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Showing posts with label Section Officers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Section Officers. Show all posts

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, A Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi, the 2th December, 2016

Subject: Stepping up of pay of senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors - OM No.18/2/2007 - CS-I dated 20.05.2014 - Follow up action regarding.

Ref: OM No.18/2/2007-CS-1 dated 20.05.2014 & 08.07.2014 and reminders dated 09.09.14,30.04.15,13.07.15,31.07.15,11.09.15 & 01.10.15

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM of even number dated 11.09.2015 (copy enclosed) on the subject mentioned above. The compliance report, as per the format attached as Annexure-I and information sought in Annexure-II with OM dated 11.09.2015, are still awaited from Ministries/Departments, complete in all respects. The information received in bits and pieces from some Ministries/Departments have been compiled and attached as Annexure-A.

2. As per the information available in this Department, there are Six OAs (OA No.2884/2015, 3870/2015, 293/2016, 2128/2016, 2352/2016 and 3318/2016) pending before CAT, Principal Bench, New Delhi in the matter. The CAT has ordered for maintenance of status quo till the next date of hearing and stayed recovery from the salary of the applicants in some of these OAs. The same has been indicated against the officers, who are applicants in such OAs, in the attached statement (Annexure-A). There may be some more cases, which are not in the knowledge of this Department.

3. The Office of the Director General of Audit (Central Expenditure) which conducted audit of the records and accounts of the Department for the year 2014-15 has also taken a serious view of the delay occurring in recovery of Government dues. A copy of the relevant extracts of the Inspection Report is enclosed. For settling this audit para, compliance reports, complete in all respects, is required from all Ministries/Departments at the earliest.

4. The Ministries/Departments are, therefore, once again requested to furnish the compliance report in the matter, except in those cases where matter of recovery is subjudice/stayed by order of any competent court, in the prescribed format, complete in all respects, along with information sought in Annexure-II vide OM dated 11.09.2015 immediately.

5. This may please be treated as TOP PRIORITY.
(Chandra Sekar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
All Ministries/Departments
Ministry/Department of .............
(Director/Deputy Secretary (Admn./Estt.))

Copy for information to Under Secretary (B&A), DaPT, North Block, New Delhi with reference to their OM No.G-25011/2/2015-B&A dated 15.07.2016.

DoPT Orders 2016

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Grant of Non Functional Scale (NFS) to Section Officers of CSS

Grant of Non Functional Scale (NFS) to Section Officers of CSS

F.No. 6/4/2014 CS I(S)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi, the 16th September, 2016


Subject: Grant of Non Functional Scale (NFS) to Section Officers of CSS regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that pursuant to issue of OM No. 5/4/2005 CS I(S) dated 21.04.2014 by this Department on the subject mentioned above, doubts have been raised by some Ministries/Departments regarding procedure to be followed for grant of NFS to Section Officers of CSS.

2. In this connection, it is reiterated that regular Section Officers of CSS with 4 years of approved service would be considered for grant of NFS subject to vigilance clearance only in terms of this Department's OM No. 21/36/03 CS I dated 13.11.2003 and 5/4/2005-CS.I dated 25.01.2006. The word DPC wherever appearing in OM dated 21.04.2014 may be ignored.

3. This issues with the approval of Secretary (P)
(Chandra Shekhar)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Ph: 24624046
Signed copy  F.No. 6/4/2014 CS I (S)

Friday, 12 June 2015

Section Officers Stenographers (GradeB/gradeI) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2014

Section Officers’/Stenographers’ (Grade’B’/grade’I’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2014 
On the basis of the results of the written part of the SOs’/Stenographers’ (Gr.’B’/Gr.’I’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2014 held by the Union Public Service Commission in December, 2014 for addition to the Select Lists for the Section Officer’s and the Stenographer’s Grade’B’/Grade’I’ of the services, the candidates with the under mentioned Roll Numbers have qualified in the written part/shorthand test for evaluation of service records.

The candidature of all these candidates is  purely  “PROVISIONAL”  subject to review at the stage of evaluation of service records. If at any stage of the examination process a candidate is found to be not eligible for the year of examination i.e. 2014, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled.

The result of one (1) candidate under Category-III has been  kept withheld.

The result of the following candidates has been kept  “PROVISIONAL” subject to the outcome of the MA No.3145/2014 in OA NO. No.590/2013 (Radhey Shyam Singh & Ors Vs. UOI & Ors.),, MA NO.3165/2014 in OA NO.3921/2013 (Amarjeet Singh & Ors Vs UOI & Ors.), MA No.3213/2014 in OA No.3745/2014 (Kulwant Singh & Ors. Vs UOI & Ors.) & MA No.3290/2014 in OA NO.3808/2014 (Arun Kumar & Ors- Vs UOI & Ors)

000191 001460 002100 002269 003541
005614 005781 005953 007550

The marksheets of candidates, who have not qualified, will be put on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result and will remain available on the website for a period of 60 days.

The result will also be available on the U.P.S.C.’s Website http://upsc.gov.in.
Union  Public  Service  Commission  have a Facilitation Counter at its campus. Candidate may obtain any information/clarification regarding their examination/ result on working days between 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. in person or over Telephone Nos.(011) – 23385271/23381125/23098543 from this counter.

Click here for full list


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Level ‘D’ Training Programme for Section Officers in the zone of promotion for Grade I(US) of the CSS at the ISTM (06/07/2015 to 28/08/2015)

No.8/1/2015-CS-I (Trg.)
Government of India
inistry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Lok Nayak Bhava~ New Delhi
Dated, the 8th June, 2015

Subject: Level ‘D’ Training Programme for Section Officers in the zone of promotion for Grade I(US) of the CSS at the ISTM (06/07/2015 to 28/08/2015).

The undersigned is directed to inform that officers whose names are given in Annexur – I have been nominated as enjoined in Cadre Training Plan for the CSS officer to partiCipate in the Level ‘D’ Training Programme being conducted by ISTM w.e.f. 06/07/2015 to 28/08/2015. Officers mentioned in Annexure-I may be relieved f their duties and advised to report to Shri Manish Kumar Jha, Joint Director (Course Director), ISTM, Administrative Block, JNU Campus (Old), New Delhi-11006 at 9.00 A.M. on 6th July, 2015 without fail.

2. The training of the officers and its successful completion is mandatory as per DOP&T Noification G.S.R.197(E) dated 19th March 2010 and as vigilance clearance s not re uired for mandatory training programmes, the Cadre Authorities re requested to ensure that the officers re-nominated are relieved in time. The erformance of the officers in the training will be evaluated and the reports be added in their APARs while conSidering their promotion. No request for withdrawal/exemption either from the Ministry/Department or the officer concerned hall be entertained except on the grounds indicated in DOP&T OM No.1/1/2009 CSI(Trg.) dated 24th February, 2010 as this would adversely affect the promotion of the officers. The officers who do not attend or successfully complete the Level ‘D’ training programme will be liable to debarment and denial of promotion as envisaged in DOP&T OM No.1/1/2009-CS.I(Trg) dated 24.02.2010 and OM No.8/11/2010-CSI(Trg) dated 05.04.2010.

3. The aforesaid training includes study tour as well as field visit outside Delhi. Officers nominated in Annexure I may be advised to draw necessary TA/DA advance of Rs. 70,000/- from their respective Ministry/Department. This amount may be sanctioned in the name of nominated officers and the same will be collected by ISTM from the partiCipating officers.

4. Confirmation with regard to the participation of the officers (after updating officers’ pa iculars online on CMS) may please be sent to Shri Manish Kumar Jha, Joint Director (Course Director) ISTM, New Delhi (Telephone No. 26180589 (O)).
Under Secretary to Government of India
Tele. : 24629412
Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02csd/08jun2015.pdf

Monday, 8 June 2015

Promotion of Section Officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) to Grade I (Under Secretary) – Furnishing of CR dossiers, vigilance clearance, etc.

Promotion of Section Officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) to Grade I (Under Secretary) – Furnishing of CR dossiers, vigilance clearance, etc.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated the o8th June, 2015
Subject: Promotion of Section Officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) to Grade I (Under Secretary) – Furnishing of CR dossiers, vigilance clearance, etc.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 31.03.2015 on the subject mentioned above (uploaded on web-site www.persmin.nic.in –> DoPT –> Central Secretariat –> CSS –> Promotions –> Promotion (Regular) –> SO to US), and to say that Ministries/ Departments concerned were requested to furnish (i) complete CR dossiers, (ii) vigilance status, (iii) status of imposition of penalty, if any, (iv) ACRs! APARs disclosure certificate and (iv) personal information in respect of the officers as mentioned in Annexures I & II of the abovementioned O.M.

2. CR dossier and other requisite information in respect of large number of officers as mentioned in Annexure have not yet been received. It may be appreciated that this Department will be able to finalize DPC proposal only after information in respect of all officers has been received. To avoid any further delay, it is imperative that CR dossier and the requisite information is furnished urgently.

3. Ministries/ Departments concerned are therefore, once again requested to furnish complete and upto date CR dossier and other requisite information in respect of the officers as mentioned in Annexure in enclosed Proformae latest by 12.06.2015.

Ministries/Departments concerned

Source: http://ccis.nic.in/WriteReadData/CircularPortal/D2/D02csd/USSL_2015_Reminder_1.pdf

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Stepping up of Pay of Senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors – clarifications

Stepping up of Pay of Senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors – clarifications

No. 18/2/2007-CS.I
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

Lok Nayak Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Khan Market,
New Delhi-110 003, the 8th July, 2014

Sub: Stepping up of pay of Senior Assistants of CSS drawing less pay on promotion in the Section Officers Grade than their juniors – clarifications regarding

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 20.05.2014 and to state that there has been confusion regarding the interpretation of three OMs (OM No. 5/16/80-CS.l dated 13.4.1988, OM No. 5/21/92-CS.I dated 23.2.1994, OM No. 5/1/96-CS.I dated 8.10.96) vis-a-vis general instructions issued vide OM DOP&T OM No.4/7/92-Estt.(Pay-l) dated 04.11.1993. The matter was discussed in consultation with Estt.(Pay) Division of DOP&T once again and it has been clarified that-

(1) OMs dated 13.04.1988, 23.02.1994 and 08.10.1996 and general instructions issued vide OM dated 04.11.1993 are not exclusive of each other. Since the OM dated 04.11.1993 stipulates general conditions of stepping up of pay, this should be followed even in cases covered under OMs dated 13.04.1988, 23.02.1994 and 08.10.1996. All the three OMs are to be read with and subject to the general instructions in the matter issued vide DOP&T OM dated 04.11.1993, therefore, stepping up of pay is not (NOT) to be allowed where junior was drawing more pay than the senior in the lower grade.

(2) In a nutshell, as per OMs dated 13.04.1988, 23.02.1994 and 08.10.1996, stepping up of pay of senior Assistants of CSS on promotion as Section Officer may be allowed in the following cases subject to the general instructions in the matter issued vide DOP&T OM dated 04.11.1993:
(i) Stepping up of pay of Senior DR Assistant with reference to a Junior DR Assistant recruited through a later Assistant Grade Examination on promotion as Section Officer (OM dated 13.04.1988);

(ii) Stepping up of pay of Senior DR Assistant with reference to a Junior DR Assistant recruited through a later Assistant Grade Examination on promotion as Section Officer against LDCE Quota(OM dated 23.02.1994)

(iii) Stepping up of pay of Senior Promotee Assistant with reference to a Junior DR Assistant on promotion as Section Officer (OA No.365/90-Shri K.C. Sehgal vs. UOI) and Stepping up of pay of Senior DR Assistant with reference to a Junior DR Assistant of same Assistant Grade Examination on promotion as Section Officer (OA No.869/91-Shri L.K. Chawla vs. UOI) (OM dated 08.10.1996).

(R. Venkatesan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Source: www.persmin.nic.in

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Select List of Section Officers’ Grade for the year 2009 against Examination Quota on the basis of Combined Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2009, 2010 and 2011 held by the Union Public Service Commission

 Select List of Section Officers’ Grade for the year 2009 against Examination Quota on the basis of Combined Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2009, 2010 and 2011 held by the Union Public Service Commission 

No 6/112012-CS I(S)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Lok Nayak Bhavan
2nd Floor, Khan Market
New Delhi-110 003 13th August 2013


Sub : Select List of Section Officers’ Grade for the year 2009 against Examination Quota on the basis of Combined Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2009, 2010 and 2011 held by the Union Public Service Commission.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Department of Personnel & Training had reported 396 (Genl – 274, SC – 58 & ST – 64 ) vacancies for the year 2009 to be filled up in the Section Officers grade of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) on the basis of the results of the Combined SOs/Stenographers(Gr B /Gr ‘B’) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2009, 2010 and 2011 conducted by UPSC. UPSC has since declared the final result of LDCE 2009, 2010 & 2011 on 24th July, 2013. The details of qualified candidates for the year 2009 are as under :-

Categoy I -Section Officer
Genl SC ST Total
274 58 44 376

Out of the 376 candidates recommended by the UPSC only 374 (Gen-273, SC-57, ST-44) candidates are effectively available for consideration for appointment as Section Officers in the Select List of the year 2009 Allocation of candidates has been made having regard to the vacancies in the various cadre units and Rotational Transfer Policy for CSS personnel. The list of candidates is annexed Dossiers of the candidates included in the Select List will be sent in due course.

2. The candidates included in the Select List of 2009 of the Section Officers Grade of the respective cadre units as in the Annexure to this O.M. may be appointed to the Grade immediately subject to being clear from vigilance angle as per available relevant instructions on the subject.

3. The cadre unit authorities are requested to initiate the process of appointment of the candidates immediately. It may be ensured that the officers concerned are relieved within 45 days from the date of issue of this 0M to take up the new posting in the cadre unit allocated, failing which their appointment/promotion shall be cancelled and the dossier(s) of the candidate(s) concerned returned to the UPSC.

4. It may also be brought to the notice of all the officers who figure in the Annexure that their appointments shall be subject to the outcome of the following Court cases and also as per any other order by any competent court in any of the connected matters
(i) CA No. 4135/2012 MA No 3477/2012 filed by Shri Rajeev R & Ors Vs UOl in CAT. New Delhi,
(ii) CA No. 4082/2012 & MA No 3448/2012 filed by Shri M R Meena & Ors Vs UOl in CAT New Delhi
(iii) CA No 4141/2012 filed by Shri Shanti Lal Bourasi & Ors Vs U0l in CAT New Delhi.
5. A copy of the appointment order may be endorsed to this Department for record.
6. The receipt of the 0M along with enclosures may please be acknowledged.
7. With the issue of this 0M all requests from individuals Ministries/Departments on the subject are disposed off.

(Hindi version will follow)
End As above
(G.C. Rout)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Source : www.persmin.gov.in

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