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Showing posts with label Revised Pay Rules 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revised Pay Rules 2016. Show all posts

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Re-exercise the option to switching over to 7th CPC – Railway Services Revised Pay Rules 2016

Re-exercise the option to switching over to 7th CPC – Railway Services Revised Pay Rules 2016


DO No. PC-VII/2018/RSRP/1

New Delhi, dated 10/01/2019

I would like to draw your attention to Board’s letter dated 17.12.2018 (RBE No. 197/2018 – copy enclosed) adopting Ministry of Finance’s (MoF) OM dated 12.12.2018 wherein another opportunity has been afforded to employees to re-exercise the option to switching over to 7th CPC pay structure within three months from the date of issue of the orders.

2. It may be appreciated that the orders have been issued after prolonged pursuance with MoF including from the staff side, in various forums. These orders have been circulated amongst all Railways/Units and uploaded on Board’s website, it is however, important to ensure that all Railway employees who would be benefited by such re-exercise of option are aware of the issue of these orders and are given guidance/assistance in revising their option (wherever beneficial) in time. This is especially important for those working in remote locations or who are under training/leave. Kindly therefore ensure that all affected employees are covered in the next few weeks, if necessary by organising special drives/camps for the purpose.

2. I would request for a confirmation from you by the end of February, 2019 that all eligible employees have been apprised and guided regarding re-exercise of their option and that there are none left over.

Encl. As above

Yours sincerely

(Manoj Pande)

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 - opportunity for revision of option to come over to revised pay structure

Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 - opportunity for revision of option to come over to revised pay structure

Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No. 123
File No. PC-VII/2018/RSRP/1
RBE No.19/2018
New Delhi, dated 17.12.2018
The General Managers/CAOs(R),
All Indian Railways & Production Units,
(As per mailing list)

Sub: Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 - opportunity for revision of option to come over to revised pay structure.

Please refer to Rule 5 & 6 af RS(RP) Rules,2016 regarding exercise of option to come over to revised pay structure effective from 01.01.2016 as notified by the RS(RP) Rules,2016. The said option was to be exercised within 3 months of the date of notification i.e. 28.07.2016 of the said Rules. The Rule 6(4) thereof provides that the option once exercised shall be final.

2. In this context, it is stated that Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their permitted opportunity to Government Servants to revise their initial option in terms of Rule 5 & 6 of CCS(RP) Rules,2016. These orders issued by Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure shall be applicable mutatis mutandis in Railways with respect to RS(RP) Rules, 2016.

3. The 'three months' period mentioned in para 3 of aforesaid OM of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure dated 12.12.2018 shall be three months from the date of issue of these instructions.

4. The matter has also been raised by both recognised Staff Federations AIRF and NFIR.

5. Hindi version will follow.
(Jaya Kumar G)
Deputy Director, PayCommission-VII
Railway Board
Source: NFIR

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Representation of Defence Civilian Employees Federations regarding misinterpretation of Revised Pay Rules 2016 leading to incorrect pay fixation of employees

Representation of Defence Civilian Employees Federations regarding misinterpretation of Revised Pay Rules 2016 leading to incorrect pay fixation of employees

Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence
D (Civ I)

Subject: Representation of Defence Civilian Employees’ Federations regarding misinterpretation of Revised Pay Rules 2016 leading to incorrect pay fixation of employees - reg

The Defence Civilian Employees’ Federations have reported that the Accounting Authorities in the Defence Estts.are misinterpreting the provisions of CCS(RP) Rules,2016 leading to anomalous pay fixation of the defence employees. The Federations have demanded that clarification may be issued to the Defence Estts. to enable them to issue correct pay fixation orders of the employees, on the basis of the options exercised by them.

2. Taking into account these reports, MoD has sent a proposal to MoD (Finance) to seek clarification about the manner of fixation of pay through illustrations prepared by this office The said proposal for seeking clarification has been sent to MoD(Finance) on 5.12.2016. A copy of this proposal is enclosed for information. In view of the complaints of incorrect pay fixation in defence establishments, it is requested that tile clarification on this subject from Ministry of Finance/ MoD (Finance) may please be communicated to various Accounting Authorities under the control of CGDA to avoid any inconsistencies in the matter of pay fixation

(Pawan Kumar)
Under Secretary

Source: http://bpms.org.in/

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Regulation of entitlement of Passes & PTOs till issue of orders on the basis of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016

Regulation of entitlement of Passes & PTOs till issue of orders on the basis of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. E(W)2016/PS5-1/8
New Delhi, dated 31.08.2016
The General Managers (P)
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.

Sub: Regulation of entitlement of Passes & PTOs till issue of orders on the basis of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.

Ref: Board’s letters No.E (W) 2008/PS5-1/38 dated 06.01.2011 & 3.02.2011.
Revised pay limits for entitlement of Passes & PTOs as well as travel entitlements linked with the Grade Pay were introduced vide Board’s above referred letters, consequent to implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.

2. Pursuant to the notification of Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, Railway servants shall draw pay in the revised pay structure in the Level applicable to the post to which appointed, and the Grade Pay Component has been done away with. The issue regarding linking of the Level of posts for pass entitlement on the revised pay structure is under consideration. Hence, till further orders, Grade Pay in the pre-revised scales i.e. 6th Central Pay Commission’s scale shall continue to be the basis for gradation and related entitlement on all kinds of Passes as well as PTOs.

3. In respect of persons appointed to different posts on or after 01.01.2016, the notional Grade Pay which they would have drawn in the pre-revised pay structure should be taken into account for fixing their pass entitlement.
(V. Muralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare)-I
Railway Board
Source: Indian Railways

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Implementation of Revised Pay Rules 2016 for Defence Civilians

Implementation of Revised Pay Rules 2016 for Defence Civilians

Office of the Principal controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command)
Cariappa Road, Cantt., Lucknow – 226002

No.PT/3088/Pay Fixation/VIIth CPC
Dated: 10-08-2016
The Officer -in- Charge,
Subject: Implementation of Revised Pay Rules 2016 for Defence Civilians.

As per OM No.1-5/2016-IC dated 29.07.2016, the payment of pay and Allowances for the month of August 2016 will be made in August 2016 along with the arrears of pay from 01.01.2016 till 31.07.2016.
In this connection, you may refer to the Gazette Notification notified by Govt. Of India dated 25.07.2016.
The units under your jurisdication may be advised to forward the following documents for pay fixation as per 7th CPC.
1. Statement of fixation of pay as per CCS(RP) Rules, 2016 duly filled in and signed by the competent authority.
2. Service Books along with previous approved pay fixation proforma and connected documents.
3. The service Book should be updated in all respects.
4. The service Book may be sent by enclosing an undertaking as prescribed in “Form of Option” under Rule 6 (2) of the CCS (RP) Rules 2016. The Overpayment, if any, made to the individual may be recovered from his future payments.
The contents of RPR-2016 may be got noted by each individual under your jurisdiction and also obtain a Certificate from all staff members for the same
(Pay Tech.)
Source : http://pcdacc.gov.in/

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