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Sunday, 11 December 2016

DoPT has issued an OM regarding Introduction of New Recruitment Rules

DoPT has issued an OM regarding Introduction of New Recruitment Rules

F.No. Misc-14017/19/2016-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Estt. RR Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 08th Dec, 2016


Subject: Launching/Introduction of New Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment
Monitoring System (RRFAMS) Portal - reg.

At present, the proposals for framing/amendment of RRs are first processed in the on-line mode through RRFAMS portal. The proposal received on this portal is scrutinized in DOP&T and preliminary observations are conveyed through the system. Thereafter the Ministries/Departments send their proposals along with comments received in the RRFAMS and necessary Annexure, hierarchy chart etc. in the physical file.

2. It has been decided to launch a fully computerized/online system of examination of RRs and to dispense with the requirement of sending physical file to DOP&T. This system would further be extended in future so that a similar on line scrutiny/approval of the proposal of framing/amendment of RRs are undertaken by UPSC and DOLA without the need reference of physical file for finalization of RRs.

3. In this regard the existing RRFAMS system has been upgraded and following new features have been added:

    (i) Uploading of existing RRs/post creation/abolition etc.

    (ii) Hierarchy chart

    (iii) On line system for examination and approval of RRs for Group ‘C’ posts within the Ministry.

4. Before the launch of the above portal, it has been decided to have a preparatory meeting wherein a trial run of the new system will be made. All the Ministries/Departments are requested to nominate a nodal officer at the level of Under Secretary who may bring the relevant proposal along with all necessary documents to fill-up the proposal on the new RRFAMS portal, as per the schedule given in Annexure.
(G. Jayanthi)
Director (E-I)

Schedule of the meeting to be taken by Joint Secretary (Establishment) before the launch of new RRFAMS portal (Venue Room No. 190, North Block New Delhi)
S.No. Ministries starting with alphabets Date and Time
1. A-E 18th December, 2016 at 4:30 PM
2. F-P 20th December, 2016 at 4:30 PM
3. Q-Z 22nd December, 2016 at 4:30 PM

Download DoPT OM No.Misc-14017/19/2016-Estt.(RR) dated 08.12.2016

Women in Defence Forces

Women in Defence Forces
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
09-December-2016 15:37 IST
Women in Defence Forces
The total held strength of defence personnel vis-a-vis the total number of female officers (excluding medical and dental branch) in all the three wings of defence forces is as under:
Army Navy Air Force
Total officers (as on 1.1.2016) PBOR (as on 1.1.2016) Women officers(as on 1.7.2016) Total officers(as on 6.12.2016) Sailors(as on 6.12.2016) Women officers(as on 6.12.2016) Total officers(as on 1.12.2016) Airmen(as on 1.11.2016) Women officers(as on 1.12.2016)
41162 1159093 1512 9356 57031 453 11948 128898 1584

The Government has been taking steps to make Short Service Commission (SSC) more attractive which in turn is also expected to encourage the intake of women officers in the Armed Forces. Further, few more branches / streams have been opened for induction of women as SSC officers.
The details of women officers (excluding medical and dental branch) recruited during the last three years, Service-wise, are as under:
Army Navy
Air Force
127 50 144
2014 104 57
72 35

On experimental basis, the Government has inducted three women Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) in Air Force into the fighter stream on 18.6.2016. This experimental entry scheme for women in fighter stream will be valid for 5 years from the date of issue of Government of India letter dated 2.12.2015. However, presently there is no proposal with the Government to induct women officers for combat duties in Army or for deployment of women onboard warships.

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Dr Subhash Bhamre in a written reply to Dr. Thokchom Meinya and others in Lok Sabha today.

PCDA circular on Recording of PPO Number in the Bank Pass Book of Defence pensioner/family pensioner

PCDA circular on Recording of PPO Number in the Bank Pass Book of Defence pensioner/family pensioner

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Pension), Draupadi Ghat, Allahabad-211014

Circular No. 185
No. AT/Tech/70/XXIV
Dated: 28.11.2016
    1. The Chief Accountant, RBI Deptt. of Govt. Bank Accounts, Central office C-7, Second Floor, Bandre - Kurla Complex, P B No. 8143, Bandre East Mumbai-400051.
    2. The Manger CPPC of Public Sector Banks including IDBI
    3. The Nodal Officers (ICICI/ AXIS/HDFC Bank)

Sub: Recording of PPO Number in the Bank Pass Book of Defence pensioner/family pensioner

Ministry of Finance has been receiving various applications from Central Civil Pensioners/Family Pensioners and Registered Welfare Organisations related to pension problems like how to get duplicate PPO in case of missing of original PPO, commencement of family pension to spouse or dependent children after the death of pensioner, transfer of pension account from one bank/branch to another bank/branch. However, complaints are not attended immediately by banks in absence of PPO numbers in bank pass books. To obviate this situation, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Central Pension Accounting Office vide OM No. CPAO / Tech / Clarification / P&PW I 2014-15/426-497 dt. 17.09.2014 advised the Heads of all CPPCs and Government

Business Departments to instruct all their bank branches dealing with pension payments to record the PPO numbers in all the pass book of the pensioners/family pensioner issued by them.

However, there was no mention about applicability of above instruction to defence pensioners/family pensioners. Therefore, a clarification in this regard was sought from the Ministry, who has now advised, vide F.No. 7/124/2014-BOA dt. 23rd Aug 2016 to the CEOs of all PSBs to ensure recording of PPO numbers in the bank pass books of Defence pensioner/family pensioners.

It is therefore requested to issue suitable instructions to all your bank branches dealing with pension payments to record the PPO numbers in the bank pass books of Defence Pensioners/family pensioners (including Defence Civilian Pensioners/family pensioners).

Abhishek Singh
Asst.CDA (P)
Download PCDA Circular No. 185 No. AT/Tech/70/XXIV dated 28.11.2016

Cash Payment of wages to Railway employees for the month of December, 2016 - NFIR

Cash Payment of wages to Railway employees for the month of December, 2016 - NFIR

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chemlmsford Road, New Delhi - 110 055
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)


Dated: 10/12/2016
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi

The Financial Commissioner
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Invalidation of currency notes of Rs.500 and 1000 denominations - Hardships faced by Railway employees - Cash Payment of wages to Railway employees for the month of December, 2016-reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR's letter o. I/3 Part I dated 16/11/2016 addressed to Railway Board (MS).
(ii) Railway Board's letter No.20I6/E(LL)APW/I dated 17/1/2016.
(iii) Railway Board's Circular No.2016/Cash-III Pay Advance/Misc dated l8th November,2016.
(iv) NFIR's letter No.I/3/Part I dated 18/11/2016 addressed to MS.
(v) Railway Board's reply to GS/NFIR vide letter No.2008/AC-II/21/9 (pt) dated 30/11/2016.

Federation is in receipt of reply dated 30th November, 2016 from the Railway Board. In this connection, the hardships being faced by the Railway employees are reiterated once again as below. The Railway employees are facing lot of hardships due to restrictions on drawal of their legitimate wages from their Bank Account. For November 2016 salary, only Rs. 10,000/- cash were paid to each Railway staff. However, due to continued restrictions, the Railway employees are not able to draw their wages adequately from the Banks for meeting their requirements.

It is therefore requested that Cash Payment of Rupees not less than 25,000 may be ensured to each Railway employee from out of December, 20l6 salary.

Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Initial pay fixation of re-employed ex-servicemen who held post below Commissioned Officer rank in Defence Forces, retired before attaining the age of 55 years and have been appointed on re-employment basis in civilian posts

Initial pay fixation of re-employed ex-servicemen who held post below Commissioned Officer rank in Defence Forces, retired before attaining the age of 55 years and have been appointed on re-employment basis in civilian posts - Regarding.

No.E(G)2013/EM 1-5
New Delhi, dated 7/12/2016


Sub: Initial pay fixation of re-employed ex-servicemen who held post below Commissioned Officer rank in Defence Forces, retired before attaining the age of 55 years and have been appointed on re-employment basis in civilian posts - Regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to a demand by the National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR), a recognised Federation of Railwaymen, who have requested that the initial pay of non-commissioned ex-servicemen (PBOR) who are re-employed on the Railways should be fixed by taking into account the service endered by them in the Defence Forces. They are insisting that the fixation done in the minimum of the scale of the re-employed post should be according to the procedure laid down in para 4 (b) (ii) of DOP&T’s OM s dated 31/7/86 as amended vide OM dated 11th November 2008, 5th April 2010 & 8th November, 2010. The Federation states that the content of these OMs clearly states that the Pay of re-employed former Defence Forces Personnel should be fixed as per Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules 2008 i.e. at the same stage of their last basic pay drawn at the time of retirement i.e. allowing one increment (in the post held at the time of retirement) for each year of service the ex-servicemen has rendered at the time of retirement with the proviso that the pay thus fixed does not exceed:-

(a) The pay drawn prior to retirement for non-commissioned officer of all three forces like Army, Navy and Air Force (Sub para 2 (ix) of Para 3 & Para 4 (b) (ii) of OM dated 31st July 1986 are relevant).

(b) Para 5 of DOP&T’s OM No. 3/13/2008-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 11th November, 2008 stipulated enhancement of existing ceiling of Rs. 26000/- for drawal of pay plus gross pension on re-employment to Rs. 80,000/- p.m.

2. However, their attention was drawn to the provisions in DOP&T’s OM No. 3/1/85-Estt.(pay-II) dated 31st July 1986 and OM NO. 3/19/2009-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 5th April 2010, governing initial pay fixation, inter alia, of re-employed ex-servicemen who held post below Commissioned Officer rank in Defence Forces and retired before attaining the age of 55 years and have been appointed on re-employment basis in the Railways. As per these orders, the initial pay of such re-employed pensioners is to be fixed in terms of provisions of Central Civil Services (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986 issued by Department of Personnel and Training vide OM No. 3/1/85-Estt.(Pay-II) dated 31/7/1986 as amended from time to time.

3. It is to be seen that revised provision contained in Para 2 of OM dated 5th April 2010 revising the contents of Para 4(d)(i) of CCS (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986 provides that in case of ex-servicemen who held post below Commissioned Officer rank in the Defence Forces and in the case of civilians who held posts below Group ‘A’ posts at the time of their retirement before 55 years of age, the entire pension and pension equivalent of retirement benefits shall be ignored, i.e. no duduction on this count is to be made from the initial pay fixed on re-employment. Also, in terms of the Para 4(a) and Para 4(b)(i) of CCS (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioners) Orders, 1986, as amended vide DOP&T’s OM No. 3/19/2009-Estt.(Pay.II) dated 5/4/2010, the initial pay on re-employment of such pensioners shall be fixed as per the entry pay in the revised pay structure of the re-employed post applicable in the case of Direct Recruits appointed on or after 1/1/2006 as notified vide Section II, Part A of First Schedule to CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008. As is explicit, these instructions do not provide for protection of last pay drawn before retirement, in such cases. Therefore, the fixation of pay of re-employed ex-servicemen is being done accordingly on the Railways.

4. However, the Federation does not agree with the above contention and desires that the pay of ex-Defence Forces personnel re-employed in Railways should be fixed in accordance with the clarification issued vide DoP&T’s OM dated 5th April, 2010 in Para 3 (iv) & (v) which contain clarifications duly stating that the pay of the ex-servicemen, re-employed in the Central Government Organizations will be fixed in accordance with the provision contained in DoP&T’s OM No. 3/13/2008-Estt.(pay-II) dated 11/11/2008 after exercising option in the manner laid down in Rule 6 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 and the fixation of pay is to be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules 2008.

The Federation has further pointed out that the initial pay of a re-employed military pensioner and a direct recruit cannot be the same in view of the fact that the pay of the re-employed Defence Forces Pensioner is to be done as per the provisions of Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 applicable to direct recruits – the two entrants being independent and have no co-relation with each other.

5. After protracted correspondence and discussion of the issue between NFIR and the concerned officials of this Ministry, as NFIR are still not convinced with the official stand on this issue and insisting on implementation of Para 3 (iv) and (v) of DoP&T’s O.M. Dated 5/4/2010. Hence, it was decided to refer the matter to DOP&T for clarification.

6. In the light of the position as brought out above, DOP&T are requested to clarify specifically as to whether the contention of NFIR that the pay of non-commissioned ex-servicemen (PBOR) who retire from the Defence Forces before attaining the age of 55 years, and are subsequently re-employed on the Railways should be fixed by taking into account the service rendered by them and last pay drawn in the Defence Forces, is in order, or the procedure being followed on the Railways i.e. fixing the pay of such re-employed ex-servicemen as per the entry pay in the revised pay structure of the re-employed post applicable in the case of Direct Recruits appointed on or after 1/1/2006, without any pay protection is correct.

7. An early reply in the matter is solicited.
(S. Pal)
Jt. Dir. Estt. (Genl.)

Shri A.K. Jain,
Deputy Secretary (Pay),
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,
Department of Personnel and Training,
North Block,
New Delhi.

Source: NFIR

7th Pay Commission: Finance Ministry gets extension of 2 months, may delay higher allowances notification

7th Pay Commission: Finance Ministry gets extension of 2 months, may delay higher allowances notification

New Delhi, Dec 7: The notification for the implementation of higher allowance, under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations, is likely to be issued after January 2017. The Finance Ministry has got extension of two months to issue the higher allowances notification under 7th Pay Commission recommendations. It means the higher allowance notification, under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations, may get delayed till January next year. The government intends to accept the report of 'Committee on Allowances’ after December 30, deadline for depositing demonetised notes.
The October-November month is the scheduled for issuing notification, but the Finance Ministry has got extension of two months because of the cash shortage following demonetisation drive. The government doesn’t want to increase the burden of banks that has been witnessing cash crunch due to demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes. The government hopes that situation will return to normal after December 30 and it will be able to pay higher allowances to its 4.8 million employees as per the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission.

“The October-November month is the scheduled for issuing notification for the Finance Ministry, but the time was extended by 2 months because the cash crunch on account of demonetisation, which is taking time to get normality,” a Finance Ministry official was quoted as saying by Sen Times.

“Therefor, unless the banks can begin to function with a modicum of efficiency, the government will not issue notification on higher allowances to save demonetisation chaos,” he added.

Sources in the Finance Ministry said the government is likely to issue higher allowances notification under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations from January next year, after the the cash crunch will ease. The central government employees have been waiting for fatter allowance since July when the notification for the implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations was issued.
Earlier we reported that the government is planning to pay higher allowances under the 7th Pay Commission from January, 2017.The ‘Committee on Allowances’, headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa, on fatter allowances under the 7th Pay Commission recommendations is ready with its report. However the massive cash crunch post demonetisation drive has compelled the Finance Ministry to keep in abeyance the enhanced allowances till things normalize. Allowances are now being paid to the central government employees according to the 6th Pay Commission recommendations.

Source : www.india.com

7th Pay Commission: Salary hike to central government employees affects economic growth

7th Pay Commission: Salary hike to central government employees affects economic growth

New Delhi, Dec 8: Prime Minister Narendra Modi led government on July 29 announced to implement the 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations on salary hike of central government employees. The announcement of implementation of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations made impact of country’s economic growth, said Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The central bank mentioned the 7th Pay Commission in the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting statement announced on Wednesday that lowered the country’s growth forecast for 2016-17.

The RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), during its second bi-monthly monetary policy review - the fifth of the fiscal - lowered the country’s growth forecast for 2016-17 to 7.1 per cent from 7.6 per cent. In its statement, the MPC also revealed the impact of the 7th Pay Commission on the GDP.
“Incorporating the expected loss of growth momentum in Q3 and waning effects in Q4 alongside the boost to consumption demand from higher agricultural output and the implementation of the 7th Central Pay Commission award, gross value added (GVA) growth for 2016-17 is revised down from 7.6 per cent to 7.1 per cent, with evenly balanced risks,” the MPC said in its monetary policy statement.

As estimated by the 7th Pay Commission, the additional financial impact on account of implementation of all its recommendations in 2016-17 will be Rs. 1,02,100 crore. There will be an additional implication of Rs. 12,133 crore on account of payments of arrears of pay and pension for two months of 2015-16. These figures are significant.

According to the 7th Pay Commission notification, central government employees will get 14.27 per cent hike in basic pay at junior levels, which is the lowest in 70 years. It had proposed 138.71 percent hike in HRA and 49.79 percent for other allowances. The government is yet to take final call on raising allowances. If the government decides to implement the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission on allowances, there is a risk of inflation going up.

“The fuller effects of the house rent allowances under the 7th CPC award are yet to be assessed, pending implementation, and have not been reckoned in this baseline inflation path,” the MPC statement of Wednesday said

Source: www.india.com

Payment to Suppliers etc. by Government Departments through e-Payment

Payment to Suppliers etc. by Government Departments through e-Payment

F.No. 3(2)(1)/2016/R&P Rules/Amendment/649
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
O/o Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan,
GPO Complex, E-Block, INA

 New Delhi-110023
Date: 05-12-2016


Subject: Payment to Suppliers etc. by Government Departments through e-Payment.

A reference is invited to this office O.M.No 1(1)/2011/TA/366 dated 1st August 2016 regarding payment to Suppliers etc. above Rs. 10,000/- by Government Departments through e-Payment.

2. In order to attain the goal of complete digitization of Government payments, the existing limit of Rs. 10,000/- prescribed in paragraph 2 of this office O.M. dated 1st August 2016 has been further reviewed. It has now been decided to lower the threshold limit to Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only).

3. All Ministries/ Departments of the Government of India shall ensure with immediate effect that all payments above Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only) to suppliers, contractors, grantee/loanee institutions etc. are made by issue of payment advices only.

This issues with the approval of the Finance Minister.

(Soma Roy Burman)
Joint Controller General of Accounts
Authority: www.finmin.nic.in

Benefits of Debit Card Activation - FAQ

Benefits of Debit Card Activation - FAQ

QUESTION 1. Why it is important to have active debit cards?

ANSWER: Debit Card makes your payments much more convenient and secure through an
electronic payment facility directly from your bank account. Debit card can be used for purchases online or at shops by directly debiting your Bank account. Debit cards can also be used to withdraw cash from an ATM.

QUESTION 2: How is a customer benefited by debit cards?

ANSWER: Major benefits to customers are
It is more convenient to carry a small, plastic card instead of a bulky Cheque book or a large amount of cash.

Easy to obtain: Once you open an account most institutions will issue you a debit card upon request.
Convenience: Purchases can be made using a chip-enabled terminal or by swiping the card rather than filling out a paper cheque.

Safety: You don't have to carry cash or a Cheque book. Debit cards are protected by a four digit pin number that you set yourself. This pin is needed to make any purchase with your debit card.

Readily accepted: When out of town (or out of the country), debit cards are usually widely accepted (make sure to tell your financial institution you’re leaving your city; to not have an interruption in service).

It’s a Cash Card Too: Debit cards still have the ability to give you cash, you can take them to an ATM and use them there to withdraw the cash.

Insurance: National Payment Corporation of India has introduced Insurance cover in case of accidental death or permanent disablement of Rs 1 Lac for NonPremium cards (RuPay Classic) and Rs 2 Lac for Premium cards (RuPay Platinum) to eligible RuPay card holders. The RuPay Insurance programme will continue for financial year 2016-17, i.e. from April 01, 2016 to March 31, 2017.

QUESTION 3: Can I use my debit card if I have not used it for long?

ANSWER: Yes. It may however require activation. Please check the forwarding letter that came with your debit card. Please check your Bank website.

QUESTION 4: How do I generate a PIN ?

ANSWER: Banks provide PIN by mail, which is either dispatched by bank to the cardholder address. Some banks also offer Green Pin facility online. Banks also facilitate change of PIN to suit your requirements.

QUESTION 5: What are the recent steps taken for promoting debit card payments?

ANSWER: Some of the recent initiatives towards popularizing Debit card usage are:
MDR (Merchant Discount Rate) which a merchant (Shopkeeper) pays the Bank for POS transaction are reduced to zero on debit cards till 31th, December 2016. Excise duty payable on acquisition of POS machine which was earlier 16.5% has been waived till 31st March 2017.

QUESTION 6: What should you do if a shop asks you for an additional amount for use of your debit card?

Answer: As per the norms prescribed by card networks, shops should not ask for any additional amount called surcharge or convenience fee. You can refuse to pay an additional amount for use of your card and register complaint to your bank on its website or otherwise.

QUESTION 7: Can one refuse to pay additional amount as banks have waived their charges on one of debit cards till 31st December 2016.

Answer: Although all banks have waived MDR up to Dec 31, 2016, customers are not required to pay additional amount even after that if demanded by the shopkeeper, as this is to be paid by the shopkeeper.

QUESTION 8: Why should Merchant encourage card use?

ANSWER: Merchant are benefitted to encourage debit card transaction as:
Cost of Digital transaction is lower than handling Cash.

Deposition of cash in bank is not required as the amount will be automatically credited to account.
Credit History is created for the merchant which will help him in taking more support from banks and other financial initiatives of government time to time.

Manual reconciliation is not required at merchant side. He can always refer to his account.
Accepting payment cards can enable merchants to increase their revenues
Increased sales: Cards enable consumers to make quicker and easier payments.

Better customer service: Electronic payments offer customers more flexible payment options - faster checkout times for customers and a more efficient way of paying. Also, innovations such as Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) payments, allow consumers the ability to purchase and take possession.

Source: http://financialservices.gov.in

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