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Showing posts with label NDA Govt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NDA Govt. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Another Blow to Central Government Employees - NDA Govt to Reject Arbitration Awards

Another Blow to Central Government Employees - NDA Govt to Reject Arbitration Awards

On 15.02.2018, Finance Minister, Sri Arun Jaitley has moved following resolutions in the Parliament to reject the two ARBITRATION AWARDS which are in favour of Central Govt Employees.

(1) Grant of HRA for the period from 01.01.1996 to 31.07.1997 based on revised pay.

(2) Revision of rates of Transport Allowance.
M. Krishnan
SG Confederation
Parliamentary Bulletin Part- II
No. 57541Thursday, February 15, 2018Legislative Section
Government Resolution
Shri Arun Jaitley, Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs  has given notices of the following Resolutions which have been admitted:
  1. "That this House approves the proposal of the Government to reject the Award given on 6th April, 2004 by the Board of Arbitration in C.A. Reference Case No.2 of 2002, regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to the Central Government employees for the period from 01.01.1996 to 31.07.1997 at pre-revised rates but with reference to revised pay, in terms of Para 21 of the Scheme for the Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration for Central Government employees (JCM) as the implementation of the Award which involves an expenditure of approximately Rs.1000 crores, will lead to diversion of scarce resources from development expenditure to non-productive expenditure and will, thus, adversely affect the National Economy."
"That this House approves the proposal of the Government to reject the Award given on 24thNovember, 2005 by the Board of Arbitration (BoA) in C.A. Reference Case No.3 of 2004, regarding revision of rates of Transport Allowance to the Central Government employees in terms of Para 21 of the scheme for  Joint Consultative Machinery and Compulsory Arbitration, as the implementation of the BoA Award from the date of Award viz.24.11.2005 to 31.08.2008 which involves an expenditure of Rs.1232 crores, will lead to diversion of scarce resources from development expenditure to non-productive expenditure and will, thus, adversely affect the National Economy."Desh Deepak Verma


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Supreme Court: Government Welcomes Court Decision on 66A

Government Welcomes Court Decision on 66A

Press Information Bureau,
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
24th March, 2015

Following is the text of the statement made by the Union Minister for Telecom & IT, Sh Ravi Shankar Prasad on Supreme Court judgement on section 66-A of IT act:

“The Union Government welcomes Hon’ble SC’s decision on 66A. When the UPA Govt came out with draconian provisions under 66A, BJP in opposition firmly opposed it and said that ’66 is unacceptable in current form’. BJP resolutely stood up against the censorship and blocking on social media done by UPA Govt.

Once in Govt, it took its opposition to the draconian provisions of 66A on record in Court Proceedings. New Affidavits filed by NDA Govt in Hon’ble Supreme Court clearly show the marked difference in the approach from UPA Govt.

NDA Govt, in what can be dubbed as a landmark moment in India’s Internet history, has accorded the same amount of freedom of speech and expression that a citizen of India is granted in normal life under our constitution by our founding fathers .

After detailed discussion with the Central Government at the highest possible level, the Central Government filed an Affidavit before the Hon’ble Supreme Court making its stand absolutely clear that the Government respects the freedom of speech and expression. The relevant paragraphs are verbatim quoted:
A. “This counter affidavit is being filed only for the purpose of assisting this Hon’ble Court and to satisfy this Hon’ble Court that the impugned Sections of the IT Act neither seeks to curtail nor the Central Government desires any interpretation which seeks to curtail any of the fundamental rights guaranteed to the citizens including the right under Article 19(1)(a) i.e. fundamental right to free speech and expression.

B. This counter affidavit seeks to point out the necessity and desirability of the provisions which are challenged in these petitions and to bring it on record that the usage of cyber space either by social media or otherwise is not even remotely intended to be curtailed either totally or partially at instance of Union of India.

C. Central Government encourages beneficial use of cyber space and the Act only seeks to regulate the use of cyberspace which would fall within any of and/ or all categories stipulated under Article 19(2) of the Constitution of India.

D. That the penal provisions of the Act can never be interpreted so as to take within its sweep political debate, any form of honest decent, decent humour, political satire etc. With a view to avoid possibility of any misconstruction of the expressions used in the penal provisions of the Act, the Central Government has prepared an advisory / guidelines to be strictly followed by law enforcement agencies which would ensure that the honest and legal use of cyber space does not result into any harassment to any citizen of the country.”
Thus in a layman’s language, the Government absolutely respects the right to freedom of speech and expression on social media and has no intention of curbing it. Only reasonable restrictions apply on social media, as they do in routine normal day to day life in the physical world under Article 19 (2) of the constitution of India. We will have to understand that we cannot set a different standard of Public Morality for Speech & Expression in Cyberspace from Speech in other mediums and in the Public Domain
It is important to understand that Section 66A is in several parts and only a portion of it deals with issues which can raise question of freedom of speech and expression.

During the course of oral submissions also, it was categorically pointed out that the Central Government shares the anxiety that expressions like “grossly offensive” etc. referred above may be abused at some local level. The Central Government, therefore, requested the Hon’ble Supreme Court that the said expressions be read confined to Article 19(2) of the Constitution only and to ensure that no right of any citizen is scuttled, the said phrases be narrowly tailored by the Hon’ble Supreme Court itself to obviate any possibility of any abuse of any law enforcing agency to scuttle the free speech and expression of the citizens.

There can be no parallel of our stand on this matter with that of the previous UPA regime. We have in writing confirmed that we stand for freedom of speech and expression, while the previous UPA Govt tried to make this law an instrument to curb dissent, satire and anything else which did not suit it. “

I have myself set an example by standing up for free speech and rights of a teenager recently arrested at the complain of Azam Khan for posting on Twitter and Facebook.



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