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Showing posts with label AILTC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AILTC. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Procedure for availing optional scheme of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) facility for officers/staff working in Board's Office

Procedure for availing optional scheme of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) facility for officers/staff working in Board's Office.
Procedure for availing optional scheme of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) facility for officers/staff working in Board's Office.

भारत सरकार Government of India
रेल मंत्रालय Ministry of Railways
(रेलवे बोर्ड) Railway Board

Office Order No. 104 of 2018 

Sub : Procedure for availing optional scheme of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) facility for officers/staff working in Board's Office. 

Subsequent to IR employees being given AILTC facility on optional basis in accordance with the CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 as per Boards Order No. E(W) 2017/PS5-l/3 dated 10.09.2018, all officers/staff working in Boards office are also eligible to avail AILTC.

2. For availing the facility of AILTC, Officer/Staff working in Board's Office should have rendered four or more years of continuous service on the date of the commencement of the journey. The following guidelines may be adhered to by the applicant for availing AILTC:-
i) Privilege Pass Surrender Certificate (PPSC) may be obtained from 'G Branch by following the prescribed procedure as contained in Boards letter dated 10.09.2018. However, in the first instance before applying for PPSC, the concerned staff should check his/her eligibility for availing AILTC.
ii) Leave of any type may be applied for and a declaration/advance intimation letter as per proforma enclosed at Annexure-I intending to avail AILTC may be submitted to the concerned Establishment Branch (ERB-I, ERB-II & ERB-V) along with original copy of PPSC issued by 'G' Branch.
iii) In case, AILTC advance is required, a separate request may be submitted as per prescri bed proforma enclosed at Annexure-II to the concerned ERB section ( ERB-I, II & V) in addition to submission of self-declaration/advance intimation letter. AILTC advance is to be applied 65 days (in case of Air travel) or 125 days ( in case of train travel) before the proposed date of outward journey and within ten days of the drawal of advance, the concerned employee is to produce tickets, irrespective of the date of commencement of the journey.
iv) LTC advance upto 90% of the estimated fare would be sanctioned.
v) In case, an employee performs journey without intimation and submission of original PPSC to the concerned ERB section, claim for reimbursement under AILTC would not be entertained.
vi) Subsequent to performing the journey related to AILTC, necessary claims for reimbursement /difference of expenditure ( in case of advance) may be submitted directly to respective Cash-I/II/III Sections as per enclosed proforma at Annexure-III for final settlement with all necessary required document.
vii) LTC claim as per Annexure-III is to be submitted within three months of completion of return journey, if no advance has been drawn; else, within one month of completion of return journey, if advance has been drawn.
viii) After undertaking journey, unspent amount of AILTC advance, if any, should be remitted within one month and in one lumpsum.
ix) Travel by Premium trains/Premium Tatkal trains/Suvidha trains are allowed on LTC however, travel in such train is to be by shortest route. Reimbursement of tatkal charges or premium tatkal charges shall also be admissible for the purpose of LTC. Flexi Fare (dynamic fare) applicable in Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains is also admissible for the journey(s) performed by these trains on LTC.
x) Those officials entitled for Air travel are required to travel by Air India only at LTC-80 fare or less. Fare indicated at LTC-80 is the maximum permissible ceiling limit for reimbursement; however, efforts should be made to book Air tickets at the cheapest fare possible.
xi) Those employees ( i.e, Pay Level 1 to 8 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC) who are not entitled to travel by Air may travel by any airline; however, reimbursement in such cases shall be restricted to the fare of their entitled class of train /transport or actual expense, whichever is less. Further, dynamic fare component in respect of Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains shall not be admissible in such cases i.e., where a non­ entitled Government servant travels by air and claims reimbursement for the entitled class of Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Duronto trains.
xii) In all cases, Air ticket is required to be booked either directly through the airlines ( Booking Counters, website of airlines) or by utilizing the service of Authorized Travel Agents viz 'MIS Balmer Lawrie & Company', M/s Ashok Travels & Tours', and IRCTC ( to the extent IRCTC is authorized as per DOP&Ts OM No. 31011/6/2002-Estt(A) dated 2.12.2009) while undertaking LTC journey. Booking of tickets through other agencies is not permitted and no request for relaxation of rules for booking the tickets through any other agencies shall be considered by Boards office.
xiii) ) It may also be noted that Travel on Tour packages is not allowed, except in case of tours conducted by Indian Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), State Tourism Development Corporation (STDC) and IRCTC. In such cases, only the fare component shall be reimbursable provided ITDC/STDC/IRCTC separately indicate the fare component and certify that the journey was actually performed by the Government servant and his family members for which he/she is claiming the All India Leave Travel Concession.
xiv) All tickets purchased should be submitted in original along with boarding passes duly stamped by Airport authorities (in case of Air travel) at the time of submitting claims after performing journey.
xv) In respect of special relaxation relating to travel by Air ( for those who are not entitled for Air travel under AILTC) on LTC to North East Region, Jammu & Kashmir and Andaman & Nicobar, DOP&Ts OM No. 31011/3/2018-Estt(A-IV) dated 20.09.2018 may be referred to.
3. Role of 'G-Branch', ERB-I, II, V, Cash-I, II & III sections and PAO/Office/RB would be as under:-
a) General Branch will issue the Privilege Pass Surrender Certificate (PPSC) for AILTC purpose within 10 days of receiving the request from Applicant as per the instructions contained in E(W)'s above mentioned letter.
b) After receiving the request for optional AILTC as per Annexure-I & II, respective Establishment Branches (ERB-I, ERB-II & ERB-V) would verify/certify the necessary columns in it along with checking the admissibility as to whether the concerned employee is eligible for AILTC as per extant policy instruction and forward it to concerned Cash Section in case LTC advance has been sought.
c) An acknowledgement to the concerned employee may also be made and a copy of guidelines for perusal of employee may be given so as to ensure that the concerned employee is fully aware of the extant rules to be followed while availing optional AILTC and that there is no issue with regard to clearing of AILTC claim. In case AILTC is not admissible for the concerned employee, the same be advised in writing to the employee within three working days of the receipt of the intimation. A copy be also endorsed to the concerned Cash Section for information and record.
d) Concerned Cash section would process the case for LTC advance and reimbursement/claim as per extant rule for AILTC issued by Board's Office like normal reimbursement of TA/DA, Children Education Allowance (CEA) claim without referring it to Associate Finance. However, if any clarification is required on the extant rules, the nodal branch may be consulted. In respect of AILTC advance/clearing of claim, concerned Cash section are to sanction the amount based on concerned employee's eligibility for travel in AILTC, fares of shortest route by train and as per fare available under LTC-80 in respect of Air ticket.
e) After clearing of LTC claim, the concerned Cash Section would maintain the details of such claim separately as per CCS(LTC) Rule for maintaining register of LTC claim. Proforma is at Annexure-IV.
f) ERB-II, V and PAO Sections would also be required to make an entry in the service book of concerned employee claiming LTC along with an undertaking of completion of four or more years of service in this regard.
g) ERB-I, II, V, Cash-I, II, Ill & PAO sections may also go through the instructions issued on AI LTC/LTC by E(W) branch & DOP&T before processing the request related to AILTC.
4. All concerned may note that any misuse of AILTC will be viewed seriously and the concerned official would be liable for appropriate action under the relevant rules. Cash section may also randomly get some of the air tickets verified from the airlines concerned with regard to the actual cost of air travel vis-a-vis the cost indicated on the air tickets submitted by the officials.

5. The above issues with the approval of competent authority.

Encl: Annexure- I to IV

No. 2018/0&M/2/15
Dated: 26/09/2018
(H. Moharana)
Joint Secretary/Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways

Friday, 14 September 2018

Scheme of optional 'All India Leave Travel Concession' (AILTC) facility, once in a block of four years (i.e. 2018-2021 onwards) on surrender of Privilege Passes (PP)

Scheme of optional 'All India Leave Travel Concession' (AILTC) facility, once in a block of four years (i.e. 2018-2021 onwards) on surrender of Privilege Passes (PP).

RBE No. 130/2018
New Delhi, dated 10.09.2018
The General Managers (P)
All Zonal Railways &
Production Units.

Sub: Scheme of optional 'All India Leave Travel Concession' (AILTC) facility, once in a block of four years (i.e. 2018-2021 onwards) on surrender of Privilege Passes (PP).
Ref: Department of Personnel & Training (DoP&T)'s OM No.31011/15/2017- Estt.A-IV dated 27.03.2018.

Pursuant to recommendations of Seventh CPC, DoP&T have communicated Government's decision, vide their OM referred above, to allow the Railway employees to avail AILTC facility in accordance with the 'Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988' i.e. CCS (LTC) Rules.

2. Accordingly, in exercise of powers conferred vide Rule 1(3)(iii) of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986 (Second Edition-1993), the Competent Authority in the Ministry of Railways has accorded approval to exclude such railway servants and other eligible persons (i.e. eligible for PP) from the facility of Privilege Passes in that particular calendar year in which they opt for AILTC facility. Applicants may avail AILTC facility subject to conditions stipulated in para 2 of the referred OM dated 27.03.2018 (copy enclosed as Annexure-I). This facility is further subject to procedural guidelines/conditions stipulated hereunder.

3. These orders shall be applicable to (i) Railway Servants entitled to PPs; (ii) Other government department's officials serving in railways on deputation and entitled to PPs; (iii) Other officials serving in railways and entitled to PPs; and (iv) Officials of Audit Department (Railway) entitled to PPs. The Competent Authorities concerned shall modify terms and condition of such officials as required and necessary. These orders would not be applicable to those who are undergoing minor penalty of stoppage of even a single PP at the time of application for availing AILTC.

4. Those officials, who opt for AILTC facility, would be issued a "Privilege Pass Surrender Certificate" (PPSC) i.e. a pre-requisite for availing AILTC facility. The "Pass Issuing Authority" (PIA) shall issue the PPSC as per format at Annexure-II, duly following the procedure stipulated as under:-
(i) Applicant employee will submit an application (format at Annexure-III) to the concerned PIA for issue of a PPSC.
(ii) Thereafter, the PIA will first check the "Privilege Pass Account" (PPA) of the ' applicant to verify whether the applicant has already availed any PP or not in that particular calendar year.
(iii) If applicant has already availed a PP in that particular calendar year, then the application for issue of PPSC would be rejected and the applicant should be intimated accordingly, as per format at Annexure-IV.
(iv) If applicant has not availed any PP in that particular calendar year, the PIA concerned will disallow operation of PPA by blocking it with an entry (PPSC issued on date …./…/…… /) in PPA so that the applicant is barred from drawing any PP, even inadvertently, during that particular calendar year in which AILTC facility has been opted.
(v) If both husband and wife are entitled to PPs, both have to surrender their respective entitled PPs that are admissible to them in the calendar year in which either of them opt for AILTC facility. In this scenario, PIA will issue a single composite PPSC duly completing Part-II of the PPSC. The following procedure will be followed, additionally, in such cases:-
(a) If PPAs of both the spouses are maintained by same PIA at the time of applying for AILTC facility, then the composite PPSC will be issued by the PIA after receipt of a joint application from both of them.
(b) If PIAs of both the spouses are different (due to any reason or on account of their working in separate Railways/Divisions/Units, etc.), the PPSC shall be issued by the PIA concerned of the applicant only after receipt of a "Confirmation Note in lieu of PPSC"(CN) to be issued (by other PIA as per format in Annexure-V) in favour of spouse of the main applicant. The spouse will apply for CN as per format at Annexure-VI.
(vi) In case of a deputationist (i.e. Railway servant serving on deputation etc in any other organization) and eligible for PPs as per statutory rules, the PIA concerned will issue PPSC as per aforementioned procedure.
(vii) The PIA will issue PPSC/CN or intimate about rejection/non-acceptance of the request, as the case may be, within ten working days of receipt of application.
(viii) After issue of PPSC/CN, request for its cancellation and re-opening of PPA will not be entertained on any ground, even if AILTC facility could not be availed due to whatsoever reason i.e. whether administrative or personal reasons.
(ix) The role of PIAs will cease once "PPSC" is issued to the applicant. Matters such as advance/reimbursement/travel entitlements during availing of AILTC shall be dealt by other respective Sections of Personnel/Accounts Department handling Travelling Allowance claims, taking into account PPSC as a basic document alongwith other documents stipulated in the CCS (LTC) Rules.
(x) A duplicate PPSC/CN can only be issued under special circumstances by the PIA concerned after taking approval of the Principal CPO.
5. The Railways should administer the AILTC facility strictly in accordance with the CCS (LTC) Rules-1988, as modified from time to time, without any deviation. It may be noted that 'Home Town LTC/Home Town converted LTC" shall not be admissible to railway servants and the definitions of beneficiaries for LTC (e.g. members of family, dependents), dependency criteria, etc are different from that of Railway Servants (Pass) Rules, 1986. A copy of DoP&T's letter No.31011/7/2013-Estt.(A)-IV dated 26.09.2014, containing clarifications and illustrations on administering LTC entitlements of "Fresh Recruits" is enclosed as Annexure-VII. Accordingly, the AILTC facility shall be regulated fully by the conditions and definitions as laid down in the CCS (LTC) Rules.

6. Regarding travel entitlements for availing of AILTC facility, copies of following OMs, as applicable on date, are enclosed:-

Issued byDetailsAnnexure No.
Ministry Of FinanceOM No.19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13.07.2017Annexure – VIII
DoP&TOM No.31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV dt.19.09.2017Annexure-IX
DoP&TOM No.31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV dt.18.01.2018Annexure-X

It may be noted that DoP&T have stipulated vide their OM dated 19.09.2017 that (i) the travel entitlements for the purpose of LTC shall be the same as TA entitlements as notified vide MoF's OM dated 13.07.2017, excepting the air travel entitlement for the employees in Level 6 to 8 of the Pay Matrix (para 3) and (ii) the other conditions that would govern the LTC facility (para 4). Hence, the same entitlement prevailing in civil side (i.e. not as per railway entitlement) will be applicable for availing  AILTC facility.

7. To summarize, the position, as contained in above OMs, with certain modifications, is briefly brought out in the table below:-

Pay Level in Pay MatrixTravel/LTC entitlement for AILTC
Level 1 to 5Travel entitlement/Class of travel, etc in various modes of transports shall be as per Ministry of Finance's OM No. 19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13.07.2017 subject to other conditions stipulated in DoP&T's OM No. 31011/8/2017-Estt- A-IV dated 19.09.2017.
Level 6 to 8Air travel entitlement stipulated in Ministry of Finance's OM No. 19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13.07.2017 is not admissible for LTC. However, all other entitlements shall be as per aforementioned MoF' OM dated 13.07.2017 and subject to other conditions stipulated in aforementioned DoP&T's OM dated 19.09.2017.
Level 9 to 13 and NFSAG officersTravel entitlement/Class of travel, etc in various modes of transports shall be as per Ministry of Finance's OM No. officers 19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13.07.2017 subject to other conditions stipulated in DoP&T's OM No. 31011/8/2017-Estt- A-TV dated 19.09.2017.
Level 14 & above (excluding NFSAG Officers)Travel entitlement/Class of travel, etc in various modes of transports shall be as per Ministry of Finance's OM No.19030/1/2017-E.IV dated 13.07.2017 subject to other conditions stipulated in DoP&T's OM No. 31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV dated 19.09.2017 and also as clarified vide DoP&T's OM No.31011/8/2017-Estt.A-IV dated 18.01.2018.

8. The Zonal Railways and PUs are advised to get themselves familiarized with the extant CCS (LTC) Rules as well as clarifications available in the official website of DoP&T (i.e. presently (i) https://dopt.gov.in/ccs-ltc-rules and (i) https://dopt.gov.in/ notifications/oms-and-orders/ © Establishment o LTC Rules). It may also be noted that OMs/Notifications related to CCS (LTC) Rules issued and uploaded from time to time by DoP&T in their official website will come into force with immediate effect for regulation of AILTC facility as being extended by this order. Hence, these orders/instructions will not be circulated separately by the Ministry of Railways. Accordingly, the Railways and PUs should regularly visit the official website of DoP&T and download the latest instructions from time to time for settling claims of LTC etc and for compliance.

9. However, if any clarification in respect of TA Rules notified by Ministry of Finance is required, the same may be addressed to the Nodal Dte. in Board's office viz. Finance Establishment Dte. for further examination and issue of appropriate clarification/reply.

10.This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.

11. Hindi version will follow.
(V. Muralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare)-I
Railway Board

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