Pay Band under the pre-revised structure, as notified vide CCS (RP) Rules 2016, is less than the amount an employee is entitled to be fixed at, as per the formula for fixation of pay contained in the said Rules".
(2) Composition:

There will be two levels of Anomaly Committees, National and Departmental, consisting of representatives of the Official Side and the Staff Side of the National Council and the Departmental Council respectively.

(3) The Departmental Anomaly Committee may be chaired by the Additional Secretary (Admn.) or the Joint Secretary (Admn.), if there is no post of Additional Secretary (Admn.). Financial Adviser of the Ministry / Department shall be one of the Member of the Departmental Anomaly Committee.

(4) The National Anomaly Committee will deal with anomalies common to two or more Departments and in respect of common categories of employees. The Departmental Anomaly Committee will deal with anomalies pertaining exclusively to the Department concerned and having no repercussions on the employees of another Ministry / Department in the opinion of the Financial Adviser.

(5) The Anomaly Committee shall receive anomalies through Secretary, Staff Side of respective Council upto six months from the date of its constitution and it will finally dispose of all the anomalies within a period of one year from the date of its  constitution. Any recommendations of the Anomaly Committee to resolve the anomaly shall be subject to the approval of the Government.

(6) Cases where there is a dispute about the definition of "anomaly" and those where there is a disagreement between the Staff Side and the Official Side on the anomaly will be referred to and "Arbitrator" to be appointed out of a panel of names proposed by the two sides. However, this arbitration will not be a part of the JCM Scheme.

(7) The Arbitrator so appointed shall consider the disputed cases arising in the Anomaly Committees at the National as well as Department level.

(8) Orders regarding appointment of the Arbitrator and constitution of Anomaly Committee at National Level will be issued separately.

All Ministries / Departments are accordingly requested to take urgent action to set up the Anomaly Committees for settlement of anomalies arising out of implementation of the 7th Pay Commission's recommendations, as stipulated above.
(G. Srinivasan)
Deputy Secretary (JCA)
DoPT order

Logo Support and Permission for Health Camps for Diabetes Awareness, Prevention and Wellness Program

File No. 32/3/2016-Welfare
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
Dated 17th August, 2016
Shri D.S.Rawat,
Secretary General,
ASSOCHAM Corporate Office,
5, Sardar Patel Marg, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi-110021.

Subject: Logo Support and Permission for Health Camps for Diabetes Awareness, Prevention and Wellness Program - reg.

Please refer to your letter No. AFSCR/Diabetic/01 dated 01.06.2016 and subsequent letter No. AFSCR/Diabetic/02 dated 08.07.2016 on the above mentioned subject. Competent Authoriy has approved to organize Health Camps for Diabetes Awareness, Prevention and Wellness Program alongwith the medical camps at selected Samaj Sadans of Grih Kalyan Kendra (GKK) and Central Government Residents Welfare Associations (CGERWA) in Delhi and NCR.

2. The GKK and CGERWAs will be advised to provide the venues for organising the medical/yoga camps free of cost. The medical/yoga camps will be organized at the selected Samaj Sadans of GKK on Saturdays only depending upon the availability and with the prior approval from Secretary, GKK. The list of the selected GKKs is attached (Annexure-I). The expenditure on account of providing infrastructure viz. tents, furniture, medical equipment, yoga mats etc. will be borne by the ASSOCHAM.

3. The official logo support in the form of use of the National Emblem will be provided by DoPT which the ASSOCHAM may utilize only in the banners for venues of Samaj Sadans of GKK which is under the administration control of DoPT. However, it will not be feasible to provide the official logo support at the venues of CGERWA where DoPT will not be involved directly in organising the camps.

4. The venues for organizing medical camps/yoga camps at the premises of CGERW A may be selected in consultation with the concerned Area Welfare Officer and office bearers of the Associations (list attached-Annexure-II & III).
Encl: as above.
Yours faithfully,
(G.S. Arora)
Chief Welfare Officer (RWA)
Tel: 24624821
Source: Persmin

7th CPC Anomalies – NCJA

 7th CPC Anomalies – NCJA

National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road, New Delhi — 110055
No.NJC/2016/7th CPC
August 12, 2016
All Constituents of NJCA 

Dear Comrades,

We have been receiving communication from various organizations as also from individual employees after the promulgation of the notification by the Government on 7th CPC recommendations. Most of these communications had been to express the anxiety and in some cases anger too over the delay in setting up the high level committee, assured by the Group of Minister to review the minimum wage and multiplication factor.

We have been pursuing the said issue on a day to day basis and we are fully appreciative of the apprehensions expressed in many of these letters. Since the decision making in the Government is a long procrastinated matter involving various levels and departments, such delays are not uncommon. But we have been informed as to why the assurances held out have not been translated into action.

We have also noted that in the absence of the JCM functioning especially at the Departmental levels of various Ministries, the department specific anomalies and demands are not being subjected to any meaningful negotiations with the respective organizations. We have addressed the Cabinet Secretary to hold a special discussion with us on this subject immediately. Copy of our letter is enclosed.

On 12th August, 2016, we have met the Secretary Pensions to convey our strong resentment over the decision to allow the Option No. 1 given to the pensioners to be implemented subject to feasibility. We have reiterated that while we are open to discussion as to the methodology of verification of the claims of individual petitions in respect of Option No.1, we would not be able to countenance of the non implementation of the recommendation of the 7th CPC on the flimsy ground of non availability of records.
The available NJCA members met today at Delhi to review the situation in the background of the feeling conveyed to us through letters from various organizations. We have after taking note of the anxiety expressed and the ongoing discussions with various authorities over the setting up of the high level committee to wait up to the end of this month before we embark upon any action for the setting upon of the said high level committee. The employees may be apprised of this decision through the requisite campaign programme.
In the meantime, we must endeavour to support the one day strike action slated for 2nd September, 2016 for which the call has been given by the Central Trade Unions (including independent Federations) to the best of the ability of the respective organizations as the objective of the strike is the betterment of the working people in our country.

7th CPC Anomalies
All the Constituents Organizations are requested to forward the various anomalies arising out of the implementation of the 7th CPC notification / CCS (RP) Rules 2016 to the Staff Side office with brief / illustration etc. within in 15 days from today so as to enable us to study and forward the same to the Anomaly committee for settlement.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)


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