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Showing posts with label ECHS Card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ECHS Card. Show all posts

Monday, 17 September 2018

Handing Over of ECHS Smart Card to ECHS Beneficiaries

Handing Over of ECHS Smart Card to ECHS Beneficiaries

Tele : 25684645
Telefax : 011-25684946
Email : jditechsl@echs gov.in

Central Organisation ECHS
Adjutant General's Branch
Integrated Headquarters of
MoD (Army), Maude Lines,
Delhi Cantt - 110 010
13 Sep 2018

IHQ of MoD (Air Force)
IHQ of MoD (Navy)
HQ South Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ East Comd (A/ECHS)
HQ West Comd(A/ECHS)
HQ Central Comd(A/ECHS)
Northern Comd(A/ECHS)
South West Comd(A/ECHS)

All Regional Centres


1. 64 KB Smart Card is being filled 'online' followed by 'online' verification before the data goes to the Card making company to print & despatch the Cards. Contracting company despatches the Smart Cards to Regional Centres in Station Headquarter packets. Regional Centres despatch these Stn HQ packets to Stn HQs.

2. Once the Cards are received at Station Headquarters, these have to be accounted for. SMS is sent to the beneficiary alongwith OTP to come & collect Card at the Stn HQ. Once OTP is fed into the system, activated card is handed over to the beneficiary for use.

3. . Station Headquarters are currently responsible not only for issue of new Smart Cards but also to collect old cards/temp slips besides physical verification of all beneficiaries as this is the only stage when physical presence is being used for authentication.

4. A number of Ex-Servicemen have represented that they are finding it inconvenient to take all the beneficiaries to the dependent Station Headquarters for collection of ECHS Cards besides Station Headquarters being far off from their place of residence.

5. The competent authority has approved the following for collecting new 64 Kb Cards from respective Station Headquarters :-
(a) The primary beneficiary can collect his own card and the cards of his dependents from Station Headquarters.

(b) The primary beneficiary will be responsible to handover all the old
Cards/Temp Slip as applicable to Station Headquarters while collecting the Cards of self and dependents.

(c) The primary beneficiary will be responsible to produce required
documents to ‘establish that the dependents are entitled for the ECHS Card.

(d) The Station HQ can also distribute the Cards at Polyclinic on specified days /dates and any nominated location on a pre announced date, as per the procedure laid down for online endorsement & accounting of Cards & documents.
6. Option of video call based verification using mobile, if needed, could also be utilized.

7. Station Headquarters will continue to remain responsible for accounting.

8. Regional Centres to fwd a copy of this letter to all Station Headquarters covering their Polyclinics.
(Rakesh Kakar)
Col (Retd)
Jt Dir (Stats & Automation)

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