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Showing posts with label Finmin Orders 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finmin Orders 2016. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Travelling Allowance claim by family of deceased Government Servants timelimt extended

Travelling Allowance claim by family of deceased Government Servants timelimt extended

Applicability of provision below SR-147 to the family of deceased Govt servant, in special circumstances- clarification regarding

Government of India
Ministra of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North BlocK, New Delhi
Dated the 21st December, 2016
Office Memorandum

Sub : Applicability of provision below SR-147 to the family of deceased Govt servant, in special circumstances- clarification regarding.

Various references are being received in this Department seeking clarification from this Department as to whether Rule below SR-148 for admitting Travelling Allowance (TA) claim by family of deceased employees beyond one year period of the death of the employee is also covered under GOI decision 2(iii) below Rule SR-147 which provides that ‘TA to Central Government servant on retirement may be availed of by a Government servant who is eligible for it, at any time during his leave preparatory to retirement, or within one year of the date of his retirement and powers to extend the time-limit of one year will be exercised by the Administrative Ministries/ Departments with the approval of the FA concerned, in individual cases attendant with special circumstances.'

2. The matter has been considered in this Department and it has been decided that the above provision below SR-147 for extension of time limit of one year with the approval of FA of the concerned Ministry, will also be applicable in case of family of the deceased Govt. servant.

3. This is issued with the approval of Joint Secretary (Personnel).
(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary (EG)
Original Copy

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Discontinuation of physical pre-printed NSC and KVP certificates

Discontinuation of physical pre-printed NSC and KVP certificates

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 1st April, 2016

Subject: Discontinuation of physical pre-printed NSC and KVP certificates- reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 23`c March, 2016, through which guidelines regarding discontinuation of physical mode of National Savings Certificate and Kisan Vikas Patra certificate and introduction of e-mode were communicated. It was decided that the currently existing system of physical pre-printed certificates for KVP and NSC shall stand discontinued w.e.f. 1.4.2016 and shall be replaced by ‘National Savings Certificate/Kisan Vikas Patra Certificate on electronic — mode (e-mode). Till the CBS system transits to that e-mode, banks and post offices may choose to issue a physical certificate recorded on a passbook.

2. The serial numbers based on the new pattern allotted to the banks and the Department of Posts (DoP) with respect to KVP and NSC were detailed in the said OM. It is intimated that while issuing the certificate from 01.04.2016, Banks and Post Offices may use notification having G.S.R. No. 353 (E) dated 29.3.2016 for Kisan Vikas Patra and notification having G.S. R. No. 354 (E) dated 29.3.2016 for National Savings Certificate. It is intimated that these notifications are available on egazette.nic.in.
(Sigy Thomas Vaidhyan)
Deputy Secretary (Budget)
Authority: www.finmin.nic.in

Friday, 19 February 2016

Loans and Advances by the Central Government – Interest rates and other terms and conditions

Loans and Advances by the Central Government – Interest rates and other terms and conditions

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
New Delhi, the 3rd February, 2016
Subject:- Loans and Advances by the Central Government – Interest rates and other terms and conditions.

Reference this Ministry’s Office Memorandum F.No.5(3)-B(PD)2014 dated 29th December, 2014 on the captioned subject.

2. The lending rates, categories and conditions prescribed in the
aforesaid Office Memorandum have been reviewed. The revised rates of interest, categories and conditions as given in the Table below, would be applicable from 1st April, 2015 and till the time these are reviewed:

S.No Category of borrower & type of loan Interest rate per cent per annum
1. State Governments:* 8.50
2. Union Territory Governments (with Legislature):

(i) Loans upto 1 year and EAP loan 8.50

(ii) Other Loans 9.00
3. Industrial and Commercial Undertakings in the Public Sector and Cooperatives.

(i) Investment loans # -

(ii) Working Capital loans and loans to meet Cash losses # -

(iii) Loans for implemantation of VRS in sick PSUs 10.00
4. Financial institutions in the Public Sector, Port Trusts, KVIC, NHAI, Municipal Corporation of Delhi,Commodity Boards, Social Service Institutions, Individuals, etc. @
5. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) 9.50
* Loans to State Government would be under EAP loans only. For Ways & Means loans, State Govts. have access to RBI window. In case any State has any specific contingent requirement, the proposal would be considered on case specific basis by Budget Division.

# The window of investment and working capital loan to CPSUs from Government of India in general, is hereby closed. CPSUs, in general, are hardly having debt and hence should raise debt from market or from banks. Only if CPSU is justified as significant from ‘Strategic’/ ‘Security’ angle, banks refuse loan to it and it has no real assets including land, to monetise, would loan be extended to it at 11% with the prior approval of Budget Division. However, wherever Investment and Working Capital loan has already been extended to CPSUs in 2015-16, the rate of interest would be at 11.50% and 13.50% respectively.

@The window pertaining to loans to Financial Institutions in the Public Sector, Port Trusts, KVIC, NHAI, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, National Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC), Commodity Boards, Social Service Institutions, Individuals etc. in general, is hereby closed seeing the offtake under this in last 3 financial years. However, if a specific case still comes in future, it
would be examined by the Budget Division, DEA on merits of that case.

3. The terms, including interest rate of loans to Foreign Governments may be settled in consultation with Budget Division. Terms for on-lending of funds under externally aided projects should be in accordance with the prescribed pattern. In case, deviation is considered necessary, Budget Division should be consulted.
4. The interest rates prescribed above assume timely repayments and interest payments and hence no further rebate in rates is to be allowed for timely payments.

(a) The loan sanctioning authority should meticulously follow the instructions contained in General Financial Rules, 2005 (GFR 2005), particularly, rules framed under Chapter 9 (II-LOANS) of GFR, 2005, while sanctioning loans to various entities as stipulated therein.

(b) The instructions issued from time to time have been reviewed and are set out in the following paragraphs for facility of reference.
Click to read more: Finmin.nic.in

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Government of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCoS)

Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Government of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCoS)

Clarification on revised comprehensive guidelines/instructions on foreign visit by officers of Government of India

No. 4(4)/E.Coord/2015
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated 25th January, 2016.

Subject: Instructions for processing foreign visits of officers of the Government of India for approval of Screening Committee of Secretaries (SCoS).

This Department has been receiving references seeking clarification on certain issues with reference to this Department’s OM of even number dated 05-01-2016 on the above subject. Accordingly the following clarification is issued
a) Approval of SCoS is not required in case of foreign visits of upto Joint Secretary level officers as part of foreign training component, Mid-Career Training Programme (MCTP) or any other training, irrespective of number of members and days”.

b) The provision of seeking approval of Cabinet Secretary for condoning delay in submission of proposals sent less than 15 days before the date of departure of delegation has been done away with.

c) Calculation of number of foreign visits in respect of any officer will be with reference to calendar year.
(N. Radhakrishnan)
Director (E. Coord)
Source: www.finmin.nic.in

Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th CPC – Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments will be held on 2.2.2016

Implementation of the recommendations of the 7th CPC – Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments will be held on 2.2.2016

Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments – implementation of the recommendations of the 7th CPC – Issues on way ahead

F.No.1-1/2016- IC
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, 29.1.2016
Meeting Notice

Subject : Meeting of Nodal officers of various Departments – implementation of the recommendations of the 7th CPC – Issues on way ahead.

In order to process the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission, the Cabinet has approved setting up of an Empowered Committee of Secretaries chaired by the Cabinet Secretary. Accordingly, the ECOS has been set up as per this Ministry’s OM No.1-4/2015/EIII-A dt. 27.1.2016 (copy placed on the website of this Ministry, viz, www.finmin.nic.in).

2. As provided in the said OM dt. 27.1.2016, the Implementation Cell created in this Ministry shall work as the Secretariat for the ECOS.

3. This Ministry has already requested all the Ministries/Departments vide DO letter No.1-4/2015/EIII.A dt. 21.11.2015 from JS(Pers) addressed to all the Secretaries to nominate a nodal officer at the level of a Joint Secretary to interact with the Implementation Cell during the curse of processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC.

4. Accordingly, Joint Secretary (Implementation Cell) shall take a meeting of all the Nodal Officers of the Ministries/Departments on 2.2.2016 at 11 .00 a.m. in Conference Hall (R. No. 72), North Block, New Delhi to discuss the relevant issues in connection with the processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC and to concretise the points of action pertaining to all the Ministries/Departments in general and also in regard to specific issues concerning individual Ministries/Departments with a view to enabling an effective, holistic and quicker processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC and for submission of the matter before the ECOS.

5. As this is the first meeting of the Nodal Officers to formulate the action points on the way ahead on processing of the recommendations of the 7th CPC, it is requested that the concerned nodal officers may kindly make it
convenient to attend the meeting.
(Amar Nath Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
All the nodal officers of Ministries/Departments, as per list attached.

Authority: www.finmin.nic.in

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