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Showing posts with label General Pool Accommodation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General Pool Accommodation. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

llotment of Type VI B [C-1] and Type VI A [C-11] houses of General Pool Residential Accommodation in Delhi to the Secretaries to the Government of India and Secretary equivalent officers and below level officers.

Directorate of Estates issued an OM on allotment of VI B [C-1] and VI A[C-11] Quarters to the Secretaries to the GOI and Secretary Equivalent officers. The decisions taken as dealt in this memorandum will come in to force from 01.04.2015.

Government  of India
Ministry  of Urban  Development
Directorate  of Estates
Nirman  Bhawan,
New Delhi-110  108.
Dated the 9th  March, 2015


Subject:    Allotment of Type VI B [C-1] and Type VI A [C-11] houses of General Pool Residential Accommodation  in Delhi to the  Secretaries to the Government of India and  Secretary  equivalent officers and below level officers.

    The  undersigned  is directed  to  invite  attention  to  the  Directorate  of Estates instructions/guidelines   issued  vide  O.M.No.12035/9/207-Pol.ll dated 31.1.2013 for allotment  of Type VI 8 [C-1]  houses of General Pool Residential Accommodation  in Delhi among Secretaries, Secretary equivalent officers and Chairmen/Members  of Commissions/Tribunals  in the  ratio of  1: 1: 1 and vide OM No.12035/9/97-Pol.ll(Vol.ll) dated 16.1.2003 for allotment of Type VI A [C-11] houses among Secretaries/Secretary equivalent level officers and Chairmen & Members  of  various  Commissions, Tribunals  etc.  in the  ratio  of  1: 1.  The instructions   issued  vide   O.M.No.12035/9/2007-Pol.ll  dated   11.5.2011 also states that no HAG officer will be allotted Type VI A [C-11]  house or Type VI 8 [C-1] house, if an officer in the apex grade is waiting in other lists.

    2. The matter has been reviewed in view of availability of higher types of accommodation  in Commonwealth  Games Village complex  in New Delhi for allotment  and creation of a  separate Chairmen/Members Pool [CM Pool] for Chairmen/Members of Quasi-judicial bodies in Delhi.  The Chairmen/Members of the Commissions/Tribunals  will  be eligible for  residential accommodation from Chairmen/Members [CM] Pool only with effect from 1st April, 2015.

    3. Therefore,   it   has  been  decided   by  the   competent   authority   that allotment of Type VI 8 [C-1] houses of General Pool shall be made in the ratio of 1: 1  among the Secretaries to the Government of India & below level officers and Secretary equivalent  officers  and  below  level officers  with  effect from 1st April, 2015.    The allotment of Type VI A [C-11] houses in General Pool shall be made to  officers  waiting  in the  list of  General Pool and earlier  ratio  is dispensed with effect from 1st April, 2015.

    4. It has come to notice that apex grade officers have been waiting in one list  of  Type  VI 8  [C-1]  while  HAG level or  below  level  officers  are getting accommodation from other list as sufficient number of apex grade officers are not available from  that  list.   Thus, it has created an anomalous  situation  in allotments of Type VI 8 [C-1] accommodation.

    5. The matter has been re-examined by the competent authority and it has been decided that allotments for Type VI B  shall be made to the officers with apex pay scale in the first  instance in these two  categories  irrespective  of availability of units.   Thereafter, the remaining vacancies shall be allotted to Additional  Secretaries to the Government  of  India and Additional  Secretary equivalent level officers, who are not in the apex pay scale, as per the extant ratio.   Moreover, no HAG level officer shall be allotted Type VI B  [C-1]  house while officer with apex pay scale is waiting in any of the lists.

    6. This Office Memorandum supersedes O.M.No.12035/9/2007-Pol.ll dated 11.5.2011and O.M.No.12035/9/2007-Pol.ll dated 31.1.2013.

(Swarnali Banerjee)
Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)
2306 2505


    1. All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India

    2 .Directorate General, CPWD, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi

    3. All Officers/Sections in the Directorate of Estates

    4. All Regional offices of Directorate of Estates/CPWD

    Copy for information to:-

    1. PS to Hon’ble UDM /PS to MoS(UD

    2. PSO to Secretary, MoUD

    3. PPS to JS(L&E)

    4. PS to DE/DE-II

    6. Sr. Technical Director, NIC, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.

    – With the request to upload this OM on the Website of the DoE and make necessary changes in the programme of ASA in e-Awas.

    7. DD(OL)for Hindi translation

    8. Guard File
(K.Dinakar Raj)
Assistant Director of Estates(Policy-11)

Download OM No.12035/9/97-Pol.ll(Vol.lll) issued by Ministry of Urban Development

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Directorate of Estates Orders: Revision of Guidelines for Allotment of Government Accommodation from General Pool to the Political Parties

Directorate of Estates Orders: Revision of Guidelines for Allotment of Government Accommodation from General Pool to the Political Parties

No. 1201 4/2/96- Pol.II (Vol.II)

Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Policy-II Section

Nirman Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110 108.
Dated the 29th August, 2013.


Sub: Revision of guidelines for allotment of government accommodation from General Pool to the Political Parties.

The Directorate of Estates, Ministry of Urban Development had issued the revised guidelines for allotment of government accommodation from general pool to Political parties vide O.M.No.12014/2/96-pol.II dated 20.7.2000. These guidelines have been reviewed by the competent authority and it has been decided to modify para 1 (iii) of the aforesaid O.M. dated 20.7.2000. After modification the revised guidelines shall be as under:

i. The National Political Parties, which have been recognised as such by the Election Commission of India, shall be allowed to retain/secure allotment of one housing unit from General Pool in Delhi for their office use on payment of licence fee under FR 45A i.e. the normal licence fee.

ii. The said accommodation will be provided for a period three years during which the party would acquire a plot of land in an institutional area and will construct its own accommodation for party office.

iii. One residential accommodation would be allotted/allowed to be retained by the Party President of a recognized National Party provided that no other accommodation has been allotted to him / her in another capacity.

iv. The facility of office accommodation will also be given to the State level parties recognised by the Election Commission of India provided it has in the opinion of the Accommodation Committee of Cabinet, adequate representation in Parliament and its case for allotment is approved by the CCA on its merit.

v. The other buildings allotted or in occupation of any political party stand cancelled. However, a period of six months or upto the time the allotment has been made, whichever is earlier would be given to the party to make alternate arrangement and vacate the Government accommodation.

2. This O.M. supersedes the Directorate of Estates O.M.No.12014/2/96-Pol.II dated 20.7.2000.

Deputy Director of Estates (Policy)

Source : www.estates.nic.in

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