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Tuesday, 4 August 2015

OROP protests likely to intensify

OROP protests likely to intensify

“UFESM is not ready to believe the assurances given by all the forces that constitute the power at the Centre that the scheme would be implemented.”

This is because such assurances have been given for a number of years by a number of parties and nothing had happened. Therefore, this time, the UFESM is not ready to bow down.

Either the plan has to be announced, or the Prime Minister has to announce the date on which the plan will be implemented. Else, as per the current scenario, the protests are going to intensify.

In more than 60 cities across the country, protests are being held demanding the implementation of the OROP scheme. Ex-servicemen from all over the country are arriving in New Delhi to participate in the relay fast protest that is being conducted at Jantar Mantar.

The UFESM has announced that ex-servicemen shall henceforth boycott all the government-organized functions. They have also decided to go to the court after hearing the Prime Minister’s Independence Day speech to find out the Government’s stand on the issue.

Armymen are being granted pensions and retirement benefits based on the current pay commission’s recommendations at the time of their retirement. Since the pension calculations are revised once every ten years, the OROP scheme seeks to remove the resultant anomalies.

National Holiday Allowance – Upward revision of rates

National Holiday Allowance – Upward revision of rates: Railway Board's reply on NFIR Reference
No. E(P&A)I-2013/FE-4/3
New Delhi dated 29 -07-2014.
 The General Secretary
3, Chelmsford Road,
New Delhi.

Sub: National Holiday Allowance – Upward revision of rates – reg.

The undersigned is direct to refer to your letter No. I/5(g)/Part V dated 03.07.2015 on the above demand cited subject and to state that VII CPC is examining the issue in respect of rate of NHA along with rates of other allowances. As such, it is perhaps not an appropriate time to consider any kind of revision or deviation from the existing rates NHA. In the circumstances the final report/recommendations of VII CPC may be awaited. The PNM Item No. 5/2013 may be closed.
For Secretary,
Railway Board.
Source: NFIR

Relief to lakhs of pre-2006 retirees of the Armed Forces and Central Government

Relief to lakhs of pre-2006 retirees of the Armed Forces and Central Government
Pre-2006 retirees get pension relief

Finally, after many twists and turns, it has arrived! In a relief to lakhs of pre-2006 retirees of the armed forces and central government, their pension has been revised with effect from January 1, 2006, rather than from September 24, 2012.

The department of pension and pensioners’ welfare (DoPPW) issued the universal orders regarding this revision on Thursday. Anomalies in the fixation of the pension of the pre-2006 central government retirees had come to light after the implementation of the recommendations of the sixth Pay Commission. The issue was whether pension was to be calculated based on the minimum of pay for each rank/grade within the newly introduced bands or on the minimum of the pay-band itself.

The Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT) and Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) then corrected it and ruled that the pension would be calculated on the basis of the minimum of pay for each rank/grade within a particular band, which gives the retirees a higher pension.

Read more at : Hindustan Times

Clarification on simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to AIS officers retiring from Govt of India/State Govt : exercise of option regarding

Simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits : Exercise of option regarding.
G.I., Dept. of Per. & Trg., O.M.No.25014/1/2014-AIS-II, dated 28.7.2015

Subject : Clarification on simplification of procedure for payment of pension and other benefits to AIS officers retiring from Govt of India/State Govt : exercise of option regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Departments Order No.25014/2/2002- AIS-II dated 11th April, 2007 wherein measures for simplification of payment of pension and other retirement benefits to All India Services officers retiring/retired from Government of India/State Government have been revised and the Government of India had taken over the entire pension liability of all the All India Service officers. Besides, all retiring All India Service officers either from the Central Government or State Government uniformly have the option of drawl of their pension through Government of India or through the State Government. However, in the aforesaid order dated 11th April, 2007, the issue of revocation of their earlier option for drawl of pension exercised by the All India Service pensioners was silent.

(2) Accordingly, keeping in view the aging factor and to ease and comfort in a retired life, the issue of exercising option for drawing pension either from Government of India or State Government was revisited in this Department in consultation with the Central Pension Accounting Office, Department of Expenditure and Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare and has decided that the option exercised by the pensioner for drawl of pension/family pension either from the Government of India or State Government in reference to this Departments Order dated 11th April , 2007 would continue as “Zero option’ (option exercised at the time of retirement would constitute as zero option).

(3) Thereafter, the retired officer can further make two options for which the first option would be permitted without obtaining the permission of Central Government and the second option would require permission of the Central Government. No further option shall be considered after the Second option is permitted by the Central Government. The first option shall be applied by the pensioner to the Drawing Disbursing Authority Of her/his pension in the prescribed format (Annexure-I).

(4) The proposal for revocation of earlier options which required permission of Central Government shall be applied to the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority of All India Services in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) and such proposal shall be processed in consultation with the Chief Controller (Pension), Central Pension Accounting Office (Department of Expenditure), New Delhi for according approval of the Secretary of the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority .

5. It is to state that every time a change in option is made, it shall be notified to the Central Pension Accounts Office (Department of Expenditure) for carrying out necessary updation in its data base.

(6) The revised format for exercising zero option for drawl of pension in respect of retiring/retired members of All India Services is annexed as Annexure-III.

Authority: www.persmin.gov.in

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