A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2015-2016

Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2015-2016

Government of India
Ministry of Defence

New Delhi, dated the 5th October, 2016
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for the civilians of the Indian Navy for the year 2015-2016.

I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry’s letter No.F.24(9)/80/D(JCM) dated 28th September, 1983, as amended from time to time and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (forty days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2015-2016 to the eligible civilian employees of the Indian Navy.

2. The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2015-2016 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB shall be paid to all eligible Gp. B (Non-Gazetted), Gp. C and Gp. D civilian employees of Indian Navy who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2015-2016. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000×40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs. 1200/- p.m.(1200×40/30.4) for the accounting year 2015-2016. However, in Cases where the actual wages fall below Rs. 1200/- p.m., the amount will be calculated On the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2016-2017.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Dept of Expenditure) vide their I.D. No.30030832/E-III(A)/2016 dated 05.10.2016 and MoD (Fin/AG/PB) vide their Dy.No.187/AG/PB dated 5.10.2016.
Yours faithfully,
(Anil Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: BPMS

Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2015-2016

Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2015-2016.
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 5th October, 2016
The Chief of the Air Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for eligible industrial civilian employees of the Indian Air Force for the year 2015-2016.

I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry's letter No.F.24(10)/80/D(JCM), dated 2nd November, 1983 as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 40 days (Forty days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2015-2016 to the eligible civilian employees of the Indian Air Force.

2 The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2015-2016 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB will be paid to all eligible Gp. B (Non-Gazetted), Gp. C and Gp. D civilian employees of Indian Air Force who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2015-2016. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000×40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs. 1200/- for the accounting year 2015-2016. However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs. 1200/- p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2016-2017.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure) vide their ID No.300308319/e-III(A)/2016 dated 05.10.2016 and MOD (Finance/AG/PB) vide their Dy. No.194/AG/PB dated 5.10.2016.
Yours faithfully,
(Anil Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: BPMS

Productivity Linked Bonus for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2015-2016

Productivity Linked Bonus for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2015-2016
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 5th October, 2016
The Chief of the Army Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus for the eligible Defence civilians of the Army Ordnance Corps (AOC) for the year 2015-2016.


I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministrys letter No.F.24(6)/80/D(JCM) dated 28th September. 1983, as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of the President to the payment of 40 days (Fourty days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2015-2016 to the eligible civilian employees of the AOC.

2. The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2015-2016 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB will be paid to all eligible Gp.’B’ (Non-Gazetted), Gp. ‘C’ & Gp. ‘D’ civilian employees of AOC who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2015-2016. The calculation ceiling of Rs.7000/-(7000×40/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/- p.m. (1200×40/30.4) for the accounting year 2015-2016. However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs. 1200/- p.m.. the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2016-2017. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure] vide their ID No.300308327/2016-EIII(A) dated 5.10.2016 and Defence (Finance /AG/PB) 183/AG/PB dated 5.10.2016.
Yours faithfully,
(Anil Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: BPMS

Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) for the civilian employees of the EME for the Year 2015-16

Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) for the civilian employees of the EME for the Year 2015-16

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, the 5th October, 2016
The Chief of the Army Staff,
New Delhi.

Subject: Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) for the civilian employees of the EME for the Year 2015-16.

I am directed to refer to the Productivity Linked Bonus Scheme already circulated vide this Ministry's letter dated 28th September, 1983, as amended from time to time, and to convey the sanction of President to the payment of 28 days (Twenty Eight days) wages in cash as PLB for the year 2015-16 to the eligible civilian employees of the EME.

2. The entitlement has been worked out on the basis of the working results for the year 2015-16 in accordance with the agreed formula.

3. The PLB shall be paid to all eligible Gp. B (Non-Gazetted), Gp. C and Gp D civilian employees of the EME who are covered under PLB Scheme for the accounting year 2015-16. The calculation ceiling of Rs. 7000/- (7000×34/30.4) and other terms and conditions of the PLB Scheme will remain unchanged.

4. Productivity Linked Bonus to the casual labourer will be paid at the assumed wages of Rs.1200/- p.m. (1200×34/30.4) for the accounting year 2015-16. However, in cases where the actual wages fall below Rs. 1200/- p.m., the amount will be calculated on the actual monthly wages. The other conditions remain unchanged.

5. The expenditure on this account will be debitable to Defence Services Estimates under respective Heads to which the pay and allowances of these employees are debited. The entire expenditure on the payment of PLB is to be met out of the sanctioned budget grant for the year 2016-17.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their ID No. dated 5.10.2016 and MoD (Fin/AG/PB) Vide their Dy No. 188/AG/PB dated 5.10.2016.

Yours faithfully,
(Anil Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: BPMS

Central Administrative Tribunal (Salaries, Allowances and Conditions of Service of the Officers and Employees) Rules, 2015

Central Administrative Tribunal (Salaries, Allowances and Conditions of Service of the Officers and Employees) Rules, 2015

(Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, the 8th July, 2015

G.S.R. 548(E) : In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 13 read with clause (b) of section 36 of the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of 1985) and in supersession of the Central Administrative Tribunal [Staff] (Conditions of Service) Rules, 1985, except as respects things done
or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government hereby makes the following rules regulating the salaries and allowances and conditions of service of the officers and other employees of the Central Administrative Tribunal, namely:-

1. Short title and commencement.
(1) These rules may be called the Central Administrative Tribunal (salaries, allowances and conditions of service of the officers and employees) Rules, 2015.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions. (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) "Act" means the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 (13 of 1985);
(b) "Schedule" means the Schedule annexed to these rules;
(c) "Tribunal" means the Central Administrative Tribunal established under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Act.
(2) The words and expression used and not defined in these rules, but defined in the Act shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3. Number of posts, classification, pay band and grade pay or pay scale. The number of posts, their classification, pay band and grade pay or pay scale attached thereto shall be as specified in the Schedule annexed to these rules.

4. Conditions of Service. The conditions of service of the officers and employees of the Tribunal in the matters of pay, allowances, leave, joining time, joining time pay, provident fund, age of superannuation, travelling allowance and leave travel concession, pension and retirement benefits, medical facilities and other conditions of service shall be regulated in accordance with such rules and regulations as are from time to time applicable to officers and employees of the Central Government belonging to Group 'A', Group 'B' and Group 'C', as the case may be, of the corresponding pay band and grade pay or pay scale
of officers and employees of the Central Government.

5. Residuary provision. Matters relating to the terms and conditions of service of the officers and employees of the Tribunal with respect to which no express provision has been made in these rules, shall be referred by the Tribunal to the Central Government for its decision.

6. Power to relax. The Central Government shall have power to relax the provisions of any of these rules in respect of any class or category of persons.

Name of the postNo. of posts.Pay Band and Grade Pay or Pay Scale
1Principal Registrar01Pay band-4, Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 10000
2Registrar09Pay band-4, Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 8700
3Financial Advisor and
Chief Account Officer
01Pay band-4, Rs. 37400-67000 with Grade Pay of Rs. 8700.
4Joint Registrar11Pay band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600
5Senior Principal Private
01Pay band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 7600
6Deputy Registrar24Pay band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600
7Deputy Controller of
01Pay band-3. Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600
8Principal Private Secretary16Pay band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600
9Deputy Director (Doc.)01 (Deemed
Payband-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600
10Library and Information
01Pay band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600
11Assistant Director (Official
01Pay band-3. Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400
12Section Officer/Court
88Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4800.
Pay band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400
(on completion of four years)
13Private Secretary65Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4800.
Pay band-3, Rs. 15600-39100 with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400
(on completion of four years)
14Accounts Officer16Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600
15Court Master/Steno Grade
69Pay band-2. Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600
16Assistant55Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600
17Senior Translator06Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600
18Assistant Library and
Information Officer
10Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4600
19Junior Accounts Officer17Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200
20Junior Translator13Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200
21Library and Information
06Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200
22Caretaker18Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200
23Staff Car Driver (Special
3Pay band-2, Rs. 9300-34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200
24Senior Accountant03Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2800
25Staff Car Driver (Grade-I)18Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2800
26Junior Accountant05Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400
27Upper Division Clerk121Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400
28Staff Car Driver (GradeII)15Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400
29Steno Grade 'D'32Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400
30Lower Division Clerk/
Hindi Typist
204Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900
31Data Entry Operator02Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900
32Staff Car Driver (Ordinary
15Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900
33Gestetner Operator12Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900
34Photocopier18Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900
35Despatch Rider07Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900
36Multi Tasking Staff.* 419419Pay band-1, Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800

* Posts of Senior Library Attendant, Daftary, Jamadar, Junior Library Attendant, Peon, Safaiwala/farash, Chowkidar and Mali had been clubbed together and re-designated as Multi Tasking Staff on the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission.

[No. A-11013/11/2014-AT]
Source: ccis.nic.in

Charter of Demands Especially increase in minimum wage and fitment factor

Charter of Demands Especially increase in minimum wage and fitment factor

1. Settle the demands raised by NJCA regarding modifications of 7th CPC recommendations as submitted in the memorandum to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015. (See Annexure-I). Honour the assurance given by the Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30th June 2016 and 6th July 2016, especially increase in minimum wage and fitment factor. Grant revised HRA at the existing percentage itself i.e. 30%, 20% and 10%. Accept the proposal of the staff side regarding Transport Allowance. Settle all anomalies arising out of implementation of 7th CPC recommendations, in a time bound manner.

2. Implement option-I recommended by 7th CPC and accepted by the Government regarding parity in pension of pre-2016 pensioners, without any further delay. Settle the pension related issues raised by NJCA against item 13 of its memorandum submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015. (See Annexure-I).

3. Scrap PFRDA Act and New Pension System (NPS) and grant pension and Family Pension to all Central Government employees recruited after 01.01.2004, under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.

4. Treat Gramin Dak Sewaks of Postal department as Civil Servants, and extend all benefits like pay, pension, allowances etc. of departmental employees to GDS. Enhance bonus calculation ceiling of GDS also to 7000 from 01.04.2014.

5. Regularise all casual, contract, part-time, contingent and Daily rated mazdoors and grant equal pay and other benefits. Revise the wages as per 7th CPC minimum pay.

6. No Downsizing, Privatisation, outsourcing and contractorisation of Government functions.

7. Withdraw the arbitrary decision of the Government to enhance the bench mark for performance appraisal for promotion and financial upgradations under MACP from “GOOD” to VERY GOOD” and also decision to withhold annual increments in the case of those employees who are not able to meet the bench march either for MACP or for regular promotion within the first 20 years of service. Grant MACP pay fixation benefits on promotional hierarchy and not on pay-matrix hierarchy. Personnel promoted on the basis of examination should be treated as fresh entrants to the cadre for grant of MACP.

8. Withdraw the draconian FR 56 (J) and Rule 48 of CCs (Pension) Rules 1972 which is being misused as a short cut as purity measure to punish and victimize the employees.

9. Fill up all vacant posts including promotional posts in a time bound manner. Lift ban on creation of posts. Undertake cadre Review to access the requirement of employees and their cadre prospects. Modify recruitment rules of Group-‘C’ cadre and make recruitment on Reginal basis.

10. Remove 5% ceiling on compassionate appointments and grant appointment in all deserving cases.

11. Grant five promotions in the service carreer to all Central Govt. employees.

12. Abolish and upgrade all Lower Division Clerks to Upper Division Clerks.

13. Ensure parity in pay for all stenographers, Assistants, Ministerial Staff in subordinate offices and in all organized Accounts cadres with Central Secretariat staff by upgrading their pay scales. Grant pay scale of Drivers in Loksabha Secretariat to Drivers working in all other Central Government Departments.

14. Reject the stipulation of 7th CPC to reduce the salary to 80% for the second year of Child Care leave and retain the existing provision.

15. Introduce Productivity Linked bonus in all department and continue the existing bi-lateral agreement on PLB wherever it exists.

16. Ensure cashless medical treatment to all Central Government employees & Pensioners in all recognized Government and Private hospitals.

17. Revision of Overtime Allowance (OTA) and Night Duty Allowance (NDA) w.e.f 01.01.2016 based on 7th CPC pay scale.

18. Revision of wages of Central Government employees in every five years.

19. Revive JCM functioning at all levels. Grant recognition to the unions/Associations under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 within a time frame to facilitate effective JCM functioning.

Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.in

CPAO Revision of post-2016 pension cases : CPAO Orders on 4.10.2016

Revision of post-2016 pension cases : regarding


NEW DELHI 110066

CPAO/IT&Tech/7th CPC/2016-17/145


Office Memorandum

Subject: Revision of post-2016 pension cases - regarding.

After government decision on the implementation of 7th CPC recommendations vide DP&PW OM dated 04.08.2016, the pension cases of those government servants who retired/died after 01.01.2016 and whose pension was finalized under 6th CPC. These pension cases need to be revised under 7th CPC recommendations after doing the pay fixation under 7th CPC. Since initially these cases were processed using pension module of COMPACT, relevant data for revising the same under 7th CPC is available in COMPACT. Therefore, these cases may be processed in the COMPACT and do not require to be processed through e-Revision Utility. Necessary modifications have already been made in the COMPACT for revision of such cases under 7th CPC.

All the pension processing PAOs may be instructed to revise above mentioned pension cases of post-2016 retirees using COMPACT and take the printout of revised authorities and send to CPAO under their signatures and to calculate the differential amount of gratuity and commutation and convey the same to CPAO for payment by the Banks in the above mentioned revised authorities.
(Subhash Chandra)
Controller of Accounts

Click to view the order

Authority: http://cpao.nic.in/



REF: CIRCULAR NO. 2/2016-19
DATED: 01.10.2016


Demonstration at all centres/all office gates and forwarding of resolutions adopted on charter of demands to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India (2) Hon'ble Home Minister (3) Hon’ble Finance Minister and all Departmental heads.

Mass dharna at all state capitals/important centres.

Massive Parliament March of not less than 20000 Central Government employees.

Date will be decided in consultation with other organisations.

Dear Comrades,
The National Secretariat of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers met on 30.09.2016 at New Delhi, reviewed the progress made in settlement of the charter of demands submitted by the JCM (NC) staff side to the Central Government, with particular reference to the assurance given by the Group of Ministers regarding constitution of a High Level Committee for increasing the minimum wage and fitment formula. The National Secretariat viewed with grave concern the totally negative and indifferent attitude of the NDA Government towards the genuine demands of the Central Government employees and expressed its strong protest against non-implementation of the assurance given by the Cabinet Ministers to the NJCA till this date. As already resolved by the 25th National Conference of the Confederation held at Chennai from 16th to 18th August 2016, the National Secretariat decided to organize independent campaign and agitational programmes culminating in strike action. The National Secretariat, at the same time, resolved to maintain unity under the banner of NJCA intact and also resolved that confederation while conducting its own independent campaign and agitational programmes, shall fully implement all the programmes of NJCA also at all levels.

Accordingly, the National Secretariat decided to organize the above mentioned phased programme of action during the months of October, November and December 2016. The National Secretariat further deiced that before finalizing the date of the strike action, the Confederation leadership shall contact all likeminded organisations and effort should be made to bring maximum unity of Central Government employees for the proposed strike action.

For the December 15th Parliament March, National Secretariat fixed the following quota for ensuring participation of about not less than 20000 employees in the March.
1. National Federation of Postal Employees (all affiliates): 10000
2. Income Tax Employees Federation: 2500
3. Audit & Accounts Association: 1000
4. Civil Accounts Employees Association: 800
5. National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees: 300
6. Ground Water Board Employees Association: 300
7. Other Affiliates (Each): 100
8. COC West Bengal: 1000
9. COC Tamilnadu: 1000
10. COC Kerala: 500
11. COC Uttar Pradesh: 1000
12. COC Mumbai: 500
13. COC Nagpur: 300
14. COC Andhra/Telangana: 1000
15. COC Karnataka: 500
16. All other COCs (Each): 300
17. COC Delhi: 3000
Major organisations shall arrange Accommodation for the participants from their organization. Regarding small organisations and COCs they should contact in advance the Confederation CHQ, in case accommodation is to be arranged.

Affiliated organisations and COCs should fix state-wise quota and affiliated organization-wise quota immediately and inform all affiliates/State units immediately to enable them to decide the participants
Travel tickets for the participants in the Parliament March should be booked immediately, as otherwise it will be difficult to get reservation.
Other details will be given in the next circular. Charter of demands approved by the National Secretariat is enclosed herewith.

All affiliated organisations and COCs are requested to start preperations immediately for making the above mentioned three-phases of programmes a grand success.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.in

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