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Showing posts with label Loco Inspectors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loco Inspectors. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Pay element relating to Running Staff/Loco Inspectors after the recommendations of Seventh CPC

Pay element relating to Running Staff/Loco Inspectors after the recommendations of Seventh CPC
New Delhi,
The General Manager,
Metro Railway,

Sub : Pay element relating to Running Staff/Loco Inspectors after the recommendations of Seventh CPC.

Please refer to your letter no. MRTS/E.345/0/12/Pt.IV/Misc dt. 05.05.2017 requesting a clarification about the percentage of pay element to be reckoned for the purpose of computation of pensionary benefits in respect of Loco Inspectors. This issue has also been raised by GS/NFIR in his letter no. IV/RSAC/Conf/Pt. VIII dt. 15.09.2017.

2. Loco Inspectors are entitled to 30% add-on pay element for retirement benefits as per paragraph no. 5.5 of Board’s letter no. E(P&A)II/83/RS-10(iv) dt. 25.11.1992 which has not been amended as yet. It is clarified that the pay element (presently 30% until further orders) has to be reckoned in the revised pay structure of Seventh CPC for calculation of pensionary benefits of Loco Inspectors.

3. In this connection it is noted that many retired Loco Inspectors, even after getting the benefit of 30% add-on pay element at the time of pay fixation as Loco Inspectors, have gone to Courts of Law claiming 55% pay element for pensionary benefits equating themselves to the running staff. It is reiterated that Loco Inspectors are not classified as running staff and therefore are not entitled to 55% pay element for pensionary benefits. This fact may be conveyed to such Loco Inspectors while calculating their pensionary benefits.

4.This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(Salim Md. Ahmed)
Deputy Director/E(P&A)II,
Railway Board


Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Replacement of 6th CPC GP i.r.o. Sr. SE & Loco Pilots, Stepping up of Pay i.r.o. Loco Inspectors, Upgradation of Post: Discussed in Meeting with Chairman,Railway Board on 29.05.2017

Replacement of 6th CPC GP i.r.o. Sr. SE & Loco Pilots, Stepping up of Pay i.r.o. Loco Inspectors, Upgradation of Post: Discussed in Meeting with Chairman,Railway Board on 29.05.2017

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Meeting with CRB

(a) Agreed decisions not implemented:
(i) Replacement of 6th CPC GP Rs. 4600 (PB-2) with GP 4800 (PB- 2) for Sr. Section Engineers and other Inspectorial/Supervisory Officials in the Railways.
(ii) Replacement of 6th CPC GP 4200/- PB-2 (with GP 4600/- PB-2) in respect of Loco Pilots (Mail/Exp).
(iii) Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors inducted to prior 01/01/2006 on remaining 6 1/2 Zones in Indian Railways.
(iv) Upgradation of Apex Group 'C' posts to Group 'B' (Gaz).

(b) Contentious issues:
(i) Induction of Course Completed Act Apprentices in the railways in Safety category vacancies in GP 1800/-.
(ii) Absorption of staff working in Quasi Administrative units/offices in Railways - Restoration of policy decisions of 1973 & 1977 (which were arbitrarily cancelled in the year 1997).
(iii) Inter Railway request transfer cases of former Defence Forces Personnel re-employed in Railways and also applications of widows/widowers - Exemption from 5 years minimum service condition - GS/NFIR's letter No. II/14/Part VII dated 23/02/2017 to Hon'ble MR.

(c) Vacancies in Railways:
Staff over-burdened due to heavy vacancy position, particularly in safety and public image categories system suffering badly.
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (N.F.I.R.)
No. II/95/Pt.X
Dated 30/05/2017
President & General Secretary/NFIR met CRB on 29/05/2017 and discussed the above issues & urged upon him to intervene for satisfactory redressal.
C/-10/2012 (DC), 16/2009 (DC).
C/- 36/1998 (PNM)
Media Centre/NFIR
(Dr M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Pay element in the case of Loco Inspectors - 30% addition to 7th CPC pay matrix for retirement benefits

Pay element in the case of Loco Inspectors - 30% addition to 7th CPC pay matrix for retirement benefits
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen

Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers Federation (ITF)
No-IV/RSAC/Conf./Pt. VII
Dated: 08/02/2017
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Sub: Pay element in the case of Loco Inspectors - 30% addition to 7th CPC pay matrix for retirement benefits - reg.

Ref: (i) NFIR's demand in the Board PNM meeting held on 22nd & 23rd December, 2016 for continuance of 55% & 30% pay element on 7th CPC pay matrix levels.

(ii)Railway Board' s letter No.E(P&A)II-2015/RS-25 dated 24/01/2017.

Pursuant to NFIR's references and discussions held in the Railway Board PNM meeting on 22nd and 23rd December, 2016, the Railway Board vide letter dated 24/01/2017 has issued instructions to the GMs of Zonal Railways to reckon add-on pay element of 55% on 7th CPC pay matrix levels for calculation of emoluments for the purpose of retirement benefits and 30% for other purposes to the running staff as per IREM provisions and extant instructions.

In the above context, NFIR brings to the notice of the Railway Board that in terms of the extant instructions (Railway Board's letter No.E(P&A)II/83/RS-10(IV) dated 25/11/1992) contained in para 5.5 of Board's letter dated 25/11/1992, the running staff deployed as Loco Inspectors are entitled for 30% addition to their basic pay for the purpose of pensionary benefits. Those Loco Inspectors retired/retiring w.e.f. January 2016 are required to be granted retirement benefits with 30% add on to their pay in the 7th CPC pay matrix level, but, however in the absence of Railway Board's instructions, some Zonal Railways are entertaining doubts and denying benefit of 30%o on revised pay matrix.

NFIR, therefore, requests the Railway Board to issue suitable clarification to the Zonal Railways to ensure 30% addition to the 7th CPC pay matrix of Loco Inspectors for payment of retiral benefits similar to running staff for whom 55% addition is allowed. A copy of the instruction issued may be endorsed to the Federation.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr M.Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source: NFIR

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Court Cases relating to demand of Loco Inspectors for reckoning of pay element of 55% at the time of retirement

Court Cases relating to demand of Loco Inspectors for reckoning of pay element of 55% at the time of retirement.


New Delhi, dated 22.03.2016.

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways.

Sub: Court Cases relating to demand of Loco Inspectors for reckoning of pay element of 55% at the time of retirement.

Kindly refer to this office letter of even no. dated 17-02-2016 on the above subject whereby it was informed that SLP against the verdict dated 09-Io-2015 of Hon‘ble High Court of Delhi in the matter of UOI Vs. Sh. Kishan Lal Sharma has been filed before the Hon‘ble Supreme court of India. In this connection, it is stated that the SLP has been converted to Civil Appeal 3110 of 2016. The matter was last heard on 18-03-2016 and upon hearing the Hon’ble Supreme Court had made the following order:-

“Delay condoned.
Mr.Satya Mitra Garg, Adv. accepts notice on behalf of all the respondents.
Leave granted.
Hearing expedited.
There shall be stay of the operation of the impugned judgment until further orders.”

2. It is advised that if any similar issue is pending before any Court of Law on your Railway, the above position may be brought to their notice. A copy of the said order may be downloaded from the website of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. It is requested to take adequate care to defend and assign similar case, if any, to an SAG level officer for proper monitoring and follow up. The status of such cases may be informed to this office from time to time.

DA: As above
(Salim Md. Ahmed)
Deputy Director, E(P&A)II
Railway Board

Source: indianrailways.gov.in

Thursday, 23 July 2015

NFIR Filling up the posts of Loco Inspectors.

NFIR Filling up the posts of Loco Inspectors.

No. 2014/M(L)/467/3 Pt
New Delhi, dated 20.07.2015
Chief Mechanical Engineers,
All Indian Railways.

SUB: Filling up the posts of Loco Inspectors.

While reviewing the running staff and supervisors’ position, it is observed that about 27% of Loco Inspectors (LIs) are lying vacant as on 01.04.2015. Railways which are having vacancies more than IR average of 26.3%, are ECR (52.3%), NCR (39.1%), WR (33.1%), NFR (33.0%) and NR (29.2%).

As the vacancies of LIs are adversely affecting the smooth train operation in Zonal Railways, it is advised that all Zonal Railways should take necessary action expeditiously for filling up of the vacancies of LIs and Should submit a report on action taken in this regard, to this office by 17.08.2015.
(Vivek Kumar)
Exec. Director Mech. Engg. (Tr.)
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

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