A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDC in Central Secretariat

Reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDC in Central Secretariat – meeting to discuss to elicit views regarding
No. 19/2/2014-CS.I (P)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
CS.I Division
Dated the 19th February 2015

Subject:: Reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDC in Central Secretariat – meeting to discuss to elicit views regarding

The undersigned is directed to say that on the recommendations of the Committee on the Cadre Restructuring of CSS (3rd ), a proposal is under consideration of this Department for re-introduction of direct recruitment in the grade of LDC in the Central Secretariat.

2. In this regard, it has been desired to elicit views of the stakeholders in the matter. Accordingly, all  Ministries/Departments, Service Associations and individual officers are requested to submit their views on the issue urgently, latest by 10 March 2015. The views may be furnished via e-mail at uscs1-dopt@nic.in

3. A brief on the issue is attached.
(V. Srinivasaragavan)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele.: 24629412
All Ministries/Departments
Service Associations and individual officers


As a part of first cadre review of CSS in the year 2003, direct recruitment to the Lower Division Grade (LDC) of CSCS was stopped. Eighty Five percent of the posts of LDCs were then filled up through direct recruitment quota and accordingly, after implementation of the first cadre review, 85% of the posts of
LDCs falling vacant every year are being abolished. The remaining posts are filled up by promotion from the erstwhile Group D employees (now MTS). Over the years, strength of LDCs in the Ministries/ Departments has come down substantially from the original level of about 5300.

2. The Second Administrative Reforms Commission endorsed the decision of phasing out of direct recruitment in LDCs. The Core Group on Administrative Reforms (CGAR) also agreed with the recommendations of ARC. However, the Group of Ministers did not agree phasing out of LDCs and directed that the matter be reconsidered.

3. As the issue of reintroduction of direct recruitment in the LDC has multifarious dimensions / implications like change in work culture in the Govt. of India, E-governance, impact on Multi-Tasking Staff, UDC, Assistant cadre etc. it was referred to the 3rd cadre restructuring committee of CSS.

4. The pros and cons of reintroduction of direct recruitment in LDCs may be as under:

(i) More availability of manpower in the Sections. Presently, Central Secretariat is heavily top loaded with only 6700 Assistants feeding to 3200 SOs, 1600 USs and 1200 DS/Dirs;

(ii) Salary of a LDC is much less comparing that of an Assistant;

(iii) More continuity and institutional memory as compared to outsourced staff;

(iv) If manpower is to be increased at lower level it could be either at Assistant level or at LDC level. Direct recruitment at LDC level with Promotion to UDC and Assistant would create less problem of stagnation than increased direct recruitment at Assistant level;

(v) Quality of direct recruit LDCs is reasonable.
(i) We would be going back from the principles of officer oriented system in the Gentral Secretariat;

(ii) In the era of e-governance, paperless office and multi skilling, maintaining a large cadre of LDCs to carry out routing office jobs manually may be regressive;

(iii) The savings shown in the first cadre restructuring of CSS would disappear;

(iv) LDCs in terms of salary, pension contribution and other benefits would cost much more than outsourced staff;

(iv) There could be conflict of promotional opportunities between direct recruit LDCs and Assistants
5. However, in the absence of LDCs, a number of Ministries/Departments have resorted to engaging out-sourced staff to manage basic activities like diary/dispatch, movement of files/papers, typing etc. and there is a functional need to strengthen the institutional memory and level of commitment cannot be expected from outsourced staff.

6. The 3rd CRC has recommended re-introduction DR in LDC in limited manner with simultaneous reduction in DR in Assistant grade.

7. However, in view of increased use of information technology tools and progressively more officer oriented system there is a much less requirement of ministerial staff than previously and therefore if direct recruitment in LDC is reintroduced it should be limited in number they should mostly be utilised in regulatory ministries where the volume of correspondence/ dak/ diarizing work
is higher.

8. In the changed IT environment, the intake of 200-250 may be adequate  to arrive at the sustainable number of about 2000 LDCs and equal number of UDCs over the years with the combined strength of 4000.

9. To provide adequate promotional avenues to the newly recruited LDCs, the percentage of intake of DR Assistant may be reduced to 60% (from the existing 75%) leaving 40% of the vacancies in the Assistant grade to be filled up by seniority/LDCE quota from the UDC grade. Reduction in direct recruitment in Assistant would in the long run reduce stagnation in senior grades of CSS.

Original Order

Ad-hoc promotion to the grade of Assistants from UDCs grade of CSCS.

Ad-hoc promotion to the grade of Assistants from UDCs grade of CSCS.

 No.11/1/2015-CS.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(CS.II Division)
3rd Floor, Lok Neyak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi – 110 003.
Dated: 18th February, 2015.
Office Memorandum

Subject: Ad-hoc promotion to the grade of Assistants from UDCs grade of CSCS.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the O.M No. dated 12.02.2015 wherein orders were issued for promoting eligible officials out of the list .attached to the O.M No. dated 27.01.2015. Further, to this O.M a copy of the proforma required to be filled by those officials who have been found fit by the DPC could not be adjusted in their own Ministries/Departments due to lack of vacancies is attached herewith.

2. All the Cadre Units are requested to obtain the willingness of such officials concerned in the proforma for their deployment to other Ministries/Departments where there are surplus vacancies available. The preferences may be indicated in the proforma accordingly. The posting however, shall depend upon the vacancy position and administrative requirement and not strictly as per the preference given by the officials.
3. As already stated in our O.M of even number dated 12.2.2015, it is reiterated that the entire process be completed by 18.02.2015 and the details may be furnished to this Department immediately thereafter.
Encls: Annex-I to II.
(K. Suresh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel: 24654020.
To: All Ministries/Departments.

Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02csd/17.pdf

7CPC: Bharat Pensioner’s Samaj presentation to 7th CPC

Bharat Pensioner’s Samaj presentation to 7th CPC
S.C. Maheshwari
Secretary General Bharat Pensioners Samaj
E-mail: bharatpensioner@gmail.com
Web Sites: www.bharatpensioner.org

Pensioners aspirations
Pensioners are asking for only what is provided in the constitution , service conditions & pronounced by the Apex Court

  • Pension is not largesse but a right.
  • Should be adequate to enable retd. employee to live with standard he was living.
  • There Should be no discrimination on the basis of date of retirement.
  • Gap between haves & have lots should go on reducing
  • Healthcare is a fundamental right of   ex employee.
Pensionable employee were deprived of Govt. 8.33% PM of salary, matching contribution to PF & were paid low salaries designed to cater for Pension
(6th CPC study by Dr K . Gyithri)

Quantum of pension
Pension of Govt. employees need to be 65% of last drawn as per 5th CPC study (TECS ). Correspondingly Family Pension to be 45% of last drawn.Fitment benefit exactly same as for employees. BPS urge 7th pay comm. to recommend accordingly to do justice .
Emoluments for Pension
DA of Govt. employees is part of salary. It  compensate  fall in purchase value of salary. Should be taken into account for calculation of pension as it affects commutation & future DR
Parity in Pension
Pension of pre & post retired SC,HC judges, CAG, Cab. Secy.& Secy. is at par.  One rank one pension has been acceded to Defence forces retirees . Others too are citizens of this Country, then why disrimination.BPS Plead for 100% parity to all Pensioners
Full and modified parity will be meaningless unless the actual grades and grade pays implemented to serving employees on revision are taken into consideration.  For some categories especially at lower and middle levels, grades higher than those actually recommended by the Commissions were implemented for employees in service.  They were not extended for modified and full parity to those who retired prior to revision in the corresponding posts on the pretext that what were implemented were improved grades and grade pays.  This resulted in invidious discrimination against and grave injustice to past retirees.  The gap in pensions due to this ever widens not only with every subsequent revision but also whenever additional installment of DR and when  additional quantum based on advanced age are  granted.
Parity, full or modified, will be meaningful and confer real benefit on past retirees only when the actual grades and grade pays implemented for serving employees are taken for this purpose.  This injustice is happening only when a higher grade or grade pay is given to a certain category after revision.    We respectfully submit that certain sections of past pensioners are not able to get justice in the  matter of full/modified parity due to the above discriminatory treatment.  A Group-B officer, who retired in III CPC scale had been brought down one scale lower w.e.f., 1.1.96 and to Rs.4200/- GP w.e.f., 1.1.2006 whereas a IV CPC Group-B officer got Rs.4600/- GP  w.e.f., 1.1.2006 and a V CPC Group-B officer got Rs.4800/- GP in revision.  This injustice has occurred to many categories of pre-2006 retirees.  We appeal to the Commission to do full justice to all past retirees in the above regard by making suitable recommendations.
Pre-2006 pensioners were given 40% fitment benefit whereas serving employees were given grade pay.  This resulted in grave imbalance between pre and post 2006 pensioners.  In order to rectify this, notional fixation has to be extended w.e.f., 1.1.2006 to pre 2006 pensioners taking 50% of corresponding grade pay into account so that they will be brought on a common platform with post 2006 pensioners and they will all get equal justice in the next revision as per VII CPC.  We urge the Commission to recommend same fitment benefit to employees as well as pensioners to avoid imbalance between past and future pensioners and also same multiplication factor for revision to one and all to ensure equal treatment.
No cut off dates
Revision of Pension by Pay comm. is to neutralize inflationary effect . Inflation affects all equally with- out cut off date. Then why cut off dates for implementation of Pay comm. recommendations?
7th CPC recommendations should apply to all pensioners without cut-off dates .All new benefits to apply to present pensioners. Pension of all should rise by equal % to ensure equality.

Minimum-Maximum Ratio
Ratio mini- max. emoluments i.e. Basic + DA+IR was down to 1:8 on 1.7.96 prior to Vth CPC implementation. 7CPC must bring it back to that level.
Gulf between highest & lowest paid
Huge gulf between lowest & highest pension need to be narrowed, should not be more than 1:8.Revise pay/pension of top person first, divide it by 8 to calculate minimum.
Any attempt to increase highest & lowest paid ratio in Govt jobs will be disastrous and against the preamble to constitution.
Additional old age pension
100 yrs of age for a pensioner is illusionary BPS requests the Hon’ble comm. to review existing dispensation & to recommend 10%upward increase in pension every 5 yrs   from 65yrs to 75yrs , 20% every 5yrs from 75- 85yrs & finally increasing pension to 100% at 90 yrs of age. As in the present scenario old age disabilities/diseases set-in right from 60 yrs of age & go on manifesting v. fast needing additional medical & caregiver expenditure.
Pension to be net of Income Tax
Purchase value of pension gets reduced day by day due to steep rise in food, medical & transport cost. Net worth of a pensioner gets considerably reduced at year end compared to the beginning of the year. To enable a pensioner in the evening of life to live with minimum comfort, BPS appeals that Pension may be exempted from Income tax.
DR Merger
BPS requests the pay comm. to recommend merger of Dearness allowance with basic pension whenever it goes 50% or beyond.
Due to inherent flaws in the method of inflation index calculation which is  based on WPI. DR  is never sufficient to afford 100% neutralization. Whenever DR rise to 50% & above, it results in considerable erosion of financial position of Pensioners.

Ex- servicemen status
Defence civilian are paid from defence budget. Are accorded Rank equivalency. BPS urge pay comm. To recommend  ex- servicemen status to retd. Defence civilians.
BSNL pensioners
BSNL pensioners are governed by Rule 137A of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972. BPS pleads that they be treated  at par with C .G. Pensioners for pension fixation.

Family pensioners other than spouse
Family pension is restricted to daughters who become divorcee or widow during the life time of  Parents. Social Structure always force a widow or divorced lady to return to parental home. In the absence of parents illiterate ladies have to feed themselves & children by doing menial jobs & living as destitutes. Removal of present restriction will help these ladies to lead honorable life. BPS appeals to hon’ble  comm. to consider the issue on humanitarian grounds & to recommend removal of this restriction .
New Pension Scheme
TO ensure social security. Amend it to guarantee minimum 50% of last drawn as pension & Family pension as per exiting pre 2004 scheme

Restoration of commuted value
Commutation is an advance sanctioned to pensioner at  specific  conditions & rate of intt.  at the time of retirement which is recoverable from  pension in regular monthly installments. Thus the recovery must stop the day total amount with interest is recovered.BPS requests that Commuted value of Pension be restored after 10yrs.

Restoration of commutation to PSU absorbees
Presently in case of pensioners other than PSU absorbees pensioners, recovery of commuted value of pension lasts 15 yrs, where as in case of PSU absorbees this recovery continues till survival which is discriminatory. In their case also fullpension should be restored, the day sanctioned amount with interest is fully recovered.
Injustice to those born onIst jan & on Ist  july
Modified FR56(a) requires every one whose date of birth is the first of month to retire from service on the afternoon of last day of preceding month on attaining superannuation age. As a result, those born on Ist of Jan loose  pay & pensionrevision benefits due to pay comm. recommendations and those born on Ist july loose benefit of one increment. They are deprived of equality of status. Hon’ble pay comm. is requested to set right the discrepancy.
We suggest that the gratuity may be calculated on the basis of 26 effective days as against 30 days in a month.
 The ceiling of 16.5 times should also be removed.
Health care
Healthcare is not a luxury to be in  possession of privileged few. All Govt. pensioners must be issued smart cards for cashless treatment in emergencies in any empanelled/NABH accredited hospital in the country. BPS requests the Honourable commission to recommend accordingly .
Quality healthcare
To ensure quality healthcare to pensioners . Periodically upgrade CGHS rates, to keep these compatible to market rates. Exercise rate & quality control on Govt. empanelled  hospitals.
Hospital Regulatory authority
Constitute hospital regulatory authority to monitor quality & rates of empanelled & NABH /NABL  accredited hospitals / Labs to ensure quality healthcare at affordable rates.

Fixed Medical allowance
As is recorded in Para 5 of the minutes of Committee of Secretaries (COS) held on 15.04.2010. OPD cost per CGHS card holder was Rs1369/ PM in 2007-8. With inflation, it is well over Rs 2500/PM now.EPFO baneficiaries already getting RS 2000/PM FMA wef June.013. Hon’ble comm. is requested to recomend Rs 2500/FMA w/o distance restriction, net of Income Tax and  allowing DR on it.

Grievance redressal
There should be an effective redressal mechanism with a strict Time line & punitive clause for violation of time line. Any court judgement involving a common policy matter of Pay/Pension should be extended automatically to similarly placed employees/Pensioners without driving every affected person  to court of Law.
BPS, therefore, appeal to Hon’ble Comm. to recommend accordingly.
Immediate relief
Pending submission of commission’s report & implementation of its recommendations . As an immediate measure to partially  mitigate sufferings of pensioners, BPS appeal to the Hon’ble comm. to immediately recommend merger of 50% DR with basic pension & an interim relief of 20% of existing pension.

  • Federations of C.G. Pensioners’ associations be    granted recognition by Government.
  • Pensioners’ representatives should be included in various Committees & Forums wherein issues relating to pensioners’ are discussed & decided.
  • SCOVA may be upgraded to JCM level.
  • Scope of Pension Adalats be widened to include Genl.Grievances& Pensioners associations may be permitted to present pensioners cases in Pension Adalats.

Source: http://scm-bps.blogspot.in/2015/02/bps-to-7th-cpc-presentation.html

NLCC access to CRA system to view and Print Statement to Transaction and E-PRAN

NLCC access to CRA system to view and Print Statement to Transaction and E-PRAN
Pension Fund Regulatory & Development Authority
1st Floor, ICADR Building
Plot No.6, Vasant Kunj
Institutional Area, Phase – II
New Delhi – 110070
Fax: 011-26897938
All Aggregators
Date:17th February,2015

Subject: NLCC access to CRA system to view and Print Statement to Transaction and E-PRAN

All the Aggregators are hereby informed that NPS lite collection centre’s (NLCCs) can now access the CRA system (www.npscra.nsdl.co.in) to view and print statement of Transaction (SOT) and E-PRAN card of underlying NPS Lite/Swavalamban subscribers.

At present, the NPS Lite Oversight Offices (NLOOs) and NPS Lite Account Offices (NLAOs) have an access to the CRA system. With the new feature made available in the CRA system, then NLCCs can access CRA system using one time password (OTP). The NLCCs who have obtained10 digit NLCC Registration number and have registered their mobile number in the CRA system can use this option to access the CRA system.

The Statement of Transaction (SOT) can be viewed and downloaded by NLCC financial yearwise
The E-PRAN card can be generated/downloaded by NLCCs can also print the E-Pran card. The E-PRAN card is similar to a physical PRAN card and will display the same details alongwith photograph and signature of the subscriber. However, physical PRAN card cannot be replaced by E-PRAN Card. The subscribers will be required to produce the physical PRAN card wherever necessary. CRA shall continue sending the physical PRAN card as per the approved process.

The detailed for accessing the CRA system by NLCCs is available on CRS’s website and also on PFRDA’s website i.e. www.pfrda.org.in under the section intermediaries central recordkeeping agency –Standard Operating Procedures – Seavalamban yojana (NPS-Lite) or directly at the given link – http://www.pfrda.org.in/index1.cshtml?lsid-173

The Aggregators are requested to disseminate the information to their underlying NPS-lite collection centers (NLCCs). In case any further clarification is required, they may contact shri.sunil Samuel at 022-24994279 (email id – sunlis@nsdl.co.in) or Shri.Kaustubh S.Vaidya at 022-24994577 (email id – kaustubhV@nsdl.co,in).
(Rakesh sharma)
General Manager
Source: http://www.pfrda.org.in//MyAuth/Admin/showimg.cshtml?ID=580

Meeting with the 7th Central Pay Commission – reg

Meeting with the 7th Central Pay Commission – reg

National Federtion of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford road, New Delhi – 110 005

 No.IV/NFIR/7th CPC/Corres/Pt.V
Dated: 18-02-2015

 The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR

Dear Brother,

Sub: Meeting with the 7th Central Pay Commission – reg.

A meeting will take place between the JCM Staff Side and the 7th Central Pay Commission on 25th February 2015. Following issues are expected to be discussed in the meeting.

  • Minimum Wage
  • Interim Relief &
  • Merger of DA with Pay.

It may also be noted that the Oral evidence on the Memorandum submitted by the Federation will commence from 15th March 2015, but however, the dated will be confirmed later on.

 Yours fraternally,
General Secretary

Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B40Q65NF2_7UUWt3bndTcXlXcW8/view

AIRF writes to PM in respect of his support in defending justify to Strike for workers

AIRF writes to PM in respect of his support in defending justify to Strike for workers

Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra writes to Prime Minister of India in respect of his support in defending justify to Strike for workers.
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi – 110055, India
Dated: February 18, 2015
Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
Hon’ble Prime Minister,
(Government of India),
South Block,
New Delhi

Respected Sir,
I write today to alert you to the serious situation faced by the International Labour Organization.

The Employers’ Group in the Committee on the Application of Standards precipitated a crisis by challenging the independence of the long-established and authoritative Committee of the Experts on Application of Conventions and Recommendations(CEACR), a group of highly qualified persons, vetted and appointed through the tripartite Governing Body of the ILO.

Since June 2012 there have been a number of discussions in the ILO Governing Body, “Informal Discussions” with the experts and tripartite consultations. The Swiss Government facilitated, to no avail, an attempt to reach a consensus on a way forward.

To date, the employers have not fundamentally altered their position. The employers simply refuse to defer to the observations of the experts, while at the same time refusing to avail themselves of the judicial means available under the ILO constitution to challenge those observations which creates great instability for the entire ILO supervisory system. While not binding as only the International Court of Justice can issue a legally binding interpretation of a Convention under the ILO Constitution, the work of the supervisory system, particularly the ILO Committee of Experts, is recognized as having persuasive validity and should stand in the absence of higher authority.

Instead, they continue to insist that the experts’ reports state clearly that they have not been approved by the
Tripartite Constituents. This is part of their effort to put the political bodies, rather than independent experts, in charge of interpreting the conventions. The employers do not find that the existing, detailed statement of the experts’mandate already found in the reports is sufficiently clear and thus want a “Clarification”, “Statement of Truth”, or “Disclaimer”, which defines to the Employers’ Group satisfaction the mandate of the Committee of Experts and the legal status of their opinions.

The effective cornerstone of the ILO for many decades, its Supervisory System, is under threat.
Prime Minister Sir, the ILO was founded by governments with the foresight to provide a unique and tripartite forum where labour matters and concerns could be discussed in a mature and respectful context and balances between diverging interests sought.

Without it, workers are left without this important recourse to justice and fairness.

I urge you to make your support for the ILO and its Supervisory System known to the social partners of your country.
Yours sincerely,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary

Revision of 43% and 45% commuted portion of pension of Armed Forces absorbees: DESW Oder dated 19th Jan, 2015

Revision of 43% and 45% commuted portion of pension of Armed Forces absorbees who had drawn lump sum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous bodies

No 1(4)/2007/D(Pen/Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

New Delhi Dated, the 19th January, 2015
The Chief of the Army Staff,
The Chief of the Naval Staff,
The Chief of the Air Staff,
Subject: Revision of 43% and 45% commuted portion of pension of Armed Forces absorbees who had drawn lump sum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous bodies -Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that orders were issued vide this Ministry’s letter No 1(4)12007/D(Pen/Policy) dated 21.8.2009 amended vide letter No 1(4)/2007/ D(Pen/Policy) dated 9.2.2011 regarding revision of restored amount of commuted portion of pension as well as notional full pension with effect from 1.1.2006 in respect of Armed Forces Personnel absorbees who had drawn lump sum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies and have become entitled for restoration of 45% of pension in the case of PBOR and 43’% of pension in the case of Commissioned officers.
2. In compliance of orders of Hon’ble CAT, Hyderabad Bench order in CP No 26/2012 in OA 710/2010, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Deptt of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare vide their OM No 4130/2010-P&PW(D) dated 11th July 2013 has issued order that restored pension of those Government servant who had drawn lump- sum payment on absorption in Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Bodies and whose pension has been restored from a date before 1.1.2006, the pre-revised restored pension (without DP) shall be revised with effect from 1.1.2006 by multiplying the same by a factor of 2.26, if the same is more beneficial than the amount of revised restored pension in terms of 6th CPC orders. These instructions have been issued as a special case and would not be taken into consideration for revision of pension on the basis of recommendations of next Pay Commission.
3. The undersigned has been directed to say that the provisions of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Deptt of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare OM No 4/30/2010-P&PW(D) dated 1 lth July 2013 shall apply mutatis – mutandis to Armed Forces personnel absorbees.
4. The other terms and conditions prescribed vide this Ministry’s above mentioned letter dated 21.8.2009 as amended, which are not affected by the provisions of this letter, shall remain unchanged. Pension Sanctioning Authorities shall revise restored portion of pension of absorbee pensioners’ suo moto, if found beneficial, by issue of revised Pension Payment orders, where the restored pension has already been revised in terms of this Ministry’s above said letter dated 21.8.2009.
5. These orders issue with the concurrence of MoD (Finance/Pension) vide their ID No 31(08)/09/Fin/Pen dated 22.12.2014.
Hindi version of this order will follow.

Yours faithfully,
( Prem Parkash )
Under Secretary (Pension/Policy)
Source: http://www.desw.gov.in/

CGEWHO Demand Survey for Chandigarh, Pune, Patna, Dehra Dun, Nagpur, Thiruvanthapuram: Refund Of Response Money – Status as on 16-02-2015

Demand Survey Conducted By Cgewho :: Refund Of Response Money

Name of station(s) for which Demand Survey was done in 2009 Status of as on date (16/02/2015)
2.       PUNE [Click to view the list] LETTER(s) HAS BEEN SENT FROM JS(HUPA), M/o HUPA & CEO/CGEWHO FOR ALLOTTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PLOT TO CHIEF SECY OF MAHARASHTRA STATE. REPLY TO ABOVE LETTER IS STILL AWAITED FROM THE CONCERNED STATE GOVT AUTHORITY. In view of the above, it has been decided that refund to all the respondent(s) will be made on applying REFUND with updated address for forwarding the refund order.
3.       PATNA [Click to view the list] LETTER(s) HAS BEEN SENT FROM JS(HUPA), M/o HUPA & CEO/CGEWHO FOR ALLOTTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PLOT TO CHIEF SECY OF BIHAR STATE. REPLY TO ABOVE LETTER IS STILL AWAITED FROM THE CONCERNED STATE GOVT AUTHORITY. In view of the above, it has been decided that refund to all the respondent(s) will be made on applying REFUND with updated address for forwarding the refund order.
4.       DEHRADUN [Click to view the list] LETTER(s) HAS BEEN SENT FROM JS(HUPA), M/o HUPA & CEO/CGEWHO FOR ALLOTTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PLOT TO CHIEF SECY OF UTTARAKHAND STATE. REPLY TO ABOVE LETTER IS STILL AWAITED FROM THE CONCERNED STATE GOVT AUTHORITY. In view of the above, it has been decided that refund to all the respondent(s) will be made on applying REFUND with updated address for forwarding the refund order.
5.       NAGPUR [Click to view the list] LETTER(s) HAS BEEN SENT FROM JS(HUPA), M/o HUPA & CEO/CGEWHO FOR ALLOTTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PLOT TO CHIEF SECRETARY OF MAHARASHTRA STATE. REPLY TO ABOVE LETTER IS STILL AWAITED FROM THE CONCERNED STATE GOVT AUTHORITY. In view of the above, it has been decided that refund to all the respondent(s) will be made on applying REFUND with updated address for forwarding the refund order.
6. THIRUVANTHAPURAM [Click to view the list] LETTER(s) HAS BEEN SENT FROM JS(HUPA), M/o HUPA & CEO/CGEWHO FOR ALLOTTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL PLOT TO CHIEF SECY OF KERALA STATE. REPLY TO ABOVE LETTER IS STILL AWAITED FROM THE CONCERNED STATE GOVT AUTHORITY. In view of the above, it has been decided that refund to all the respondent(s) will be made on applying REFUND with updated address for forwarding the refund order.
NAME OF STATION under Category-II NO OF APPLICATION RECEIVED Demand Survey Applications had already been returned to
the Respondent with the original
demand draft in the month of
February 2010 at their Mailing /
Correspondence Address(s) as mentioned in the application.
7.        Mysore 334
8.        Shimla 244
9.        Jabalpur 239
10.    Guwahati 226
11.    Ranchi 195
12.    Vadodra 170
13.    Bhopal 139
14.    Goa 127
15.    Agra 96
16.    Allahabad 90
17.    Indore 73
18.    Siliguri 62
19.    Jammu 42
20.    Raipur 69

Source: http://www.cgewho.in/demandsurvey.html

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