Meeting with 7th Pay Commission on 13 and 14 April 2015 – NFIR published detailed report
NFIR’s Evidence before Seventh Central Pay Commission.
Natiohal Federationf Indian Railwaymen
NFIR has responded to the invitation of Seventh CPC and had
participated in the deliberations on 13th and 14th April 2015. All the
issues raised in the NFIR’s Memorandum besides Railway related issues
listed in the JCM Memorandum were discussed with the Pay Commission very
successfully. Brief account is given below:
13th April 2015 – Monday (1st Pay of Evidence)
Direct Recruitment Entry Qualification may be enhanced with improved Pay Scales (Open ended) for certain categories.
Rationalization and Simplification be done wherever jobs are allied in nature. By merger at entry level.
5th CPC had recommended qualification related Pay Structure.
However, in certain categories, the same has not been allotted.
(Example: C&M Staff – Entry qualification B. Tech/M.Sc. Chemistry –
whereas Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- only was allotted.
Entry qualification for Technician be revised to Matriculation Plus ITI and introduction of Pay scale as per NFIR’s Memorandum.
Course Completed Act Apprentices may be inducted in Technical categories against vacancies.
Master Technician be introduced for availing masterly skills of Technical Staff.
Training/Retraining/Refresher Training/Special Training for various
categories be further improved.
Designations of certain categories be
revised commensurating with the nature of jobs – Example:-Helper as
Assistant Technician.
The existing aberrations in Grade Pays in several categories where
Grade Pay is identical for promotion posts required to be rectified.
C&M Staff may be granted revised improved entry Pay Scales in
view of their entry qualification being B/Tech./M.Sc. Chemistry.
Entry Qualification of ESM be improved & equally pay scale be revised.
Single Grade Pay Cadres should be provided two Grade Pay Structure.
Joint contents resultant output, mental and physical efforts of
staff, hard working conditions, different environmental surroundings,
various hazardous in the course of performing duties, remoteness unique
nature of working of Railways etc. be given greater weightage for
providing pay package and incentives.
The recommendations/observations of High Level Safety Review Committee
(HLSRC) headed by Anil Kakodkar be taken into account for granting
benefits for different categories of staff.
The role of safety as well public image categories perform night
duties throughout resulting invalidation as an inherent part of working
system which should be taken into account for providing pay structure
and incentives.
Injustice done to Technical Supervisors and Technicians by the
previous Pay Commission be remedial. Justice Miabhoy Tribunal had
recommended higher pay scale and special pay which got diluted over
period of time leading to frustration. This needs to be addressed.
(Extracts of Justice Miabhoy Tribunal award was handed over to Pay
It was explained that 98.9 per cent employees remain in Group ‘C’
with only 0.5 percent in Group ‘B’ Gazetted, thus the scope of career
growth is almost nil. (Special Note was given to the Pay Commission with
the request to consider open ended (Gazetted) Pay Scale of Rs.
1,02,000/- to the In Charge Supervisory officials of various departments
and organizations.
It was suggested that the Railway Technicians be given higher Entry Pay Scale of Rs.46,000/-.
Pay Commission was explained of NFIR’s discussion with the Railway
Ministry on Station Master s entry Grade Pay as Rs.4200/- in lieu of GP
The hard working conditions and difficult environment in which
Technicians of Diesel/Electric Loco Shed, EMU Car Shed, Workshops and
Production Units were explained in detail to impress upon the Pay
Commission, the need to render justice. The Pay Commission Chairman was
requested to visit some of the Workshops more particularly Carriage
Repair Shop (CRS) Tirupati.
The case of Track Maintained, Gate Keepers, Trollymen, Track
Maintainers Grade-11 (Keymen) and the role of JE/SSE (P.Way) and their
difficult working conditions were explained which was appreciated by the
Pay Commission.
The Federation also explained the Patrolling duties undertaken by
Track Maintainers risking their lives apait from working on P.Way
Tracks. The Pay Commission was requested to give special consideration
to these categories. Risk Allowance, Trekking Allowance were also
The difficult conditions under which Track Machine staff are
performing duties have been appraised to consider these factors for
rendering justice.
The issue of Drawing Cadre staff as well as JE/SSE were
highlighted, their accountability for stores maintenance besides
inspection, certification, supervision was vividly explained to the Pay
The Role of S&T Department was explained in detail. The hard
working conditions as well as the accountability of S&T Supervisors
and staff for safe and efficient running of train services duly ensuring
maintenance of assets in perfect conditions and in the process the
field difficulties confronted by them were explained. It was also
proposed that entry level qualification of ESM needs to be enhanced with
the corresponding higher pay scale. (In this connection copy of Railway
Board’s letter dated 24th June, 2009 and the minutes of CSTEs
Conference held at Rail Bhavan were submitted to the Pay Commission
Chairman). The Chairman was requested to visit the route relay
inter-locking room for personally looking into the difficult conditions
under which the S&T staff discharge duties.
Federation has also explained in detail the up-graded technology of
Signal as well Telecom side warranting induction of higher skills.
Parity for Railway Stenographers
Injustice perpetuated to this category was highlighted besides
quoting relevant recommendations of 6th CPC. (The Pay Commission
Chairman was very attentive to these facts).
Revision of National Holiday Allowance
NFIR’s note was presented to 7th CPC proposing revision of NHA
equivalent to OTA for one day when the employee is made to forego
National Holiday. In this context the recommendation of Jagannath Das
Pay Commission was highlighted for favourable recommendation.
Classification of period as night duty.
It was proposed that the period from 18 hours to 6 hours should be classified as “Night duty’ for the purpose of payment of NDA“
The Federation has also discussed the proposed revision of various
allowances such as DA/HRA/CCA/HPCA/PCA, Risk Allowance, Hazardous Duty
Allowance, Tracking Allowance, Special Allowance of Controllers, Road
Mileage, Enhancement of Special Allowance to Gate Keepers, Stores
Maintenance Allowance to In Charge Supervisor Officials, Special
Allowance to Trolleymen, Revision of Special Duty Allowance to NE
Region, Revision of Shoe Allowance, Heavy Traffic Allowance to operating
staff etc. Fixed Medical Allowance was also proposed to be revised to
not less than Rs.2,000/- per month. Payment of Washing Allowance to all
categories was suggested.
It was also suggested that grant of Non-Practice Allowance to Legal
cadre and Pharmacists be considered.’The facilities proposed in the
NFlR’s Memorandum for Women employees were explained to
Pay Commission
for consideration.
Citing NFIR s Memorandum relevant Para’s, it was requested to grant special increments/ incentives for additional qualification.
I he aberrations arising due to MACPS implementation were explained
in detail. The Commission has assured to look into the points for
taking a view.
The discussions with the Pay Commission were very cordial. S/Shri
Guman Singh, Dr. M. Raghavaiah, R.P. Bhatnagar, B.C. Sharma, P.S.
Suriyaprakasam, and V. Gopalakrishnan and NFIR Team consists of 14
representatives have participated in the deliberations.
Evidence on 2″(l Day – 14th April 2015 Tuesday)
Special Issues: Placement of JA Grade Officers in PB-4:
Railway Board’s O.M. dated 12/02/2014 was cited with request to
recommend placement of all JA Grade Officers in PB-4 for elimination of
discriminationResidential accommodation., Leased accommodation to Railway employees. Rent free Quarterson remote places:
The conditions under which the staff are working were explained in detail.
Study Leave:
It was requested to allow Study Leave without imposing restriction
when such study is useful and advantageous to Railway activities.
Operating Department: Station Master:
Replacement of Entry Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- with 4200/- corresponding to improved Pay Scale (open ended) was urged.
Section Controller:
The difficult conditions of this category were cogently explained
by the Federation before the Pay * Commission which were well received
by the Chairman.
Cabin Man, Lever Man, Points Man, Gate Man etc:
I he Pay Commission assured to give due consideration to the points brought out by NFIR in its Memorandum.
Trains Clerk:
Entry Grade Pay to be revised with revision of qualification besides allotment of higher pay scale.
Shunting Master & Shunting Janiadar:
Case explained for giving them higher pay scale
Traffic Saifaiwala & Safaiwali:
The Commission has assured to look into the problems.
Traffic Assistants, Metro Railway, Kolkata:
NFIR’s proposal for placing them at par with the Assistant Station Master was agreed to be considered.
Running Staff: Assistant Loco Pilot:-
Entry qualification of the ALP be revised to “Diploma” with
corresponding improved Pay Scale and revision of Designation as
The concept of promotion from same grade pay to same grade pay
shouldering higher responsibilities causing serious frustration among
Running Staff was also highlighted. Federation requested allotment of
higher pay scales for Loco and Traffic Running Staff.
Additional Allowance to Running Staff:
It was explained that Railway Ministry had agreed but however, due
to non-responsive approach of Finance Minister, the proposal did not
materialise. The Pay Commission was requested to recommend additional
allowance to all categories of Running Staff. In this connection, a copy
of Railway Board’s O.M. was also cited.
Train Guards:
It was suggested that the Grade Pay system be modified facilitating
allotment of higher pay scales. Pay Commission was also requested to
consider revision of designation as “Train Manager”.
Running Allowance —admissible to Running Staff and determination of nay element:
The Federation strongly pleaded that this subject is within the
domain of Railway Ministry and the two Federations and hence Pay
Commission should leave it to Railway Ministry. It was also pointed out
that the previous Pay Commissions expressed views that the Running
Allowance issues are to be dealt by the Railway Board with the
Loco Inspectors:
It was explained that the relativity existed during the period of
5th Pay Commission should be got restored so as to see that the pay
scale of Loco Inspectors need higher than the Loco Pilot. The point was
Motorman of Metro Railway Kolkata:
It was requested to see that parity is granted.
Commercial Department:
Enquiry – cum- Reservation Clerk and Commercial Clerk:
As part of rationalisation, ECRC and Commercial Clerk categories
may be amalgamated with the entry qualification of graduation duly
recommending higher pay scale.
Tickct Checking Staff:
The Injustice done to Sr. Ticket Examiner be removed duly replacing
existing Grade Pay 2400/- in GP 2800/- with appropriate open ended
higher pay scale.
Medical Department: Nursing Staff:
It was explained that they deserve to be given satisfactory Pay
Structure. Pay Commission was requested to visit Northern Railway,
Central Hospital at New Delhi to personally ascertain the conditions
under which Nursing Staff perform duties.
I he case was explained very effectively. Pay Commission was
requested to remove the disparity in Pay Structure by leferring the case
of Safdarjung Hospital New Delhi. A note with relevant documents was
given to Chairman for taking appropriate action.
Laboratory Staff:
It was explained that the candidates with B.Sc. plus Diploma
qualifications are being inducted and accordingly they be allotted
higher pay scale.
Suggested to eliminate GP 2800/-. Background relating to
introduction of GP 4200/- by the Government of India was explained.
Detailed note was also handed over to the Pay Commission Chairman who
has appreciated the well documented material.
Health and Malaria Inspectors:
Case was explained in detail. The additional duties on account of
implementation of Food Safety Act were explained. Equally the improved
pay scales granted by 5th Central Pay Commission in the year 1996 were
explained and highlighted the relegated pay structure for rectification.
Safaiwala & Safaiwali (Medical Department:
Highlighted the pathetic condition of this category and requested to see that they are provided relief.
Request was made to go through the proposals made to the NFIR’s Memorandum under Chapter IX for consideration.
ECG/EEG/Holter/TMT Technicians etc:
It was pleaded that these categories should be given higher pay scales in view of entry qualification being B.Sc + Diploma.
Cardiac/Cathlab Technicians:
Wherever single Grade Pay structure exists like Cardiac/Cathlab
Technicians, it was requested to see that proper pay structure is
provided with higher pay scales.
Artificial Limb Centre:
Being common category, as a national issue, this subject will be dealt with by the Pay Commission.
Dental Hygienist:
NFIR’s Memorandum will be looked into to award justice. ‘
Accounts Department:
Revision of qualification entry level proposed to be made as ‘graduation’ with higher pay scales.
IT Cadre:
The proposal mentioned in NFIR’s Memorandum will be examined.
Ministerial Staff:
Entry qualification of Office Clerk is requested to be revised to graduation with improved pay scales.
Legal Cadre:
Points raised in the NFIR’s Memorandum were re-iterated.
Stores Department:
Mrip, ,l,he Chairman was requested to give due consideration to the inputs given in Chapter No XIV of Nr IK s Memorandum.
Railways to be exempted from New Pension Scheme:
NFIR explained the commitment given by the Railway Ministry to the
Federations and consequent proposal sent on 29lh March 2014 by the
Hon’ble Railway Minister to the Finance Minister (Government of India).
Federation also explained the discussions it had with the Railway Board
on 11th March 2015 in the PNM Meeting and handed over copies of the
communications. NFIR specifically requested the Chairman to consider
recommending the exemption.
Before summing up the discussions on 14th April 2015, the NFIR has
also handed over a note on wasteful expenditure to the Chairman, Seventh
Central Pay Commission for consideration.
No. IV/NFIR/7″ CPC/2013/Part. V (O.E.)
Dated: 15/04/2015
Copy forwarded to General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFIR. M
Media Centre, NFIR.