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Showing posts with label Upgradation LDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Upgradation LDC. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Upgradation of LDC as Accounts Assistant, Merger of Accounts/Sr. Accountant, GP 5400 to AAO and Projected 7th CPC Pay by NFCCA

Upgradation of LDC as Accounts Assistant, Merger of Accounts/Sr. Accountant, GP 5400 to AAO and Projected 7th CPC Pay by NFCCA.  

Following is the extract of Brief Resume and Decisions of extended Federal Executive Meeting held on 17th & 18th July, 2014 of National Federation of Civil Accounts Association :-

            Initiating the discussion, Secretary General reported about the pay scales devised and recommended by the staff side National Council (JCM) to the 7th CPC. Further,  he stated that as per the demand adopted by the apex JAC necessary documents had been placed before CGA.

The demands are:- 
1. Upgradation LDC as Accounts Assistant with grant of Grade Pay of Rs: 2400/-.
2. Merger of Accountant/Sr. Accountant and grantof Grade Pay of Rs: 4600/-.
3. Grant of Grade Pay of Rs: 5400/- to AAOs.

Accordingly CGA vide letter dated 14.07.2014 recommended to Ministry of Finance to Grade Pay of Rs:- 4600/- to Sr.Accountant and Rs:- 5400/- to AAO with effect from 1.1.2006. 

The apex JAC meeting held on 28th May 2014 reversed its earlier stand and decided to demand following Pay Scales to different categories before the 7th CPC.

1 LDC(Redesignated  as Audit/Accounts Assistant) GP 1900, PB1 GP 2400  PB1 41000
2 Auditor/Accountant -20% GP 2800, PB 1 GP  4200 PB2 56000
3 Sr. Auditor/Accountant - 80% & Stenographer Gr. I/Steno Gr. II (P. S.) GP 4200, PB 2 GP 4600 PB2 66000
4 Sr. Auditor/Sr Accountant- on completion of 4 years GP 4800 PB 2 74000
5 Asstt. Audit/Accounts Officer/ Supervisor/ Sr. Private Secretary & DivisionalAccountant (35% existing & reduce to 20% for DA Cadre) GP 4800, PB 2 GP 5400 PB2 78000
6 AAO Grade II on completion of 4 years /Divisional Accounts Officer Gr II (25%) - GP 5400, PB3 88000
7 Audit/Accounts Officer (20%)/DAO Gr I (25%) GP 5400, PB2 GP 6600P B3 102000
8 Sr. Audit/Accounts Officer (80%)/DAO (15% existing & enhance to 30% for DA Cadre) GP 5400,   PB 3 GP  7600  PB 3 120000
It was also reported by the Secretary General to the house that the representatives of NFCAA held repeated dialogue over this matter with the leaders of other constituent of apex JAC, but there could not be any common understanding.
            On this agenda item, 26 (twenty six) Federal Executive members took part in the discussion. 25 members were of the opinion that the earlier stand of merger of Accountant and Senior Accountant was most justified and reasonable. Merger would be more beneficial and carrer boosting for all cadres of Civil Accounts Organization as a whole.
            However, after hours long discussion, following decisions were taken by the meeting
1. A resolution shall be forwarded to CGA conveying the resentment against forwarding the half hearted proposal of cadre restructuring to Ministry of Finance and that too without taking the Associations into confidence. In the same resolution it shall also be demanded to make suitable recommendations for rest of the cadres.
2. In the National Convention of Accounts and Audit Employees on 19th July 2014, the representatives of AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II would unitedly place their views with regard to merger of Accountant and Senior Accountant and also plead for taking this approach before 7th CPC by the apex level JAC. 
However, in case the proposal is not accepted in the convention, the AICAEA and AICAEA Cat-II shall obey the majority decision of the National convention so that total unity among the officers and employees and officers of Accounts and Audit departments is maintained.
            Secretary General informed that, so far as departmental memorandum for submission to 7CPC in concerned, draft of the same was circulated to all seeking suggestions and proposals from Federal Executive members, Branches and even individuals. Further, Presidents and Secretary General of both Associations and President NFCAA are Co-ordinating among each other on this matter.
            The meeting observed that the discussion on this item of agenda had already taken place while discussing the previous agenda. It was therefore decided that, the memorandum shall be finalized after finalization of the approach taken by the National Convention of Accounts and Audit Employees and Officers Organization on 19thJuly 2014. The meeting also directed Presidents and Secretary Generals of both AICAEA and AICEA Cat-II to finalize the memorandum.
To Read full click here
#7th CPC, #Upgradation LDC, #Grade Pay, #Merger of Accountant, #Grant of Grade Pay, #CGA, #LDC, #NFCCA, #7th CPC memorandum, #AICAEA

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