A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Monday, 23 March 2015

NC JCM (Staff Side) writes to 7th Pay Commission to extend the time limit for oral evidence

NC JCM (Staff Side) writes to 7th Pay Commission to extend the time limit for oral evidence

Shiva Gopal Mishra
Ph.: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmail.com
Dated: March 20, 2015
The Secretary,
Seventh Central Pay Commission,
Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
1st Floor, B-14/A,
Outab Institutional Area,
New Delhi – 110016

Dear Madam,

Sub: Oral Evidence of the AIRF before the VII CPC
Ref: Secretary, VII CPC’s letter No.7CPC/158/Meetings/2015 dated 19.03.2015

We are very much thankful to Seventh Central Pay Commission for giving an opportunity to the Constituent Organizations of the National Council(JCM) for Oral Evidence before the Seventh Central Pay Commission, but at the same we submit that, the time allotted is quite shor, particularly for the Railways and Defence.
It is worthwhile to mention here that the VI CPC had given us sufficient time to represent 136 categories and 13 lakh Railwaymen, spread throughout the Indian Railways as well as to other Central Government Organizations.

We do hope, the VII CPC will appreciate our viewpoint and allot suffcient time to represent the views of the Central Government employees of differenet categories.
With regards,
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary NC/JCM (Staff Side)
Source: AIRF

Training Providers to Install GPS Enabled Biometric Devices

Training Providers to Install GPS Enabled Biometric Devices
  • SDI Portal to Capture Attendance and to Track the Placement of Trainees
  • GPS Enabled Device Monitoring to Improve Performance of SDI Scheme
The Ministry of Labour & Employment has made it mandatory for registered Vocational Training Providers (VTPs) to install GPS enabled Bio-metric attendance to capture the attendance of the trainees during the start and end of training daily, which is stored at the central server. This will ensure VTPs to conduct training regularly. This is one of the many meaningful initiatives taken recently by the Ministry to monitor and improve the quality of training under Skill Development Initiative (SDI) scheme. GPS enabled device ensures that the correct attendance is tracked for the students who belong to the geographical location where biometric device is installed. Trainees having minimum 80% attendance will be allowed to take assessment for getting National Council of Vocational Training (NCVT) approved certificate. Besides this, Placement Tracking Module has also been integrated with SDI portal in order to track the placement of the passed out trainees for one year and only those VTPs get 20% of last instalment of training after one year who enters the data of the trainees namely: salary/wages etc into SDI Portal.

To bring the construction workers into mainstream, a scheme “Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) of construction workers has been launched to test the competencies of the construction workers registered with Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board on pre-determined parameters and thereafter, if workers found wanting in support or core training, are imparted skill gap training as the case may be. Final assessment will be conducted leading to NCVT certification. In order to simplify and ease the process of implementation of RPL scheme, software module from registration to certification has been developed.
The Ministry of Labour & Employment always endeavours to provide quality training to the beneficiaries so that they get employment after successful completion of training. The Skill Development Initiative (SDI) scheme is being implemented since May, 2007 to develop skilled manpower through network 10173 Vocational Training Providers (VTPs) located in various parts of the country. Skill of the persons is assessed by the independent Assessing Bodies and successful persons are awarded NCVT certificates which are recognised for the purpose of employment. There is a provision in the scheme wherein the competencies of the persons acquired by any means are tested on the pre-determined parameters and successful ones are awarded NCVT certificates. As on date more than 34.65 lakhs persons have been trained/ tested and 565 modules have been developed in 68 sectors of economy.

Salient features of the scheme are:
-Additions and deletions of modules is continuing process.
-Flexi delivery time of training quality and it depends upon the target group.
-No training cost and assessment fee is charged from the trainee.
-A provision of providing lodging and boarding charges to the trainees belonging to North Eastern States, Left Wing Extremist Affected Areas, J&K , Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep when they come out of such place for getting training under SDI scheme.

Classification of expenditure in respect of reimbursement of Hearing Aid – CGDA Orders

Classification of expenditure in respect of reimbursement of Hearing Aid – CGDA Orders

G.I., CGDA O.M.File No.A/B/I/1326/XXXI/Corr., dated 19.3.2015

Sub: Classification of expenditure in respect of reimbursement of Hearing Aid.

One of the Controllers has reported that while their accounts, Test Audit Authorities have raised observation on procedure followed for booking of expenditure on account of “Hearing Aid Bills”. Test Audit Authorities are of the view that booking of expenditure on this account under code head 101/10 and 111/10 under Major Head 2076, Minor Head 101 – Pay and Allowance is not in order and the same should have been compiled to code head 421/01 – Local Purchase of Medical Stores under Minor head 110 – Stores – Major Head 2076.

2. It is therefore, requested that the procedure/practice being followed by your office in this regard along with your considered views duly supported with relevant authority may be forwarded for further examination of the issue at HQrs office.

This issue with the approval of OSD (A&B).

Source: www.cgda.nic.in

Change of designation of ECG & Holter Technicians working in Railway Hospitals – allotment of Qualification based pay structure-reg.

Change of designation of ECG & Holter Technicians working in Railway Hospitals – allotment of Qualification based pay structure-reg.
National Federationf Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
No.II/49/Part. II
Dated: 2310312015
The Secretary (B),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Change of designation of ECG & Holter Technicians working in Railway Hospitals – allotment of Qualification based pay structure-reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No. 6012012.
(ii) Railway Board’s letterNo. 20I2lH-1110/6 dated 22/08/2013.
(iiii) NFIR’s letter No. II/49lPt. II dated 7/10/2013, 18/03/2014,16/10/2014,17/11/2014.

NFIR desires to invite kind attention of the Railway Board to the discussions held in the PNM meeting on 1.9th/20th December 2014 relating to allotment of qualification related Grade pay/pay Band to ECG & Holter Technicians working in the Railway Hospitals (appearing under PNM item No. 60/2012) wherein the Federation was apprised that the matter will be referred to the 7th Central Pay Commission with full justification thereof.

2. Further the Federation wishes to state that the issue of revision of designation of ECG & Holter Technician to “Cardiac Technologist” has also been pending in the Railway Board. In this connection, Federation desires to add that majority of Zonal Railways have since suggested for revision of designation of this category to “Cardiac Technologist” as the same is reported to the in vogue in Central and State Government Hospitals. lncidentally NFIR states that this proposal tias NIL financial implications and hence there should be no difficulty to revise the designation.

NFIR, therefore, once again urges upon the Railway Board to send copy,of proposal relating to allotment of qualification based pay structure sent by Railway Board to 7th CPC to the Federation and also issue instructions for revision of designation of ECG & Holter Technician to “Cardiac Technologist” working in the Railway Hospitals at an early date. Federation may please be provided with the copy of the instructions.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary

Copy to Director General/RHS, Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessary action.
Copy to Executive Director/PC-lI, Railway Board, New Delhi.
Coov to General Secretaries of affiliated Unions of NFIR.
Copy to Media Centre/NFIR.
Copy to File No. 60/2012 (PNM) &7th CPC file – Medical Department.

Source: www.nfirindia.org

Revision of Platform Ticket Rates at Railway Stations

Revision of Platform Ticket Rates at Railway Stations

Press Information Bureau,
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
March 23, 2015
Revision of Platform Ticket Rates at Railway Stations

The Ministry of Railways has decided to upwardly revise the rate of platform ticket to Rs.10/- per ticket from Rs.5/- per ticket. The revised rate of platform ticket will be charged on platform ticket to be issued from 01.04.2015. Directions have been sent to All Zonal Railways to print the revised tickets on top priority and ensure supply to all stations well in time. However, till such time the tickets are printed, the existing stock of tickets may be used with the rate corrected with a stamp. Wherever platform tickets are issued through SPTM & UTS or other machines, their software may to be modified to collect the revised rate.

Further, the Ministry of Railways has delegated the power to Divisional Railway Managers (DRMs) to increase the rate of platform tickets beyond Rs.10/- to regulate rush at platforms during specific requirements like mela, rally etc.

Pension payment for the month of March 2015 through POSB functioning under CBS: NFPE writes to DoP

Pension payment for the month of March 2015 through POSB functioning under CBS: NFPE writes to DoP

No. PF-Misc/2015
Dated 21th March, 2015
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Government of India
Dak Bhawn
New Delhi – 110001

Sub: Pension payment for the month of March 2015 through POSB functioning under CBS – regarding.

Your kind attention is invited to the fact that last year on 1st April, 2014 no payment of pension could be disbursed through POSB on the request of Infosys due to some technical problems in the CBS. In fact all SB transactions were suspended on that day. Many pensioners were made to return home empty handed without drawing their pension on that day.

This year 1st April is followed by two holidays on 2nd and 3rd April for Mahavir jayanthi and Good Friday and therefore any recurrence of previous problem on 1st April will cause heavy hardships on pensioners as they could not draw their pension until 4th April, 2015.

It is therefore requested to kindly intervene in the matter to prevent any such recurrence this year and if suspension of all SB transactions on 1st April is unavoidable, then necessary instructions may please be issued to all concerned for effecting payment of pension on 31st March, 2015 itself irrespective of the fact that no payment or pension payment is normally done on the closing day of the financial year.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General

NFIR’s Meeting with 7th Central Pay Commission on the 13th & 14th April 2015

NFIR’s Meeting with 7th Central Pay Commission on the 13th & 14th April 2015

D.O No. 7CPC/158/Meetings/2015
19th March, 2015
 Dear Shri Raghavaiah,
The Seventh, Central Pay Commission has, from the time of its constitution, engaged with a variety of stakeholders on the issues which it has been mandated to cover in accordance with its terms of reference. Based on the wide ranging interaction the Commission has had in this period, certain broad issues have emerged before the Commission. The Commission has also been seeking from individual Ministries / Departments their views on the issues posed, in relation to matters that are relevant to the Ministries.

The Commission has had the occasion to interact with the Federation in May 2014. A meeting was also held on 25 February 2015 with the National Council (Staff side) wherein it was agreed that the Commission would have a detailed engagement with the Staff side as part of its final deliberations.

Accordingly, a meeting with the 7th Central Pay Commission has been scheduled for the Federation on two successive days viz. 13 and 14 April 2015. between 10.30 am and 1 pm in the Conference Room 1st floor B-14/A, Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi,
With Regards
Yours sincerely,
(Meena Agarwal)
Shri. M.Raghavaiah
General Secretary
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road
New Delhi – 110055

Source: NFIR

One Rank One Pension – 1st Payment will be made on 1st week of May, 2015 & Arrears will be paid in 4 equal installments – Minister assured

One Rank One Pension – 1st Payment will be made on 1st week of May, 2015 & Arrears will be paid in 4 equal installments – Minister assured
Shri Manohar Parikkar, Hon’ble Defence Minister, Government of India, met representative of our organization(NEXCC) led by Shri V.N.Mishra, Secretary General (as Chairman is indisposed).

Where 20/25 minutes cordial discussion had in connection with implementation One Rank One Pension(OROP). He has assured our delegation, that by 1st week of April,2015, modalities will be finalized & 1st payment will be made on 1st week of May, 2015. Arrears will be paid in 4 equal installments.

Considering the deferred assurance given by the Hon’ble Defence Minister, available Central Committee Member in Delhi, decided to defer our agitational programme on 6th & 7th April, 2015. It is further to intimate that Central Executive Committee to a later date.

The representative also brought to the knowledge of the Hon’ble Defence Minister about the ECHS meeting scheduled to be held on 05th April, 2015,at New Delhi, also & Military Service Pay(MSP)anomalies, which he assured to look into.

Source: www.ex-sergeant.blogspot.in

Pension payment for the month of March 2015 through POSB functioning under CBS: NFPE writes to DoP

Pension payment for the month of March 2015 through POSB functioning under CBS: NFPE writes to DoP

No. PF-Misc/2015
Dated 21th March, 2015
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Government of India
Dak Bhawn
New Delhi – 110001

Sub: Pension payment for the month of March 2015 through POSB functioning under CBS – regarding.

Your kind attention is invited to the fact that last year on 1st April, 2014 no payment of pension could be disbursed through POSB on the request of Infosys due to some technical problems in the CBS. In fact all SB transactions were suspended on that day. Many pensioners were made to return home empty handed without drawing their pension on that day.

This year 1st April is followed by two holidays on 2nd and 3rd April for Mahavir jayanthi and Good Friday and therefore any recurrence of previous problem on 1st April will cause heavy hardships on pensioners as they could not draw their pension until 4th April, 2015.

It is therefore requested to kindly intervene in the matter to prevent any such recurrence this year and if suspension of all SB transactions on 1st April is unavoidable, then necessary instructions may please be issued to all concerned for effecting payment of pension on 31st March, 2015 itself irrespective of the fact that no payment or pension payment is normally done on the closing day of the financial year.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(R.N. Parashar)
Secretary General

Clarification on crucial date of determination of age of 56 years for induction into AIS

Clarification on crucial date of determination of age of 56 years for induction into AIS and its applicability with reference to the year of select list-regarding: DoP&T Order

Government of India
Ministry of personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Departments of Personnel and Training

North block, New Delhi
Dated the 20th March, 2015

Office Memorandum

Subject: Clarification on crucial date of determination of age of 56 years for induction into AIS and its applicability with reference to the year of select list-regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject cited above and to say that on the direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court, and in consultation with Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of home affairs, ministry of environment and forest, UPSC and the state Governments, the central government has decided to raise maximum age limit from 54 years to 56 years for promotion/induction from state service/Non-state Civil Service to All India Service with effect from the Select List of 2015 with crucial date of determination of age as 01.01.2015. In order to implement this decision, this Department has issued four notifications dated 17.03.2015 amending the following date of their publication in the official gazette:-

(i) Regulation 5 (3) of Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955;
(ii) Regulation 5 (3) of Indian police service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955;
(iii) Regulation 5 (3) of Indian Forest Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1966; and
(iv) Proviso 1 below Regulation 4(1)(iii) of Indian Administrative Service (Appointment by Selection) Regulation, 1997

2. Further, as decided by the Government, anomaly in Non-SCS Select List vis-à-vis SCS Select List for the vacancies arising during the same year has been removed through OM dated 17.3.2015. As per this OM, for the Vacancies arising during the period 1.1.2014 to 31.12.2014, the select list of Non-SCS officers will be styled as Selected List-2014-A instead of Selected List 2015. The select list of SCS officers had already been styled coinciding with the year of the vacancies from the year 2010, after the clarificatory OM dated 25.08.2010. Thus, for the vacancies arising during the year 2015 (between 1.1.2015 to 31.12.2015), the Select List for both SCS officers as well as Non-SCS officers will be styled as Select List-2015.

3. Now, for the benefit of all stakeholders, it is clarified that the above amendments are applicable for the Select Lists of 2015 (vacancies arising between 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015) and onwards with crucial date for determination of age as 1 st January of that Select List year. For example, for the Select List of 2015, the upper age limit for consideration will be 56 years with crucial date for determination of age as 01.01.2015.

4 In so far as the Select Lists of State Service/Non-State Civil Service officers of 2014/2014-A to be prepared for the vacancies arisen between 1.1.2014 to 31.12.2014 are concerned, the same would be prepared in accordance with the regulations existing in 2014. In other words, up-to the Select Lists of 2014/2014-A, the maximum age limit for consideration for induction into AIS would be 54 years and the same would be reckoned as on 1st January of the respective Select List year.

5(i). For further clarity, for example, 10 and 2 vacancies arose during 01.01 .2014 to 31.12 2014 in West Bengal cadre in the SCS and Non-SCS category respectively. The Select List for SCS officers would be styled as Select List 2014 and for Non-SCS officers, it would be styled as Select List 2014-A. The Selection Committee Meetings would be held in 2015 and the upper age limit will be 54 years with crucial date of determination as 01.01.2014 for both the category of officers.

(ii) Similarly, if 6 and 2 vacancies arise during 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015 in Odisha cadre in the SCS and Non-SCS category respectively the Select Lists would be styled as Select List 2015 for both the category of officers. The Selection Committee Meetings for Select List 2015 would be held in 2016 and the upper age limit will be 56 years with crucial date of determination as 01.01.2015 for both SCs and Non-SCs officers.

6. All State Governments/Cadre Controlling Authorities and UPSC are, therefore, requested to implement the aforementioned amendments ¡n accordance with the above clarifications,

(Gayatri Mishra)
Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02ser/14015_30_2015_AIS_I_20032015.pdf

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