DoPT: 3rd Cadre Review of Central Secretariat Stenographer's Service (CSSS)
No. 15/1 /2014·Cs·II(A)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(CS.11 Division)
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(CS.11 Division)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated 5th October 2018.
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated 5th October 2018.
Subject: 3rd Cadre Review of Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service (CSSS) - regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even number dated 12.09.2017 on the subject mentioned above and to say that based on the recommendations of 3rd Cadre Restructuring Committee for Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) and decisions taken thereon, the Government has approved creation/ reduction of posts in various grades of CSSS as follows:-
i. Creation of additional 247 posts of sr. PPS/PSO;2. As a follow-up action, proposals were invited from all cadre units in CSSS for allocation of these newly created posts and the proposals were examined by a Committee of Joint Secretaries of Department of Expenditure and Department of Personnel and Training. 3. Approval of competent authority is, hereby, accorded to the revised allocation of posts to vario
ii. Creation of additional 549 posts of Principal Private Secretary (PPS);
iii. No change in the strength of Private Secretary (PS);
iv. Reduction of 1000 posts of Personal Assistant;
v. Creation of additional 204 posts of Stenographer Grade' D';
vi. Downgrading the vacancies arising out of retirement, death or VRs of incumbents promoted to the newly created additional posts in the grade of sr; PPS/PsO, PP? to Stenographer Grade 'D', on yearly basis to offset the additional expenditure during the next four years from the date of implementation. Additionally, some balance vacant posts in the grade of PS (after promoting the eligible PAs of subsequent sLs) arising during the next three to four years have also been decided to be downgraded to the Stenographers Grade 'D' level to achieve the target of nil financial implication at the earliest.
vii. With regard to downgrading the vacancies arising out of retirement, death or VRs of incumbents promoted to the newly created additional posts in the Grade of sr. PPs/PSO, PPs to Stenographer Grade 'D', the Order for revised strength in various Grades in participating Ministries/Departments of CSSS due to downgrading will be issued annually by the CS.II division.
us cadre units in CSSS in the grades of Sr.PPS/PPS/PS/PA and Steno grade 'D', as per statement annexed.
4. The newly created posts stand allocated 1 posts for the grade of PA stand reduced among cadre units with immediate effect. The operationalisation of the newly created posts will have effect from 01.07.2017 i.e. the vacancies arising out of creation of posts will be included in the Select List Year -2017 except for Steno Grade 'D' (Direct Recruitment Posts) for which the posts would be operational for the Direct Recruitment examination to be conducted by Staff Selection Commission for the Select List Year 2018 i.e. w.e.f 01.07.2018. The posts would be filled up as per CSSS Rules, 2010 and Regulations framed here under.
5. The Cadre Units are requested to further distribute the allocated posts amongst their sub-cadres, wherever applicable, keeping in view the revised entitlements as communicated vide this Department's OM of even no dated 12.09.2017, functional justification, newly encadred posts for a particular cadre unit/sub-cadre unit in CSSS and newly created posts and allocation thereof under 3rd cadre review of CSS as communicated vide this Department's OM No.19/1/2018-CS.I(P) dated 13/14.09.2018.
6. Necessary amendment in the Central Secretariat Stenographers' Service(CSSS) Rules 2010 would be made separately.
Encl: As above.
All Cadre units participating in CSSS
(Joint Secretary in-charge of Administration)
(Chirabrat Sarkar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telefax: 24623157
Download Order
Source: DoPT