India Women's Trade Union Camp of Confederation of Central Govt
Employees & Workers was held at Haridwar (Uttarakhand) on 29th &
30th October 2018.
U.P State Committee of Confederation with
Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE, Com.Virendra Tiwari, General
Secretary, AIPSBCOEA , Com.J.P.Singh, ITEF, Com.S.B.Yadav, General
Secretary, AIPAEA as Chairman, Working Chairman, General Secretary and
Treasurer respectively took the responsibility of organizing the camp.
Earlier, four years back, COC, Uttarakhand has organized an All India
Trade Union Camp of Confederation at Dehradun.
The camp commenced
at 11.00 AM on 29th October with flag hoisting and homage to martyrs.
Com.Subhashini Ali, Ex-MP & daughter of great freedom fighter and
legendary leader Captain Lakshmi Saigal hoisted the National falg.
Com.Giriraj Singh, Vice Chairman, Confederation (CHQ) hoisted the
Confederation flag. Com.K.K.N.Kutty, President could not attend the camp
as he is unwell and undergoing treatment.
The inaugural session
was presided over by Com.Usha Bonepally, Chairperson and she delivered
the presidential address. Com.R.Seethalakshmi, Convener, Women's Sub
Committee made an introductory speech. Com.Virendra Tiwari, Working
Chairman, COC, UP State, and Chief organizer of the camp welcomed the
distinguished guests, leaders and delegates.
Com.Subhashini Ali
inaugurated the two days camp by taking a class on the subject " Indian
Working Class - Challenges and opportunities". In the evening, she again
participated in an interaction session for about two hours and answered
all the questions, doubts and queries of the women delegates. Presence
and participation of Com.Subhashini Ali in the camp, for about 5 hours
really inspired the delegates.
Second class was by Com.Keerthi
Singh, Advocate, Supreme Court & Adviser, Legal Cell of All India
Democratic Women's Association on the subject - "Women's social status
and rights in the Indian society".
On 30th morning,
Com.T.K.Rajalakshmi, Editor, Front Line took class on the subject -
"Media and Politics". Com.Geetha Bhattacharjee and Com.Manisha Mazumdar,
Joint Conveners of Women's Sub Committee offered welcome address and
vote of thanks respectively.
Final session was on the subject -
"Scrap NPS & Confederation's 10 point Charter of Demands -
significance of 2019 January 8th & 9th two days All India Strike"
Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation, Com.Giriraj Singh,
President, NFPE, Com.Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Secretary General, National
Federation of Civil Accounts Employees' Associations, Com.S.B.Yadav,
General Secretary, All India Postal Accounts Employees Association,
Com.Worlikar, National Federation of Atomic Energy Employees,
Com.D.B.Mohanty, General Secretary, P4 Union (NFPE) addressed the
delegates. Com.Virendra Tiwari made the concluding address and also vote
of thanks.
Com.Anilkumar Chaudhary, Circle President, P4, UP
Circle (Shaharanpur Division) presented special shawls to all guests and
leaders. The camp concluded at 02.30 PM on 30th.
About 100
delegates participated in the camp from different States. The Reception
Committee made excellent arrangements for best accommodation, attractive
dias, and meeting hall, delicious food, colourful decorations etc.,
without giving room for any complaints. Confederation National
Secretariat conveys its sincere thanks and gratitude to all the leaders
and members of Reception Committee for their sincerity, commitment,
collective work and dedication which made the camp a grand success.
Secretary General
Mob & what'sapp:
Source: Confederation