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Showing posts with label MOF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MOF. Show all posts

Friday, 17 August 2018

Representation of NFIR regarding upgradation of pay structure of JEs/SSEs

Representation of NFIR regarding upgradation of pay structure of JEs/SSEs


No. PC-VII/20151R-U19 (Part.)
New Delhi, dated: 06/08/2018
The General Secretary,
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
3, Chelmsford Road,  New Delhi - 55.

Sub: Representation of NFIR regarding upgradation of pay structure of JEs/SSEs.

Ref: NFIR's letter No. IV/NFIR/7 CPC(Imp)2017/R.B - Part. II dated 23.07.2018.

Please refer to NFIR's representation dated 23.07.2018 addressed to Hon'ble MR requesting intervention of Hon'ble for obtaining approval of Ministry of Finance (MoF) for upgradation GP-4600 to GP-4800.

2. With respect to above, it is stated that Railway Board have been making persistent efforts with various levels for obtaining approval of proposal sent MoF vide Board's OM dated 08.02.2017 proposing revision of pay structure of Sr.Supervisors in Group 'C' of all departments (other than Account Department) to upgrade 75% of such Supervisor posts from Level-7 (erstwhile GP-4600) to Level-8 (erstwhile GP - 4800) and to bring parity in the pay scales of Group 13 Officers Accounts/Non-Accounts department.

3. It has already been intimated to NFIR through ATS on PNM-NFIR Item Nos. 3 & 10/2018 that a D.O. letter dated 20.04.2017 was sent from Hon'ble MR to Hon'ble FM for expediting approval on above proposal. Thereafter, a reminder dated 15.05.2018 from EDPC-­II to JS(Pers)/MoF was also sent in this connection. Recently, a D.O. letter dated 13.07.2018 (Annex-I) from Board (CRB) to Finance Secretary has also been sent requesting them to expedite approval on Board's proposal dated 08.02.2017.
For Secretary,
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Department of Posts: Regularisation of PPF accounts opened in Joint names

Department of Posts: Regularisation of PPF accounts opened in Joint names

SB Order No. 06/2018
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110001.
Dated: 28 .05.2018
All Heads of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.

Subject: Regularisation of PPF accounts opened in Joint names

Respected Sir/ Madam,

The undersigned is directed to say that vide their OM No. 3/1/2016-NS dated 07.05.2018, the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division), New Delhi have informed that the as per the Public Provident Fund Scheme, 1968, a PPF account can not be opened in joint names, i.e. in the names of more than one individual. Ministry of Finance has been receiving references from various Banks and Post Offices seeking regularization of irregular PPF accounts opened in joint capacity. The matter has been, examined in Ministry of Finance afresh and decided that all the institutions (Dept of Posts/Agency Banks) may undertake a one-time exercise to identify PPF accounts opened in joint capacity in contravention of the provisions of the Scheme and forward a consolidated proposal for regularization of all such PPF accounts opened by various Accounts Offices (Post Offices/Bank Branches) under them to DEA/MoF by August 30, 2018. All such joint accounts shall be considered for regularization by converting, them into single accounts in the name of one of the joint subscribers. Banks/Department of Posts are also required to indicate in their proposals the name of one of the joint subscribers in respect of each such account, in whose name the account may be regularized.

2. The Circles are accordingly requested to launch special drives for the purpose to identify PPF account opened in joint capacity, if any & forward a detailed consolidated proposal for the whole of the Circle, for sending the same onward to DEA/MoF seeking regularization. Circles are requested to take up it on Priority arrange to send their consolidated proposal so as to reach this office by 31.07.2018, so that this office may compile & send the same to DEA/MoF by the due date, i.e. 30.08.2018. The DEA/MoF would consider such joint accounts for regularization by converting them into single account in the name of one of the joint subscribers. It should, therefore be indicated clearly in the proposal as to in whole name (for amongst the joint subscribers) the account is to be made single regularized.

3. It may kindly be noted that no request for regularization in such cases shall be entertained after the said deadline & responsibility would lie on the concerned Circle on account of any additional obligation arising out of court cases or otherwise for opening of such irregular PPF accounts.

This issues with the approval of competent authority.
Yours Sincerely,
(P L Meena)
Assistant Director (SB-I)
Source: Dept of Posts

Friday, 25 August 2017

Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman: CGDA's clarification on bunching benefit

Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman: CGDA's clarification on bunching benefit

Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts ( Fys)
10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata-700001
No. Pay/ Tech-II/04/Vol.-LXXIV
Date:- 17/08/2017
AO, OF Nalanda.

Sub: Benefit of Bunching Increment to Master Craftsman

In continuation to this office earlier circular of even No. dated 04.12.2013, it is intimated that the clarification as to whether the grant of additional increment should be considered or otherwise for granting bunching benefit to MCM in Ordnance Factories, has been received vide our HQrs. Office letter No. AT/II/2458 (PC) 6/06-IV dated 24/07/2017. A copy of the same is enclosed for your kind information.

It is also intimated that this office earlier circular of even No. dated 04.12.2013 may be treated as cancelled and necessary action may be taken at your end for revision of affected cases.

All Br. AOs under your jurisdiction may please be intimated accordingly.

Enclo: As above
Assistant Controller of Accounts (Fys.)

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010

No. AT/II/2458 (PC) 6/06-IV
Dated: 24 July 2017
The PCA (Fys)

Subject: Clarification on bunching benefit to be extended in Ordnance Factories.

Reference: Your office letter No Pay/Tech-II/04/Vol- LXIII dated 31-05-2017.

In para 4 of your office above cited letter MOF No F. No 1/1/2008-IC dated 12-05-2013 has been referred to, which clarifies that ‘In cases where the stages of fixation of pay in the revised pay band as per fitment table contained in the OM dated 30-08-2008 provides for the same revised stage in the pay band with reference to two consecutive stages of pre-revised pay in the corresponding pre-revised scales, then in such cases due to application of MOF OM dated 19-03-2012, there will be no change in the revised pay as on 01-01-2006, if the revised stage with reference to the pre-revised pay after accounting for one increment in the pre-revised scale-does not undergo any change as per fitment table.

2. However, in the pay fixation case in respect of Shri C. V Mane as put forth in para 3 of your letter, his revised pay is not the same as per the Fitment Table after accounting for one increment in the pre-revised scale. In view, the provisions of MoF OM dated 22-05-2013 does not appear to be applicable in the case of Shri C. V. Mane for not taking into account the additional increment granted in terms of MOF OM dated 19 -03-2012 for providing bunching benefit.

Jt CGDA (P&W) has seen.
(V K Purohit)

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Discontinuation of Commission under Pay Roll Savings Schemes - Department of Posts

Discontinuation of Commission under Pay Roll Savings Schemes - Department of Posts

F.No 113-03/2017-SB
Govt. of India
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 05.07.2017
All Head of Circles/Regions
Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi

Subject : Discontinuation of Commission under Pay Roll Savings Schemes.

In continuation of SB Order 09/2016 dated 23.09.2016 the undersigned is directed to say that Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division) New Delhi, vide its Memorandum No. 1/4/2015-NS.ll dated 12.05 2017, has conveyed that commission on Pay Roll Savings Scheme had been discontinued w.e.f. 01.10.2016. Now MOF has conveyed that only commission on PRSS has been discontinued and not the scheme, willing establishment can operate the scheme voluntarily without claiming commission . However, it needs to be ensured that no commission is paid by any post office to any Pay Roll Savings Group w.e.f. 01.10.2016. Case any commission has been paid after 01.10. 2016, necessary recovery be made.

2. This may kindly be circulated to all CBS and Non-CBS Host Offices for information and necessary guidance. This should also be placed on the Notice Board of all the Post Offices.

3.This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully,
(P.L. Meena)
Assistant Dire tor (SB-1)

Monday, 18 May 2015

Rounding off the amount of Increment to next multiple of 10

Rounding off the amount of Increment to next multiple of 10

Rounding off the amount of Increment to next multiple of 10 : Clarification regarding.

Attention is invited to this HQrs Circular No. AN/XIV/14162/6th CPC/Circular/Vol.IV, dt. 29/0212012 wherein it was directed to adopt the methodology stipulated in Rule 7(Note 2A), Rule 9 and Rule 11 of GoI, MoF notification, dated 29/08/2008 (RPR 2008) for rounding off at the time of fixation of pay while granting annual increment for the year 2006, 2007 and 2008 and implement the revised instructions issued by MoF, Department of Expenditure vide their OM, dated 29/01/2009 only for annual increments granted on or after 07/2009.

2. In this regard, a reference has been made by one of the controller offices bringing out the anomaly caused due to adoption of different methodologies by different controller offices in rounding off the amount of increment while carrying out refixation of pay due to implementation of MoF, Deptt. of Expenditure OM dated 19/03/2012.

3. To avoid any anomaly, it is reiterated that the instructions laid down under this HQrs circular dated 29/02/2012 are to be followed in-toto while refixation of pay on account of implementation of MoF, Dept. of Expenditure OM dated 19/03/2012 also. Accordingly, the instructions issued by MoF, Dept. of Expenditure vide their OM dated 29/01/2009 to round off any amount of a rupee or more to the next multiple of 10 is to be implemented only for calculation of increment under revise pay structure granted on or after 01/07/2009.

This is for your information, guidance and necessary action please.

Click to view the original order in both English and Hindi

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Up-gradation of Grade Pay of LDC and UDC: Case returned by DoPT & directed to take up the matter with MoF

Up-gradation of Grade Pay of LDC and UDC: Case returned by DoPT & directed to take up the matter with MoF

Up-gradation of Grade Pay of LDC and UDC: TCase returned by DoPT to General Secretary, All India Association of Administrative Staff (NG), NSSO(FOD)& directed to take up the matter with MoF.  Contents of DoPT letter reproduced below:-

No. 25/2/20134-CS.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training

3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,
New Delhi dated 19thSeptember, 2013
T.K.R. Pillai,
General Secretary,
All India Association of Administrative Staff (NG),
NSSO (FOD), Hall No. 201 & 205,
Vijay Stumbh, Zone 1,
Maharana Pratap Nagar,

Subject: Up gradation of Grade pay of LDC and UDC in the Administrative Branch of Government of India offices.

I am directed to refer to your letter No. 3/65/2013 dated 20.6.2013 on the above subject. This Division deals only with LDCs and UDCs of Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS). As the matter referred to in your letter pertains to LDCs and UDCs of Non-CSCS category, you are requested to take up the matter directly with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). Your letter No. 3/65/2013 dated 20.6.2013 in original is returned herewith.
Yours faithfully,

(K. Suresh Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India

General Secretary, AIAAS (NG)'s message thereon:-

Dear friends,
            As has already been informed, the Letter sent to the PM for revision of Grade pay of LDC & UDC by us has been forwarded to JCA, by the DoPT. Accordingly, a letter seeking the status of action taken from the Deputy Secretary, JCA was prepared but before sending the same to him,  the case has received back from the DoP&T wherein it was directed us to take up the matter directly with the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). The copy of the letter is posted below:

            It is to be noted that while forwarding the case to JCA, the DoPT has observed the LDC & UDC case is related to anomaly and the JCA is the authority to deal the cases of anomaly. An agenda item pertains to the upgradation of the grade pay of the LDC and UDC is pending for discussion in the National Anomaly Committee and the JCA has to convene the meeting for the same. And thus the case should have been put up to National Anomaly Committee. But, now the case is received from the DoPT and not from the JCA and the ground on which the case is returned to the DoPT is not known.

            Since the DoPT has asked us to take up the matter with Ministry of Finance it would be sent. But, we cannot say the action to be taken by the MoF on this most genuine anomaly in the wake of the announcement of 7th Pay Commission/involvement of expenditure. And yet, we have hope, the MoF would suggest something positive. In case it is not happened, as has been suggesting by the readers, it is a case fit to move in the Principle bench of the CAT, I think.

            Suggestions on future action on the matter from the readers are requested please.

With warm regards

Sincerely Yours

(TKR Pillai)
General Secretary
Mob 09425372172
Source: http://aiamshq.blogspot.in/2013/10/ldc-udc-issue-case-returned-by-dopt.html

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