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Showing posts with label Matching Savings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matching Savings. Show all posts

Friday, 25 July 2014

Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ cadres- matching savings

Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ cadres- matching savings

“Cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ staff, the matching savings by surrender of posts should be effected from the category itself.  Wherever it is not possible to do so from the category itself, the matchtng savings should be arranged from the department at the divisional/zonal level. If the Department/Railways are not able to provide the matching savings, the particular category/department will not be restructured”.

RBE No. 78/2014
New DeIhi, dated 22-07-2014
No. PC-III/2013/CRC/4
The General Managers/ Director General,
All Indian Railways/ Production Units, RDSO etc. &
Central Training Institutes.

Sub: Restructuring of certain Group ‘C’ cadres- matching savings.

As per Instructions contained in para 12 to 12.2 of Board’s letter of even no. dated 08-10-2013 (RBE No. 102/2013), for implementation of cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ staff, the matching savings by surrender of posts should be effected from the category itself. Wherever it is not possible to do so from the category itself, the matchtng savings should be arranged from the department at the divisional/zonal level. If the Department/Railways are not able to provide the matching savings, the particular category/department will not be restructured.

2. It has been broughf to the notice of Board that there is currently shortage of Booking Clarks & Ticket Checking Staff and given the increase in passenger traffic & the introduction of new trains, Zonal Railways are finding it difficult to smoothly conduct the commercial activities of sale of tickets & ticket checking. While shortage of Commercial staff varies from zone to zone, it is particularly acute in a few zones. As such, It is viewed that since Booking Clerks & Ticket Checking Staff are being essentially, revenue earning categories, any further reduction in strength of these categories due to implementation of cadre restructuring especially in the zones already facing acute shortage, would not be desirable as it may lead to closure of counters or leaving coaches unmanned, thereby resulting in leakage of revenue.

3. The requirement of matching savings by surrender of posts is a mandatory pre-condition for cadre restructuring. Therefore, keeping in view the non-feasibility of further surrender of posts for cadre restructuring from the above mentioned two categories of Commercial Department in certain zones due to existing shortage of staff in these categories, it has been decided by Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) that after working out the financial implications for Booking Clerks & Ticket Checking Staff of Commercial Department as per instructions contained in para 12 of Board’s letter of even no. dated 08-10-2013 (RBE No. 102/2013). the General Managers may also consider the possibility of surrender of posts against matching savings from the alternate cadres at the Divisional/Zonal level, wherever absolutely must. In very rare & exceptional circumstances as a last resort, the option of using matching savings from vacancy bank may be considered as per laid down norms. However, there wouId be no revision of percendage dIstribution of posts without matching savings.

4. Except the above mentioned two categories (Booking Clerks & Ticket Checking staff) of Commercial Department, matching savings by surrender of posts for all other categories mentioned in the Annexure ‘A’ o ‘H’ of Board’s letter dated 08-10-2013 (RBE No. 102/2013), should continue to be arranged as per Instructins laid down in para 12 to 12.2 of Board’s letter ibid.’

5. These instructions are in partial modifications of Board’s letter no. 2013/TG-II/12/16/Cadre dated 31-01-2014.

6. This issues in consultation with the Commercial Directorate & with concurrence of the Finance Directorate of this Ministry.

7. This disposes of Eastern Railway’s letter no. E.740/O/Restructiring dated 02-05-2014 and E.C.Railway’s fetter no. ECR/HRD/Restructuring/Comml./14 dated 23-04-2014.
The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
(Vikram Gulati)
Director, Pay Commission-II
Railway Board
Source: AIRF

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