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Tuesday, 10 July 2018

CGHS: Booking of CGHS Recovery into Heads of Defence Accounts

Booking of CGHS Recovery into Heads of Defence Accounts



No. A/1/11336/OBS/2017-18
Dated: 09.07.2018
PCsDA/CsDA (through website)

Subject: Booking of CGHS Recovery into Heads of Defence Accounts.

As per list of Major & Minor Heads of Accounts, recovery on accounts of CGHS contribution should be booked under Receipt Head 0210. {code heads 094/16-Defence, 095/16-MoD(Civ) & 098/20-CSD}.

2. However, Test Audit of pay bills pertaining to Defence Civilians in one of our Controller Offices revealed that a recovery of CGHS subscription is being booked under MH-0076, Minor Head 800-Other receipts (code head 01/575/30). Similarly, CGHS contribution of Civilians of Navy and Air Force is being booked under MH- 0077, Minor Head 800-other receipts (code head 01/670/30) and Major Head 0078, Minor Head 800-Other receipts (code head 01/710/30) respectively.

3. While your office is booking a significant amount under the code head 094/16, it may be possible that the recovery on account of Defence Civilians not being booked under the appropriate heads.

4. It is therefore, requested to review the booking on account of recovery of CGHS contribution by your office and furnish the practice being followed and code heads being used by your office for booking of said recovery in r/o both DAD & Non-DAD subscribers. The review may be completed by 27.06.2018.

(Sumit Gajbhiye)

Relaxation of Rules for consideration of reimbursement in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims

Relaxation of Rules for consideration of reimbursement in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
EHS Section
No: Z. 15025/38/2018/DIR/CGHS/EHS
Nirman Bhawnn, New Delhi
Dated the 22nd May, 2018

Subject: Relaxation of Rules for consideration of reimbursement in excess of the approved rates pertaining to medical claims

With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the Office Memorandum No, 4-18/2005- C&P [Vol.1- Pt (1)l, dated the 20th February 2009 and to slate that it has now been decided to modify the Para 3 (2) of the above referred Office Memorandum as per the details given under the Succeeding paragraphs.

a) The requests for full reimbursement which fall under the following defined criteria shall be examined by Directorate General of CGHS and submitted to AS&OG (CGHS) for consideration of approval. And the recommendation of AS&DG (CGHS), the concurrence of internal Finance Division and approval of Secretary. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are required for reimbursement in excess of CGHS rates:
1) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency and the patient was admitted by others when the beneficiary was unconscious or severely incapacitated and was hospitalized for a prolonged period.
2) Treatment was obtained ill a private unrecognized hospital under emergency and was admitted for prolonged period for treatment of Head injury, Coma, Septicemia, Multi. organ failure, etc.
3) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency for treatment of advanced malignancy
4) Treatment was taken under emergency in higher type of accommodation as rooms as per his/her entitlement are not available during that period.
5) Treatment was taken in higher type of accommodation under specific conditions for isolation of patients to avoid contacting infections
6) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency when there is a strike in Govt hospitals.
7) Treatment was obtained in a private unrecognized hospital under emergency while on official tour to non-CGHS covered area.
b) The requests non CGHS beneficiaries. having a valid CGHS Card at the time of treatment, in respect or the following conditions shall be considered by a High Powered Committee constituted by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare:
(i) Settlement of medical claims in relaxation of rules
(ii) Approval for air-fare with or without attendant on the advice of treating doctor for treatment in another city even though he/she is not eligible for air travel / treatment facilities are available in city of residence
(iii) Representations from CGHS beneficiaries seeking full reimbursements under special Circumstances, which are not notified.
c) The other terms and conditions mentioned in the OM No. 4- 18/2005- C&P[Vol.1- Pt(1)] dated the 20th February 2009 shall remain unchanged.
(Rajeev Attri)
Under Secretary to Government of India

Huge injustice in fixation of TRCA of Gramin Dak Sevaks as also in calculation and payment of arrears

Huge injustice in fixation of TRCA of Gramin Dak Sevaks as also in calculation and payment of arrears
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007

NO: GDS/CHQ/10-A/CWC/2018
Dated: 09-07-2018
Sri Manoj Sinha,
Hon'ble Ministry of state for communications,(I/C),
Govt. of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: Huge injustice in fixation of TRCA of Gramin Dak Sevaks as also in calculation and payment of arrears.

Respected sir,

As directed by the central working committee of this union we are forwarding herewith a copy of the resolution adopted at the meeting of the central working committee held at lohaghat in uttarkhand circle from 1st and 2nd july 2018. The resolution deals in detail as to how the lowest paid Gramin Dak Sevaks have been dealt grave injustice in fixation of TRCA and payment of arrears.

We, therefore most fervently, request you kindly to look personally into the matter and intervene on behalf of the lowest paid employees, called the Gramin Dak Sevaks to ensure that the loss that the GDS have incurred in fixation of TRCA and calculation of arrears are restored

with high regards
yours Faithfully,

(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary

Non receipt of e-PPOs

Regarding Non receipt of e-PPOs

Circular No. 601
Dated: 06.07.2018

The O I/C
Records/PAO (ORs)

Subject:- Non receipt of e-PPOs - reg.

Reference:- This office Circular No. 588 dated 20.10.2017, Circular No. 590 dated 06.11.2017 and Circular No. 595 dated 25.01.2018.

Office of the PCDA(P) Allahabad has started issuing e-PPOs for all categories of pensioners. A new PPO series was also introduced for various types of e-PPOs and subsequently range of modifications took place while adopting the process.

2. Copies of digitally signed e- PPOs are being sent electronically to PDAs and to Record Offices (ROs) concerned in case of JCOs/ORs . The RO, after scrutinising and checking the e-PPO, is required to forward a hard copy of the e-PPO (after printing from the PDF file) along with Descriptive Roll of the pensioners to PDA concerned. Record Offices (ROs) are also required to provide a copy of the e-PPO to the Armed Forces Pensioners/ Family Pensioners for their record either as a hard copy or through an e-mail as deemed fit.

3. After issuance of e-PPOs by this office, the e-PPOs are immediately forwarded to Record Offices concerned through DPCC (Defence Pension Contact Centre) functioning in the office premises of the PCDA (Pensions) Allahabad.

4. However, it has been noticed that the Record Offices (ROs) and the pensioners/family pensioners are not receiving e-PPO on time thereby causing delay in receipt of pension and other pensionary benefits.

5. In view of the above, all Record Offices are requested to instruct their representative/s to contact the DPCC (Defence Pension Contact Centre) functioning in the office premises of the PCDA(Pension) Allahabad for collection of e-PPOs issued by this office in soft copy viz. Compact Disk (CD) or in Pen Drive. Discrepancy observed in the e-PPO, if any, may be immediately brought to the notice of this office for necessary action at this end. For any query regarding collection of e-PPO, please contact Lt. Col. Palani S, Officer I/C, DPCC (E-Mail ID : dplc1pcdap@gmail.com, Phone: 0532- 2423486, Army Line : 6219).

6. Further, Record Offices are requested to ensure that e-PPOs are collected and despatched timely to PDAs alongwith Descriptive Roll so that payment of pensionary benefits are made to the pensioners/family pensioners in time.

7. This circular has been uploaded on official website of this office www.pcdapension.nic.in.

(Sushil Kumar Singh)
Jt. CDA(P)No. Gts/Tech/7th CPC/0181/Vol-VI
Dated: 06.07.2018

MACP to Central Govt employees from 01.09.2008 - Clarification on counting of pre-appointment training

MACP to Central Govt employees from 01.09.2008 - Clarification on counting of pre-appointment training

No. 4-7/MACPS/2009-PCC (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi - 110001
Date : 02.07.2018
All Heads of Circles.

Sub : Modified Assured Carrier Progression Scheme (MACPS) to Central Government employees w.e.f. 01.09.2008 - clarification on counting of pre-appointment training w.r.t. Para 9 of MACPS guidelines - regarding.

The MACP Scheme promulgated by DoP&T vide OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) dated 19.05.2009 was circulated in the Department vide OM No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009. Directorate has been receiving numerous references from service unions/ federations and Circles to clarify as to whether the pre-appointment training period will be counted for the purpose of MACPS or not with reference to Para 9 of the Scheme.

2. The matter was taken up with the nodal Department i.e. DoP&T for clarification. The DoP&T has clarified vide Dy. No. 1312914/18/CR dated 5.6.2018 as under :

"as per provisions of MACP Scheme as contained in Para 9 of Annexure -1 of MACP Scheme dated 19th May 2009, pre-appointment training before regular appointment is not counted for the purpose of MACP Scheme. "

3. All concerned may take action accordingly.
Asstt. Director General (GDS/PCC)
Source: utilities.cept.gov.in

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