BPS- As Principal stake holder of Civil Pensioners at 7th CPC round-table on 17.2.15
As a rare distinction ‘Bharat Pensioners Samaj’ & its one affiliate CGPA Noida only were shortlisted to represent Civil Pensioners on 7th CPC round -table, the other three organizations who participated were of Defence Pensioners.
Secy General BPS pleaded :
As a rare distinction ‘Bharat Pensioners Samaj’ & its one affiliate CGPA Noida only were shortlisted to represent Civil Pensioners on 7th CPC round -table, the other three organizations who participated were of Defence Pensioners.
Secy General BPS pleaded :
- No cutoff dates,
- min.pension to be 65%
- family Pension 45% of last drawn,
- include DA in pension emoluments,
- bring down ratio bet.minimum-maximum paid,
- equal % rise in pension to all,
- take ahead Vth CPC parity formula,
- Smart card to all pensioners for cashless Medical care,
- periodical upward revision of CGHS rates to match market rates,
- relaxation of restriction for grant of family pension to divorced & widowed daughters,
- restore, 100% commuted value to PSU absorbees,
- Ex-servicemen status to Defence civilian,
- BSNL pensioners be treated at par with C.G.Pensioners for pension fixation,
- rectify anomalies created by GP & implementation of 6th CPC. etc.