A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Showing posts with label MOD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MOD. Show all posts

Monday, 14 September 2020





Tele : 23014594
Dte Gen of Personnel
Military Engineer Services
Engineer-in-Chiefs Branch
Kashmir House, Rajaji Marg
New Delhi – 110011.


Dated: 08 Sep 2020

ADG (D&C) Range Hills Rd, Kirkee Pune-411003
ADG(Coast Guard & Projects) Chennai-600009
ADG(NEI) Guwahati, Pin-781027, C/o 56 APO 3
ADG(North) Jammu C/o CWE (AF) Jammu, Pin-937258
Chief Engineers HQs
Southern Command, Pune
Eastern Command, Kolkata
Central Command, Lucknow
Western Command, Chandimandir
Northern Command, Udhampur
South Western Command, Pune
DGNP, Mumbai
DGNP, Visakhapatnam
CME, Pune
CGDA, New Delhi


1. Refer further to this office letter No.CC-3/85610/47/MACP/D’ Man/6th/CSCC dated 21 April 2017.

2. The undersigned is directed to inform that the approval of grant of 2nd Financial Upgradation after completing 24 yrs of service under ACP scheme of DoPT in respect of Draughtsman & Tech Officers in the pay scale of Rs.15600 – 39100 plus Grade pay of Rs. 6600/- in MES for the intervening period between 01 Jan 2006 to 30 Aug 2008 was granted by MoD after thorough scrutiny of the proposal.

3. Some complaints & grievances were filed against this grant of 2nd Financial Upgradation under ACP scheme by few individuals. In this connection the matter was again sent to MoD for further scrutiny and examinations. The decision of MoD in this regard is reproduced below :-

Also check: Grant of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme MACPS to Accounts Officers – CGDA Order


 “It is stated that the case for grant based on the analogy of Draughtsman Cadre of MES and Assistant (Arch Department) of CPWD provided by E-in-C’s Branch and as per Financial Upgradation to the TOs of Draughtsman Cadre of MES was granted as per the extant rules and guidelines of DoP&T.”

4. In view of the above, it is advised to take further necessary action as per the clarification of the MoD

5. This has approval of E-in-C please.

(Madan Lal)
Jt Dir (Pers) /CSCC
For E-in-C


Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Inclusion of names of the widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughter/ parents/ permanently disabled children/dependent disabled siblings (i.e. brothers and sisters) in the PPO

Inclusion of names of the widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughter/ parents/ permanently disabled children/dependent disabled siblings (i.e. brothers and sisters) in the PPO 

No. PC-1(07)/2013-D(Pension/Policy)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare

New Delhi, 110011
Dated: 4th May, 2020

The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject : Inclusion of names of the widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughter/ parents/ permanently disabled children/dependent disabled siblings (i.e. brothers and sisters) in the PPO - Procedure regarding.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No. 1(07/2013-D(Pension/Policy) dated 15.05.2015 regarding simplification of pension process for permanently disabled children and dependent parents/ siblings for family pension. It has been noticed that name of divorced/ widowed/ unmarried daughter has not been included in MoD letter No. 1/(07)/2013/D(Pension/Policy) dated 15.05.2015 causing delay in sanctioning of family pension to such eligible members 1.e. widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughter, although name of such eligible members was a part of DoP&PW OM No. 1/6/08-P&PW(E) dated 22.06.2010.

2. It is, therefore, decided to issue amendment to GoI MoD letter No. 1(07)/2013-D (Pension/Policy) dated 15.05.2015 as under-

(a) For “disabled children/ siblings and dependent parents” read- “permanently disabled child/ children/ siblings/ dependent parents and widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughter,” wherever it appears in GoI MoD letter dated 15.05.2015.

(b) New clause numbered 5(iii) “To widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughters” may be inserted below Para-5(ii) to GoI MoD letter dated 15.05.2015 as under:-

(iii) “To widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughters”

In case the eligibility of all the above categories of claimant mentioned in para 5(i) and 5(ii) of GoI, MoD letter no. (7)/2013-D(Pension/Policy) dated 15.05.2015 ceases to be payable, the PDA will allow family pension to such widowed/divorced/ unmarried daughter in their hierarchy of DoB after production of marriage/ re- marriage/ death certificate, as the case may be, in respect of all the categories of claimants mentioned in Sub Para - i) and (i) of para 5 of GoI, MoD letter dated 15.05.2015, if any.”

(c) After inserting above clause in Gol, MoD letter dated 15.05.2015, remaining sub clauses under para -5 may be renumbered in following manner:
  • Existing Clause 5(iii) “To the dependent parents-first mother, then father” to be renumbered as 5(iv)
  • Existing Clause 5(iv) “To the permanently disabled siblings” to be renumbered as 5(v).
3. The word “Farther” in first line of para 5(iii) of GoI, MoD letter no. 1(7)/2013-D (Pension / Policy) dated 15.05.2015 may be replaced by word “Father”.

4. The renumbered para 5(iv) referred above may be amended as follows:-

For: “When claimants in (i) and (ii) die or become ineligible- on production of death certificate/ re-marriage-intimation of spouse and/ or death certificates of all permanently disabled children, family pension would be allowed by PDA to dependent parents.”

Read: “When claimants in (i), (ii) and (iii) die or become ineligible- on production of death certificate/ marriage/ re-marriage -intimation of spouse and/ or on production/ intimation of marriage/ re-marriage/ death certificates (as the case may be) of all the eligible dependent son(s) or daughter(s) including permanently disabled child/children and widowed/ divorced/ unmarried daughter, family pension would be allowed by the PDA to dependent parents.”

5. All other terms and conditions shall remain unchanged.

6. This issues with the concurrence of the finance Division of this Ministry vide their ID No 10(01)/2015/ Fin/Pen dated 18/02/2020.

7. Hindi version will follow.

Yours Faithfully,
(A K Agarwal)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Online submission of APARs by officers of MoD for the Assessment Year 2019-20

Online submission of APARs by officers of MoD for the Assessment Year 2019-20

Online submission of APARs in r/o all belonging to CSS / CSSS and other cadres is mandatory as per DoPT guidelines.

Subject: Online submission of APARs by officers of MoD for the Assessment Year 2019-20

Online submission of APARs in r/o all belonging to CSS / CSSS and other cadres is mandatory as per DoPT guidelines.

Also check: DoPT: Online generation and recording of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR)

2. The addressee officers are requested to furnish details of Reporting / Reviewing Officers for the year 2019-2020 for creation of their APAR workflow in SPARROW system. In case an officer is required to submit more than one APAR for the year 2019-20, the details of periods of annexed proforma.

3. The information sought above may please be forwarded within a week to enable this section to ensure timely generation of APARs in r/o the officers concerned and forwarding the same to them.

Also read: DoPT: Introduction of SPARROW across al the cadres of CSS/CSSS/CSCS for the reporting year 2018-19

4. This may please be accorded High Priority.

Encl: as above

(Ajay Kumar Gaur)
Under Secretary to the Government of India.

Source: MoD

Thursday, 20 February 2020

MoD: Engagement of Consultant at the level of Section officer and Private Secretary in Ministry of Defence

MoD: Engagement of Consultant at the level of Section officer and Private Secretary in Ministry of Defence
Personnel engaged as Consultant will be paid a monthly remuneration of Rs.28,000/- in case of officers retired in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4,800 (pre-revised) / Level 8 and Rs. 31,500/- in the case of officers retired in the Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400 (pre-revised)/ Level-10.
No. A-19020/01/2020-D(Estt.I/Gp.I)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence

Room No. 315, 'B'Wing, Sena Bhawan
New Delhi, dated 17th February, 2020


It is proposed to engage retired personnel at the level of Section Officer and Private Secretary as Consultant in the Ministry of Defence (Sectt.) purely on temporary basis, as per Ministry's guidelines dated 12.09.2012 and as amended from time to time. Officers retired from Ministry of Defence will be given preference.

Personnel engaged as Consultant will be paid a monthly remuneration of Rs.28,000/- in case of officers retired in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4,800 (pre-revised) / Level 8 and Rs. 31,500/- in the case of officers retired in the Grade Pay of Rs. 5,400 (pre-revised)/ Level-10.

Officers who have retired at the level of Section Officer and Private Secretary and who are less than the age of 64 years as on 31.03.2020 may furnish their application to D(Est.I/Gp.I) Section, Room No.315,'B' Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi on or before 09.03.2020. Application received after due date not be entertained.

(Ajay Kumar Gaur)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt of India

i. Application Form
ii. Guidelines dated 12.09.2012
iii. Amendment to Guidelines dated 31.03.2014; 06.07.2015 and 27.08.2019

Download Order: MoD


Wednesday, 12 February 2020

HRA - Terms of Application for Government Accommodation and the issuance of a No Accommodation Certificate for the admissibility of a House Rent Allowance

HRA - Terms of Application for Government Accommodation and the issuance of a 'No Accommodation Certificate' for the admissibility of a House Rent Allowance



Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt.-110010
No. AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.54

Dated: 10.02.2020


PCA (Fys) Kolkata
(Through CGDA’s website)

Sub: Dispensation of conditions of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ for admissibility of House Rent Allowance.

Reference is invited to Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Office Memorandum No. 2/5/2017-E.IIB dated 05.03.2019 (copy attached) wherein the Ministry has dispensed with the condition of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ by Central Government employees to become eligible for HRA, in respect of General Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) controlled by Directorate of Estate, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. It has been further stipulated in the ibid Office Memorandum that Ministries/Departments having their separate pool of residential accommodation for their employees other than GPRA, have been suggested to adopt these provision, wherever feasible.

Also check: 7TH PAY COMMISSION House Rent Allowance (HRA)

Accordingly, comments from PCDA/ CDA/ Estate Officers were called for and the matter was under consideration at this office. Now, in terms of rules contained in Allotment of DAD Pool Residential Accommodation Rules, 2019, it has been decided with the approval of Competent Authority that the provision of Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure Office Memorandum No. 2/5/2017-E.IIB dated 05.03.2019 shall be applied to DAD Pool Residential Accommodations except Reserved or Appointment accommodation at various stations pan India with retrospective effect ie. w.e.f. 05.03.2019, the date of issue of ibid orders.

PCDA/ CDA/ Estate Officers are therefore requested to apply the ibid Office Memorandum dated 05.03.2019 on DAD Pool Residential Accommodations except Reserved or Appointment accommodation and dispense with the conditions of applying for Government Accommodation and furnishing of ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ for admissibility of House Rent Allowance w.e.f. 05.03.2019.

Encl: As above

(Rajeev Ranjan Ktimar)
Deputy CGDA (Admin)

Source: CGDA

Saturday, 14 December 2019

Recruitment to the post of Staff Car Driver in Ministry of Defence by Deputation or absorption or Re-employment basis

No.A-12023/1/2018-D (Estt. I/Gp.II)

Government of India
Ministry of Defence

Room No. 320, 'B' Wing,
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi- 110105
Dated 12th December, 2019


Subject: Recruitment to the post of Staff Car Driver in Ministry of Defence by Deputation or absorption or Re-employment basis

The undersigned is directed to say that one (01) post of Staff Car Driver(Ordinary Grade) in the Ministry of Defence carrying pay in Level 2 (Rs.19900 - Rs.63200) of Pay Matrix is proposed to be filled up by:

Deputation/ Absorption/ Re-employment

From amongst the regular Despatch Rider (Group-C) and Group C employees in Level 1 (Rs.18000 - Rs.56900) in the Ministry of Defence (Secretariat) who possess valid driving license for motor cars on the basis of a driving test conducted by Transport Company, Army Headquarters, Ministry of Defence to assess the competence to drive motor cars failing which from officials holding the post of Despatch Rider in other Ministries of the Central Government who fulfill the necessary qualifications, as mentioned below:

For Ex- Servicemen: Deputation/ Re-employment

The Armed Forces personnel due to retire or who are to be transferred to reserve within a period of one year and having the requisite experience and qualifications prescribed below shall also be considered. Such persons would be given deputation terms upto the date on which they, are due for release from the Armed Forces, thereafter, they may be continued on re- employment.

Also check: Admissibility of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers: Railway Board Order

Essential education / technical qualification


  • A pass in the 10th standard or equivalent from a recognized Board or Institution;
  • Must possess a valid driving license for motor car issued by the competent authority;
  • Knowledge of motor mechanism (the candidate should be able to remove minor defects in vehicles);
  • Experience of driving a motor car for at least three years from reputed organisation.


Three years service as Home Guard or Civil volunteers.

Note 1: The qualifications regarding experience are relaxable at the discretion of the Competent Authority in the case of candidate otherwise well qualified.

Note 2: The qualifications regarding experience is relaxable at the discretion of the Competent Authority, in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes if at any stage of selection the competent authority is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates with requisite experience are likely to be available to fill up the vacancy reserved for them.

2. In addition to the above, it may be noted that the period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organisation Department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed 3 years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation / absorption shall not exceed 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.

3. In the event of selection, appointment will be subject to passing of driving skill test.

4. Applications in the attached proforma (Annexure-I) from willing and eligible persons and whose services can be spared, shall be forwarded by the Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority along with duly filled-in certification (Annexure-II) to this office within six weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News along with the following documents:
  1. Matriculation certificate
  2. Driving License
  3. NOC from record office (in case of Armed forces personnel)
  4. APAR dossiers for the last five years
  5. Vigilance certificate
  6. Experience certificate & Commendation certificate (if any)
(Phani Tulasi K.Ch)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Source: MoD

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Revised Structure of EDP Cadre of Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Air)

Revised Structure of EDP Cadre of Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Air)

No. A/24315/CR/EDP(AIR)/CAO/CP
Ministry of Defence
O/o JS & CAO
E-Block, Dara Shikoh Road, New Delhi-110011

22 Nov 2019

IHQ of MoD(Air)
West Block-VI, Wing VI
RK Puram-110066

Sub: Cadre Restructuring of EDP Cadre of Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Air)

I am directed to convey the sanction of the competent authority for the following structure of the EDP Cadre of Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Air) :-

EDP Cadre Existing Structure

S.NoName of Post /Pay LevelNo of posts
2Senior Programmer (Level 11)01
3Programmer (Level 10)01
4Data Processing Assistant (Level 7)05
5Data Entry Operator Grade ‘D’ (Level 6)08
6Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’ (Level 5)10


EDP Cadre Revised Structure

S.NoName of Post /Pay LevelNo of posts
1Principal System Analyst * (Level 12)1(+1)
2Senior Programmer (Level 11)01
3System Analyst (Level 10)2(+1)
4Data Processing Assistant (Level 7)4(-1)
5Data Entry Operator Grade ‘D’ (Level 6)6(-2)
6Data Entry Operator Grade ‘B’ (Level 5)8(-2)

* The Principal System Analyst (PSA) will be filled up on revision of RRs in line with revised cadre structure.
2. This issues with the concurrence of MoF(Exp.), vide ID. No. F.No.2 (49) E.III Desk/2018 dated 28.10.2019 and MoD/Fin U.O. 7(4)/M0/2010-680 dated 21/11/2019.

Hindi version shall follow.

(Jitendra Kumar)
Revised Structure of EDP Cadre of Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Air)


Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Defence Bonus 2019

Defence Bonus 2019

PBORs of the Army, Navy and Air Force eligible for the ad-hoc bonus for the year 2018-19

Ministry of Defence

Subject: Grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to the Central Government Employees for the year 2018-19.

A copy of Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) O.M. No. 7/ 24/2007/ E III (A) dated 4th October,2019 on the above subject is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action in so far as Armed Forces personnel are concerned.

2. It is hereby clarified that Personnel Below Officer Ranks (PBORs) of the Armed Forces including JCOs in the Army and Officers of the equivalent rank in the Navy and Air Force will be eligible for the ad-hoc bonus for the year 2018-19 in terms of the Ministry of Finance OM referred to in para 1 above subject to the availability of requisite funds in the sanctioned budget provisions of Defence Services for the current financial year.

3. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their Dy. No. 359/AG/ PD dated 14.10.2019.
(Arun Kumar )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Army Headquarters/ Dir PS-3
Naval Headquarters/ DPA
Air Headquarters/ Dte. Of Accounts (PA&R)

MoD ID No. 30(6)/ 2014/ D(Pay/Services) dated 14th October, 2019.

Defence Bonus 2019

Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (ad-hoc bonus) to Central Government Employees

Source: MoD

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Army officers revised pay structure Opportunity for revision

Army officers revised pay structure Opportunity for revision
  1. GoI, MoD vide letter No. 1(29)/2017/D(Pay/Services) dated 06/08/2019 has extended the provisions of Para 3 and 4 of MoF, Department of Expenditure OM No. 4-23/17- IC/E-III dated 12/12/2018 to Defence Personnel regarding exercising of option to come over to the revised pay structure.
  2. Army Officers who have already exercised their option to come over to the revised pay structure as notified by the Pay Rules/Regulations 2017, shall be permitted to revise their initial option in terms of Rules 5 and 6 thereof.
  3. The revised option shall be exercised within a period of one hundred and eighty days from the date of issue of MoD orders i.e. upto 01/02/2020. The option exercised in terms of these orders shall be final and shall not be liable to any further change under any circumstances. All other terms and conditions laid down in the said Rules 5 and 6 of Pay Rules/Regulations 2017 shall continue to be applicable.
  4. Army Officers who have already exercised their option to come over to the revised pay structure from 01/01/2016 itself or in whose case the revised pay structure took effect from 01/01/2016 and who re-exercise their option under these orders to come over to the revised pay structure from a date subsequent to 01/01/2016 as per Rule 5 of the Pay Rules/Regulations, the arrears on account of revised pay already drawn by them from 01/01/2016 upto the date from which they opt to come over to the revised pay structure shall be recovered.


Sunday, 18 August 2019

Ex-Servicemen Welfare - Payment and Re-imbursement of Medical expenses under ECHS; Processing of Online Bills by Bill Processing Agency (BPA)

Ex-Servicemen Welfare - Payment and Re-imbursement of Medical expenses under ECHS; Processing of Online Bills by Bill Processing Agency (BPA)

File No.25(01)/2018/WE/D(Res-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence .
(Deptt. of Ex-Servicemen Welfare )
B wing, Room No.220
Sena Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated 09 July, 2019
The chief of Army Staff .
The chief of Naval Staff
The chief of Air Staff

Subject: Payment and Re-imbursement of Medical expenses under ECHS; Processing of Online Bills by Bill Processing Agency (BPA).

With reference to Govt. of India Ministry of Defence letter No.22A(10)/2010/US(WE)/D(Res)-Vol-V dated 10th July 2014 on the subject, I am directed to convey sanction of the Competent to the following amendments:


Payment and Re-imbursement for Medical Treatment (Online Billing)
(i) Director Regional Centre ECHS - Upto Rs.3,00,000/-
(ii) Dy MD, ECHS - Upto Rs.5,00,000/-
(iii) MD, ECHS - Upto Rs.10,00,000/-
(iv) Joint Secretary, ESW - Upto Rs.25,00,000/-
(v) Secretary, ESW - Above Rs.25,00,000/-

(i) Director Regional Centre ECHS - Upto Rs.4,00,000/-
(ii) Dy MD, ECHS - Upto Rs.8,00,000/-
(iii) MD, ECHS - Upto Rs.15,00,000/-
(iv) Joint Secretary, ESW - Upto Rs.40,00,000/-
(v) Secretary, ESW - Above Rs.40,00.000/-

The powers delegated within the Ministry (bill above Rs.15 lakhs ) will be exercised in consultation with MoD (Finance/Pension).

This issues with the concurrence of MoD (Finance/Pension) vide U.O. No.32(14)/2018/Fin/Pen dated 17-6-2019.
Yours faithfully,
(A.K. Karn )
Under Secretary to Govt. of India
Source: DESW


MoD clarifies there is no proposal to privatise OFB - Defence

Ministry of Defence
MoD clarifies there is no proposal to privatise OFB
16th AUG 2019

In continuation of the meeting held on August 14, a Committee of senior officials of Ministry of Defence led by Additional Secretary, Department of Defence Production alongwith Chairman, Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) once again met the office bearers of the All India Defence Employees Federation, Indian National Defence Workers Federation, Bhartiya Pratiksha Mazdoor Sangh and Confederation of Defence Recognized Association here today on the issue of Strike notice given by them starting with effect from August 20,2019. The meeting was also attended by officials from the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India.

The Committee also pointed out that the employees’ call for 30 days’ strike was unprecedented, especially when Government has already agreed to their demand to hold discussions at the MoD level and is in process of continuously engaging with them.

The Committee explained to the employee organisations that there is no proposal to privatise OFB. The proposal under consideration of Government is to make it into Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs), which is 100 per cent Government owned. Rumours being spread that OFB is being privatised are misguiding and with the intent to mislead the workers. Corporatisation of OFB will bring OFB at par with other DPSUs of MoD. This is in the interest of OFB as it will provide operational freedom and flexibility to OFB which it presently lacks. Besides, the interests of the workers will be adequately safeguarded in any decision taken on the subject.

The Committee also pointed out that Government has been continuously trying to strengthen the functioning of OFB, including having taken several steps to modernise the factories, carry out capital upgradation, re-train and re-skill OFB employees at Government costs, enable development of products and components with indigenous technology. The Committee urged the employee organisations to recognise Government’s efforts to make OFB into a competitive, productive and efficient organisation with higher turnover and enhanced profitability, which would also be in the interest of the employees. Therefore, the Committee once again urged the employee organisations to withdraw their proposed strike.



Tuesday, 13 August 2019

MoD: Modernisation of Armed Forces top priority, says Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh

MoD: Modernisation of Armed Forces top priority, says Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh


Modernisation of Armed Forces top priority, says Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh;
Attends Golden Jubilee event of BDL in Hyderabad

New Delhi: Sharavana 12, 1941
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh said modernisation of the Armed forces is the top priority of the government to enhance the defence capability and preparedness of the country. He visited Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) in Hyderabad on August 3, 2019 on the occasion of Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Defence PSU.

Addressing the gathering on the occasion, Shri Rajnath Singh said Indigenization will be encouraged to the maximum possible extent and defence equipment will be imported only when it cannot be manufactured indigenously. He added that the defence sector will play a key role in making the country a 5-trillion economy through FDI and offset investments in manufacturing. He hoped that defence exports will reach to a significant level by 2025.

Shri Rajnath Singh said BDL is an important defence organisation and with organizations like DRDO, ISRO, BDL has enhanced the prestige of the country through its achievements. Shri Rajnath Singh appreciated BDL for manufacturing more than one lakh missiles in the last 50 years.

Shri Rajnath Singh said in the new world many countries have developed counter to missile technology by developing Air Defence Systems and gave a call for the development of Hypersonic Missiles technology to enhance defence capabilities of the Armed Forces. He reiterated that defence policy of the country is for peace and stability at regional, continental and global level.

He unveiled a statue of former President and Bharat Ratna Dr A P J Abdul Kalam to commemorate his legendary vision. The brainchild of Dr Kalam, Integrated Guided Missile Development (IGMD) Programme that was launched during late 80s, gave BDL plenty of opportunities to develop its skilled manpower and invest in high-end technology areas to manufacture the missiles contemplated under this Programme. The Raksha Mantri also visited the state-of-the-art production facilities at Kanchanbagh Unit of the Company. He also released a commemorative stamp on BDL on the occasion.

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh handed over Medium Range Surface-to-AirMissile (MR SAM) to Indian Air Force in the function. Vice Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal R K S Bhadauria received MR SAM on behalf of the IAF.

Raksha Mantri felicitated ‘Veer Naris’ from the State of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh as a part of Corporate Social Responsibility initiative of the BDL. Shri Rajnath Singh interacteded with 22 Veer Naris who were invited to BDL on this occasion.

Raksha Mantri also inaugurated the Rain Water Harvesting facility named as ‘Jal Nidhi’ at the upcoming Unit of BDL at Ibrahimpatnam as a part of Jal Shakti Abhiyan of the Government of India. This is expected to help in meeting storage of 24 Lakh litre of water and increasing the level of underground water levels.

A five MW Solar power plant was also inaugurated by Shri Rajnath Singh at BDL, Ibrahimpatnam, which demonstrates commitment of DPSU towards environment protection.

Earlier, Raksha Mantri was given a warm welcome by Chairman-cum-Managing Director of BDL Commodore Siddharth Mishra (Retd) at its premises at Kanchanbagh. Secretary, Department of Defence Research & Development and Chairman, DRDO Dr G Satheesh Reddy was present of the occasion.

Source: MoD

Wednesday, 7 August 2019




Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
IHQ of MoD (Army)
Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt - 110 010
15 Mar 2019
PD (Navy)
All Comd HQ’s (A/ECHS)
All Regional Centres, ECHS


Copy of O/o the DGAFMS, MoD letter No 5515/Gen Comp/4E/ DGAFMS/DG-3A dated 08 Mar 2019 is enclosed herewith.
For your info and necessary action please.
(BS Sisodia)
Dir(Ops & Coord)
Encls:- One page.
Copy to :-
All Secs (Less S&A)
S&A Sec - For uploading on our website.

Office of the DGAFMS
Ministry of Defence
Room No. 08, ‘M’ block
7 New Delhi-110001

5515/Gen Comp/4E/ DGAFMS/DG-3A
08 Mar 2019
DGMS (Army)
DGMS (Navy)
DGMS (Air)


War Disabled Veterans form a very distinguished class of veterans. A large number of War Disabled Veterans/ Battle causalities are arnputation cases, amputated due to injuries sustained in war and war like conditions and have restricted mobility. In view of this special disposition, they rightfully deserve certain privileges. AFMS has always remained committed in providing them priority in AFMS hospitals.

Henceforth, War Disabled Veterans/Battle Causalities (self only) may be offered Specialist consultation directly at the OPDs of Armed Forces hospitals on OPD days, without obtaining a referral from the ECHS Polyclinics. However, these veterans will continue to avail services of their dependant polyclinic for routine illnesses.

Necessary instructions may please be issued to all concerned.

This has the approval of the DGAFMS.
(VK Bhatti)
Col AFMS (Health)
Source: ECHS Order


Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Delay in handing over of ECHS Smart Card to ECHS Beneficiaries

Delay in handing over of ECHS Smart Card to ECHS Beneficiaries

Central Organisation, ECHS
Adjutant General’s Branch
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Thimayya Marg,
Near Gopinath Circle
Delhi Cantt – 110010


29 Jul 2019

IHQ of MoD (Air Force)
IHQ of MoD (Navy)
HQ South Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ East Comd(A/ECHS)
HQ Wesst Comd(A/ECHS)
HQ Central Comd(A/ECHS)
Northern Comd(A/ECHS)
South West Comd (A/ECHS)
All Regional Centres


Please refer to Central Organisation, ECHS letter No B/49711-IT/AG/ECHS dated 13 Sep 2018. (Copy enclosed).

The procedure of dispatching the 64 Kb ECHS Cards by the Card making company and their distribution by respective station HQ’s was given vide a/m letter. As on 17 Jul 2019, the card making company has printed and dispatched 8,33,468 cards to various station HQ’s through respective Regional Centres. It is seen that only 4,11,948 cards have been physically handed over by the station HQ’s to the beneficiaries. This shows that the rate of distribution by most of the station HQ’s is very low. This has led to dissatisfaction amongst the ESM.

In view of the above, it is requested that suitable instruction be passed to Station HQ’s under your justification to handover cards on priority and clear the backlog.

(Rakesh Kakar)
Col (Retd)
Jt Dir (Stats & Automation)

Source: ECHS

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Op Rhino- Concessions to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Ranks including Defence Civilians deployed Civilians deployed in CI Operation

Op Rhino- Concessions to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Ranks including Defence Civilians deployed Civilians deployed in CI Operation

No. 8(3)/9ID (Pay/Services)
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, dated 25th April, 2019
The Chief of the Army Staff
New Delhi

Subject: Op Rhino - Concessions to Armed Forces Officers and Personnel Below Officer Ranks including Defence Civilians deployed in CI Operation

I am directed to refer to this Ministry's letter of even number dated 5th September, 2017 on the above subject and to convey the sanction of the competent authority to the grant of concessions mentioned in this Ministry's letter of even number dated 10th Jan 1992 read with this Ministry's letter No. 37269/ CI/AG/PS- 3(a)/121/ D(Pay/ Services) dated 14 Jan 1994, as amended, w.e.f. 15th Dec., 2017 to 30th June, 2019 or till the termination of Op Rhino, whichever is earlier.

This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide their I.D. No. 5(21)/ 2002-AG(RA)/ 110-PA dated 25/04/ 2019.
Yours faithfully,
( Arun Kumar )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: MoD

Monday, 6 May 2019



Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General's Branch
Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army),
Thimayya Marg, Near Gopinath Circle,
Delhi Cantt- 110 010

B/ 49711-NewSmartCard /AG/ ECHS
29 Apr 2019
IHQ of MoD (Air Force)
IHQ of MoD (Navy)
HQ South Comd (A/ ECHS)
HQ East Comd (A/ ECHS)
HQ West Comd (A/ ECHS)
HQ Central Comd (A/ ECHS)
Northern Comd (A/ ECHS)
South West Comd (A/ ECHS)
Regional Centres ECHS


1. Refer to Central Organisation ECHS letter No B/ 49701-PR /AG/ ECHS/ 2017 dated 27 Sep 2017 and 8/49701-PR/ AG/ ECHS/ 2017 dt 16 Nov 2017(Not to all).

2. A policy on eligibility criteria for ECHS membership was promulgated vide letters under reference. The following documents are required to be produced by the ESM for all dependants above 18 years of age (except spouse) at the time of collection of their Cards:-

(a) Self attested copy of PAN Card.
(b) Self attested copy of Form 26AS for the last two financial years.

3. In case the documents given at Para 2(a) & (b) can not be produced by the ESM, then he will have to furnish a self attested certificate for dependant above 18 Years of age. Specimen proforma is attached as Appx 'A'.

4. In case of income of dependents above 18 years of age (except spouse) is more than Rs 9000/ - from all sources (excluding DA) per month, then the ECHS Cards for such dependants will not be handed over to the beneficiary/ ESM. Such Cards will be destroyed by a board of officers every month and record be maintained at the Station HQ's. Details of such destruction be forwarded to Regional Centre concerned, Central Organization, ECHS and M/ S Source Dot Com Private Limited. Cases will be intiated in such cases for cancellation of cards permanently.

5. It is further reiterated that the Cards of all dependants will be blocked automatically by the system on completion of one year. The ESM will have to submit an online self declaration certificate by using his login credentials. A specimen ECHS self attested certificate for dependant above 18 years of age is attached as Appx 'B'. The fields marked as 'A' will be auto populated and in the balance fields the beneficiary will have to upload the required certificate/ enter details. This renewal facility will be available one month in advance from completion of one year from the date of issue of Card/ last renewal.
(Rakesh Kakar)
Col Retd
Jt Dir (Stats & Automation)
Encls: (As above)

Copy to :-
The details of Cards destroyed by Regional Centres & fwd by Private Ltd board of officers should be blocked & removed from the system. However, data of such Cards should be maintained separately & fwd to Central Organization, ECHS on six monthly basis.

Medical Section
C & L Section
P & FC Section
S&A Section You are requested to upload the ECHS website and copy given to SourceDotcom.

Source: ECHS

Saturday, 4 May 2019

Fixation of pay on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) from the date of next increment

MoD - Fixation of pay on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) from the date of next increment (DNI)

Availability of option for fixation of pay on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of pay fixation from DNI, if opted for, in Context of Army Pay Rules 2017. Air Force pay Rules 2017 and Navy pay Regulations 2017 in respect of ICOs/ORs and equivalent

Ministry of Defence
Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 30th April, 2019

Subject: Availability of option for fixation of pay on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of pay fixation from DNI, if opted for, in Context of Army Pay Rules 2017. Air Force pay Rules 2017 and Navy pay Regulations 2017 in respect of ICOs/ORs and equivalent.

The undersigned is directed to refer to MOD OMs of even number dated 22.03.2018 and 26.02.2019 on the issue of availability of option for fixation of pay on promotion from the date of next increment (DNI) in the lower post and method of pay fixation from DNI, if opted for, in context of Army Pay Rules 2017. Air Force pay Rules 2017 and Navy Pay Regulations 2017 and to say that the aforesaid OMs dated 22.03.2018 and 26.02.2019 will be applicable in the cases of pay fixation on grant of MACP also in respect of ICOs/ORs and equivalent.

This issues with the concurrence of Defence (Finance) vide their I.D. No. dated 29.01.2019.

Yours faithfully
(Arun Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Payment of Highly Active Field Area Allowance - Defence

Payment of Highly Active Field Area Allowance - Defence

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, dated 8th March, 2019.
The Chief of the Army Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject: Notification of Highly Active Field Areas.

I am directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter of even number dated 26th February, 2018 on the above subject and to convey the approval of the competent authority to the payment of Highly Active Field Area Allowance for the areas as specified in Appendix to this Ministry letter No f (3)/2000/D (Pay/Service) Dated 18th Sept 2017.

2. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Division of this Ministry vide MoD (Fin) ID No. 5 (19)/2001-AG/PA-Voll.II dated 6.3.2019
Yours faithfully
(Arun Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

One time contribution for ECHS membership and entitlement of Ward in empanelled Hospitals/ Medical facilities in respect of World War II veterans, ECOs, SSCOs and Pre-Mature Retires

One time contribution for ECHS membership and entitlement of Ward in empanelled Hospitals/ Medical facilities in respect of World War II veterans, ECOs, SSCOs and Pre-Mature Retires.
Dated 12th April, 2019
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff

Subject : One time contribution for ECHS membership and entitlement of Ward in empanelled Hospitals/ Medical facilities in respect of World War II veterans, ECOs, SSCOs and Pre-Mature Retires.
In continuation of MoD letter No.17(11)/2018ANE/D(Res-I) dated 7.3.2019, I am directed to convey the sanction of the Government prescribing one time contribution for ECHS membership and entitlement of ward in empanelled hospitals / medical facilities in respect of World War-II Veterans, Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs), Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs) and Pre-mature Retirees (PMR) and their spouses as under :-

S.No.RankOne time contributionWard entitlement
a.Recruit to Havildars of Army & equivalent Ranks in Navy & Air ForceRs. 30,000/-General
b.Nb Sub/ Sub/ Sub Maj. and equivalent Ranks in Navy & Air Force (including Hony Nb Sub/MACP Nb Sub and Hony Lt/Capt)Rs. 67,000/-Semi Private
c.All OfficersRs. 1,20,000/-Private

2. All other provisions of this Ministry’s letter referred above, unaffected by this order, will remain unchanged.

3. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U.O. No.31(02)/2019/Fin/Pen dated 12.04.2019.
Yours faithfully,
(A.K. Karn)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele Fax: 23014946

Friday, 12 April 2019

Major activities of Department of Defence for the month of March, 2019: MoD

Major activities of Department of Defence for the month of March, 2019

Permanent Commission (PC)

(1) Ministry of Defence has taken steps to ensure implementation of permanent commission to women in the Armed Forces. In so far the Indian Air Force is concerned, all branches, including Fighter Pilots, are now open for women officers. In Navy, all non-sea going branches/cadre/specialization have been opened for induction of women officers through Short Service Commission (SSC). Women officer will be granted PC in the Indian Army in all the ten branches where women are inducted for Short Service Commission.

International Cooperation

(2) A delegation led by Deputy Permanent Secretary for Defence, Thailand visited India on 7th March, 2019 to attend the 7th meeting of India-Thailand Defence Dialogue, co-chaired by Additional Secretary (SC).

(3) A delegation led by Defence Secretary visited United Kingdom to attend the 20th India-UK Defence Consultative Group (DCG) meeting from 7th to 9th March, 2019.

(4) A delegation led by loint Secretary (Planning and International Cooperation) visited Argentina and Chile from 11 th to 15th March, 2019 to discuss defence cooperation issues.

(5) A delegation led by Additional Secretary (SC) visited Australia to attend the 6th meeting oflndia-Austra lia Defence Policy Talks (DPT) from 13th to 15th March, 2019.

(6) A delegation led by Defence Secretary visited Uzbekistan from 25th to 29th March, 2019 and discussed issues related to bilateral defence cooperation.


(7) A contract for procurement of 70 mm Rocket and associated equipment for Advanced Light Helicopter (WSI) in respect of IAF and IA has been signed with M/s Thales, Belgium S.A on 28th March, 2019 at negotiated contract price of Euro 148,500,000 @ 1 Euro = Rs. 70.35 as on 22nd July, 2015.

(8) A contract has been concluded for procurement of 23x3D CID Band Air Surveillance Radar (3D ASRs) amounting to Rs. 1183.53 crore.

(9) A contract for Card Mfg & Personalization & Chip PS Development (RFP-1) for Navy-wide Implementation of RFID based SMART ACCESS Card Project has been signed with Mis BEL Bengaluru on 14th March, 2019 at a total cost of Rs 52.02 crore.

(10) A contract "for Navy-wide Implementation of RFID based SMART ACCESS Card" Project on turnkey basis (RFP-II) was signed with Mis Tech Mahindra Ltd. on 14th March, 2019 at a total cost ofRs. 254.59 crore.

Janaushadhi Diwas

(11) Minister of State for Defence on the occasion of Janaushadhi Diwas inaugurated a Janaushadhi Kendra at Base Hospital in ew Delhi on 7th March, 2019. It will be a pilot Kendra, which is in line with Pradhan Mantri Bharatiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP). Ministry of Defence last year had mandated Janaushadhi Kendras to be empanelled with ECHS as Authorised Local Chemist (ALC) which will benefit the provisioning of medicine at much cheaper rate vis-a-vis market.

Gallantry Awards

(12) President and Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces conferred 05 Kirti Chakras and 30 Shaurya Chakras to Anned Forces Personnel for displaying conspicuous gallantry, indomitable courage and extreme devotion to duty at a solemn ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhawan on 14th and 19th March, 2019. 04 Kirti Chakras and 03 Shaurya Chakra were given posthumously. The President also conferred 28 Param Vishisht Seva Medals, 03 Uttam Yudh Seva Medals and 51 Ati Vishisht Seva Medals to senior officers of the Armed Forces for distinguished service of an exceptional order.


(13) Interceptor Boat (IB) C-444 & C-446 built by Mis L&T were inducted on 18th March, 2019.
(14) On 22nd March, 2019, Indian Coast Guard Ship (ICGS) Rajveer apprehended one Indonesian fishing boat with 03 crew in position 05 nautical mile south Katchall Island. ICGS Rajveer along with apprehended Indonesian fishing boat entered Port Blair on 25th March, 2019 for further formalities.

Source: MoD

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