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Showing posts with label Constant Attendance Allowance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Constant Attendance Allowance. Show all posts

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Ex-Servicemen Status for Ex-NDA Cadets

Ex-Servicemen Status for Ex-NDA Cadets

26 cadets were declared medically unfit and withdrawn from training due to injuries during the last three years and the current year as per details given below:-

Spring Term 2014 - 05

Autumn Term 2014 - 01

Spring Term 2015 - 07

Autumn Term 2015 - 04

Spring Term 2016 - 01

Autumn Term 2016 - 06

Spring Term 2017 - 02

Autumn Term 2017 - NIL

NDA cadets who are medically boarded out are not being granted Ex-servicemen (ESM) status as the NDA cadets are not yet commissioned as officers and are therefore not counted as "Servicemen".

Government is implementing schemes for the welfare of NDA cadets . The following schemes are being implemented:

    Ex-Gratia Awards in cases of Disablement:- The cadet on being medically boarded out is entitled for following benefits:-
    Ex-gratia amount - Rs. 3,500/- p.m.
    Ex-gratia disability award - Rs. 6,300/- p.m. (100% disability).
    Constant Attendance Allowance - Rs. 3,000/- p.m. (100% disability as recommended in invaliding medical board).

AGIF Insurance Cover for NDA Cadets:-

    Disability:- Rs. 7.5 Lakhs for 100 percent disability proportionately reduced to Rs.1.5 lakhs for 20 % disability.
    Ex-gratia Grant:- Rs. 50,000/- per cadet being invalided out with less than 20% of disability in the first two years of training and Rs. 1 lakh for cadets if invalided out with less than 20% of disability during the last year of training.

Preference in Employment in the Government Jobs: Cadets who are invalidated out on medical grounds attributable to military training are accorded Priority-1 for the purpose of employment in Government service.

The cadet consequent to his injury is provided free medical treatment in Military Hospital, Command Hospital and Research & Referral Hospital, Delhi. The cadet is only invalidated out in the medical board if he does not recover from the injury and is found unfit for further military training with the aforesaid treatment. The data on expenditure incurred on such treatment is not maintained.

This information was given by Minister of State for Defence Dr. Subhash Bhamre in a written reply to Shri Parimal Nathwani in Rajya Sabha today.


Tuesday, 18 July 2017

The Central Government's decision on recommendations of the 7th CPC on allowance payment to Pensioners: revised Fixed Medical Allowance and Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablement

The Central Government's decision on recommendations of the 7th CPC on allowance payment to Pensioners: revised Fixed Medical Allowance and Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablement 

CPAO/IT&Tech/Revision(7th CPC)/19.Vol-III/2017-l8/68
Office Memorandum

Subject:- The Central Government's decision on recommendations of the 7th CPC on allowance payment to Pensioners: revised Fixed Medical Allowance and Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablement regarding.

Attention is invited to Ministry of Finance, Dcpartment of Expenditure Resolution No.11-1/2016-IC dated-6th July, 2017 on the above subject whereby it has been decided to revise the existing rates of following allowances for Pensioners:

Sl.No.Name of the AllowanceExisting Rates Revised Rates
1.Fixed Medical AllowanceRs.1000/-Rs.500/-
2.Constant Attendance Allowance on 100% disablementRs.4500/- Rs.6750/-

These revised rates are payable w.e.f. 01.07.2017.

In view of the above, Heads of CPPCs/Government Business Departments of all the banks are requested to arrange to credit the pensions/family pensions to the bank accounts from the month of July, 2017 onwards, for the respective pensioners who are already being paid above allowances, with the revised rates without waiting for any specific/separate authority from CPAO for such Pensioners.

This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
(Subhash Chandra)
(Controller of Accounts)
Authority: http://cpao.nic.in/

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Payment of Constant Attendance Allowance (CAA) on monthly basis with disability pension to Armed Forces personnel

Payment of Constant Attendance Allowance (CAA) on monthly basis with disability pension to Armed Forces personnel – Reg.

“Constant Attendance Allowance shall be paid on monthly basis during the period of award along, with disability or war injury pension as the case may be.”

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi, Date: 27th April 2015
The Chief of Army Staff
The Chief of Naval Staff
The Chief of Air Staff

Subject: Payment of Constant Attendance Allowance (CAA) on monthly basis with disability pension to Armed Forces personnel – Reg.

The undersigned is directed to state that as per Regulation 89 of Pension Regulation for the Army Part-l (Edn-2008) and equivalent provisions in Navy and Air Force Pension Regulations, payment of Constant Attendance Allowance is made in arrears twice in a year along with disability pension/ war injury pension on the basis of declaration/certificate submitted by the pensioner to his/ her pension disbursing agency (PDA) in May and November each year subject to fulfillment of other prescribed conditions.

2. Keeping in view of the hardships being faced by the disabled pensioners in claiming Constant Attendance Allowance. Government was reviewing the said provision from quite some time. In partial modification of above provision, the President is now pleased to decide that henceforth Constant Attendance Allowance shall be paid on monthly basis during the period of award along, with disability or war injury pension as the case may be.

3. Concerned Armed Forces Pensioners shall submit a declaration on the format enclosed as Annexure with this order to their pension disbursing agency at the time of initial payment of CAA and thereafter on annual basis at the time of his/her annual identification. During initial declaration pensioner shall state in item III of the Annexure that he/she will employ an attendant for the upcoming one year or up to the date for which CAA has been sanctioned whichever is earlier. During subsequent annual declarations pensioner would also complete item II of the Annexure providing a declaration for the period from the date of last declaration. Payment made against declaration under item III of Annexure shall be treated as provisional and would be final on submission of subsequent declaration under item II.

4. In case a pensioner drawing CAA becomes inpatient in any Government Hospital / Institution or is gainfully employed, he shall immediately report the matter to the FDA. Since, CAA is being paid, on the basis of annual declaration, any overpayment on account of CAA noticed with reference to the declaration quoted above, shall be adjusted from the monthly pension due to the pensioner.

5. All other team and conditions. for grant and payment of Constant Attendance Allowance which are not. affected by this order, shall remain unchanged. Pension Regulations of the three Services shall be amended in due course.

6. This issues with the concurrence of Finance division of this Ministry vide their ID. No. 10(08)/2014/Fin/Pen dated 09/04/2015.
Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully
(Prem Prakash)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Constant Attendance Allowance

Source: www.desw.gov.in

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