Ref.: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.E(W)2020/Misc./ Dashboard-GIS dated 04.08.2020, 27.10.2020 and 30.12.2020 (ii) AIRF’s letter No.AIRF/71 dated 06.08.2020, No.AIRF/101 dated 16.09.2020 and 19.11.2020
Your kind attention is invited towards AIRF’s letter bearing number even dated 19.11.2020, addressed to Director General (Human Resources), Railway Board (photocopy enclosed for kind perusal), whereby this Federation had elaborately explained the facts necessitating in-house system of medical facilities presently available for Serving / Retired Railwaymen and their dependent family members.
As we have already explained, keeping in view the peculiar nature of duties of the Railwaymen, who work under various arduous conditions in all weathers 24X7 throughout the year for keeping the wheels of the Indian Railways moving to ensure the overall development of the country, the existing medical facilities were created for them and their dependent family members.
It would be pertinent to mention here that, even in the Colonial Days, British Rulers had recognized the need for medical facilities for Railwaymen and established many Dispensaries and Hospitals during those days. Even after the Independence, Medical System over the Indian Railways has been expanded to a greater extent to meet the medical requirements of the Railwaymen and their families.
Medical facilities, so available for the Railwaymen, have been achieved by the Organised Labour after sustained struggle and persuasions in the wake of aforementioned peculiar working conditions.
It is a matter of concern that, Railway Board have not given any cognizance to AIRF’s viewpoint, already communicated to Railway Board vide AIRF’s letter dated 19.11.2020, addressed to D.G.(H.R.), Railway Board, and without consulting Organised Labour, who are representing more than one million Railway Employees and equal number of Retired Railway Employees(total number of beneficiaries being around one crore), Railway Board have been proceeding ahead for Medical Insurance to all the Railway Employees. This arbitrary change in the policy of medical assistance to Railway Employees is bound to create a lot of anguish in the minds of Serving as well as Retired Railway Employees.
AIRF, vide its communications No.AIRF/71 dated 06.08.2020, No.AIRF/101 dated 16.09.2020 and 19.11.2020 has already objected to the Railway Board’s proposal of Medical Insurance to all the Railway Employees, quoting various reasons, but instead of holding a discussion with the Recognised Federations, further information is being sought by the Railway Board from the Zonal Railways and Production Units, vide their letter No.E(W)2020 /Misc./ Dashboard-GIS dated 30.12.2020, with a view to proceed further in the matter.
AIRF is of the firm opinion that, Railway Administration should not compel and force Serving as well as Retired Railway Employees to accept the proposal of Medical Insurance being initiated by the Railway Board.
It would, therefore, be quite appropriate that, such type of exercises, which are bound to create avoidable discontentment and resentment among Serving as well as Retired Railway Employees, should be stalled immediately. We presume that, this exercise is being undertaken to appease some of the Corporates who are dealing in Insurance Business.
Railwaymen are already in endurance because of National Pension System(NPS), therefore, AIRF would not accept any kind of Medical Insurance to Railway Employees on Indian Railways, which would further aggravate the situation.
AIRF sincerely hope that, Railway Board will take it seriously, and stall such type of exercises, in the larger interest of Industrial Harmony, otherwise we will be forced to launch a massive agitation against anti-labour policies of the Railway Board.
7th CPC revised pension pre-2016 retired Medical Officers of Army Medical Corps/Army Dental Corps/Remount & Veterinary Corps
7th CPC revised pension pre-2016
7th CPC revised pension pre-2016 retired Medical Officers of Armed forces
To The Chief of the Army Staff The Chief of the Naval Staff The Chief of the Air Staff
Sub: Implementation of Government’s decision on the recommendations
of the Seventh Central Pay Commission – Revision of pension of pre-2016
retired Medical Officers of Army Medical Corps/ Army Dental Corps/
Remount & Veterinary Corps-reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s letter No.
17(01)/2017/ (02)/D(Pension/ Policy) dated 5 September 2017. In
accordance with Para-4 of this letter, the revised pension/ family
pension of all Armed Forces Personnel who retired/ died prior to
01.01.2016, shall be revised by notionally fixing their pay in the pay
matrix recommended by the 7t CPC in the level corresponding to the pay
in the pay scale/pay band and grade pay at which they retired/ died.
This will be done by notional pay fixation under each intervening Pay
Commissions based on the formula for revision of pay. The revised rates
of Military Service Pay, Non-Practice Allowance, where applicable, and
‘X’ Group. Pay & Classification Allowance for JCO/ORs, if applicable
notified in terms of 7th CPC orders, shall also be added to the amount
of pay notionally arrived at under the 7th CPC pay matrix and shall be
termed as notional reckonable emoluments as of 01.01.2016 while fixing
pay on notional basis. It was further decided at para-6 of the letter
that higher of the two formulations ice. the pension/ family pension
already revised in accordance with this Ministry’s letter No. 17 (01)/
2016-D(Pen/Pol) dated 29.10.2016 or the revised pension/family pension
as worked out in accordance with Para-5 of the MoD letter dated
05.09.2017 referred above, shall be granted to pre-01.01.2016 ‘Armed
Forces pensioners as revised pension/family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2016.
2. Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare vide their OM No.
38/37/16-P&PW(A){iii) dated 11th September 2017 have decided that
NPA at the rate as applicable as of 01.01.2016 shall be added to
notional pay as of 01.01.2016 to arrive at pension/ family pension of
retired medical officers w.e.f. 01.01.2016 and the pension/
family pension of retired medical officers shall be further revised
w.e.f, 01.07.2017 by adding NPA @ 20% to the notional pay as on
01.01.2016, instead of NPA admissible as on 01.01.2016 subject to the
condition that the notional pay as on 01.01.2016 plus NPA does not
exceed the average of basic pay of the revised scale applicable to the
Apex Level and the level of Cabinet Secretary.
3. The matter regarding revision of all kinds of pension/ family
pension of medical officers of Armed Forces who have retired/ died prior
to 01.01.2016 has been examined by the Govt. and it has been decided
that NPA at the rate as applicable as of 01.01.2016 shall be added to
notional pay worked out in terms of Para-4 of the MoD letter No.
17(01)/2017/(02)/D (Pension/ Policy) dated 5th September 2017 to arrive
at notional reckonable emoluments as on 01.01.2016 for calculation of
pension/ family pension of pre-01.01.2016 retired/ died Medical Officers
of Armed Forces, w.e.f. 01.01.2016. All kinds of pension/ family
pension of pre-01.01.2016 retired/ died medical officers of Armed Forces
Pensioners/ family pensioners shall be further revised w.e.f.
01.07.2017 by adding NPA @ 20% of notional pay in VIIth CPC scale to the
notional pay as on 01.01.2016, instead of NPA admissible as on
01.01.2016 (which was 25% of pre-revised scale).
4. The fixation of pension/ family pension of retired Medical
officers of Armed Forces in the above manner, shall be further subject
to the condition that emoluments (ie. Basic Pay + MSP + NPA) to be
reckoned for pension do not exceed Rs. 2,37,500/- (Rupees two lakh
thirty seven thousand five hundred only). Amount of Gratuity and CVP
which has already been notified, shall remain unchanged.
Sub: Special cash package equivalent in lieu of Leave Travel
Concession fare for central government employees during the Block
In this context, it is intimated that the following points may please
be adhered to while submitting the LTC special cash package claims:
1. If an individual is opting for both LTC cash package and leave
encashment then a single claim may be prepared: and submitted to this
section for audit and payment.
2. The claim may be submitted within the stipulated time frame. As
per instant order, claims Shall be settled on or before 31st March 2021.
3. Specimen signatures of countersigning authorities may be sent to this office at the earliest.
4. A certificate of family members details for which the special cash
package equivalent in lieu of LTC fare has been claimed may be enclosed
with the claim(As per format attached).
5. Proof of payment made by digital mode may please be enclosed along with the claim.
6. Claim may please be prepared as per the example given in Annexure A of MOF OM dt 12.10.2020.
7th CPC Revised Pay - Protection of pay in cases of deputation under CSS in terms of Rule 12 of CCS Rules, 2016
7th CPC Revised Pay
7th CPC Revised
F.No. 2/ 12/ 2016-Estt.(Pay-II) Government of India Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi Dated: 21st January, 2021
Subject: Protection of pay in cases of deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme in terms of Rule 12 of Central Civil Services
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 (7th CPC) – Regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been
receiving queries from various Ministries/ Departments regarding method
of pay protection in terms of Rule 12 of Central Civil Services (Revised
Pay) Rules, 2016 which is as under :
’12. Pay protection to officers on Central deputation under Central
Staffing Scheme – If the pay of the officers posted on deputation to the
Central Government under Central Staffing Scheme, after fixation in the
revised pay structure either under these rules or as per the
instructions regulating such fixation of pay on the post to which they
are appointed on deputation, happens to be lower than the pay these
officers would have been entitled to, had they been in their parent
cadre and would have drawn that pay but for the Central deputation, such
difference in the pay shall be protected in the form of Personal Pay
with effect from the date of notification of these rules.’
Rule 12 of Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 was
subsequently amended vide Department of Expenditure Notification No.1-2/
2016-IC dated 15th June 2017 which inter-alia provides that the
aforesaid provision would take effect from 01.01.2016.
Pay protection of officers on deputation under Central
Staffing Scheme after implementation of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016
has been considered in consultation with the Department of Expenditure
and is elaborated in subsequent paras.
Pay Protection of
officers who were already on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
on 01.01.2016 or who join deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on or
after 01.01.2016
(a) Pay of such officers, as on 01.01.2016 [or a subsequent date from
which they have opted to switch over to the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules,
2016] will be fixed in the Level of the post held by them on deputation
under Central Staffing Scheme on the basis of the pay fixed in their
parent cadre. The cell corresponding to the basic pay fixed in the
parent cadre will be located in the Level in the Pay Matrix of the post
in which the officer is serving on deputation under the Central Staffing
Scheme and pay shall be fixed at the same stage/ equivalent cell. If no
such cell is available in the applicable Level of the ex-cadre post,
the pay shall be fixed at the immediate lower cell in that Level of the
ex-cadre post and the difference in pay will be granted as Personal Pay.
Illustration : If an officer holding the post in
Level 15 in parent cadre and drawing pay of Rs. 2,05,100/ – goes on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 14 on 04.05.2017, his
pay will be fixed as under:
Existing Level in the parent cadre
Level 15
Existing pay in Level 15 as on 04.05.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 2,05, 100/- (cell 5 of Level 15)
Pay fixed in Level 14 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,99,600/- (cell 12 of Level 14) plus (Rs.5500/ Personal
On DNI in parent cadre: Pay in Level 15 in the Parent Cadre
Rs. 2,11,300/- (cell 6 of Level 15)
On DNI in parent cadre: Pay on Central Deputation in Level 14
Rs. 2,05,600/ – (cell 13 of Level 14) plus (Rs. 5700/ – Personal pay)
7th CPC Revised Pay
(b) However, if an officer currently drawing pay up to Level 13 is
appointed on deputation to a post in the equivalent or lower level on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme OR during the continuance of
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme gets an up-gradation in his
parent cadre to a Level higher than pay Level of deputation post up to
Level 13 of the Pay Matrix, his pay will be fixed at the same cell and
Level in which he is placed in the parent cadre. He will also be
eligible to draw the CDTA on the pay of Level of the post in parent
cadre at the prevailing rates. For the active period of a deputation
from 1.1.2016 to 30.6.2017, CDTA will be admissible at the pre-revised
rates in the pre-revised pay structure, i.e. as if the pay had not been
revised w.e.f. 1.1.2016. Provisions of this Department’s OM No.2/
10/2017-Estt(Pay-II) dated 24th April 2018 shall stand amended to this
effect. For the active period of a deputation from 1st July 2017
onwards, CDTA will be admissible as per the guidelines in this
Department’s OM No. 2 / 10/2017- Estt. Pay-II dated 24th April 2018.
Illustration : (i) If an officer holding the post
in Level 13 in parent cadre and drawing pay of Rs. 1,26,800/- goes on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 13 on 22.02.2017, his
pay will be fixed as under:-
Existing Level in the parent cadre
Level 13
Existing pay in Level 13 as on 22.02.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 1,26,800/- (cell 2 of Level 13)
Pay fixed on appointment on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs.1, 26,800/ – (cell 2 of Level 13)
On DNI in the Parent Cadre: Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,30,600/- (cell 3
7th CPC Revised Pay
(ii) If an officer holding the post in Level 13 in parent cadre and
drawing pay of Rs. 1,26,800/- goes on deputation under Central Staffing
Scheme in Level 12 on 22.02.2017, his pay will be fixed as under :-
Existing Level in the parent cadre
Level 13
Existing pay in cell 2 of Level 13 as on 22.02.2017 in the parent cadre
Rs. 1,26,800/ – (cell2 of Level13)
Pay fixed on appointment on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs. 1,26,800/ – (cell2 of
On DNI in the Parent Cadre: Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
1,30,600/- (cell 3 of Level 13)
Protection/ Fixation of pay of officers who
were on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on 01.01.2016 or who
joined deputation under Central Staffing Scheme on or after 01.01.2016
and got Proforma promotion in parent cadre:-
(a) In case the officer was on deputation under CSS on 01.01.2016 or
joined thereafter and his junior is promoted to a higher post in his
parent cadre on or after 01.01.2016 but was not granted proforma
promotion under the ‘Next Below Rule’, there will be no change in the
pay fixation already done as per extant rules.
(b) In case an officer on deputation to a post under Central Staffing
Scheme gets proforma promotion in his cadre to a post-up to Level 13 in
the Pay matrix, his pay in the Level of the post will be fixed with
reference to the presumptive pay that he would have got had he remained
and promoted in the parent cadre of his service in the manner as
provided in para 3(b).
(c) In case an officer on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
gets promoted in his cadre to a higher post in Level 13A or above in the
Pay matrix, his pay in the Level of the post held on deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme will be fixed with reference to the presumptive
pay of the officer in the parent cadre of his service. The Cell
corresponding to such basic pay fixed in parent cadre will be located in
the Level in the Pay Matrix of the post in which the officer is serving
on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, and pay shall be fixed at
same stage/equivalent cell and if no such cell is available in the
applicable Level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate lower cell in
that Level of the post and the difference in pay will be granted as
Personal Pay. Illustrations may be seen below: –
Illustration If an officer holding the post in
Level 16 in parent cadre drawing pay of Rs.2,24,400 / -, who is on
deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 15 and drawing pay Rs.
2,24,100/ – + Rs.300/ – (Personal pay) gets proforma promotion in Level
17, his pay will be fixed as under:
Pay Level in the pay matrix in parent cadre before joining on deputation under
Central Staffing Scheme
Level 16
Pay level in the Central Staffing Scheme
Existing pay as on 01.05.2017 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme in Level 15
Rs. 2,24,100/ –
(cell 8 of Level 15) plus (Rs.300/ -Personal pay [Corresponding to pay of Rs.2,24,400 / – of Level 16]
fixed in the higher Level in parent cadre i.e. Level 17 on proforma promotion on 01.05.2017
Rs. 2,25,000 / –
Pay fixed on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme as per Rule 12 of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules on 01.05.2017
Rs.2,24, 100/ –
(cell 8 of Level 15) plus Rs.900/ – (Personal pay)
On DNI: Pay in the Parent Cadre in Level 17
2,25,000/ –
On DNI: Pay in the Level 15 on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
Rs.2,24, 100/ –
(cell 8 of Level 15) plus Rs.900/ – (Personal pay)
(a) The officer shall get Dearness Allowance on the
admissible from time to time. However, no other allowances this Personal
Pay. said Personal Pay as shall be admissible on this Personal Pay.
(b) The Basic Pay Plus Personal Pay, from time to time, shall not exceed Rs.2,25,000.
Grant of annual increment to officers on Deputation under Central Staffing Scheme
grant of annual increment to an officer in parent cadre (upto Level
16,) who is on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme, the pay will be
fixed incrementally moving down one cell in the Level of pay in which
the officer is serving on deputation under Central Staffing Scheme.
Accordingly, the Personal Pay, if any, will be re-computed as the
difference in the pay (after increment) that he would have drawn in the
parent cadre and the current pay on deputation under Central Staffing
This O.M. shall take effect from 01.01.2016.
This issues with the concurrence of the Department of
their application to employees of the Indian Audit and Accounts
Department, these orders are issued after consultation with the
Comptroller and Auditor General of India as mandated under Article 148
(5) of the Constitution.
Hindi version will follow.
(Murli Bhavaraju) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
All Ministries/ Departments of Government of India
Demands of Central Government Employees
NJCA National Joint Council of Action 4, State Entry
Road, New Delhi – 110055
No. NJCA/ 2021/ Meet
January 20, 2021
The Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, & Chairman, National Council – JCM Rashtrapati Bhawan New
Sub: Notice for observing 01/02/2021 (day of presentation of
Dear Sir,
The Staff Side of the NC-JCM has submitted innumerable
representations to your office and also to the office of Secretary DOPT
on the various issues agitating the minds of the Central Government
Employees and Pensioners. You will appreciate that is the Central
Government Employees who kept the Government machinery cunning during
the entire COVID-19 LockDown period. Many Central Government Employees
because of their exposure to the risk of COVID-19 virus while performing
their duty succumbed & death. Their families are suffering since
Government has not paid any compensation to them after losing the sole
breadwinner. Even the DA / DR being paid to them to compensate for the
price rise has been frozen for 18 months without any reason. In this
situation the NJCA has decided to observe 1/2/2021 (day of presentation
by holding demonstration throughout of the county in front of the all
the Central Government Establishments / Units / Branches in support of
the following major and outstanding demands :
Demands Of Central Government Employees
1. Withdraw the decision to corporatize Railway Production Units, 41
Ordnance Factories, GOCO Model in Army Base Workshops and stop
Privatization and Outsourcing of permanent and perennial jobs
2. Immediate release of three installments of DA / DR due to the
Central Government Employees and Pensioners from 1/1/2020, 1/7/2020 and
3. Implementation of the assurances given by the Group of Ministers on 7th CPC
demands including minimum pay end fitment factor etc.
4. Settle all the 7 CPC Anomalies pointed out by the Staff Side of NC
– JCM including the extension of one more option to switch over to 7
CPC, restoration of certain allowances and advances, and grant of two
increments while on promotion/ MACP, etc.
5. Withdrawal of NPS and restoration of the Guaranteed defined Pension under CCS (Pension) Rules 1973.
6. Withdrawal of FR 56(j) which is being misused as a measure of punishment.
7. Issue Government Orders on all the demands agreed in the meeting
of the Standing Committee of NC JCM and in the 47th Meeting of the
8. Settle the demands of the Staff Side with regard to regularization of the absence of the employees during COVID-I9 pandemic and Lockdown Period
due to non-availability of Public Transport and home quarantine etc.
9. Payment of compensation to the Central Government employees who died due to COVID-19 Virus infection.
10. Ensure 100% Compassionate Appointment to the wards of the
deceased Central Government Employees and those who are medically
invalidated from service.
11. Implement the following Supreme Court Judgments for the similarly placed employees:- (iii) Grant of
Notional Increment to these employees who retired/ retiring on. 31st January / 30th of June. (iv) Implementation of MACP Scheme w.e.f.
12. Payment of Night Duty Allowance to the employees detailed on Nightshift duty without any basic pay ceiling limit
13. Reimbursement of the Actual Amount charged by the CGHS empanelled Hospitals for the treatment of COVID-19 infection
Sir, we are confident that you will intervene in the matter being the
Chairman of NC-JCM andl take steps to settle all these outstanding
No.25/7/2019 -CS.II (B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dated: 21st
January, 2021
Subject: Clarification regarding fixation of pay at the time
of regular promotion/grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are
already granted the benefits under MACP Scheme – regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even
number dated 27.08.2019 and reminder dated 16.09.2020 (copies enclosed)
on the subject mentioned above, vide which the cadre units of CSCS were
requested to forward the data regarding fixation of pay at the time of
regular promotion/ grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are already
granted the benefit under MACP Scheme as per the format given in Annexure-I of the said OM.
The cadre units of CSCS annexed at Annexure-I are once
again requested to expedite sending the requisite information within a
fortnight. In case of nil information, the same may also be intimated to
this Department.
(Vasanthi V. Babu) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Dir/DS(Admn.) of CSCS Cadre (As per Annexure-I)
No.28/7/2019 -GS.II (B) Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dated: 16
September, 2020
Subject: Clarification regarding fixation of pay at the time
of regular promotion/grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are
already granted the benefits under MACP Scheme – regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer fo this Department’s OM of even
number dated 27.08.2019 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above
vide which all the cadre units of CSCS were requested to forward the
data regarding fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/ grant
of NFSG in respect of officials who are already granted the benefit
under MACP Scheme as per the format given in Annexure-I of the said OM.
The cadre units of CSCS at Annexure-I have still not
furnished the information. It is, therefore, requested that these cadre
units of CSCS may please expedite sending the requisite information
within a fortnight.
(Bhagirath Jha) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
File No. 1/ 2/ 2020-CS.II (A) Government of India Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan Khan Market, New Delhi-110003 Dated:
CSSS promotion orders 2021
Subject: Implementation of orders relating to promotion of officers in various grades in CSSS – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s Orders
relating to ad-hoc promotion in various grades of CSSS Cadre issued
recently, as per the details below:
Date of issue
Promotion of Senior Principal Private Secretary to Principal
Staff Officer
1/ 2/ 2020-CS.IIA
14.12.2020 &15.12.2020
Promotion of Principal Private Secretary
to Senior Principal Private Secretary
1I3/ 2020-CS .IIA
Promotion of Private Secretary
to Principal Private Secretary
3/ 6/ 2020-CS.II A
Promotion of Personal Assistant to
Private Secretary
4/ 3/ 2020-CS.II(A)
Promotion of Stenographer Grade ‘D’ to Personal
5/ 1/2020-CS.Il(C)
29. 12.2020
CSSS promotion orders 2021
2. The ad-hoc promotion orders had to be made to address the urgent
requirement of various cadre units for manpower at various levels.
However, it is seen that a number of officers have not joined. It may be
appreciated that ad-hoc promotion is resorted to as a special
dispensation for ensuring efficiency in Government’s functioning. The
non-joining of officers is defeating the very purpose for which these
ad-hoc promotions were made.
3. Hence, in partial modification of the Orders mentioned in para-1
above, all the Cadre Units are hereby directed to issue instructions to
the promoted officers in all grades, who have not yet assumed the charge
of the posts, to assume the charge immediately and not later than
15.01.2021, failing which the promotion orders with respect to
non-joinee Officers, shall be liable to be withdrawn, apart from
debarment from ad-hoc promotion or other suitable consequences. Further,
the vacancies on this account shall be filled up by considering
eligible officers next in order of seniority.
4. The cadre units are also requested to submit a report by 15.01.2021 to this Department at email: bhagirathjha.68[at]
5. All the concerned Ministries/ Departments are hereby requested to
forward the list of officers who have not assumed the charge of the post
on promotion by 15.01.2021, 03:30 P.M. on the email id mentioned above.
(Bhagirath Jha) Under Secretary to the Government of India Tele:
24654020 email:
CPAO/ Data Bank/ Life Certificate/ OM/2020‐ 21/360
dated: 11.01.2021
Office Memorandum
Subject : Submission of Life Certificate by NPS-AR pensioner through Jeevan Pramaan.
The Central Pension Accounting Office is Pension Disbursing Authority for National Pension system- Additional Relief (NPS–AR).
The NPS-AR pensioners are required to submit Life Certificate in the
month of November every year for continuation of the pension. Life
Certificates are sent to CPAO through the Bank Branches of the
pensioners, where the pensioners maintain their pension accounts.
2. A new interface (Aadhar based) for submission of Life Certificate
has been developed in Jeevan Pramaan for NPS-AR pensioners and this
interface is now live for submission of Digital Life Certificate (DLC]
through Jeevan Pramaan. Now NPS-AR pensioners can submit their Life
Certificate through Jeevan Pramaan. The Jeevan Pramaan User Manual for
uploading Digital Life Certificate is attaching herewith.
Huge relief to CAPF personnel to extend Disability Compensation –
Employees covered under NPS will get benefits under Rule 9 of Extra
Ordinary Pension (EOP)
Huge relief to CAPF personnel to extend Disability Compensation –
Employees covered under NPS will get benefits under Rule 9 of Extra
Ordinary Pension (EOP)
Extension of orders for officials above 50 years of age and pregnant women were allowed to avail commuted leave without Medical Certificate due
to Covid -19 pandemic
North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110001
Ref: PF/NFPE/ Commuted Leave
Dated 11.01.2021
To The Secretary Department of Posts Dak Bhawan, New Delhi 110001
Sub: Extension of orders for grant of commuted leave without Medical Certificate to eligible officials.
In the orders issued in Covid-19 guidelines the officials above 50
years of age and pregnant women were allowed to avail commuted leave
without Medical Certificate due to Covid -19 pandemic.
The same may kindly be extended further till the Covid-19 Crisis is
over as there is no loss to the Department by giving this facility to
the elderly officials and pregnant women officials.
Payment of DA DR to Central Government employees - Confederation
Payment of DA DR to Central Government employees
CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT. EMPLOYEES AND WORKERS 1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building New Delhi- 110001
Ref: Confdn /Dearness Allowance
Dated – 11.01.2021
Hon’ble Smt. Nirmala Seetharaman Finance Minister Government of India New Delhi – 110001
Sub: Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government
employees and Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners at
current rates due to improved Covid and financial situation in the
Respected Madam,
Vide Office Memorandum dated 23rd April, 2020 of Government of India
Ministry of Finance , Department of Expenditure letter No.
1/1/2020-E-II-B, the additional DA for CG employees and DR for
pensioners was freezed from 1st January 2020 till 1st July 2021 due to
the reason “view of the crisis arising out of COVID-19”.
These orders are applicable to all Central Government employees and
Central Government pensioners. Which has affected both the serving
employees and pensioners and especially to those who have retired during
the period 1st Jan 2020 to 1st Jan 2021.
The Covid-19 situation in India has improved considerably and under
control with a vast population of the country are unaffected by the
Covid-19, The Covid cases in September 2020 was around 95,000 cases
daily , on 4th January 2021 is around17,000 cases which is lowest in six
months, with less mortality rate.
The economic situation in the country has also improved compared to
April- May 2020 situation, where the industrial production had gone down
to minus 57% and in October to plus 3.6 % Industrial production has
vastly improved with a recovery , the financial position of the country
has also improved considerably the GST collections has shown a
positivity in last four months.
GST collection in rupees
March, 2020
September, 2020
November 2020
The Goods and Service Tax collection for December 2020 touched a
record high of Rs 1.15 lakh crore. This is the highest ever collections
since the implementation of the countrywide tax in July 2017.
The Central Government employees have attended their assigned duties
even during the pandemic situation, many have lost their sacrificed
their life for the nation building, hence there contribution should be
taken into the account.
The additional financial implication on account of this increase in
Dearness Allowance for additional 11% DA is due which works out to
13,000 crores annually, which is manageable under the existing financial
conditions , more over this will benefit about 49.93 lakh Central
Government employees and 65.26 lakh pensioners who pump this money into
the market which also improves the economy considerably and about 30% of
the amount spent is collected back by the Government by way of taxes.
The Goods and Service Tax collection for December 2020 touched a
record high of Rs 1.15 lakh crore. This is the highest ever collections
since the implementation of the countrywide tax in July 2017.
The Central Government employees have attended their assigned duties
even during the pandemic situation, many have lost their sacrificed
their life for the nation building, hence there contribution should be
taken into the account.
The additional financial implication on account of this increase in
Dearness Allowance for additional 11% DA is due which works out to
13,000 crores annually, which is manageable under the existing financial
conditions , more over this will benefit about 49.93 lakh Central
Government employees and 65.26 lakh pensioners who pump this money into
the market which also improves the economy considerably and about 30% of
the amount spent is collected back by the Government by way of taxes.
As the Covid situation is under control and economic situation in the
country has also improved considerably. Therefore, it is requested to
kindly grant Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government
employees and Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners at
current rates which is 28% as on 1st January 2021.
With regards,
Yours sincerely, (R. N. Parashar) Secretary General
Request to the PM to release DA to the central government employees and DR to the pensioners
Release DA to the central government
Binoy Viswam Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha)
116, North Avenue New Delhi – 110 001 Mob: 96057667022 E-mail:
Shri Narendra Modi Prime Minister Government of India, New Delhi.
Date: 10.01.2021
Respected Shri Narendra Modi ji,
I write to bring to your attention a matter affecting the rights and
entitlements of Central Government employees in light of actions taken
by the Finance Ministry. Deviating from the decision of the Cabinet to
release 4% additional Dearness Allowance (DA) in light of the Covid-19
pandemic , the Ministry of Finance on 23rd April 2020 issued an order
for freezing of DA to the central govt. employees and DR to the
pensioners till July 2021. Effectively, these actions, amidst a
pandemic, have subjected the Central Govt. employees and pensioners to
undue financial hardship.
Successive Central Pay Commissions have dealt in detail about the
payment of DA to the Central Govt. employees and its importance to the
working conditions of Central Govt. Employees. The decision by the
Finance Ministry is in complete disregard to the rights of these workers
and the reasons for the grant of such an allowance by the Cabinet. The
dearness allowance (DA) stems from the need to protect the erosion in
the real value of basic salary on account of inflation and thereby
provides employees with the ability to deal with the ever-increasing
inflation in the country, even in their retirement. The Covid-19
pandemic has taken an unbearable toll on the lives of all people and
while many have been able to avoid the pandemic at its deadliest,
Central Govt. Employees have worked tirelessly to keep the country
moving and their service to the nation cannot be ignored. Many of these
workers have even succumbed to the deadly coronavirus.
In view of the above, I request you to kindly intervene in the matter
and reconsider the decision, since the employees who have
retired/retiring w.e.f. 01/01/2020 are not getting the benefit of the DA
increase in their terminal benefits, such as leave encashment, gratuity
etc. I once again request you to withdraw the decision taken by the
Government to freeze the 3 installments of DA due for the employees and
the pensioners and release the same to them at the earliest. The
Government must ensure that its employees are treated with dignity and
their rights are not compromised due to governmental apathy.
Yours sincerely
Binoy Viswam Leader of CPI Parliamentary Party & Secretary, National Council
New version of DARPAN-PLI App deployed in Core Integration System
(CIS) with facility of processing various financial and non-financial
requests of PLI/RPLI insurants at 127115 Branch Post Offices
17,092 villages brought under the coverage of Bima Gram Yojana (BGY) From January, 2020 to November, 2020
Over 7 lakh Passport applications and more than 99 lakh requests for
Aadhar enrollments / updations processed from January, 2020 to
November, 2020
India Post tied-ups with Indian Drug Manufacturers Association,
Director General of Health Services and a number of private firms and
online pharmaceutical companies for delivery of medicines from their
facilities to hospitals and beneficiaries during COVID-19
31 crore financial transactions enabled through Post Office and IPPB accounts during COVID 19 period
India Post won India Today Healthgiri Award for providing the best logistic services during COVID 19
Posted On: 29 DEC 2020
For more than 150 years, the Department of Posts
(DoP) has been the backbone of the country’s communication and has
played a crucial role in the country’s social economic development. It
touches the lives of Indian citizens in many ways: delivering mails,
accepting deposits under Small Savings Schemes, providing life insurance
cover under Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance
(RPLI) and providing retail services like bill collection, sale of
forms, etc. The DoP also acts as an agent for Government of India in
discharging other services for citizens such as Mahatma Gandhi National
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) wage disbursement and old
age pension payments. In the year 2020, the Department strengthened its
supply chain through capacity upgradation and expanding Road Transport
Network. It played important role in countering impact of COVID-19
pandemic by enabling doorstep delivery of financial services and
medicines etc. The Year End Review for Department of Posts highlights
the achievements, and progress on various initiatives of department in
the year 2020.
Supply Chain and e-Commerce: Mail, Express Services and Parcel:
Capacity upgradation: Parcel handling capacity has increased from 6.0 crore per annum to 7.5 crore per annum.
Road Transport Network:
National level dedicated Road Transport Network rolled out on 56 routes
touching 80 cities. Approx. 15000 bags containing 75 tonnes of parcels
are being carried daily through the setup network.
Improvement in Pan – India Average Transit Time for Speed Post: Average Transit time of Speed Post reduced from 105 hrs. in July,2019 to 81 hrs. in Feb,2020.
Real-Time updation of Delivery:
Postman Mobile App implemented in 1.47 Lakh POs including 98,454 post
offices in rural areas. Real time delivery status of 14 crore Speed Post
and Registered articles done through the Postman Mobile App.
E-Commerce exports:
‘DakGharNiryat Kendra’ are being established at around 800 Post Offices
covering all District headquarters to promote exports of MSMEs.
Tracked Packet Service extended to 3 more countries Mongolia, Bhutan
and Sri Lanka taking the total from 12 to 15 countries.
Banking Services and Financial Inclusion:
Digital Financial empowerment of the public at large:
DOP serves more than 50 crore POSB customers through 1.56 lakh post
offices across length & breadth of the country and have an
outstanding balance of Rs. 10,81,293 crore under Post Office Savings
Bank (POSB) Schemes. The Post Office CBS system is the largest network
in the world with 23,483 Post Offices already on this network. Further
1,29,151 Branch Post Offices have been also enabled to access the
network on real time basis. The CBS has enabled the DOP in providing
24×7 services through ATMs, Internet & Mobile Banking.
Financial Empowerment of Rural Populace:
All the 9 Small Savings Schemes of MoF are available in 1.56 lakh Post
Offices. 5 Schemes, namely, Monthly Income Scheme, Senior Citizens
Savings Scheme, Public Provident Fund, National Savings Certificate
& KisanVikas Patra have been introduced in BOs through SB Order
27/2020 dated 23.07.2020. People living in rural India will not be
required to come to town & cities to do any Post Office Savings Bank
(POSB) transaction. The same will be available at their doorstep
through local Branch Post Offices.
Economic Empowerment of Girl Child:
Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA) scheme is also known as girl child
prosperity scheme and was launched by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
Ji on 22nd January, 2015 in Panipat, Haryana. SSA scheme ensures a
bright future for girl children. This scheme has facilitated them in
proper education, marriage expenses and securing their future. The
Sukanya Samriddhi Account can be opened in any post office. A total of
1.83 Crore Sukanya Samriddhi Accounts have been opened with deposits
amounting to Rs. 58,822.62 Crore, by the Department of Posts, till
November, 2020 since introduction of the scheme.
Insurance and Pension coverage of masses at reasonable rates:
The PM Jan Suraksha Schemes, namely, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima
Yojana (PMSBY), Pradhan Mantri Jeewan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) &
Atal Pension Yojana (APY) were launched by Hon’ble Prime Minister in
May, 2015. The DOP has been playing an active role under these
Government of India flagship schemes and had made 3.2 Lakh Atal Pension
Yojana (APY), 5.9 Lakh Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY)
and 1.17 crore Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) enrolments so
Simplified processing of deceased claim cases to expedite
deceased claim settlement process and help claimants to get the claim
amount expeditiously.
Post Bank of India: More
than 1.36 Lakhs Access Points enables for India Post Payments Bank
(IPPB) transactions thus creating largest single bank network across the
country. More than 2.90 Lakhs Gramin Dak Sewaks (GDS) and Postmen
enables to act as Doorstep Banking Service Providers taking Banking
services to the doorstep. More than 3.61 crore people benefitted from
Aadhar enabled Payment System (AePS) transactions involving an amount of
Rs.7,667 crore, majority of them during COVID-19 lockdown.
Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT):
More than 3.99 crores transactions were performed involving an amount
of Rs. 4,040 crore for a period from January, 2020 to November, 2020.
Disbursed benefits of more than 275 schemes of different Ministries to
beneficiaries including those in remote and rural areas.
Digital Inclusion: 1,29,159
Branch Post offices are using SIM based handheld POS devices. 40 crore
digital transactions have been facilitated through promotion of Remotely
Managed Franking Machines for a period from January, 2020 to November,
Postal Life Insurance (PLI)/ Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) :
Bonus of PLI for the financial years 2016-17,
2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 have been declared in the month of
March, 2020. Similarly, Bonus of RPLI for the financial years 2016-17,
2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 have been declared in the month of
April, 2020.
A total of 26,54,652 transactions were done in
respect of PLI/ RPLI amounting to Rs. 5,15,14,03,966/- in the month of
April, 2020, inspite of nation-wide lockdown and extension of premium
payment period to June, 2020.
Since, April, 2020, there has been 48% increase in monthly PLI/RPLI online transactions.
of lockdown and severe restrictions on transportation and staff
attendance in offices, more than 90% of Central Processing Centres
(CPCs) across the country were functional, more than 70,000 new
proposals were processed and more than 40,000 claims were sanctioned in
the month of April, 2020.
Wirecard, the then existing payment
gateway has been replaced by PayU for online premia payment, offering
multiple channel of payment by customers, namely Debit Card, Credit
Card, Net Banking, Wallets and UPI.
To simplify the process of
acceptance of new proposals and facilitate settlement of claims within
citizen charter’ norms, approver limits for acceptance of new proposals
and settlements of claims have been revised and has been decentralized
to Head Post Office/ GPO/ Divisional Level (except for early death
claims involving inquiry, for which approving authority is Director).
Accordingly, Rules 55, 55(1), 55(2), 58(1) and 59(2) of PLI (Postal Life
Insurance) Rules, 2011 were amended.
The process of settlement
of Death Claim, Maturity Claim and handing of Loan requests in PLI/ RPLI
has been simplified by prescribing Comprehensive Standard Operating
Procedure (SoP) for each.
To facilitate faster processing of
death claim cases, Rule 39 of PLI (Postal Life Insurance) Rules, 2011
has been amended keeping in line with the existing Industry practice.
new version of DARPAN-PLI App has been deployed in Core Integration
System (CIS) with facility of processing various financial and
non-financial requests of PLI/RPLI insurants at level of 127115 Branch
Post Offices including those in remote and rural areas.
Department has brought in more transparency in communication with customer by adding more SMSs relating to policy servicing.
has removed 2 revival restrictions during the policy contract. Along
with this, provision for revival of policy in instalments has been
provisioned in the PLI system.
Business Performance of PLI and RPLI: As
on 30-11-2020, there were a total of 96.79 lakh active PLI and RPLI
policies with an aggregate sum assured of Rs. 2.05 lakh crores.
Investment Functions of PLI / RPLI Fund: The total corpus of PLI / RPLI fund has reached Rs 1.13 lakh crore by 30-11-2020.
Bima Gram Yojana:
From January, 2020 to November, 2020, 17,092 villages brought under the
coverage of Bima Gram Yojana (BGY). Each BGY village has at least 100
households covered by one RPLI policy.
Citizen Centric Services:
Post Office Passport Seva Kendras (PoPSK): With
the growing need of its citizens for a passport for various purposes,
Ministry of External Affairs and Department of Posts mutually agreed for
setting up Post Office Passport Seva Kendras (PoPSKs) in post offices
to utilise the post office infrastructure and reach for delivering
passport services. 426 PoPSKs have been made operational till date, of
which 02 PoPSKs opened in 2020 namely (i) Seoni, Madhya Pradesh and (ii)
Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Island. 7,27,329 applications have
been processed through PoPSKs from January, 2020 to November, 2020.
Aadhar Enrolment and Updation Centres:
The facility has brought convenience to the citizens by way of
generating new Aadhaar and updating their Aadhaar cards in case of any
change/ mis-match. More than 42,000 Postal Officials/ MTS/ GDS have been
trained/ certified to perform Aadhaar operations. The Aadhaar
Enrolments are done free of cost. A sum of Rs. 100/- is reimbursed by
UIDAI for every successful Aadhaar Enrolment to India Post. Aadhaar
Updations are chargeable and a sum of Rs. 50/- is collected from the
citizens for every demographic updation and Rs. 100/- is collected from
the citizens for every biometric updation.13,352 Post Office Aadhaar
Centres have been set up across the country. 99,25,630requests for
enrollments / updations have been processed by these Centres from
January, 2020 to November, 2020.
A total no of 3,43,296 Gangajal Bottles have been supplied for the period from January, 2020 to November, 2020.
Digital Advancement of Rural Post Offices for a New India (DARPAN): Carried
out 17.41 crores online Postal and financial transactions involving Rs.
23,251/- crores for a period from January, 2020 to November, 2020
through 1.29 lakh Branch Post Offices in the rural areas of the country.
More than 1.5 crores transactions per month are taking place through
DARPAN devices.
PO-CSC (Post Office-Common Service Centres):
A convergence of Post Offices and Common Service Centres (Part of CSC
e-Governance Services India Limited under Ministry of Electronics &
Information Technology) for effective delivery of various citizen
centric services is a part of the five-year Vision Document of the
Department of Posts. Accordingly,10136 Post Offices are now providing
services of Common Service Centres through the Digital Sewa portal of
CSC. As on 30.11.2020, 48234 transactions worth Rs. 4.62 Crore were
delivered through these Post Offices.
There are 100+ CSC
Services which are offered through these post offices which include
Government to Citizen Schemes(G2C) such as Pradhan Manthri Street
Vendors’ Athma nirbhar Nidhi Yojana (PMSVANIDHI), Pradhan Manthri Jan
Arogya Yojana (Ayushman Bharat), Pradhan ManthriShram Yogi
Maan-dhanYojana (PM-SYM), Pradhan Mantri Laghu Vyapari Maan-dhan Yojana
(PM-LVM), The Election Card Printing, E-Stamp Service, and Various
e-District Services. Some of B2C (Business to Citizens) Services offered
includes Bharat Bill Payment System Bills (Electric, Gas, Water bills
etc…), Renewal Premium collection for Life Insurance Policies and
General Insurance such as Motor Vehicle, Health and Fire Insurance etc,
Third party services such as EMI collections for various loans offered
by financial institutions and submission of online application forms for
loans and Travel services such as Ticket booking service is available
for Flight, Train and Bus Tickets.
Opening of new Branch Post Offices (BOs) in 90 identified Left Wing Extremism (LWE) affected districts in the country:
In pursuance of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Note for Cabinet
Committee on Security(CCS), a proposal for opening of 4903 new Branch
Post Offices (BOs) in 90 identified LWE districts in the country was
under taken. In the first Phase, 1789 Branch Post Offices in Panchayats
not having post offices opened in LWE districts across the country, of
which 16 Branch Post Offices have been opened from January, 2020 to
November, 2020.
Public Grievances:
Centralized Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS):
Department of Posts processes complaints registered by consumers of
postal services in the Centralized Public Grievance Redress and
Monitoring System (CPGRAMS). Streamlining of CPGRAMS was done by mapping
over 1.55 lakh Post Offices till the level of Branch Post Offices by
intuitive navigation of complaints to the line-end offices for faster
resolution. This was done in collaboration with Department of
Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG) and the new
version 7.0 was successfully launched in September 2019. Department of
Posts is the only Department selected for the pilot study for the
revamping by DARPG. The details of the complaints handled in 2020 upto
30.11.2020 are as under:
S. No.
Complaints received during the period
Complaints settled during the period
% of settlement
Average disposal time (days)
01.01.2020 to 30.11.2020
Social Media Cell: Social media Cell is an
independent entity and deals with the Twitter and Facebook accounts of
the Department of Posts. The social media cell monitors the complaints
sent to all the Circles on daily basis. The average first response time
is approximately 4 hours. The details of the complaints handled in 2020
upto 30.11.2020 are as under: –
S. No.
Complaints received during the period
Complaints settled during the period
% of settlement
01.01.2020 to 30.11.2020
India Post Call Centre (IPCC): ln wake of the
initiatives taken up by Prime Minister to bring transparency and
accountability in the Government, Department of Posts established
2ndIndia Post Call Centre with 24x7x365 IVRS (Interactive Voice Response
System) facility for the citizens in Patna on 01.07.2019. IPCC is
working in the four languages namely Hindi, English, Odiya and Bengali
for the convenience of the citizens. 36,72,136 calls were received in
IPCC from 01.01.2020 to 30.11.2020.
Implementation of Dynamic Queue Management System (DQMS) in Post Offices: Dynamic
Queue Management System (DQMS) has been installed in 57 Head Post
Offices in the last one year having six or more than six working
counters. Overall DQMS have been installed in 340 Post Offices. The
Objectives & scope of DQMS are given below:-
To reduce waiting time.
To increase processing capacity.
To reduce miscommunication among customers.
To give a comfort level to staff and customers.
To monitor customer flow.
Initiatives taken by the Department in the COVID-19 situation:
Postal services were identified as essential services during
lockdown. The vast network of post offices had been galvanized to
respond to the challenges in coordination with State Governments and
local bodies. Control Rooms at India Post HQ and Circle (State) HQs were
established to manage, receive and respond for immediate needs.
Supply Chain: Road
Transport Network connecting 56 routes and 75 cities was commenced in
April, 2020 utilizing Departmental Mail Vans. The network came handy to
delivery essentials, medicines and medical equipment including
ventilators, defibrillators, COVID 19
testing kits, masks and PPE kits. Around 36,000 tonnes of material were
delivered through postal channels which also include use of Parcel
Trains. Supply chain arrangements were also made for farmers to connect
their farm produce to markets.
Financial Inclusion:
During lockdown and initial phase of unlocking more than 33.95 crore
transactions valuing around Rs. 7.02 lakh crore were made through POSB
accounts. Around 78 lakh POSB ATM transactions amounting to Rs. 2389
crore were made.
Instructions issued during lockdown for the ease of customers:
off penalty/ revival fee (default fee) in RD/ PPF/ SSA Accounts for the
deposits due in FY 2019-20 and April, 2020, till June, 2020.
Relaxation in guidelines in respect of PPF/ SSA Accounts for a Single Deposit pertaining to FY 2019-20 till June, 2020.
of the prescribed time limit of one month post retirement for retirees,
of Feb 2020 to April 2020, to invest in Senior Citizen Savings Scheme
(SCSS) till June, 2020.
Relaxation in provisions for rebate on
RD Advance deposits & default fee for the month of March 2020 to
May, 2020 without default/ revival fee, till June, 2020.
Reduction in TDS rate in POSB Schemes for the period from 14.05.2020 to March, 2021.
Various relaxation under POSB schemes extended till 30.07.2020 instead of 30.06.2020.
India Post tied-ups with Indian Drug Manufacturers Association,
Director General of Health Services and a number of private firms and
online pharmaceutical companies for delivery of medicines from their
facilities to hospitals and beneficiaries.
During COVID period,
Rs. 5200 crore disbursed to 2.5 crore beneficiaries through AePS at the
doorstep who were not able to access banking facilities.
31 crore financial transactions enabled during COVID19 period through Post Office and IPPB accounts.
initiative in public interest, special features have been added to Post
info App for accepting emergent service requests from people. More than
60,000 service requests have been attended by Department of Posts
during lockdown.
Activated Mobile Post Offices across the country to provide basic postal services, food and masks distribution etc.
Free distribution of around 10 lakhs food and ration packets was made to the needy.
dedicated Road Transport Network in April, 2020 on 56 long haul routes
and connected farm produce of farmers to markets by activating postal
supply chain.
India Post won India Today Health giri Award for
providing the best logistic services during COVID19. The selfless
service of the employees of India Post did not go unnoticed!
Covers, Post Cards and Special Impressions were issued with messages to
create awareness about social distancing and to express gratitude to
Corona Warriors.
A grace period was provided to all the
Registered Newspapers from March, 2020 to November, 2020 for printing
and posting of their editions as per their convenience.
of Posts has extended the Postal Life Insurance (PLI) / Rural Postal
Life Insurance (RPLI) premium payment period due on March, 2020, April,
2020 and May, 2020 upto 30.06.2020 without penalty/default fee due to
outbreak of COVID19.Due to outbreak of COVID19, date for revival of
lapsed policies, in which premia have not been paid during the last 5
years, was extended in phases.
separate category for ‘COVID-19’ grievances was created on CPGRAMS to
address and monitor grievances of the public with regard to their postal
needs in the backdrop of the pandemic. 1235 grievances have been
resolved within the prescribed timeline of 3 days since the creation of
the category i.e. from 30.03.2020.
Social Media: Social
Media (Twitter handle of India Post) had a mitigating effect in this
pandemic by providing immediate relief to the citizens by redressing
their concerns in booking and delivering medicines and arranging
financial transactions in post offices. 1.54 lakh grievances have been
resolved during the period of lockdown.
Separate category of
COVID 19 Grievances provided on the Online portal. IPPC services over 25
Lakh calls during COVID 19 lockdown.
Human Resource Management: The Department has
conducted various training sessions and a total no of 92,824 officers /
officials were trained for the period from January, 2020 to November,
Persmin Year End Review 2020 - Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions - PIB News
Persmin Year End Review 2020
Persmin Year End Review 2020
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Year End Review 2020- Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
approved creation of National Recruitment Agency (NRA), paving the way
for a transformational reform in the recruitment process for central
government jobs
Centre launched “Mission Karmayogi”- National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB)
Doorstep Service for submission of Digital Life Certificate through Postman launched
Revamped Scheme for PM’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration 2020 launched
Interviews for jobs abolished in 23 States and 8 UTs in India so far
31 DEC 2020
Following are the initiatives of the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions during the year 2020:
Cabinet approved creation of National Recruitment Agency
(NRA), paving the way for a transformational reform in the recruitment
process for central government jobs
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi
has given its approval in August, 2020 for creation of National
Recruitment Agency (NRA), paving the way for a transformational reform
in the recruitment process for central government jobs.
Recruitment Reform – a major boon for the youth
At present, candidates seeking government jobs have to appear for
separate examinations conducted by multiple recruiting agencies for
various posts, for which similar eligibility conditions have been
prescribed. Candidates have to pay fee to multiple recruiting agencies
and also have to travel long distances for appearing in various exams.
These multiple recruitment examinations are a burden on the candidates,
as also on the respective recruitment agencies, involving avoidable
/repetitive expenditure, law and order/security related issues and venue
related problems. On an average, 2.5 crore to 3 crore candidates appear
in each of these examinations. A common eligibility Test would enable
these candidates to appear once and apply to any or all of these
recruitment agencies for the higher level of examination. This would
indeed be a boon to all the candidates.
National Recruitment Agency (NRA)
A multi-agency body called the National Recruitment Agency (NRA) will
conduct a Common Eligibility Test (CET) to screen/shortlist candidates
for the Group B and C (non-technical) posts. NRA will have
representatives of Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Finance/Department
of Financial Services, the SSC, RRB & IBPS. It is envisioned that
the NRA would be a specialist body bringing the state-of-the-art
technology and best practices to the field of Central Government
Access to Examination Centres
Examination Centres in every District of the country would greatly
enhance access to the candidates located in far-flung areas. Special
focus on creating examination infrastructure in the 117 Aspirational
Districts would go a long way in affording access to candidates at a
place nearer to where they reside. The benefits in terms of cost,
effort, safety and much more would be immense. The proposal will not
only ease access to rural candidates, it will also motivate the rural
candidates residing in the far-flung areas to take the examination and
thereby, enhance their representation in Central Government jobs. Taking
job opportunities closer to the people is a radical step that would
greatly enhance ease of living for the youth.
Major Relief to poor Candidates
Presently, the candidates have to appear in multiple examinations
conducted by multiple agencies. Apart from the examination fees,
candidates have to incur additional expenses for travel, boarding,
lodging and other such. A single examination would reduce the financial
burden on candidates to a large extent.
Women candidates to benefit greatly
Women candidates especially from rural areas face constraints in
appearing in multiple examinations as they have to arrange for
transportation and places to stay in places that are far away. They
sometimes have to find suitable persons to accompany them to these
Centres that are located far away. The location of test centres in every
District would greatly benefit candidates from rural areas in general
and women candidates in particular.
Bonanza for Candidates from Rural Areas
Given the financial and other constraints, the candidates from rural
background have to make a choice as to which examination they want to
appear in. Under the NRA, the candidates by appearing in one examination
will get an opportunity to compete for many posts. NRA will conduct the
first-level /Tier I Examination which is the stepping stone for many
other selections.
CET Score to be valid for three years, no bar on attempts
The CET score of the candidate shall be valid for a period of three
years from the date of declaration of the result. The best of the valid
scores shall be deemed to be the current score of the candidate. There
shall be no restriction on the number of attempts to be taken by a
candidate to appear in the CET subject to the upper age limit.
Relaxation in the upper age limit shall be given to candidates of
SC/ST/OBC and other categories as per the extant policy of the
Government. This would go a long way in mitigating the hardship of
candidates who spend a considerable amount of time, money and effort
preparing and giving these examinations every year.
Standardised Testing
NRA shall conduct a separate CET each for the three levels of
graduate, higher secondary (12th pass) and the matriculate (10th pass)
candidates for those non-technical posts to which recruitment is
presently carried out by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC), the
Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) and by the Institute of Banking
Personnel Selection (IBPS). Based on the screening done at the CET score
level, final selection for recruitment shall be made through separate
specialised Tiers (II, III etc) of examination which shall be conducted
by the respective recruitment agencies. The curriculum for this test
would be common as would be the standard. This would greatly ease the
burden of candidates who are at present required to prepare for each of
the examinations separately as per different curriculum.
Scheduling Tests and choosing Centres
Candidates would have the facility of registering on a common portal
and give a choice of Centres. Based on availability, they would be
allotted Centres. The ultimate aim is to reach a stage wherein
candidates can schedule their own tests at Centres of their choice.
Multiple languages
The CET would be available in a number of languages. This would
greatly facilitate people from different parts of the country to take
the exam and have an equal opportunity of being selected.
Scores – access to multiple recruitment agencies
Initially the scores would be used by the three major recruitment
agencies. However, over a period of time it is expected that other
recruitment agencies in the Central Government would adopt the same.
Further, it would be open for other agencies in the public as well as
private domain to adopt it if they so choose. Thus, in the long run, the
CET score could be shared with other recruiting agencies in the Central
Government, State Governments/Union Territories, Public Sector
Undertaking and Private Sector. This would help such organizations in
saving costs and time spent on recruitment.
Shortening the recruitment cycle
A single eligibility test would significantly reduce the recruitment
cycle. Some Departments have indicated their intention to do away with
any second level test and go ahead with recruitment on the basis of CET
scores, Physical Tests and Medical examination. This would greatly
reduce the cycle and benefit a large section of youth.
Financial Outlay
The Government has sanctioned a sum of Rs. 1517.57 crore for the
National Recruitment Agency (NRA). The expenditure will be undertaken
over a period of three years. Apart from setting up the NRA, costs will
be incurred for setting up examination infrastructure in the 117
Aspirational Districts.
Cabinet approved “Mission Karmayogi”- National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB)
The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has approved launching of a National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB) with the following institutional framework in September, 2020: –
Prime Minister’s Public Human Resources (HR) Council,
Capacity Building Commission.
Special Purpose Vehicle for owning and operating the digital assets
and the technological platform for online training,
Coordination Unit headed by the Cabinet Secretary.
Salient Features
NPCSCB has been carefully designed to lay the foundations for
capacity building for Civil Servants so that they remain entrenched in
Indian Culture and sensibilities and remain connected, with their roots,
while they learn from the best institutions and practices across the
world. The Programme will be delivered by setting up an Integrated Government Online Training- iGOT Karmayogi Platform. The core guiding principles of the Programme will be:
Supporting Transition from ‘Rules based’ to ‘Roles based* HR
Management.Aligning work allocation of civil servants by matching their
competencies tothe requirements of the post.
To emphasize on ‘on-site learning’ to complement the ‘off-site’ learning,
To create an ecosystem of shared training infrastructure including that of learning materials, institutions and personnel,
calibrate all Civil Service positions to a Framework of Roles,
Activities and Competencies (FRACs) approach and to create and deliver
learning content relevant to the identified FRACs in every Government
To make available to all civil servants, an opportunity
to continuously build and strengthen their Behavioral, Functional and
Domain Competencies in their self-driven and mandated learning paths.
enable all the Central Ministries and Departments and their
Organizations to directly invest their resources towards co-creation and
sharing the collaborative and common ecosystem of learning through an
annual financial subscription for every employee,
To encourage
and partner with the best-in-class learning content creators including
public training institutions, universities, start-tips and individual
To undertake data analytics in respect of data emit
provided by iGOT- Karmayogi pertaining to various aspects of capacity
building, content creation, user feedback and mapping of competencies
and identify areas for policy reforms.
It is also proposed to set up a Capacity Building Commission,
with a view to ensure a uniform approach in managing and regulating the
capacity building ecosystem on collaborative and co-sharing basis.
The role of Commission will be as under-
To assist the PM Public Human Resources Council in approving the Annual Capacity Building Plans.
To exercise functional supervision over all Central Training Institutions dealing with civil services capacity building.
To create shared learning resources, including internal and external faculty and resource centers.
To coordinate and supervise the implementation of the Capacity Building Plans with the stakeholder Departments.
To make recommendations on standardization of training and capacity building, pedagogy and methodology
To set norms for common mid-career training programs across all civil services.
To suggest policy interventions required in the areas of HR Management and Capacity Building to the Government.
iGOT- Karmayogi platform brings the scale and
state-of-the-art infrastructure to augment the capacities of over two
crore officials in India. The platform is expected to evolve into a
vibrant and world-class market place for content where carefully curated
and vetted digital e-learning material will be made available. Besides
capacity building, service matters like confirmation after probation
period, deployment, work assignment and notification of vacancies etc.
would eventually be integrated with the proposed competency framework.
Mission Karmayogi aims to prepare the Indian Civil Servant for the
future by making him more creative, constructive, imaginative,
innovative, proactive, professional, progressive, energetic, enabling,
transparent and technology-enabled. Empowered with specific
role-competencies, the civil servant will be able to ensure efficient
service delivery of the highest quality standards.
Financial implications
To cover around 46 lakh Central employees, a sum of Rs.510.86 crore
will be spent over a period of 5 years from 2020-21 to 2024-25. The
expenditure is partly funded by multilateral assistance to the tune of
USD 50 million. A wholly owned Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for NPCSCB
will be set up under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. The SPV will
be a “not-for-profit” company and will own and manage iGOT- Karmayogi platform. The SPV will create and operationalize the content, market place and manage key business services of iGOT- Karmayogi
platform, relating to content validation, independent proctored
assessments and telemetry data availability. The SPV will own all
Intellectual Property Rights on behalf of the Government of India. An
appropriate monitoring and evaluation framework will also be put in
place for performance evaluation of all users of the iGOT– Karmayogi platform so as to generate a dashboard view of Key Performance Indicators.
Capacity of Civil Services plays a vital role in rendering a wide
variety of services, implementing welfare programs and performing core
governance functions. A transformational change in Civil Service
Capacity is proposed to be affected by organically linking the
transformation of work culture, strengthening public institutions and
adopting modern technology to build civil service capacity with the
overall aim of ensuring efficient delivery of services to citizens.
A Public Human Resources Council comprising of
select Union Ministers, Chief Ministers, eminent public HR
practitioners, thinkers, global thought leaders and Public Service
functionaries under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Prime Minister will
serve as the apex body for providing strategic direction to the task of
Civil Services Reform and capacity building.
Doorstep Service for submission of Digital Life Certificate through Postman launched Huge relief for pensioners to submit Life certificate while staying at home.
India Post Payments Bank, IPPB of Department of Posts & Meity
have successfully launched the initiative of the Department of Pension
& Pensioners’ Welfare: “Doorstep Service for submission of Digital
Life Certificate through Postman” in November, 2020. The facility to
submit life certificate online through Jeevan Pramaan Portal was
launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in November, 2014 with the
objective to provide a convenient and transparent facility to pensioners
for submission of Life Certificate.
Ever since, DoPPW, under the able guidance of Dr. Jitendra Singh,
Minister of State, Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions, has been
leveraging technology year after year, to make the system seamless and
more and more convenient for the elderly Pensioners.
In order to make this facility available across the country, DoPPW
roped in the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) and utilise its huge
network of Postmen and Gramin Dak Sevaks in providing doorstep facility
to pensioners for submission of life certificate digitally.
has customized its Bank software and dovetailed the same with Jeevan
Pramaan software of Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
(MeitY) and UIDAI, to provide DLC services at the doorstep of
Pensioners. This facility shall be in addition to other facilities such
as withdrawal of money from bank account etc. while sitting at home.
IPPB is utilising its national network of more than 1,36,000 access
points in Post Offices and more than 1,89,000 Postmen & Gramin Dak
Sevaks with smart phones and biometric devices to provide Doorstep
Banking Services. As a result a huge number of pensioners across the
country shall be able to avail doorstep service through Postmen/ Gramin
Dak Sevak, without visiting to bank branch or standing in a queue
outside the bank branches.
In order to avail “doorstep service for submission of DLC”
through IPPB, pensioners can get detailed information on It is a chargeable service and will be available to all
Central Government Pensioners across the country irrespective of the
fact their pension accounts are in different bank. The process to avail “doorstep service of DLC”
through IPPB can be viewed @ Youtube(Pension DOPPW) and facebook of D/o
Pension & Pensioners Welfare . In view of current pandemic, it is a
huge relief for pensioners to submit Life certificate while staying at
Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh launched the
revamped Scheme for PM’s Awards for Excellence in Public Administration
2020 and web portal
In July, 2020, the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER),
MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and
Space, Dr Jitendra Singh launched the revamped PM’s Awards for
Excellence in Public Administration and the web portal Addressing the Central Ministries and State/ UT
Governments on this occasion, Dr. Jitendra Singh said that the Scheme
has been revamped in tune with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s
governance model of citizen participation. He said that the Mantra of
“Maximum Governance, Minimum Government” is incomplete without citizen
participation and citizen centricity and added that transparency and
accountability are its twin hallmark.
The Scheme Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in Public
Administration 2020, has been revamped to recognize the performance of
the District Collectors towards outcome indicators, economic
development, peoples’ participation and redressal of public grievances.
Nominations have been called in four major categories – District
Performance Indicators Programme, Innovation General Category,
Aspirational Districts Program and Namami Gange Program. Under the
District Performance Indicators Programme, District Collectors would be
evaluated on their contribution to Inclusive Development through credit
flow to priority sector, Promoting peoples movements – Jan Bhagidari
through effective implementation of priority sector schemes of SBM
(Gramin) and SBM (Urban) programs, Improving service delivery and
redressal of Public Grievances. The Innovations category of the Scheme
has been broad-based to provide separate award categories for
innovations at National, State and District level. The period of
consideration for the awards is 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2020. In
all 15 Awards would be conferred under the Scheme in 2020.
Interviews for jobs abolished in 23 States and 8 UTs in India so far
Interview for jobs has been abolished in 23 States and 8 Union
Territories of India. This is a follow up to the abolition of interview
for Group-B (Non- Gazetted) and Group – C posts in the Central
Government ever since 2016.
It was on the 15th of August 2015, while speaking from the rampart of
Red Fort on the occasion of Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi had suggested abolition of interview and making the job selection
totally on the basis of written test because whenever an interview call
was received by a candidate, his entire family would get disturbed with
apprehension and anxiety. On a quick follow up to the Prime Minister’s
advice, the DoPT undertook an expeditious exercise and within three
months completed the entire process to announce abolition of interview
for recruitment in Central Government with effect from 1st January,
Three new Information Commissioners administered oath of office in November
The Chief Information Commissioner Shri Y.K. Sinha administered the
oath of office to Information Commissioners Shri Heeralal Samariya, Ms.
Saroj Punhani and Shri Uday Mahurkar at a swearing-in ceremony organized
in Central Information Commission in November this year. With their
induction, the total number of Information Commissioners including the
Chief Information Commissioner has risen to 8 in the Central Information
Shri Heeralal Samariya, a former IAS officer, was Secretary, Ministry
of Labour & Employment in Government of India before retirement. He
holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. His area of expertise
includes Administration and Governance.
Ms. Saroj Punhani, an IA&AS officer, before joining as
Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, was
holding the post of Deputy Comptroller & Auditor General (HR &
Training) in Government of India. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in
Humanities. Her area of expertise includes Administration and
Shri Uday Mahurkar, a veteran journalist, before joining as
Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission, was
functioning as Senior Deputy Editor with a leading media house. He
graduated from Maharaja Sayajirao University in Indian History, Culture
and Archaeology. His area of expertise includes his vast experience in