A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Showing posts with label 7th CPC Common Memorandum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 7th CPC Common Memorandum. Show all posts

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Submission of Memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission – request for oral evidence regarding

Submission of Memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission – Request for oral evidence – AICAEA
All India Civil Accounts Employees Association

No.AICAEA/HQ/ A-41/7CPC/2015/246
Dated 30th March 2015
The Member Secretary,
7th Central Pay Commission,
Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
1st Floor, B-14/A, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110016
Tel Number:- 26517097
E-mail:- secy-7cpc@nic.in

Subject:- Submission of Memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission – request for oral evidence regarding.

This Association, vide its forwarding letter No.AICAEA/HQ/A-41/7CPC/2014/988 dated 28th July 2014 has submitted a “Memorandum” to the 7TH Central Pay Commission.

This Association is a part of the JCM Scheme and one of the members of the Departmental Council of Ministry of Finance.

This Association represents nearly 7000(Seven thousand) employees belonging to the cadres of MTS, LDC, Staff Car Driver, DEO, Computer Operator, Accountant, Senior Accountant, Stenographer, Private Secretary, Hindi translator/officer etc. of the Departmentalized Accounts organization functioning under the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure.

I, on behalf of this Association, request you to kindly extend us the opportunity of tendering oral evidence in support of the Memorandum submitted by us. We may kindly be intimated the date for tendering oral evidence at least a fortnight ahead so that our representatives from other stations are able to take part.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Secretary General
Source: www.nfcaahqnd.blogspot.in

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Meeting with 7th Pay Commission on 25.02.2015 – Memorandum including Minimum Wages, Retirement Benefits, Allowances

Meeting with 7th Pay Commission on 25.02.2015 – Memorandum including Minimum Wages, Retirement Benefits, Allowances
All India Railwaymen’s Federation
4, State Entry Road, New Delhi – 110055
Dated- February 24, 2015
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,

Sub: Meeting with Seventh Pay Commission on 25.02.2015

Seventh Central Pay Commission is going to hold a meeting with Staff Side Members of NC JCM on 25th February 2015 at 11.00 am in the Conference Room, 1st Floor B­14/A, Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi.

Main agenda of the meeting will be on the memorandum submitted to 7th Pay Commission by JCM, Fixation of minimum wages, Retirement benefits and allowances paid to the central government employees. Feedback of the meeting will be intimated soon after.
Yours sincerely,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Source: AIRF

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Requirement of Budget for the 7th Seventh Pay Commission

Requirement of Budget for the 7th Seventh Pay Commission

Ajay Tiwari/ SNB writes an article about the Demand of Budget for the 7th pay commission for Central Government employees. We reproduced the article and given under to our readers for easy understanding…

Employee Associations want a separate provision to be placed for them by the Seventh Pay commission during the Budget Meeting. Employee Federations scheduled for a Budget Meeting with Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on 17 January. All Federations of CG Employees will jointly submit a single requisition during the budget meeting.

The draft that defines the contents of the requisition was put forth to the Employee Associations on Monday. It is understood that the Employee Associations are expecting a tax exemption for an Annual Income of up to Rupees Five Lakhs; they are going to request the Finance Minister to keep the same minimal amount to correspond to the consumer Price Index also.

Pension to all employees is also a point in the submitted requisition. Along with Pension, a request for Social Security and Free Medical Facility for all Employees is going to be strong point from the Employee Associations, and also they want to remove the restrictions of the Central Government for fresh recruitment.

A request will also be raised in front of Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, to make permanent the employees working in various schemes of the government, also the employee associations want to express their objection in front of the Finance Minister to the fact that the FDI is not proper in the departments of Media, Education and Health.

In the requisition submitted by the Employee Associations it will be clearly express their protest against the FDI in the sectors of Defence, Railways, Bank, Insurance, Media and Retail Business, also they will continue their protest against disinvestment in the Public Sector Undertakings.

• Finance Minister called for a meeting with the Employee Unions on 17th.
• Pleas have issues such as Income Tax benefits up to Rs 5 Lakhs and Pension to All.

Brijesh Upadhyay, the General Secretary of B.M.S (Bharatiya Majdoor Sandh), the Employee Union of R.S.S., stated that in terms of Policies, all the Employee Organisations will remain united, and hence there will be only a single requisition submitted in the Budget Meeting on behalf of all Employee Associations. However, he stated they are working on the Issues that are to be submitted in the requisition that is to be put forth to the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, and it will be finalised within the next 2-3 days. BMS Leader has stated that on Tuesday all the Employee Union Leaders will be available during the meeting with the Labor and Employment Minister, during which there will also be a discussion regarding the budget requisition that needs to be submitted.

The General Secretary of HMS (Hind Majdoor Sabha) Mr HS Sidhu has stated that Issues concerning the Budget Requisition for the Seventh Pay commission, increasing of Income Tax slab to 5 lakhs, Pension to all employees and making permanent all scheme based employees will be a part of the requisition.

An interesting fact to be noted is that most of the demands of the Employee Associations are similar to their previous demands. Previously the Employee Unions couldn’t achieve any of these benefits from the Government and even this time the relationship between the Government and the Employee Unions is not suave. It is awaited to note on Tuesday, how much Labor Minister Bandaru Dattatreya and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley would be able to please the Employee Unions. The General Secretary of BMS Brijesh Upadhyay says that previously the Finance Minister promised an Interim budget and has expressed his inability to give much; hence it is natural that the expectations this time should be more.

Source: www.cgstaffnews.in

Thursday, 14 August 2014


Memorandum to 7th Pay Commission – AINTSSA submitted on 30.7.2014

B.B. Mohanty
Member, Naval Heaquarters JCM Council,
Confederation of Defence Recognized Association

All India Naval Technical Supervisory Staff Associations.
Address: F-10/105, Kings Ville, Green City,
Ambarnath (East), Thane-421501.
Mob. No. 08655481087


30 Jul 2014
The Member Secretary,
7th Central Pay Commission,
Post Box No. 4599,
Hauz Khas Post

Respected Madam,


On behalf of All India Naval Technical Supervisory Staff Association, I welcome and wish all the success to the 7th Pay Commission in their mission of evolving pay structures and other related matters, which is expected to be fair enough for the government employees to lead a dignified life and perform their duties effectively and efficiently.

AINTSSA represents about 4000 Technical Supervisors working in Indian Navy in various Naval establishments of the Nation. They are basically from all the branches of engineering – including Civil , Mechanical , production, Electrical , Computer, Electronics & Telecom Engineering etc. They supervise and guide around 26000 workforce of Navy.

We present this memorandum to 7th CPC representing the following categories in the Indian Navy:
Around 2400 Chargeman
Around 1600 Foreman

Degree of skills, strain of work and requirement of knowledge, experience & expertise, continued & updated technical knowledge with effective training, mounting responsibility and accountability, multifaceted work contents, working condition with hazards and fatigue, mental & physical strain pertaining to these categories have been elaborately explained in the subsequent explanations.

The key to efficiency and competitive spirit in work lies not only in getting appropriate salary for the job but also with dignity & status. We welcome the provisions provided in the terms of reference. Those strategies are to be evolved in order to attract talents and retain them in service which is considered to be the need of the day in the globalised era.

Important role of these middle level managers was recognized by 3rd & 4th CPC which exclusively granted appropriate pay scales to technical supervisors based on their job contents and other factors. But it was shattered by the V & VI CPC which completely ignored their duties and responsibilities and diluted their status by seriously disturbing their relativity.

Further the fact that Naval Dockyards, NSRYs, Training centers and Ship building establishments of Indian Navy are basically technical organizations and the safe successful and efficient performance of the organizations lies primarily in the hands of their technical work forces who are supervised, trained and overseen by these technical supervisors.

7th CPC is requested to look into the serious anomalies caused especially by the Sixth CPC which have demoralized the category due to non-redressal of these anomalies – as brought out in this Memorandum. We request the Pay Commission to kindly evolve a replacement scale to the categories and ensure natural justice and dignity.

Technical Supervisors shoulder the direct responsibilities of safe, efficient & ‘Failure proof’ production, repair, maintenance and operation of almost all the systems of Naval warships of Indian Navy. Reduction of manpower in artisan staff, introduction of new ships, addition of new assets and introduction of new & modern technologies etc, have substantially added to their duties and responsibilities over the years. Other departments provide only necessary support to them in order to enable them to discharge their functions.

It is unfortunate that both 5th and 6th Pay Commissions had underestimated the significance and sensitiveness of the work-content of the technical supervisors, their responsibility and accountability. Many vital factors like their ‘Professional qualifications’ & ‘greater responsibilities’ as well as the accountability towards public safety and efficiency of the Nation went out of sight of both these Pay Commissions.

But, supporting categories like Accounts, Teachers and Nurses who were all along in the lower pay scales than the Technical Supervisors, were given up-gradation and were placed even two grades higher than Technical Supervisors. Worse and even more humiliating is the fact that the pay of categories like MCM, which work under the Technical Supervisors, were also equated with them – undermining the Supreme Court judgment of “the supervisor’s pay cannot be equal to the person being supervised”.

It is our earnest request that 7th CPC may consider the facts brought out in our memorandum. Commission is requested to remove various obstacles that come in the way of attracting talents to the technical supervisory cadre of Indian navy and in improving the efficiency of working system for which the Commission may kindly provide appropriate replacement scales for Chargemen and Foremen, which may justify the relativity of the emoluments in accordance with the job contents, working conditions, accountability & responsibilities, multi-faceted skills & critical management capacity.

I, also earnestly believe that we may be summoned for tendering oral evidence before 7th CPC in line with the earlier CPCs.

Thanking you,
yours faithfully,
(BB Mohanty)
Click to read Memorandum

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Monday, 4 August 2014



INDWF submitted a separate memorandum to 7th Pay Commission on the service matters of Defence Civilians Employees on 30th July 2014.


INDWF/7th CPC/Memorandum/002/2014


Member Secretary,
VII Central Pay Commission,
New Delhi

Sub: Forwarding the memorandum to 7th Central Pay Commission by INDWF.
Sir, Indian National Defence Workers Federation being one of the constituent Federation of National Council (JCM), the Staff Side members of the Standing Council jointly prepared a memorandum in respect of Pay and Allowances as well as Retirement benefits. The same was submitted by the Secretary, Staff Side National Council (JCM) which was endorsed by INDWF and other constituent organisations.

We on behalf of INDWF have prepared a memorandum in respect of issues relevant of the Defence Civilian Employees other than Pay and Allowances and Retirement benefits, our memorandum pertaining to Defence Civilian employees is enclosed for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary

Click to view the memorandum…

Source : INDWF

Click to view the image of proposed pay scales for Admin Staff…
Click to view the image of proposed pay scales for Industrial Staff…

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Confederation Proposed New Pay Structure and Rate of Increment in its memorandum to 7th Pay Commission

Confederation Proposed New Pay Structure and Rate of Increment in its memorandum to 7th Pay Commission
Proposed Pay Structure and Rate of Increment
In the preceding chapters we have dealt with the various principles of pay determination as was enunciated by the successive Pay Commissions. The 6th CPC introduced the new concept of Pay Band and Grade Pay. We are not able to comprehend any logical methodology having been adopted by the 6th CPC in constructing the Pay Band and Grade Pay. In the ultimate analysis, we found that there had been no uniform multiplication factor. It varied from 2.2 time to 3. The changes effected by the Government while implementing the recommendations of the 6th CPC further compounded the confusion and making it more irrational and arbitrary.

The 6th CPC in their report stated that they have upgraded certain pay scales having appreciated the contention made by the employees organizations. They merged certain other pay scales in an effort to delayering the functions. But the new pay that emerged from such upgradation/merger was not equivalent to the higher pay scales in the said group. For instance, the erstwhile pay scales of Rs.5000-8000, 5500-9000 and 6500-10500 were merged. The multiplication factor for pay band construction was 1.86 times of the minimum. Therefore the pay band for the pre merged pay scales was determined to begin at Rs.9300/-. Having merged, the pay band must have begun at 12,090/-, i.e. 1.86 times of 6500/- in which the other pay scales were merged.

7.2 The manner in which the Grade pay was devised is also questionable. At the lower level the Grade Pay progresses @ Rs.100/- ,i.e. 1800, 1900, 2000, etc. The pay in the Band + Grade Pay at the entry level is 5200 + 1800 = 7000. An employee is entitled for 3% increment every year. He gets a financial benefit of Rs. 210 every year on account an increment whereas on promotion his grade pay gets increased by just Rs.100/- only. The Grade Pay was devised at 40% of the maximum of the pre revised time scale of pay. The maximum of any time scale of pay will depend upon the rate of increment and the span of the scale of pay. The ratio between the minimum and the maximum of all pay scales was not uniform, rather it could not be uniform.

Therefore, prescribing Grade Pay as a percentage of such variable maximum, in our opinion, was erroneous. Normally fitment benefit represent the gap between pre revised minimum and the revised minimum. The 6th CPC recommendation of Grade Pay did not serve this purpose also. Having been expressed in absolute quantum amount it gave varied benefit in different pay bands as also at different stages in the same pay bands.

7.3 The Grade Pay system brought about various anomalies, which were raised at the NAC but found no resolution despite discussions on several occasions in the last 6 years. We are of the firm view that the 7th CPC should revert to the Pay Scale System which has been time tested. We have constructed the pay scales maintaining the relativities with the time scale of pay suggested by both 5th and 6th CPC.

7.4 While constructing the pay scales we have taken the rate of increments at 5% instead of 3% presently available. We have done so on the ground that most of the PSUs including the banking industries provide the incremental rate at 5% and over a period of time it raises the salary level of the personnel. We therefore request that the 7th CPC may recommend the rate of annual increment at 5%. Incidentally we may also state that the uniform date of increment prescribed by the 6th CPC has encountered certain problems and anomalies. We, therefore, suggest that the 7th CPC may recommend, for administrative expediency, two specific dates as increment dates, Viz. 1st January and 1st July. Those recruited/appointed/promoted during the period between 1st January and 30th June will have their increment date on 1st January and those recruited/appointed/promoted between 1st July and 31st December will have it on 1st July next year. This apart we request the Commission to specifically recommend that those who retire on 30th June or 31st December are granted one increment on the last day of their service.

7.5 We have also felt that a further reduction in the number of pay scales is needed. While constructing the pay scales we have removed those pay scales pertaining to Grade Pay of Rs.1900, 2400, 4600, 8700 and the scale of pay of Rs. 75500-80000. We are of the opinion that the instrument of Special Pay which was in operation earlier should be brought back to address the need of intermediary grades in certain organizations. The Associations and Federations representing the employees and officers of various departments and various categories will submit their memorandum indicating the pay scales to be assigned to the categories of the employees and officers they represent taking into account the nature of functions assigned to those categories separately.

7.6 Presently, functional promotion is made to the next hierarchical position whereas MACP promotion is Grade Pay based, irrespective of the fact whether a particular Grade Pay exist in the hierarchy or not in the concerned department. Our suggestion to reduce the number of pay scales go a great extent to obviate the difficulty encountered due to the dual system of promotion.

7.7 We have constructed open- ended pay scales. This is to ensure that no employee stagnates without increment. The pay of the Secretary and the Cabinet Secretary has been kept as a fixed amount as has been the recommendation of the 6th CPC. In consonance with our view on the need for further de-layering, we have suggested only 14 Pay scales indicating in the table the minimum of each of them. The said 14 pay scales are given below:

In Table 7.2, the corresponding pay scales of the 6th CPC recommended Grade Pay are given for reference.

Source: CGEN.in

Thursday, 17 July 2014



Highlights of the Memorandum submitted on issues common to all Central Government employees to Secretary 7th Pay Commission.
JCM NC has also submitted Interim Memorandum on interim relief and Merger of DA.
1. Pay scales are calculated on the basis of pay drawn pay in pay band + GP + 100% DA by employees as on 01.01.2014.

2. 7th CPC report should be implemented w.e.f. 01-01-2014. In future five year wage revision.

3. Scrap New Pension Scheme and cover all employees under Old Pension and Family Pension Scheme.

4. JCM has proposed minimum wage for MTS (Skilled) Rs.26,000 p.m.

5. Ratio of minimum and maximum wage should be 1:8.

6. General formula for determination of pay scale based on minimum living wage demanded for MTS is pay in PB+GP x 3.7.

7. Annual rate of increment @ 5% of the pay.

8. Fixation of pay on promotion = 2 increments and difference of pay between present and promotional posts (minimum Rs.3000).

9. The pay structure demanded is as under:- (open ended pay scales – Total 14 pay scales)
Existing Proposed(in Rs.)
PB-1, GP Rs. 1800 26,000
PB-1, GP Rs. 1900
PB-1, GP Rs. 2000 33,000
PB-1, GP Rs. 2400
PB-1, GP Rs. 2800 46,000
PB-2, GP Rs. 4200 56,000
PB-2, GP Rs. 4600
PB-2, GP Rs. 4800 74000
PB-2, GP Rs. 5400 78,000
PB-3, GP 5400 88000
PB-3, GP 6600 102000
PB-3, GP 7600 120000
PB-4, GP 8900 148000
P4-4, GP 10000 162000
HAG 193000
Apex Scale 213000
Cabinet Secretary 240000

9 (a) Wages and service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks is to be examined by 7th CPC itself.

10. Dearness Allowances on the basis of 12 monthly average of CPI, Payment on 1st Jan and 1st July every year.

11. Overtime Allowances on the basis of total Pay + DA + Full TA.

12 Liabilities of all Government dues of persons died in harness be waived.

13. Transfer Policy – Group `C and `D Staff should not be transferred. DoPT should issue clear cut guideline as per 5th CPC recommendation. Govt. should from a Transfer Policy in each department for transferring on mutual basis on promotion. Any order issued in violation of policy framed be cancelled by head of department on representation.

14. Transport Allowance -
X Classified City Other Places
Rs. 7500 + DA Rs. 3750 +DA
The stipulation for TA that the Govt. employee should be on duty in his headquarters for certain number of days during the calendar month should be removed.

15. Deputation Allowance double the rates and should be paid 10% of the pay at same station and 20% of the pay at outside station.

16. Classification of the post should be executive and non-executive instead of present Group A,B.C.

17. Special Pay which was replaced with Special/Allowance by 4th CPC be bring back to curtail pay scales.

18. Scrap downsizing, outsourcing and contracting of govt. jobs.

19. Regularize all casual labour and count their entire service after first two year, as a regular service for pension and all other benefits. They should not be thrown out by engaging contractors workers.

20. The present MACPs Scheme be replaced by giving five promotion after completion of 8,15,21,26 and 30 year of service with benefits of stepping up of pay with junior and also hierarchical pay scales.

21. PLB being bilateral agreement, it should be out of 7th CPC perview.

22. Housing facility:- 
(a) To achieve 70% houses in Delhi and 40% in all other towns to take lease accommodation and allot to the govt. employees.
(b) Land and building acquired by it department may be used for constructing houses for govt. employees.
 23. House Building Allowance :-
(a) Simplify the procedure of HBA
(b) Entitle to purchase second and used houses

24. Common Category – Equal Pay for similar nature of work be provided.

25. Compassionate appointment – remove ceiling of 5% and give appointment within Three months.

26. Traveling Allowance:-
Category A1, A Class City Other Cities
Executive Rs. 5000 per day + DA Rs. 3500 per day + DA
Non-Executive Rs. 4000 per day + DA Rs. 2500 per day + DA

27. Composite Transfer Grant: -
Executive Class 6000 kg by Goods Train/ Rate per km by road 8 Wheeler Wagon Rs.50+DA(Rs.1 per kg and single container per km)
Non-Executive Class 3000 kg – do – -do-

28. Children Education Allowance should be allowed up to Graduate, Post Graduate, and all Professional Courses. Allow any two children for Children Education Allowance.

29. Fixation of pay on promotion – two increments in feeder grade with minimum benefit of Rs.3000.

30. House Rent Allowance
X Class Cities 60%
Other Classified Cities 40%
Unclassified Locations 20%

31. Compensatory City Allowance.

`X’ Class Cities `Y’ Class Cities
A. Pay up to Rs.50,000 10% 5%
B. Pay above Rs.50,000 6% minimum Rs 5000 3% minimum Rs.2500

32. Patient Care Allowance to all para-medical and staff working in hospitals.

33. All allowances to be increased by three times.

34. NE Region benefits – Payment of Special Duty Allowance @ 37.5% of pay.

35. Training: – Sufficient budget for in-service training.

36. Leave Entitlement 
(i) Increase Casual Leave 08 to 12 days & 10 days to 15 days.
(ii) Declare May Day as National Holiday
(iii) In case of Hospital Leave, remove the ceiling of maximum 24 months leave and 120 days full payment and remaining half payment.
(iv) Allow accumulation of 400 days Earned Leave
(v) Allow encashment of 50% leave while in service at the credit after 20 years Qualifying Service.
(vi) National Holiday Allowance (NHA) – Minimum one day salary and eligibility criteria to be removed for all Non Executive Staff.
(vii) Permit encashment of Half Pay Leave.
(viii) Increase Maternity Leave to 240 days to female employees & increase 30 days Paternity Leave to male employees.

37. LTC 
(a) Permission to travel by air within and outside the NE Region.
(b) To increase the periodicity once in a two year.
(c) One visit outside country in a lifetime
 38. Income Tax: 
(i) Allow 30% standard deduction to salaried employees.
(ii) Exempt all allowances.
(iii) Raise the ceiling limit as under:
(a) General – 2 Lakh to 5 Lakh
(b) Sr. Citizen – 2.5 Lakh to 7 Lakh
(c) Sr. Citizen above 80 years of age – 5 Lakh to 10 Lakh
(iv) No Income Tax on pension and family pension and Dearness Relief.

39. (a) Effective grievance handling machinery for all non-executive staff.
(b) Spot settlement
(c) Maintain schedule of three meetings in a year
(d) Department Council be revived at all levels
(e) Arbitration Award be implemented within six month, if not be discussed with Staff Side before rejection for finding out some modified form of agreement.

40. Appoint Arbitrator for shorting all pending anomalies of the 6th CPC.

41. Date of Increment – 1st January and 1st July every year. In case of employees retiring on 31st December and 30th June, they should be given one increment on last day of service, i.e. 31st December and 30th June, and their retirements benefits should be calculated by adding the same.

42. General Insurance: Active Insurance Scheme covering risk upto Rs. 7,50,000/- to Non Executive & Rs. 3,50,000/- to Skilled staff by monthly contribution of Rs. 750/- & Rs. 350/- respectively.
43. Point to point fixation of pay.

44. Extra benefits to Women employees (i) 30% reservation for women.
(ii) Posting of husband and wife at same station.
(iii) One month special rest for chronic disease
(iv) Conversion of Child Care Leave into Family Care Leave
(v) Flexi time

45. Gratuity:
Existing ceiling of 16 ½ months be removed and Gratuity be paid @ half month salary for every year of qualifying service.
Remove ceiling limit of Rs.10 Lakh for Gratuity.

46. Pension:
(i) Pension @ 67% of Last Pay Drawn (LPD) instead of 50% presently.
(ii) Pension after 10 years of qualifying service in case of resignation.
(iii) Increase pension age-based as under:
65 Years – 70% of Las Pay Drawn (LPD)
70 Years – 75% of LPD
75 Years – 80% of LPD
80 Years – 85% of LPD
85 Years – 90% of LPD
90 Years – 100% of LPD
(iv) Parity of pension to retirees before 1.1.2006.
(v) Enhanced family pension should be same in case of death in harness and normal death.
(vi) After 10 years, family pension should be 50% of LPD.
(vii) Family pension to son upto the age of 28 years looking to the recruitment age.
(viii) Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) @ Rs.2500/- per month.
(ix) Extend medical facilities to parents also.
(x) HRA to pensioners.
(xi) Improvement in ex-gratia pension to CPF/SRPF retirees up to 1/3rd of full pension.

NB: The above is only gist. All points raised by us not included. For understanding the entire demands raised by us, Please read the full memorandum published in our website.

(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General

Source: http://confederationhq.blogspot.in/

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