A complete reference blog for Indian Government Employees

Showing posts with label Jammu & Kashmir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jammu & Kashmir. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Fixation of pay of an employee appointed on or after 01.01.2006 in the Grade of 4280 (PR) - J&K

Fixation of pay of an employee appointed on or after 01.01.2006 in the Grade of 4280 (PR) - J&K


Civil Secretariat, Srinagar/Jammu
O.M. No. A/35 (09)-560
Dated: 16 -08-2018

Subject:- Fixation of pay in respect of employees appointed on or after 01.01.2006 in the Grade of 4280 (PR).

Doubts have been expressed by various quarters regarding fixation of pay of an employee appointed to the post carrying Grade Pay of 4210,4220,4240,4260 and 4280 in PB-3- 9300-34800 (PR), on or after 01.01.2006 in terms of SRO 266 of 2009 dated 31.08.2009 read with SRO 42 of 2011.

The issue has been examined in the Finance Department and it has been observed that consequent to notification of Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services (Revised) Pay Rules, 2009 vide SRO 93 of 2009 dated 15.04.2009, the pre-revised pay scales of 5000-8000, 5150-8300, 5500­9000,5600-9100, 5700-10100 and 6500-10500 were clubbed into single PB-2 - 9300-34800 (PR) with common Grade Pay of 4200. This created practical impediments in making appointments to various posts under these pre-revised pay scales/ Grade Pays, particularly in making promotions both functional or in-situ from one Grade Pay to another within the scales so clubbed. The promotion within these scales would mean nothing except change of designation.

In order to overcome the bottlenecks coming in the way of making appointments or promotions in these pre-revised scales, Grade Pays of 4210,4220,4240,4260 and 4280 were introduced to pave way for promotion from one post to another scale.

Accordingly, it is clarified that the newly incorporated Grade Pays viz 4210,4220,4240,4260 and 4280 under SRO 42 of 2011 are applicable to all employees in the revised pay structure, but as far as the applicability of ready reckoner attached to said SRO is concerned, same is relevant for pay revision of employees who have been appointed before 01.01.2006, and were holding these posts on 01.01.2006 to arrive at their revised pay on 01.01.2006 in the revised pay structure in accordance with Rule 7 of J&K Civil Services (Revised) Pay Rules, 2009.

It is also clarified that SRO 42 of 2011 is not an amendment to Rule (8) of Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services (Revised) Pay Rules, 2009, prescribing fixation of pay of direct entrants to Government service on or after 01.01.2006, but is an insertion/ substitution of new Grade Pays in Section-I of first schedule attached to Jammu & Kashmir Civil Services (Revised) Pay Rules, 2009 against S.Nos 11 to 16 of Pay Band-2.
(M. R. Andrabi)
Director General (Codes),
Finance Department.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Jammu and Kashmir : Biometric Attendance System - Compulsory for all employees

Jammu and Kashmir : Biometric Attendance System - Compulsory for all employees

Government of Jammu and Kashmir
Civil Secretariat Finance Department

Subject: Biometric Attendance System - Compulsory for all employees.

Government Order No: 288-F of 2018 Dated; 22-06-2018

In order to ensure punctuality in the Government Offices/ Establishments, it has been decided to immediately implement Biometric Attendance System with immediate effect. Accordingly, the following directions are issued for strict compliance by all concerned:

2. For all Government employees/ persons drawing salary, wages, honorarium etc.
a) No salary or wages would be drawn in favour of the Government employees of any category for the month of June 2018 onwards unless they have enrolled themselves in Biometric System (Aadhar not mandatory).

b) The above applies also to all the PSU employees, Contractual/ consolidated/ casual workers or any other type of persons drawing wages in any form from the public exchequer.

c) It will be the duty of the concerned DDOs to ensure enrolment before 30th June, 2018 and furnish a certificate for the same along the Salary / Wage Bill presented in the Treasury, without which the Treasury Officers are directed not to entertain any Salary( Wage bill.

d) From 22nd June, 2018 onwards, the marking of attendance in the system would be compulsory for all categories of employees and wage earners. Only after the scrutiny of monthly attendance, the DDOs would prepare Salary/Wage bill and certificate would accordingly be furnished alonwith the bill to the Treasuries concerned.

e) The Administrative Secretaries/ HoDs/DDOs of various Departments/Corporations shall ensure installations of desktop based (low cost) Biomatric Attendance System/
Machines in their respective offices at an earliest by purchasing the same at DGS&D rates or through GeM Portal out of OE/ ‘Machinery and Equipment’ Head.

f) Information Technology Department and NIC Centres in each district are directed to provide necessary guidance and support for its implementation.
3. All officers/ employees are also directed not to leave their place of posting either on tour or for personal reasons without written permission from their respective Heads of offices. Any violation thereof will automatically attract disciplinary proceedings.

4. All Administrative Secretaries and HoDs within their Departments and Deputy Commissioners in their respective jurisdictions shall be responsible for full compliance of the above instructions.

By Order of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
(Navin K. Choudhary), IAS
Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Jammu & Kashmir - Civil Services Regulations : Amendment

Jammu & Kashmir - Civil Services Regulations : Amendment
Jammu, the 24th April, 2018.
SRO- 194.- In exercise of powers conferred under section 124 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, the Governor is pleased to direct that the following amendments shall be made in the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services Regulations, namely:

In the said regulations:
1. The following shall be inserted as Note 2 below Article 27(aa) and the existing Note will be re-numbered as Note 1:-

Note 2:
The term “Basic Pay” w.e.f 01-01-2016 shall mean the pay drawn in the prescribed Level in the Pay Matrix, but does not include any other type of pay like special pay, etc.

2. The following shall be inserted as proviso below Article 32:-
Provided that with effect from 01-01-2016, Pay means the pay drawn by a Government servant in the Level of the Pay Matrix as defined in the Jammu & Kashmir Civil Service (Revised) Pay Rules, 2018.

3. The following shall be inserted as Article 240-A (VII) below Article 240 -A(VI):
240-A (VII):

Notwithstanding anything contained in Article 240-A (VI) with regard to fixation of pension and maximum limit thereof, the amount of superannuation, special, retiring, compensation and invalid pension in respect of Government servants who opt for revised pay levels w.e.f. 01-01-2016 and retire on or after 01-01-2016 and have rendered the minimum qualifying service of 28 years, shall be calculated at 50% of emoluments last drawn subject to a minimum of Rs. 9000 per month (excluding the element of additional pension)and a a maximum up to 50% of the highest pay in the Govt., i.e.Rs.1,12,500. The pension of Government servants, who at the time of retirement have rendered qualifying service of 10 years or more but less than 28 years, will be in such proportion of the maximum admissible pension as the qualifying service rendered by them bears to maximum qualifying service of 28 years.

Provided that the amount of superannuation, special, retiring, compensation and invalid pension in respect of Government servants who opt for revised pay levels of 01-01-2016 and retire on or after 28-04-2017 and have rendered the minimum qualifying service of 20 years, shall be calculated at 50% of emoluments last drawn subject to a minimum of Rs.9000 per month (excluding the element of additional pension) and a maximum up to 50% of the highest pay in the Govt., i.e. n,12,500. The pension of Government servants, who at the time of retirement have rendered qualifying service of 10 years or more but less than 20 years, will be in such proportion of the maximum admissible pension as the qualifying service rendered by them bears to maximum qualifying service of 20 years.
Provided further that the Government servants, who have retired on or after 01-01-2016 up to 31-03-2018 in the pre-revised Pay Scales/ Pay Bands, shall be deemed to have actually drawn the emoluments in the revised Pay Levels for determination of Pension.

With effect from 01-01-2016, full pension (i.e. pension earned by rendition of not less than the minimum qualifying service prescribed for full pension) of all the pensioners irrespective of date of their retirement shall not be less than 50% of the minimum of the pay applicable in the revised pay levels. The pension shall be sanctioned with reference to total qualifying service for pension rendered by the Government employee.

Where pension has been provisionally sanctioned in cases occurring on or after 01-01-2016, the same shall be revised in terms of these rules. In case where the pension has been finally sanctioned under the pre-revised rules and if it happens to be more beneficial than the pension becoming due under this rule, the pension already sanctioned shall not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner.
4. The following shall be added as sub-rule (c) below Article 240- BB.

In the event of death in harness on or after 01-01-2016, the rates of payment of death Gratuity shall be as under:
Jammu & Kashmir - Civil Services Regulations

5. The following shall be added as Note 8 below Article 240-BB:
With effect from 01-01-2016, the maximum limit of the Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity shall be Rs. 20.00 lakh. The ceiling on DCRG will increase by 25% whenever the Dearness Allowance rises by 50% of the basic pay.

Provided that the Government employees who have retired/died on 01-01-2016 or may retire/die thereafter, the ‘Emoluments’ for Death¬cum-Retirement Gratuity shall mean basic pay as defined in the Note 2 below Article 27(aa) and dearness allowance as admissible on the date of retirement.
Provided that w.e.f 01-01-2016, the term ‘Emoluments’ for the purpose of calculating various pensionery benefits other than ‘Retirement/Death Gratuity’ in respect of Government servants who may retire or die while in service shall mean “Basic Pay” as defined in the Note 2 below Article 27(aa)of these Regulations.

In respect of the Government servants, who have elected to continue to draw pay in the pre-revised scale of pay/ Pay Band in terms of Rule 5 of the Jammu and Kashmir Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2018 and may retire or die while in service on or after 01-01-2016, the pension shall be calculated in accordance with the Rules in force immediately before the commencement of these rules.

6. The following shall be inserted as a proviso Rule 20-(A) in Family Pension -cum-Gratutiy Rules (Schedule XV):
Provided that w.e.f 01-01-2016, the term "Basic Pay", for purpose of family pension rules, shall mean basic pay as defined in the Note 2 below Article 27(aa).

7. The following shall be inserted as proviso 4 below Rule 20(BB) of Family Pension-cum-Gratuity Rules, 1964(Schedule XV):

Provided that the family pension in respect of the Govt. servants who may retire or die while in service on or after 01-01-2016 shall be computed at a uniform rate of 30% of Basic Pay in all cases and shall be subject to the minimum of Rs.9000/- PM and maximum of 30% of the highest pay in the Govt. i.e. Rs.1,12,500.

However, there will be no change in the rates of enhanced family pension in terms of Rule 20 of these Rules.

By the order of Governor of Jammu and Kashmir.

(Navin K. Choudhary), IAS,
Principal Secretary to Government,
Finance Department.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 : Relaxation to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir.

Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988 : Relaxation to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir.


Attention is invited to the DoPT O.M. No.31011/7/2014-Estt.(A-IV) dated 13th January 2017 wherein it is stated that Facility to travel on LTC by private airlines to Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) under the special dispensation scheme was allowed for a period of one year. This facility ended w.e.f.28.11.2015 and was re-introduced on 01.06.2016. It has been decided to allow the claims of those Government employees who had travelled by private airlines to Jammu & Kashmir on LTC during the gap period of 28.11.2015 - 31.05.2016. This shall be subject to the condition that tickets have been booked through the authorized modes and at LTC-80 fare or less and other conditions perscribed in DoPT’s O.M. No.31011/7/2014-Estt.(A-IV) dated 28.11.2014.

Kindly ensure maximum/wide publicity of the above points within your jurisdiction for effecting compliance.
Asstt.Controller of Accounts (Fys.)
Authority: http://pcafys.nic.in/

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC

Facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC

To boost the tourism in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the Government has decided to extend the facility to travel by any airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir on LTC, under Special Dispensation Scheme for Central Government employees, for a period of two years beyond 25.09.2016.


Monday, 6 June 2016

Bye Election to fill the casual vacancy from 40 – Anantnag in the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir – Grant of Paid Holiday to employees on the day of poll

Bye Election to fill the casual vacancy from 40 – Anantnag in the Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir – Grant of Paid Holiday to employees on the day of poll

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Establishment (JCA-2) Section
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 6th June, 2016
Subject: Bye Election to fill the casual vacancy from 40 – Anantnag in the
Legislative Assembly of Jammu & Kashmir – Grant of Paid Holiday to employees on the day of poll -regarding

The undersigned is directed to say that in connection with the Bye Election to
fill the casual vacancy from 40 – Anantnag in the Legislative Assembly of Jammu
& Kashmir – Grant of Paid Holiday – to be held on 19th June, 2016, the following guidelines, already issued by DOPT vide OM No. 12/ 14/99-JCA dated 10th October 2001, which would have to be followed for closing of the Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments in the State of Jammu & Kashmir.
(i) The relevant offices / organizations shall remain closed in the notified areas where Bye Election to the State Legislative Assemblies scheduled to be conducted.
(ii) In connection with bye-elections to State Assembly, only such of the employees who are bona fide voters in the relevant constituency should be granted special casual leave on the day of polling. Special Casual leave may also be granted to an employee who is ordinarily a resident of constituency and registered as a voter but employed in any Central Government Organization/ Industrial Establishment located outside the constituency having a general/ bye-election.
2. The employees detailed on election duty may also be permitted to remain away
from their normal duties on polling day(s) as also on the days required for performing journeys which might be undertaken in order to perform such election duty
3. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(K. Salil Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Government Ciruclar

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