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Showing posts with label Loco Pilots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loco Pilots. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

NFIR's protest against Railway Board's proposal for making Detonators as part of personal safety equipment of Asst. Loco Pilots

Registration No. : RTU/ Nnn/31/2012


National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to :
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF)
No. IV/RSAC/2018
Date: 03.05.2019.
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,
Sir, NFIR's protest against Railway Board's proposal for making Detonators as part of personal safety equipment of Asst. Loco Pilots - Reg.

Ref: Railway Board's Letter No. 2019/ Safety (A&R) /19/07 dated 18.04.2019.

Pursuant to the proposal of Northern Railway, the Railway Board have since sent communication to all the General Managers seeking views for making provision of Detonators as part of personal safety equipment of Asst.Loco Pilots vide Railway Board's letter dated 18.04.2019. While protesting against the arbitrary proposal of the Railway Board, the Federation places below valid points for review.
i) At present, the items/ tools being carried by ALP in his personal bag are:

Tri-colour Torch, Red and Green Flags, Working time table(s). Apart from ALP also required to carry one set of additional dress / uniform, night dress, bathroom slippers, water bottle, lunch box, trouble shooting directory etc.

Now, if detonator box is included in personal luggage, then weight of bag will increase and cause difficulty to carry while walking from crew lobby to running room and also in major yards.

(ii) Besides the above, the other complications which would arise if detonators are made part of personal equipments of Asst.Loco Pilots are furnished below:
a) As per G&SR 3.64.1 (b), the Railway Administration shall be responsible for the supply, renewal, periodical testing and safe custody of such detonators and for ensuring that their usage needs to be understood properly.

b) The detonators are explosive material, therefore to carry them in public places such as platforms circulating area etc., could be treated as violation of Anns and Explosive Act.

c) Most of the major stations are provided with metal detectors to ensure safety of public. If Assistant Loco Pilot carries detonators in his personal luggage, it would be objected by Security Personnel.

d) It will also be risky for Assistant Loco Pilots to keep detonators at their residence as it would be impossible for ALP to continuously guard detonator box during his HQ stay.

e) During Pilot/ Spare movement, ALP cannot keep detonators with him in view of the fact that carrying explosives in passenger trains is prohibited.
In view of the above, NFIR urges upon the Railway Board to kindly cancel the Railway Board's proposal dated 18.04.2019.
Yours faithfully,
General Secretary
Copy to the Executive Director (Safety), Railway Board, New Delhi
Copy to the Executive Director (IR), Railway Board, New Delhi
Copy to the General Secretaries of Zonal Unions of NFIR
Copy to the Media Centre/ NFIR.

Source: NFIR

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Guiding norms for imposition of punishment on Loco Pilots/ Assistant Loco Pilots in cases of Passing Signals at Danger (SPAD) - NFIR's suggestions for further relaxation


No. II/34/2018
Dated: 26/03/2018
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Guiding norms for imposition of punishment on Loco Pilots/ Assistant Loco Pilots in cases of Passing Signals at Danger (SPAD) - NFIR's suggestions for further relaxation - reg.

Ref: Railway Board's Letter No.2017/Safety (A&R)/18/11 dated 08.01.2018

While appreciating and thanking the Railway Board for their deep analysis and thorough study on the subject of "Guidelines for minimum punishment to be imposed for LPs/ALPs, in cases of SPAD", which has resulted in issuance of revised instructions vide Board’s letter no. cited above (i.e. dated 8.1.2018), duly taking into account the inputs given by NFIR vide its letter No. II/34/Part.17 dated 04.01.2018 (also taking cognizance of NFIRs Charter of Demands - SPAD Definition to be reviewed to prevent harassment and victimization of Running and Safety categories' staff -Item No. 30, on which Strike Notice was served), the Federation places its views on the revised instructions as below for appropriate review:-

NFIR's views:

I. Para 1.1, condition 1.1.1
i) For Loco Pilots:- Reduction may be done to the next lower stage of pay level instead of reducing as LP/ Shunter for a period of one year and he may be put to work as Co-Pilot. wherever possible.
ii) For Assistant Loco Pilots, the prescribed punishment may further be relaxed.
iii) NFIR suggests that SPAD cases involving IBSS (Intermediate Block Stop Signal), may be brought under the provision of this condition (1.1.1), since as per General Rules of 1976, Rule no.3.11, Intermediate Block Stop signal is the Home signal provided at an Intermediate Block post. In the present order, it is classified under condition 1.2.

II. Para 1.1, condition 1.1.2 & Para 1.2:
In this condition, the stipulation of capital punishment of "Removal or Compulsory retirement from service", where entirely due to neglect of loco pilot, may be relaxed for imposing any other punishment.

III. Para 1.3, condition 1.3.1 & 1.3.2
i) For Loco Pilots:- Reduction may be done to the next lower pay, instead of reducing as LP/ Shunter for a period of one year.
ii) For Assistant Loco Pilots, the prescribed punishment may further be relaxed
IV. Para 1.5
In this condition, the penalty of capital punishment of Removal or Compulsory retirement from service, whei-e entirely due to neglect of loco pilot, may be further relaxed and any other punishment may be prescribed.

V. Para 2.0
Punishment for Assistant Loco Pilot, shall not be at par with Loco Pilot, unless otherwise serious dereliction of duty is proved.

VI. Para 6.0
Separate representation has already been sent on Para 6.0 vide NFIR letter No. II /34 /Pt. dated 06.03.2018, which may be considered.

VII. Para 9.0
A review of previous two years cases be allowed to be undertaken and accordingly Board's instructions dated 08/01/2018 be modified.

Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah),
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Replacement of 6th CPC GP i.r.o. Sr. SE & Loco Pilots, Stepping up of Pay i.r.o. Loco Inspectors, Upgradation of Post: Discussed in Meeting with Chairman,Railway Board on 29.05.2017

Replacement of 6th CPC GP i.r.o. Sr. SE & Loco Pilots, Stepping up of Pay i.r.o. Loco Inspectors, Upgradation of Post: Discussed in Meeting with Chairman,Railway Board on 29.05.2017

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Meeting with CRB

(a) Agreed decisions not implemented:
(i) Replacement of 6th CPC GP Rs. 4600 (PB-2) with GP 4800 (PB- 2) for Sr. Section Engineers and other Inspectorial/Supervisory Officials in the Railways.
(ii) Replacement of 6th CPC GP 4200/- PB-2 (with GP 4600/- PB-2) in respect of Loco Pilots (Mail/Exp).
(iii) Stepping up of pay of Loco Inspectors inducted to prior 01/01/2006 on remaining 6 1/2 Zones in Indian Railways.
(iv) Upgradation of Apex Group 'C' posts to Group 'B' (Gaz).

(b) Contentious issues:
(i) Induction of Course Completed Act Apprentices in the railways in Safety category vacancies in GP 1800/-.
(ii) Absorption of staff working in Quasi Administrative units/offices in Railways - Restoration of policy decisions of 1973 & 1977 (which were arbitrarily cancelled in the year 1997).
(iii) Inter Railway request transfer cases of former Defence Forces Personnel re-employed in Railways and also applications of widows/widowers - Exemption from 5 years minimum service condition - GS/NFIR's letter No. II/14/Part VII dated 23/02/2017 to Hon'ble MR.

(c) Vacancies in Railways:
Staff over-burdened due to heavy vacancy position, particularly in safety and public image categories system suffering badly.
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (N.F.I.R.)
No. II/95/Pt.X
Dated 30/05/2017
President & General Secretary/NFIR met CRB on 29/05/2017 and discussed the above issues & urged upon him to intervene for satisfactory redressal.
C/-10/2012 (DC), 16/2009 (DC).
C/- 36/1998 (PNM)
Media Centre/NFIR
(Dr M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
Source : NFIR

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